Skrevet av Emne: What do you mix into your Protein shake, if anything  (Lest 1194 ganger)

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When I prepare my Protein shake, I add this :

Cell Nutrition Whey Protein Isolate "neutral taste" 27g (25g protein)
Colostrum 2 teespoons thats about 6g
Barley Grass 1 teespoon thats about 6-7g.

Now why do I do/use this :

1. The Whey, I use because there is nothing else in the product, No Artificial Flavors, Sweeteners, Sucrose, Fillers, Maltodextrin, Aspartame, Lactose,  Colors and Gluten, bla bla...
2. Colostrum because of the immune boosting benefits, after a hard training thats very important.
3. Barley Grass, mostly be cause its packed with enzymes.

Does it taste good? well its no fancy shake with all kind of stuff and I dont care, it just have to benefit the body. Grin

Please reply in Norweigian, I am able to read this, its also better for the forum Smiley

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