
Kosthold => Kosthold og Ernæring => Emne startet av: tomhh på 12. februar 2009, 15:37

Tittel: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: tomhh12. februar 2009, 15:37
Er det noen som har noen erfaring med Robert O Young?

Jeg har meldt meg på helseseminaret hans "Den nye biologien" etter varme anbefalinger fra nære venner.

De fortalte at seminaret var en utrolig vekker og et spark i baken på hvorfor man burde spise anderledes.

Jeg har lest litt av boken hans "PH mirakelet" og ble mer nyskjerrig på dette temaet.

Er det noen som var på seminaret sist?

Fra ( står det blant annet "Seminaret vil gi deg 4 timer med et innhold som vil hjelpe deg å forstå hvordan du enkelt kan gjøre forandringer i livet ditt som vil utgjøre en total forskjell for din helse, velvære og energi."

Det jeg finner interessant er hvordan man kan bli kvitt lidelser og enhver type sykdom, samt hvordan bli kvitt all soppen vi bærer på.

Fint om noen kan fortelle om sine erfaringer med dette kostholdet eller hvordan forrige seminar var.


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist12. februar 2009, 16:08
Er det noen som har noen erfaring med Robert O Young?

Jeg har meldt meg på helseseminaret hans "Den nye biologien" etter varme anbefalinger fra nære venner.

De fortalte at seminaret var en utrolig vekker og et spark i baken på hvorfor man burde spise anderledes.

Jeg har lest litt av boken hans "PH mirakelet" og ble mer nyskjerrig på dette temaet.

Er det noen som var på seminaret sist?

Fra ( står det blant annet "Seminaret vil gi deg 4 timer med et innhold som vil hjelpe deg å forstå hvordan du enkelt kan gjøre forandringer i livet ditt som vil utgjøre en total forskjell for din helse, velvære og energi."

Det jeg finner interessant er hvordan man kan bli kvitt lidelser og enhver type sykdom, samt hvordan bli kvitt all soppen vi bærer på.

Fint om noen kan fortelle om sine erfaringer med dette kostholdet eller hvordan forrige seminar var.



Jeg er også svært intressert i denne nye biologien, og tester selv ut denne Alkaliserende dieten til Dr Young. Det er videoer på youtube fra et seminar han hadde i Usa. Det kan jo du ta en titt på. Dr robert young er også på Facebook, en kompis av meg har addet han, jeg har ikke facebook enda, men skal melde meg opp nå og prøve å snakke litt med han også..

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist12. februar 2009, 16:12
Her begynner det :
(del 2 virker ikke lengre)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: tomhh13. februar 2009, 10:42
Takk for de gode videoene, skal sjekke de ut.

Vi sees på seminaret

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: OptimusPrime13. februar 2009, 10:57
Han er komplett retard, kommer opp med teorier som motsier det som har FUNGERT i alle år og han har fått forskerdiplomet sitt i posten, sendt av kirken.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Mr Melk13. februar 2009, 11:00
Han er komplett retard, kommer opp med teorier som motsier det som har FUNGERT i alle år og han har fått forskerdiplomet sitt i posten, sendt av kirken.
En flott kommentar blant all svada... :)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: OptimusPrime13. februar 2009, 11:02
En flott kommentar blant all svada... :)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: UpAndComming13. februar 2009, 11:08
Det jeg finner interessant er hvordan man kan bli kvitt lidelser og enhver type sykdom [...]

Burde ikke dette i seg selv medføre at man blir noen hakk mer kritisk med en gang? (uten at jeg har satt meg i noen detalj på hva han driver med)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Rulatoren13. februar 2009, 11:14
Robert O. Young er et typisk eksempel på en pseudomedisinsk sjarlatan.  Dersom noen lanserer et nytt preparat som hevdes å øke prestasjonene innen visse typer idretter (f.eks. kreatin) eller som hevdes å kurere bestemte sykdommer (f.eks. c-vitamin mot sjørbuk), så er det grunn til å ta påstandene alvorlig.  Men Robert O. Young har lansert en kur som hevdes å kurere kreft, overvekt, infeksjoner, diabetes, psykiatriske plager og annet.  Det er som om noen hadde lansert et preparat som er bra for å smøre girkasser og som samtidig gjør at man får igjen på skatten.

Ingen av Youngs publikasjoner har vært på trykt i aksepterte medisinske tidsskrifter, og de akademiske titlene hans er ikke fra respekterte akademiske institusjoner.  Om dere vil kjøpe Youngs publikasjoner og kurs, så kan dere alltids like godt sette av penger til den dagen Five percent community gjenoppstår.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Zuul13. februar 2009, 11:30
Rulatoren:  ;D

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: OptimusPrime13. februar 2009, 11:44
Men Robert O. Young har lansert en kur som hevdes å kurere overvekt, infeksjoner, diabetes, psykiatriske plager og annet.  

