
Generelt => Studier og Forskninger => Emne startet av: PhilLynott på 27. mars 2011, 15:16

Tittel: Proteinpulver før vs etter trening
Skrevet av: PhilLynott27. mars 2011, 15:16
Leste en artikkel som refererte til denne studien. Synest det hele så veldig interessant ut. Kan noen se hull i studien, evt vise til noe som motbeviser dette? Eller kan man ta det for god fisk? Jeg legger merke til at det er bare brukt 6 forsøkspersoner. Det er litt svakt.
Inntil videre tar jeg det ihvertfall som god fisk, og har nå begynt å ta en shake før trening.

The present study was designed to determine whether consumption of an oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement (EAC) before exercise results in a greater anabolic response than supplementation after resistance exercise. Six healthy human subjects participated in two trials in random order, PRE (EAC consumed immediately before exercise), and POST (EAC consumed immediately after exercise). A primed, continuous infusion of L-[ring-(2)H(5)]phenylalanine, femoral arteriovenous catheterization, and muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis were used to determine phenylalanine concentrations, enrichments, and net uptake across the leg. Blood and muscle phenylalanine concentrations were increased by approximately 130% after drink consumption in both trials. Amino acid delivery to the leg was increased during exercise and remained elevated for the 2 h after exercise in both trials. Delivery of amino acids (amino acid concentration times blood flow) was significantly greater in PRE than in POST during the exercise bout and in the 1st h after exercise (P < 0.05). Total net phenylalanine uptake across the leg was greater (P = 0.0002) during PRE (209 +/- 42 mg) than during POST (81 +/- 19). Phenylalanine disappearance rate, an indicator of muscle protein synthesis from blood amino acids, increased after EAC consumption in both trials. These results indicate that the response of net muscle protein synthesis to consumption of an EAC solution immediately before resistance exercise is greater than that when the solution is consumed after exercise, primarily because of an increase in muscle protein synthesis as a result of increased delivery of amino acids to the leg.

Tittel: Sv: Proteinpulver før vs etter trening
Skrevet av: Hr.Smith28. mars 2011, 08:10
Hm er dette proteinshake eller bcaa?
Litt lavt antall personer involvert ja, men hvis det stemmer for alle så er jo sjangsene store for at det er riktig.
Godt å vite uansett, hender jeg skipper shaken før trening fordi jeg ikke føler for å dytte i meg mer guffe, men nå skal jeg sørge for å ta før hver gang :-)

Tittel: Sv: Proteinpulver før vs etter trening
Skrevet av: teek28. mars 2011, 08:18
Kult for jeg begynte å ta en halv shake (1 scoop) før trening for ca 3 uker sider - hvorfor vet jeg ikke, men svaret har vi fått her.  ::rofl2::

Tittel: Sv: Proteinpulver før vs etter trening
Skrevet av: HHHH28. mars 2011, 22:05
Her er en kommentar angående denne studien som du viser til (Tipton et al) av Kumar et al (2009):

"There is disagreement as to whether amino acid feeding before or after resistance exercise promotes MPS to a greater extent. It has been reported (114) that ingestion of essential amino acids taken with a carbohydrate supplement immediately before resistance exercise resulted in greater leg uptake of amino acids, but the results are quantitatively difficult to believe, given that they were made under non-steady-state conditions, and the increases in uptake were physiologically unlikely to represent increases in MPS, given their size (20-fold!), but, more likely, some artifact, such as pooling of amino acids within muscle. Furthermore, it has been recently shown by direct measurement of FSR in humans that feeding 1 h before an acute bout of high-intensity resistance exercise did not further enhance MPS during the 2-h postexercise period (43). Thus, once again, the leg tracer dilution method appears to yield qualitatively and quantitatively different results to those obtained by incorporation of tracer amino acids."

Alan Aragon har kommentert studien og vektlegger følgende:

Table 3. Mean arterial insulin levels during 4 time periods for PRE and POST trials
          Rest       Exercise    1 H Post-Ex     2 H Post-Ex
PRE    4.560.5   18.565.7    22.066.2          6.262.0
POST  4.160.8    8.562.4     27.065.8          6.661.2

Values are means 6 SE, expressed in IU/ml. Both PRE and POST
were significantly different across time, but individual significant
differences were not identifiable.

Han kommenterer: "However, upon closer examination, insulin levels during exercise and 1 hour postexercise in Tipton's trial were 18mU/l and 22mU/l, respectively. Both of these values are within the range of 15-30mU/l, which has been shown to maximally stimulate net muscle protein synthesis (this includes maximally inhibiting muscle protein breakdown) in the presence of elevated amino acids."

Så det du kan muligens konkludere med er at:
1) det viktigste er makroernæringsforholdene over tid (hva du har spist tidligere om dagen, om du trener på faste, hva du spiste i går og forholdene mellom protein / karb / fett i den dietten).

2) det er vanskelig å si om protein timing (enten whey, EAA eller BCAA) gir ulike utslag om det tas før eller etter trening. Min spekulasjon er at det vil være spesifikt etter energiinntaket til individene, hva slags trening som utføres, intensiteten på treningen osv....