
Generelt => Studier og Forskninger => Emne startet av: Beefcake på 04. juni 2008, 16:08

Tittel: Blodsukker og fasting
Skrevet av: Beefcake04. juni 2008, 16:08
Mange mener de opplever at de får blodsukkerfall hvis de ikke holder en høy måltidsfrekvens, men i følge denne studien er det forskjell på hva man opplever, og det faktiske blodsukkernivået.

Det er altså forskjell på den subjektive opplevelsen av blodsukkerfall, og det faktiskte blodsukkernivået.

"Background and Objectives: Among otherwise healthy adults, there is a subgroup of individuals who develop symptoms of hypoglycemia during episodes of food restriction. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether such individuals develop hypoglycemia or react abnormally in other metabolic aspects during a 24-hour fast.

Subjects and Methods: Ninety medical students were asked if they wanted to participate. Sixteen were selected; none dropped out. A 24-hour fast was performed at a hospital ward. Blood samples and questionnaires were taken at eight specific times.

Result: During the fast, the sensitive group reported significantly higher scores on 'irritation' and 'shakiness'. However, no hypoglycemia occurred and the lowest detected blood glucose concentration was 3.7 mmol/l. There were no differences between the groups in plasma glucose, cortisol, growth hormone (GH), insulin, -hydroxybutyrate (-OH) and lactate levels. The blood pressures and heart rates were also similar.

Conclusions: Adults, despite subjective signs of hypoglycemia, can fast without any metabolic or endocrine derangement."

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2008) 62, 721–726; doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602785; published online 16 May 2007

"The eight persons included claimed that they could not miss a meal without experiencing specific symptoms connected with hypoglycemia, as mentioned above. They were always watchful not to miss a serving of food and felt like they were ‘falling in blood glucose’ if they did."