Har jeg også -> regelmessig trening og et sunt og godt kosthold.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist13. februar 2009, 13:55
Dere er ikke kvalifisert til å si noe som helst egentlig, kom med info fra litt mer kvalifiserte kilder enn deres egne personlige syn på saken, fordi det holder ikke. Kom med noe som klart avfeier Dr Young sine påstander, Ph balansen i kroppen er noe flere andre forskere, leger er enig i. Dr young tok forskningen videre fra en av to teorier som ble lagt fram tidligere, bare at da ble den andre teorien valgt å følge. Men folk har ikke glemt Ph balanse teorien og nå beviser det seg at den er den mest korrekte av disse to.
Les boken : The Ph miracle, da vil dere blir mer overbevist, og er da i litt bedre posisjon til å velge hvilken teori dere vil følge. Fordi akkurat nå har dere ikke begge sider av saken, dere har ikke alle kortene på bordet angående Ph balanse teorien. Når dere lærer mer om denne teorien, kan dere begynne å sammenligne og trekke litt bedre konklusjoner mellom disse to teoriene som ble lagt fram back in the days.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Rulatoren13. februar 2009, 14:20
Dere er ikke kvalifisert til å si noe som helst egentlig, kom med info fra litt mer kvalifiserte kilder enn deres egne personlige syn på saken, fordi det holder ikke. Kom med noe som klart avfeier Dr Young sine påstander, Ph balansen i kroppen er noe flere andre forskere, leger er enig i. Dr young tok forskningen videre fra en av to teorier som ble lagt fram tidligere, bare at da ble den andre teorien valgt å følge. Men folk har ikke glemt Ph balanse teorien og nå beviser det seg at den er den mest korrekte av disse to.
Les boken : The Ph miracle, da vil dere blir mer overbevist, og er da i litt bedre posisjon til å velge hvilken teori dere vil følge. Fordi akkurat nå har dere ikke begge sider av saken, dere har ikke alle kortene på bordet angående Ph balanse teorien. Når dere lærer mer om denne teorien, kan dere begynne å sammenligne og trekke litt bedre konklusjoner mellom disse to teoriene som ble lagt fram back in the days.
Jeg ser at du er aktiv i melketråden også.  Det er ikke noe nytt at fora der trening diskuteres, tiltrekker seg en del aparte teorier om kosthold osv.  Et viktig poeng i sånne debatter er at det ikke er opp til skeptikere å motbevise sånne teorier.  Det er opp til de troende å bevise at Young kan utrette alt det som han påstår om den basiske dietten sin, eller at det er skadelig å drikke melk.

Så lenge ingen vitenskapelig akkrediterte beviser finnes, så holder jeg meg til følgende:
1. Young har ikke publisert noen av resultetene sine i vitenskapelig akkrediterte tidsskrifter.
2. Young har ikke en vitenskapelig grad fra et ordentlig universitet.
3. Young påstår at kuren hans hjelper mot sykdomstilstander som ikke er i slekt med hverandre.
4. Dersom melk ikke er 'ment for oss' fordi det stammer fra en annen art, så burde all annen kjøtt- og plantekost også være skadelig for oss.  All mat som vi får i oss stammer fra andre arter.  De tre eneste unntakene er kannibaler, vampyrer og unger som suger pupp.

Utfordringen til ute av drift er som følger: Skaff en referanse til et ordentlig medisinsk tidsskrift som underbygger påstandene til Young og til melkehaterene.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Sigbjørn13. februar 2009, 22:10
Det at all info om mannens "meritter" ser ut til å komme enten fra hans egen side eller fra fansider sier vel alt. At han er dømt for å ha praktisert medisin uten gyldig lisens hjelper vel heller ikke på kredibiliteten hans ;D

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: UpAndComming14. februar 2009, 18:35
Da er tråden gjenåpnet og ryddet i.

Denne gangen holder vi oss innenfor forventet oppførsel, og avvik fra dette betyr at jeg ikke gir advarsel men sender folk ut for en kortere periode direkte. >:(

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Basiske Børre03. mars 2009, 23:19
Jeg ser at du er aktiv i melketråden også.  Det er ikke noe nytt at fora der trening diskuteres, tiltrekker seg en del aparte teorier om kosthold osv.  Et viktig poeng i sånne debatter er at det ikke er opp til skeptikere å motbevise sånne teorier.  Det er opp til de troende å bevise at Young kan utrette alt det som han påstår om den basiske dietten sin, eller at det er skadelig å drikke melk.

Så lenge ingen vitenskapelig akkrediterte beviser finnes, så holder jeg meg til følgende:
1. Young har ikke publisert noen av resultetene sine i vitenskapelig akkrediterte tidsskrifter.
2. Young har ikke en vitenskapelig grad fra et ordentlig universitet.
3. Young påstår at kuren hans hjelper mot sykdomstilstander som ikke er i slekt med hverandre.
4. Dersom melk ikke er 'ment for oss' fordi det stammer fra en annen art, så burde all annen kjøtt- og plantekost også være skadelig for oss.  All mat som vi får i oss stammer fra andre arter.  De tre eneste unntakene er kannibaler, vampyrer og unger som suger pupp.

Utfordringen til ute av drift er som følger: Skaff en referanse til et ordentlig medisinsk tidsskrift som underbygger påstandene til Young og til melkehaterene.

Young har nok bevisst valgt å ikke skolere seg innen konvensjonell medisin.
Er du utdannet lege så sitter du automtisk i lomma til legemiddelbransjen, som er en av verdens største industrier. Hvis du har funnet en kur som ikke innebærer bruk/gjenbruk av produktene deres så kan du bare glemme anerkjennelse i såkalte anerkjente medisinske tidskrifter. Hans kunnskap er basert på grundig forskning og undersøkelser gjennom 30 år. Uansett så er det resultatene som teller, og taler for seg. Young er ikke så veldig radikal. Han har bare funnet tilbake til den maten som vi i utgangspunktet var ment til å spise og som gir balanse på PH i blodet og kroppen ellers.
Det er ingen som argumenterer mot at kroppen bør holde en snitt temperatur på 37,5. De fleste er også enig i at PH må være på 7,365 for at kroppen skal være i balanse. Hva er dumt med å spise mat som enkelt kan oppredttholde denne balansen. Vi er muligens evolusjonert til å kunne spise kjøtt. Men det skal være ferskt. Om du ikke er ute å jakter en gang i uken, så får du kun gammelt, surt og råttent kjøtt. Da takker jeg meg til en skikkelig moden avokado som er proppfull av energi :) 

