
Kosthold => Kosthold og Ernæring => Emne startet av: Are på 04. mars 2005, 08:30

Tittel: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: Are04. mars 2005, 08:30
er det veldig dumt å spise noe ca en halv time - time før jeg legger meg?? isåfall hva er bra å spise da?? En halv boks cottage chees med 100% nora bringebærsyltetøy??

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: UpAndComming04. mars 2005, 08:31
Dropp bringebærsyltetøyet så går det fint det. Ingen grunn til å innta karbs da. :)

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: Are04. mars 2005, 08:42
tar veldig lite bringebærsyltetøy og tar bare en halv boks cc, men spørsmålet var egentlig om jeg legger på meg mye hvis jeg spiser dette ca 1/2time-1 time før jeg legger meg...???

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: UpAndComming04. mars 2005, 08:43
Du legger på deg om du spiser for mye kcalorier. Når du spiser de er mindre viktig. Dette er enkel matematikk. Spiser du for mye går du opp i vekt, for lite så går du ned i vekt.

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: Are04. mars 2005, 08:46
ja men man forbrenner vel ikke no særlig om kvedlden så da er d kanskje ikke så lurt å spise om kvelden eller???

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: UpAndComming04. mars 2005, 08:47
Hvis du har spist lite på dagen går dette opp i opp. :)

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: Baahh04. mars 2005, 17:36
UaC, det er mye som tyder på at det kan være smart å legge mye av kaloriinntaket mot kvelden. Det gjør ingen skade, samtidig som at det gir oss mer næring under fasteperioden. Jeg kan sikkert grave opp mer senere, men her kan du se på et studie som viser at kroppen har buffere som gjør at det ikke vil være noen særlig forskjell på å spise store måltider tidlig på dagen, enn å spise små måltider hele dagen.

The human body may buffer small differences in meal size and timing during a 24-h wake period provided energy balance is maintained

Holmback U, Lowden A, Akerfeldt T, Lennernas M, Hambraeus L, Forslund J, Akerstedt T, Stridsberg M, Forslund A.

Department of Medical Sciences, Nutrition, Uppsala University Hospital, SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden.

Because approximately 20% of the work force in the industrialized world have irregular working hours, it is pertinent to study the consequences of eating at irregular, especially nighttime hours. We studied the postprandial responses during nocturnal fasting vs. eating throughout a 24-h wake period. Seven healthy males were studied twice in a crossover design. After a 6-d diet adjustment period [high fat diet, 45 energy percent (en%) fat, 40 en% carbohydrates)] with sleep from 2300 to 0700 h, the men were kept awake for 24 h at the metabolic ward and given either 6 isoenergetic meals, i.e., every 4 h (N-eat) or 4 isoenergetic meals from 0800 to 2000 h followed by a nocturnal fast (N-fast), with the same 24-h energy intake. Energy expenditure, substrate utilization, activity, heat release, body temperature and blood variables were measured over 24 h. Energy expenditure and blood glucose, triacylglycerol, insulin and glucagon concentrations were lower and nonesterified fatty acids concentrations were higher during the nocturnal fast than during nocturnal eating (P < 0.05); however, no 24-h differences between the protocols were apparent. Nocturnal fasting slightly altered the secretory patterns of the thyroid hormones and cortisol (P < 0.05). We found no clear indication that it would be more favorable to ingest few larger daytime meals than smaller meals throughout the 24-h period. The body seems to be able to buffer small differences in meal size and timing provided energy balance is maintained.

Kroppen øker også fettoksideringen når den får måltider med mye fettinnhold, og øker karbohydratoksideringen når den får mye karbohydrater.

Metabolic responses to isoenergetic meals containing different proportions of carbohydrate and fat.

Whitley HA, Humphreys SM, Samra JS, Campbell IT, Maclaren DP, Reilly T, Frayn KN.

Oxford Lipid Metabolism Group, Radcliffe Infirmary.

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship between carbohydrate and fat metabolism at rest after isoenergetic meals of varying proportions of carbohydrate and fat. Eight physically-active subjects (BMI 18.1-23.4 kg/m2) were studied at rest on three occasions after an overnight fast. In a balanced design they were given meals containing carbohydrate, protein and fat in the following amounts respectively (g/70 kg body weight): meal 1 121, 16, 48; meal 2 70, 16, 70; meal 3 50, 14, 80. All meals were isoenergetic, containing 4.0 MJ/70 kg body weight, and were of similar appearance. In addition, on a fourth occasion five of the eight subjects consumed meal 4 (g/70 kg body weight): carbohydrate 0, protein 0, fat 108. Blood samples were taken before eating the meal and at intervals following the meal to determine metabolic and hormonal responses. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were measured by indirect calorimetry and balance was calculated over the 5 h postprandial period. The incremental areas under the time curves for fat oxidation were greatest after meals 3 and 4 (P < 0.05), whereas incremental areas under the carbohydrate oxidation v. time curves were relatively reduced after these two meals (P < 0.05). This was accompanied by lesser suppression of plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations (P < 0.001) and reduced plasma insulin concentrations (P < 0.001) following these meals. Energy balance was almost identical after the three isoenergetic meals. In contrast, there was an inverse relationship between carbohydrate and fat balance following these meals, with carbohydrate balance decreasing as carbohydrate intake decreased and fat balance increasing as fat intake increased. We conclude that there is a close interrelationship between carbohydrate and fat metabolism following isoenergetic meals in resting subjects.

Tittel: SV: spise om kvelden???
Skrevet av: Are04. mars 2005, 17:38
ikke dumt! takk for svar  ::buttrock::