
Trening => Strongman => Emne startet av: powerslave på 17. august 2004, 23:59

Tittel: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: powerslave17. august 2004, 23:59
Muligens gammalt nytt for noken,men det blir et heilt nytt opplegg på konkurransen WSM i år.Kan bli spennande.

Her er litt info på engelsk,klippet fra Ironmind:

Showing a brand new face, the 2004 World's Strongest Man contest will start off with twelve athletes in the qualifiers, and while the top scorers will once again go on to the finals, how the athletes accumulate their points will be dramatically different this year. With a maximum of six points per event, one point will be given to the winner and zero to the loser, as each athlete competes directly against one other athlete, with the pairs changing for each event. In addition, bonus points will be used, with one point given for designated levels reached in each event. For example, on the Atlas stones and Fingal’s Fingers, the bonus is one point per stone or Finger lifted. In the yoke, refrigerator carry and fire truck pull, there is one point, for example, for every five meters the athlete covers (with the exact distance to be determined). Points awarded in events based on distance, for example, will have the different point zones marked in different colors (for example, the one-point zone will be blue, the two-point zone will be red, etc.) to make it easier for viewers to follow the action when the shows have been edited.

The 2004 World's Strongest Man competition will take on a dramatically different face, as twelve athletes will be competing in what is being described as the qualification events. Once again, every athlete will compete in each event, but in a bold innovation, the athletes will compete against each other in pairs. The pairings will be changed in each of the eleven events so that each athlete will compete once against each other athlete. With a maximum of six points per event, scoring will be one point for a win and zero for a loss.

Amid swirling rumors about what might and might not happen at this year’s World's Strongest Man contest, the proposed format has just been released. Key points under discussion at the moment call for a field of twelve athletes, who would compete head-to-head, in pairs. Eleven events are being proposed, with a maximum of six points per event. These details are subject to revision and have been proposed for the qualifying rounds; no official details or comments are available yet on the finals.

Tittel: SV: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: powerslave31. august 2004, 11:25
Øvelser på WSM 2004

Qualification ( 12 athletes, 11 events ) - 23-26 th September. 
1. Dead Lift for reps ( Barrels )
2. Motorcycle Yoke
3. Atlas Stones
4. Fingal Fingers
5. Sumo-belt hold
6. Stone Circle
7. Safe Lift
8. Fire Truck Pull (H&R)
9. Anchor & Chain
10. Squat Lift ( Barrels )
11. Giant Farmers Walk

Final ( 6 athletes - top from qualifiers, 8 events ) - 30thSept-3rd Oct 
1.Carry race - GFW & anchor
2.Fridge Carry
3. Dead lift ( Barrels )
4. Squat Lift ( Barrels )
5. Fire Truck Pull
6. Wheelbarrow Race
7. Safe Lift
8. Atlas Stones

Tittel: SV: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: powerslave31. august 2004, 11:26
Pris penger på WSM 2004

1. US$ 40.000
2. US$ 25.000
3. US$ 15.000
4.US$ 10.000
5.US$ 7.500
6.US$ 6.000

7.US$ 4.000
8.US$ 3.250
9.US$ 2.500

Tittel: SV: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: JanB Diddl etc31. august 2004, 12:33
Øvelser på WSM 2004

Qualification ( 12 athletes, 11 events ) - 23-26 th September. 
1. Dead Lift for reps ( Barrels )
2. Motorcycle Yoke
3. Atlas Stones
4. Fingal Fingers
5. Sumo-belt hold
6. Stone Circle
7. Safe Lift
8. Fire Truck Pull (H&R)
9. Anchor & Chain
10. Squat Lift ( Barrels )
11. Giant Farmers Walk

Final ( 6 athletes - top from qualifiers, 8 events ) - 30thSept-3rd Oct 
1.Carry race - GFW & anchor
2.Fridge Carry
3. Dead lift ( Barrels )
4. Squat Lift ( Barrels )
5. Fire Truck Pull
6. Wheelbarrow Race
7. Safe Lift
8. Atlas Stones

haha, "Fridge carry" ? Jeg trodde de kuttet ut det etter at Franco Columbo ødela kneet i den øvelsen i WSM på 70-tallet? Han falt fremover/til siden med fryseren (eller var det kjøleskap) på ryggen slik at leggen ble stående rett ut til siden fra kneet. Mens han lå der og vrei seg i smerter så hadde han visstnok sagt noe sånn som "It's not broken. I know. I'm a doctor of chiropractic".

Tittel: SV: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: powerslave31. august 2004, 18:07
Savner flintstone deadlift og silver dollar deadlift.

Silver dollar deadlift er vel erstattet av kronløft.
Men det såg unektlig rått ut når magnus ver og "gamle gutta" drog mark ifra under kne høgde!  :markløft:

Tittel: SV: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: Prince Charming31. august 2004, 20:54

haha, "Fridge carry" ? Jeg trodde de kuttet ut det etter at Franco Columbo ødela kneet i den øvelsen i WSM på 70-tallet? Han falt fremover/til siden med fryseren (eller var det kjøleskap) på ryggen slik at leggen ble stående rett ut til siden fra kneet. Mens han lå der og vrei seg i smerter så hadde han visstnok sagt noe sånn som "It's not broken. I know. I'm a doctor of chiropractic".

Skulle også nevne den.
Lærebokeksempel på fornektelse ::rofl2::

Tittel: SV: Nytt WSM "format" i år.
Skrevet av: powerslave01. september 2004, 22:17
Offisiel (ifølge ironmind) deltager liste på Verdens sterkeste mann 2004.

Svend Karlsen - Norway
Mariusz Pudzianowski - Poland
Zydrunas Savickis - Lithuania
Vasyl Virastyuk - Ukraine
Raimonds Bergmanis - Latvia
Steve Kirit - USA
Adrian Rollinson - UK
Mark Felix - Grenada
Hugo Girard - Canada
Rene Minkwitz - Denmark
Magnus Samuelsson - Sweden
Tomi Lotta - Finland

Richard (Levi) Vaoga - New Zealand - and Andrus Murumets - Estonia - are the officially-listed reserve competitors.