Nei, det er faktisk ikke meningen at vi skal få så mye informasjon om, og tilgang til sunne produkter som ikke gagner legemiddelindustrien. (


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: pw21. mars 2009, 11:22
Her var det mye meninger. Det finnes en norsk side som heter ( der står det veldig mye stoff om dettet emnet. At syre base balansen ser ut til å være nøkkelen til optimal helse og ytelse ser ut til å være ganske logisk faktisk. Dette er ikke bare forskning gjort av Dr Young, men bygger på flere ti år med forskning fra flere hold.  Blandt annat kan nevnes en Nobell  prisvinner i medisin fra 30 tallet som heter Otto Warburg. Han fikk prisen for sin forskning som viste at eksempelvis kreftceller trives best i surt og oksigenfattig miljø. Vi må vel ikke da være en Einstein for å tenke oss til hva en sunn og basisk kropp kan forebygge eller utrette av egen kraft.

En annen ting er at skal du bygge en trent kropp eller bygge mer muskler trenger du friskt og basisk miljø for cellene dine. Det er friske blodceller som omdannes til muskelceller. Har du ikke friskt blod har du heller ikke den helsen du kanskje ønsker. Sjekk (  Der er også en video om en bodybuilder (

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Knesk21. mars 2009, 11:48
Sjekk (  Der er også en video om en bodybuilder (

Bodybuilder på 12 uker! At ingen har tenkt på dette før (:

Høres ikke ut som TV-Shop i det hele tatt.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Maevar21. mars 2009, 11:51
Bodybuilder på 12 uker! At ingen har tenkt på dette før (:

Høres ikke ut som TV-Shop i det hele tatt.

Neinei, dette er body building. Noe annet.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: JanB Diddl etc21. mars 2009, 12:21
Det er jo spennende og interessant å personlig forsøke forskjellige typer kosthold uavhengig av hva forskning måtte si, eller hvor eller hvem teoriene måtte komme fra. Hvis man erfarer at man føler seg bedre og friskere så er det jo det som er det viktigste. Drit i teorien og prøv det. Så etter at man har erfart det så kan man sette seg inn i teoriene for å forsøke å finne ut hvorfor det man erfarte skjedde.

Det er en på yogaen som har holdt på en stund med det basiske kostholdet og tilskuddene som Young anbefaler. Jeg skal snakke med ham senere for å høre hva han har erfart.

Dette skriver jeg forøvrig mens jeg sitter og drikker en halvliter cola, men det er nå en annen sak... Skal en halv t-skje med natron etterpå...

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Rulatoren21. mars 2009, 12:28

Young har nok bevisst valgt å ikke skolere seg innen konvensjonell medisin.
Er du utdannet lege så sitter du automtisk i lomma til legemiddelbransjen, som er en av verdens største industrier. Hvis du har funnet en kur som ikke innebærer bruk/gjenbruk av produktene deres så kan du bare glemme anerkjennelse i såkalte anerkjente medisinske tidskrifter. Hans kunnskap er basert på grundig forskning og undersøkelser gjennom 30 år. Uansett så er det resultatene som teller, og taler for seg. Young er ikke så veldig radikal. Han har bare funnet tilbake til den maten som vi i utgangspunktet var ment til å spise og som gir balanse på PH i blodet og kroppen ellers.
Det er ingen som argumenterer mot at kroppen bør holde en snitt temperatur på 37,5. De fleste er også enig i at PH må være på 7,365 for at kroppen skal være i balanse. Hva er dumt med å spise mat som enkelt kan oppredttholde denne balansen. Vi er muligens evolusjonert til å kunne spise kjøtt. Men det skal være ferskt. Om du ikke er ute å jakter en gang i uken, så får du kun gammelt, surt og råttent kjøtt. Da takker jeg meg til en skikkelig moden avokado som er proppfull av energi :) 

Nei, det er faktisk ikke meningen at vi skal få så mye informasjon om, og tilgang til sunne produkter som ikke gagner legemiddelindustrien. (

Basiske Børre prøver seg her på noe som kan se ut som en kapitalismekritikk, en systemkritikk.  Men i sin kritikk av legemiddelindustrien ender Basiske Børre opp med å forsvare noe som er mer irrasjonelt, mer kynisk og mer skadelig enn legemiddelindustrien.  Det som Young driver med, må ansees som pseudovitenskap og kvakksalveri så lenge han ikke følger de spillereglene som reell vitenskap følger.

For alt det som jeg veit, så er det godt mulig at en basisk kosthold kan hjelpe mot en eller flere sykdomstilstander.  Men det er ikke opp til deg eller meg å spekulere rundt det.  Det er opp til Robert O. Young å faktisk bevise det, og de bevisene som Young legger fram, må være etterprøvbare av andre, uavhengige forskere.

Jeg har ingen sentimentale følelser overfor legemiddelindustrien.  Jeg kjenner selv folk som har jobbet der, og som har sluttet fordi kommersialiseringen gjorde forskningsbetingelsene uakseptable for dem.  Men en sånn kritikk kan ikke brukes til å unnskylde noe annet og verre, nemlig reinspikka pseudovitenskap og kvakksalveri.  Og det er dette siste Robert O. Young driver med.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier21. mars 2009, 19:10
Godt innlegg Rulatoren.

For øvrig blir man ikke automatisk lagt i lomma på legemiddelindustrien dersom man velger å bli forsker eller lege. Leger kan i verste fall ofte ende opp som "pushere", da deres autoritet og kunnskapsnivå ofte ikke er tilstrekkelig høyt til å utføre gode behandlingsprinsipper.
Det er selvsagt at legemiddelbransjen ønsker å selge så mye som mulig, og kanskje ofte styres av kyniske bakmenn, men dette reguleres jo i en viss grad av forskning. Hvis man tar som utgangspunkt at verden IKKE er offer for en gigantisk konspirasjon ( NWO el.), så ønsker de fleste forskere å finne frem til hva som lønnsomt for samfunnet og helsebringende for allmennheten.

Eksempelvis forskning på D-vitamin, som for 24 år siden, på helt feil grunnlag la en alt for lav list for anbefalt inntak. Nyere forskning ( Og det skal sies at forskning på D-vitamin, pga dets økende sannsynlighet for å være helsebringende i forhold til kreft, er noe av det som har blitt forsket mest på de siste ti årene) formidler et budskap om at gjeldende anbefalinger for inntak av D-vitamin er alt for lave. Anbefalingene på inntak av D-vitamin kommer mest sannsynlig til og øke med så mye som 10 ganger det anbefalte inntaket i dag, i løpet av 5-10 år.

 Man skal ikke si at det IKKE har blitt gjort grundig forskning, og ikke minst lagt inn mye penger på dette. Noe annet kan man si om denne PH-dietten. Det er helt sikkert relevante ting han snakker om, og gode effekter av å ha et stabilt miljø i kroppen. Men måten dette fremstilles på, og ikke minst omstendighetene rundt ( at han er kristen, lite referanser, ingen publiserte rapporter i kjente tidsskrifter etc) minner mer om fanatisk fabulering, enn seriøs forskning.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist19. april 2009, 02:16

" Sykdom er kun et symptom på en ubalanse i kroppen.

Ubalansen ligger i at vi får for lite energi og at maten i tillegg er for syreholdig.

I tillegg produserer vi selv syrenivået opp, via tankestress og livsførsel.

PHverdien blir feil og energinivået er for lavt. Legemidler bare døyver

symptomet men behandler ikke årsaken. Blodet lyver ikke.

Når vi mennesker forsøpler blodets levevilkår bryter

blodet sammen.

Det som da skjer er at blodet “blir sykt”

og kan da f.eks transformere seg til en kreftcelle,

eller andre sykdomsfremkallende mikroorganismer.

Kjemisk fremstillte medisiner og kostholdstilskudd forsøpler

også kroppen og blodet på samme måte. Vi mennesker er energi.

Det er vår “bensin” gjennom maten, som vi tilfører kroppen som er feil.

65% av alle sykdommer er livsstilssykdommer.

Kjøper du en bil som går på 92 eller 95% blyfri bensin

så fyller man jo ikke på diesel. Alle vet jo hva som da vil skje.

Bilens motor vil fungere dårlig og sågar tll og med trolig bryte

sammen tilslutt. Det samme skjer med kroppen.

En hamburger har en

frekvens på 3 - 7 Mhz i energinivå.

Kroppens minimum skal være på 70Mhz. Det sier jo

seg selv da at det ikke blir noe energi ut av burgere.

Kun fyllmasse.

Et normalt norskt kosthold ligger mellom 20 - 60 mhz i frekvens.

Grønnsaker ligger på 100Mhz og kroppens friske organer ligger på 70Mhz.

Fjerner man årsaken kan ikke sykdom

( som er et symptom på en ubalanse )

ikke leve i kroppen.

Når bondens jord er for sur,

dør og råtner avlingen.

Det samme gjelder for




Vi råtner opp innvendig.

Din helse avspeiles den helse som dine blodceller og andre celler har.

Blodceller lyver ikke. Legger du et råtent eple i en

haug med friske epler, sprers dette til

de friske eplene.

Robert O Youngs forskning er banebrytende,

med dog på en kunnskap som

enkel, og som ble påvist av

Dr Otto Warburg i 1931.

Han påviste at kreftceller må ha et surt, og oksygenfattig miljø

for å overleve.

http://www.stopcancer (http://www.stopcancer)...

http://www.communicat (http://www.communicat)...

Siden den gang var det ingen som ville vise den påstanden

noe særlig oppmerksomhet.

Ingen profitt i at mennesker blir friske av sykdom

Se denne linken (

Kroppen er designet Alkalisk.

Legemiddelindustrien behandler kun symptomet og ikke årsaken.

De pumper bare luft i dekket når det har punktert, enn å lappet dekket.

Altså behandler de kun symptomet.

Derfor er det en pengemaskin og en industri.

Men dette skal brytes ned som alt det andre.

Alt er i rute mot 2012

Det er ingen tilfeldigheter at dette skjer nå.

De gamle sannheters illusjoner skal brytes vekk.

Les og se mer om Dr. Robert O.Young.

En kort bildedokumentasjon og mer opplysninger finner du på.

http://www.spiritoflifehypnoterapi (http://www.spiritoflifehypnoterapi). com

Mer om dette finner du på

http://www.phbalanse (http://www.phbalanse)…. ( NO/HistoryofInnerLight.aspx? ID=aa

Endel kreftleger i Oslo har brutt ut fra eliten og har viet, sin behandling

av kreft basert på Robert O Youngs 30 års lange forskning.

Han har tatt over 40.000 blodanalyser, i 72 land og har dokumentert

en sterk rød tråd i alle prøvene, tatt på mennesker, planter og dyr.

Hans forskning lages det nå en dokumentarfilm om og vil forhåpentlig bli vist

på NRK etterhvert.

Her kan du lese om Dr Robert O Young.

http://www.snyderheal (http://www.snyderheal)...

Hans produkt ( Supergreens ) som er utviklet basert på hans lange forskning er

alene i sitt slag. Det som skiller dette fra alt annet er bl.a energinivået i det. (250 Mhz)

samt at det tar tilhøyde for at det krever 20 deler base for å nøytralisere en del syre.

Supergreens er blant den nye maten som kroppen trenger.

Selv i ernæringsveien er vi nå nødt fro å tenke nytt.

Artig å høre da Dolores Cannon i et av sine lange foredrag, nevnte at vi

mer og mer kommer til å tilfære kroppen næring gjennom flytende føde.

Dette pga den Vestlige verdens forsøpling når det gjelder så mangt.

Også når det gjelder maten.

Det er utrolig hva kroppen ordner opp i når blodet får rett miljø og leve i.

Her i området er det mange som har mistet mange symptomer ( sykdommer )

Det handler ikke om å drepe noe, slik som legemiddelindustrien jobber ut ifra.

Det handler om å reversere en årsak til at symptomet duker opp.

Grunnen til at jeg skriver om dette i dette forumet er pga at

produktet og hans unike nye forskning føyer seg inn i dette

som tilhører det nye som kommer ( i forhold til bl.a dette som handler om 2012 )

Dette er så unikt og resultatene som nå dukker opp er helt utrolige.

Dette er ikke et produkt som behandler noe som helst.

Det hjelper bare kroppen til å få tilbake riktig syre base balansen

slik at kroppen selv kan reversere og ordne opp.

Slik det engang var meningen at den skulle

( slik den er skapt til å gjøre. )

Diabetes er et av de sykdommer somer raskest voksende.

Dette skjer på bukspyttkjertelen ikke klarer å gjøre den jobben

den skal. Den har 2 oppgaver. Produsere insulin og stabilisere

syren. Hovedoppgaven er å holde blodets PH riktig.

Stiger den en halv grad opp eller ned dør vi.

Derfor prioriteres dette over alt annet.

Når kroppen er veldig syreholdig så klarer den bare den ene oppgaven,

den er satt til å gjøre. nemlig å passe på blodets PH.

Dermed produseres ikke insulin og dermed har du straks Diabetes.

Colas PH er 2,5.

Kroppens riktige PH skal være 7,356

Kroppens surhetsgrad forsures 10gangen fra 7 - 6

Fra 6 - 5 er kroppen 100 ganger surere.

Cola er 100.000 ganger surere enn 7,356

Det kreves 26 glass vann for å nøytralisere et glass cola.

Hvor mye Cola eller annen brustyper drikker du?

Løsningen ligger i å gjøre kroppen alkalisk igjen, slik den er designet.

Da kan ikke symptomer leve i kroppen.

Pr nå utelukkes ikke noe i forhold til hva kroppen reverserer og ordner opp i.

Det ser vi nå idag.

Motivatoren og veilederen Anthony Robbins fra USA fikk kreft og kontaktet

Dr Robert O Young.

Etter hans behandling forsvant kreften.

Etter dette reviderte Anthony Robbins alle sine helsebøker han hadde skrevet.

Den vesentlige forskjellen i Robert Youngs

resultater og innfallsvinkel i forhold til

legemiddelindistrien ( vitenskapen ) er følgende:

Den “gamle biologien” som legemiddelindustrien

og andre forskere har tatt utgangspunkt i ) er arbeidet

til Louis Pasteur fra sent 1800 tallet, som er bygget på ideen om at sykdom

kommer fra smittestoffer som invanderer kroppen fra utsiden.

Legemiddelindustrien og dens forskning har satt fokuset og konsentrert

seg om symptomet som oppstår som følge av ubalansen i kroppen.

Det er mikroorganismer som oppstår via det sure miljøet

og for lite energi som gjør oss syke.

Men som alt liv som finnes på jord. For at noe skal kunne leve

må det ha næring. Mikroorgansimer som oppstår og deretter

kan formere seg og leve, kan leve i kroppen, nettopp fordi

blodes væske er for sur og energinivået er for lavt.

Da skapes giftstoffer.

Det er disse giftstoffene som gir mikroorgansimene

et levedyktig miljø.

Da kan blodceller f.eks transformere seg i til kreftceller osv.

Jeg var inne på et 4 timers langt foredrag i Sandvika med

Dr Robert Young den 5. oktober hvor han viste oss diverse

videoklipp hvor nettopp en slik transformasjon skjer.

Hvis kroppens organer blir tilført riktig næring og energi,

kan de utføre den oppgaven og funksjonen de er tiltenkt.

Men når så ikke skjer har blodet nok med og prøve og

håndtere giftstoffer osv.. Tilslutt bryter det hele sammen.

Resultatet er at noe av giftstoffene føres videre til

organenen, som igjen gjør at organene utvikler

sykdom ( altså symptomet på denne ubalansen )

F.eks nyresvikt, eller nedsatt nyrefuksjon har du sikkert

hørt om?? Kroppen tåler utrolig mye før ting bryter

sammen, selv om det er varierende fra menneske

til menneske.

For å forklare forskjellen mellom legemiddelindustrien

ståsted og Dr.Robert Youngs forskningsresultater skal

jeg bruke et bildemessig eksempel i håp om at du

kan forstå forskjellen.

Hvis du ser for deg at du punkterer med bilen eller din

sykkel ( vi tar for oss dekk som har luftslange i seg )

Når du punkterer er jo resultatet at lufta siver

ut av dekket.

Du har nå to valg.

Du kan enten gjøre som legene gjør (medisinere)

altså behandle symptomet…dvs at du fyller på luft i dekket.

Hva skjer da… Jo du kan fortsette og sykle eller kjøre bil, for

symptomet er dempet ( lufta er igjen i dekket )

Men etter en stund er dekket nok engang flatt.

Dette fordi du kun har håndtert symptomet.

Du fyllt bare på med luft ( som i dette tilfelle er din medisin)

Slik kan du holde på gang etter gang.

På den samme måten bruker vi medisiner.

Mye smartere heller og fjerne årsaken til at lufta siver ut.

Altså og lappe dekket.

Da fjerner du hele årsaken til at lufta siver ut av dekket.

Det er det Robert Young har påvist med sin forskning.

Hvis du fjerner årsaken til at mikroorganismer kan oppstå,

leve og få næring, vil resultatet av det igjen bli, at de ei heller

kan utvikle seg til symptomer ( altså gjøre kroppen syk )

Hvordan gjør man det.

Jo man tilser at kroppen får den

næring og energiopptak den er tiltenkt og trenger.

Det gjør den ikke dessverre. Dermed får mikroorganismene

fullt av muligheter til å utvikle seg og skape trøbbel for

kroppens organer, blod og celleutvikling.

Kroppen er designet alkalisk.

Når du er nyfødt er kroppen ca 90% alkalisk.

Denne forskningen setter legevitenskapen i et annet lys og vi

mennesker må begynne og se på vår fysiske kropp på en

annen måte enn før.

Alt ender opp i energi.

Altså en svingning. (Mhz)

Dine tanker er også energiutladninger ( svingninger / frekvens)

i hjernen.

Livet handler om valg.

Slik er det også med helsen.

Hva velger du?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky19. april 2009, 12:08
Kan noen forklare mekanismen der blodceller blir gjort om til muskler? Hva heter mekanismen? Noen kilder hvor det i det hele tatt står at dette forekommer? fordi jeg klarer ikke å finne noen..

Det skulle egentlig ikke forbause meg om det å spise en diet som har en høy "acid ash" ikke er bra for deg, men nå må vi huske at kroppen har flere buffering systemer. Blodets pH ,f eks, holdes godt kontrollert. Om vi spiser noe som gjør at kroppen må buffre mer, kan det godt hende at det ikke er bra, siden bufferene må komme fra ett sted, de må lages, en prosess som, for alt jeg vet, kan være skadelig om det skjer for mye for lenge.

Jeg finner ingen vitenskapelige artikler som sier at pH balansen i kroppen faktisk blir påvirket mye av hva vi spiser, men jeg skal lete mer.

Dessuten må vi huske at alt du trenger å gjør for å redusere "syrifiseringen" av kroppen din (om det i det hele tatt forekommer) er å spise mer frukt. Kanskje problemet ikke er at en eller annen matgruppe er ondskap og at vi må holde oss unna den for alle pengene i verden (det som vanligvis skjer, f eks med fett, mettet fett, cholesterol, etc), men at det er noe mange spiser for lite av, som frukt og grønt.

Hva tror dere?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: UpAndComming19. april 2009, 13:10
Burde ikke de som kommer med påstandene verifisere dette?

Blodets pH har en svært liten varianse over tid da kroppens mekanismer for å holde denne omtrent konstant er meget god.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier19. april 2009, 13:16
Måler man mat i Mhz? Har jeg aldri lest noe om. Gjorde dessuten et nøye søk på Robert O Young på Pubmed og det dukker ikke opp noe forskningsartikler på han.
Blodceller som blir til muskelceller?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky19. april 2009, 13:21
Burde ikke de som kommer med påstandene verifisere dette?

Blodets pH har en svært liten varianse over tid da kroppens mekanismer for å holde denne omtrent konstant er meget god.

Jupp. Alle påstandene her som er for det Young står for er fra Young selv og ikke noen vitenskapelige kilder..

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist19. april 2009, 16:21
 Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is identical to your
hemoglobin except for the center atom. Dr. Young's
research indicates as one increases their consumption
of chlorophyll from green foods and green drinks the
quality and quantity of the red blood cells improve.
This can be noted on a CBC medical test as the red
blood count increases and the hemoglobin increases
in the healthy ranges. Liquid chlorophyll can be
added to any water or green drink to improve the
concentration of this powerful blood builder.

Her er en ung gutt som ble kvitt sin type 1 diabetes med dr young`s sin hjelp og råd :

I am so happy to share with you a pH Miracle case
study for Type I Diabetes.

The story begins two months ago with a 6 year old
child named Gabriel who was diagnosed with onset
Type I Diabetes. Through Gabriel's parents I had the
honor to meet and work with Gabriel to help him
reverse this condition.

When I looked at Gabriel's live and dried blood he
had all the markers for the condition he had been
diagnosed with by his doctor - Type I diabetes.

The blood showed:

1) White spots on the red blood cells,
2) Targets in the center of the red blood cells,
3) Yeast cells, like candida in the blood plasma, and
4) A dark protein ring in the center of the
coagulated blood, indicating bowel congestion.

I shared with Gabriel and his parents that diabetes
starts in the bowel not in the pancreas. Balancing
blood sugars has everything to do with restoring the
alkaline pH of the small and large intestines by
eliminating the congestion of undigested chicken,
beef, pork and fish. I helped them understand that
the major cause of diabetes in children is from
protein not from sugar. I knew if Gabriel would
clear his bowels of undigested animal proteins his
blood sugars would normalize and "No More Diabetes!"

This is exactly what happened - Gabriel cleared his
bowels and now has normal blood sugars and
"No More Type I Diabetes!"

The following is Gabriel's story as told by his
incredible Mother who had the insight and inspiration
to look outside the medical box of current medical


Dear Dr. Young,

Two months ago my husband and I were shocked when our
family doctor informed us he thought our six year
old son, Gabriel, had Type 1 Diabetes. The
pediatric endocrinologist we were referred to was
reasonably sure he had the disease .Although the
specialist said we detected it early, he estimated
that Gabriel would be insulin-dependent within six
months. When we asked if there was anything we
could do, the doctor assured us there was no way
to prevent the onset of Type 1 Diabetes. We would
just have to wait for the disease to run its course.
Our hearts were grieving for our precious son.

We immediately began learning all we could about
Type 1 Diabetes. I am an R.N., and I have studied
health alternatives and nutrition. I began scouring
the internet and researching sources I have studied.
After considering many possibilities, Dr. Youngs’s
research seemed the most promising. Dr Young
generously invited us to visit the research center
as a case study for his microscopy course. He
confirmed the Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis and
started Gabriel on the pH Miracle Living Plan or
the COWS Plan as outlined in his book, The pH
Miracle for Diabetes.

The day we visited the pH Miracle Center, Gabriel
began drinking what he calls “green power”. We
began the alkaline diet immediately. His blood
sugar levels dropped to within normal range and
have remained normal. Gabriel says he feels so
much better. Overall, his flagging energy has
returned to its previous vitality.

Gabriel now tells everyone he wants to be a doctor.
He wants to help other sick people like Dr. Young.
We thank God for the pH Miracle Living program which
has been and answer to our prayers. Thanks to Dr.
Young’s dedicated research, our mourning has been
transformed into hope.

Gabriel’s Mom


The key to reversing Type I diabetes is the healing
of the small intestine and the intestinal villi or
root system of the body. When we have a healthy
small intestine we can build healthy red blood cells
which can then build a healthy body.

Very few people realize that sugar is a waste product
of cellular degeneration or breakdown, not a fuel for
energy. Think about it for a moment when you consider
a banana as it ripens or ferments - it becomes sweeter
with the acid sugar - it is melting into sugar.

This is what is happening to the person doing diabetes.
He or she is melting into sugar.

When we clear the bowels of protein and begin to build
blood with chlorophyll, oil, alkaline water and salt
we can expect only one thing - incredible health and
energy and "No More Diabetes!"

In fact, if more people understood the principals
I teach there would be "No More Diabetes" of any type
in the world today!"

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist19. april 2009, 17:00
Building a healthy and fit body is all about
building healthy blood. Every cell in the human
body, including muscle cells are made from blood.
So healthy blood equals a healthy and fit body.

To build healthy blood you need a diet of chlorophyll,
oil, water and salt. I refer to this blood building
diet as the "COWS" plan, an acronym that stands for:

C = chlorophyll from green grasses, veggies and fruits

O = oils from flax, hemp, olive and avocado

W = water that has been purified, alkalized, and energized

S = salt that is unprocessed and in a colloidal form

A few years ago a man by the name of Ryan Marcotte
entered the "Body for Life" contest to lose some
weight and gain some muscle. In a twelve week
period he lost 31 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds
of muscle. He also was the runner-up winner in the
Bill Phillips "Body for Life" Contest using Dr.
Young's dietary "COWS" program. He had actually won the
contest but did not receive the first prize and the
$10,000 check because he did not use the "Body for
Life" plan to lose the weight or gain the new
muscle mass. He had found his ultimate success
in losing excess body fat and gaining muscle mass
with the Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Listen and see Ryan Marcotte as he talks about his
experience doing the Young's pH Miracle Living
Lifestyle and Diet plan on the following UTUBE
link: (

Remember, if you want to build muscle you do it
by ingesting chlorophyll, oil, water and salt not
sugar and proteins!

Two last important notes - Ryan used a rotation
exercise program of lifting weights for an hour
3 to 4 days a week and then jogging on the alternative
days for around one hour.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky19. april 2009, 17:15
Du trenger ikke å lime inn masse testemonials. Har han noen vitenskapelige studier på at det å spise klorofyll er bra for blodet? At kroppen i det hele tatt kan omgjøre klorofyll til hemoglobin og hvordan det igjen blir til muskler. Alt uten at man trenger aminosyrer fra kosten.. At han sier at det skjer og prater om blodprøver og leger og alt mulig betyr ingenting om han ikke har data på det som han kan publisere.

Hva mener han med at alle cellene i kroppen kommer fra blod? Mener han gjennom differensiering?

Vet du hva nitrogenbalanse er? Kroppen trenger nitrogen for å kunne lage aminisyrer (de som ikke er essensielle) og kroppen får nitrogen fra aminosyrer som du spiser. For at kroppen skal kunne lage proteiner må den ha aminosyrer og for å lage aminosyrer trenger den nitrogen som den får fra aminosyrer. Kan dette hoppes over med å spise klorofyll, som kroppen gjør om til hemoglobin, som kroppen så kan gjøre om til alle cellene i hele kroppen?

Dessuten tror jeg klorofyll er mer likt heme (en del av hemoglobin) og ikke hemoglobin selv. Kanskje klorofyll kan bli om til heme, men du trenger fortsatt protinet globin for å lage hemoglobin.. og hvor skal du få det proteinet fra?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier19. april 2009, 18:36
Fjollete opplegg. Skikkelig vitenskapelig. Han viser til ett eksempel der EN person har blitt kurert ( so he says) av diabetes. Folk blir kurert av Gud også. Bare fordi noe blir friske av at man trodde på Gud og fikk en "legende" hånd på huet, betyr ikke at det var Gud som kurerte ham. Kanskje det var flaks, kanskje han ikke var syk, kanskje han trodde hardt nok og fikk en god placebo-effekt. Det er tusen muligheter.

Det er en grunn til at Young ikke får publisert "forskningen" sin. Delvis fordi han ikke bruker vitenskapelig metode, og delvis fordi mye av det han sier er totalt feil.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Sigbjørn19. april 2009, 19:52
Sitat fra: ute av drift
Diverse poster
Å poste masse kommentarer du finner rundt omkring på nettet er her meningsløst. Det at det finnes folk som tror på dette beviser ingen verdens ting, jeg kan garantere deg at du kan finne minst like mange testemonials for en eller annen "doktor" som mener å ha kurert AIDS. Så langt har du ikke linket til noe som tyder på at Dr Young driver med noe som helst av seriøs forskning, og det i seg selv sier vel sitt mtp hvor mye du faktisk har funnet om fyren.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist20. april 2009, 19:47
The Body Electric by Dr Robert Young!

"... Magnets work on the same principals as alkalizing - negative and positive polarity, or electrons and protons. Magnets cannot, in of themselves heal, but can cause an increase or decrease in circulation depending upon the polarity used. If you use the positive or proton side of the magnet, you will cause blood to flow to that polarity. The surface charge on red blood cells is negative, and they will be attracted to the positive polarity of the magnet. When blood circulation is improved to a certain area, then healing can take place.

But the big question is this: what is the quality of the blood? This is important because the quality of the blood will determine the quality of the new cells created with the understanding it is blood that becomes muscle, bone and sinew. You can accomplish the same thing and even do it better when you alkalize the body and flush positively charged acids out of the body. So the right water (which is high pH electron-rich alkaline water) will help healing because it serves to maintain the alkaline design of the body.

People are obsessed with food because they are starving for electrical potential which gives the body energy to run. The body runs on converted photons to electrons, not food, but people do not understand this. They think that they need more calories, or that their body runs on sugar. Or they think that the brain runs on sugar. This is far from the truth.

The brain runs on light and energy; the light is called photon energy that is converted into electrons or electricity. The electrical energy transformed from photons comes from green foods and green drinks. Yes, it can also come from the sun as well. But plants adsorb; they adsorb photons into their plant cells (called chlorophyll) where these photons are held by their center atom, magnesium, until they are released into the body through mastication. Bottom line, the body runs on light that is converted to electrons that are carried through our body fluids on a matrix of sodium or salt ions to power every anatomical element that makes up every living cell. Even the genetic matter is powered with light or photon/electrons.

The body needs electrical energy from photons/electrons to operate. Food, magnetic energy, water, air and sun are forms of energy that contain pHotons/electrons that can be converted into electrical potential. We know that the pHotons from sunlight can be converted to electrons and thus provide electrical energy. We also know that pressure, or piezoelectricity, can be converted to electrical energy. The body is electrical and runs on electrons - not calories, carbohydrates, proteins, or fats. We are organized electrical energy including a spiritual energy that interconnects us to the entire universe while having a physical experience.

One of the elements that is essential for the conductivity of electrical energy in the body is salt. This element is just as critical as water, oxygen or sunlight. That is why all of our body fluids are salted with sodium, especially the blood and lymph. Without salt we would die. Without salt, the spiritual matter would separate from the pHysical matter and we would die. Salt is the Savior of our life. It is the glue that holds the physical and the spiritual body's together.

Dis-ease, or so-called diseases, are ALL symptoms of dietary and/or metabolic acids, and the body's lack of electrical energy in eliminating or removing these acids through the four channels of elimination - lungs, bowels, skin and kidneys. Magnetic energy from the earth or from the sun are only two sources of electrical energy for proper organ function and elimination of dietary and/or metabolic acids. The other sources for electrical energy are green food, green drink, alkaline water, nascent oxygen, colloidal sodium and chloride, and mono and polyunsaturated oil.

Keep in mind that when you were born you were 90% alkaline water, 8% oil, 1% protein, and 1% mineral - very little or NO SUGAR! If you want to put out the fire of life, than eat sugar in any form. It is a toxic acidic waste product of fermentation. That's why bananas get sweeter when they are rotting, and why the words, "Diabetes Millitus", mean to melt into sugar. When will people get it into their bowels and head that there is NO SUCH THING as healthy sugar? It matters not the source: honey, agave, stevia, cane, beet, fruit, etc. It is ALL poison to the body!

(Consuming acids) will work to break up congestion, but they will also damage the delicate root system of the small intestine or the intestinal villi. When this happens, the body cannot produce the healthy stem cells (produced in the crypts of the small intestine) that produce healthy erythroblasts that produce healthy blood cells, and then healthy brain and body cells.

What you have here when drinking an acidic beverage are short term benefits with long term serious damage to the intestinal villi which are responsible for producing stem cells. This can only lead to dis-ease. Whether it is horse pee, human pee, beer, coffee, tea, alcohol, sugar, apple juice, pear juice, gogi juice energy drinks, sport drinks, or even orange juice, just to name a few, the impact on the delicate intestinal villi is the same - acid damage to the root system which is responsible for stem cell production and red blood cell production.

Bananas, and any sweet fruit, will negatively change the DNA of anyone in two weeks. I have yet to see the blood of anyone on this planet who is ingesting bananas have a healthy red and white blood cell count. The acid content of a banana is 25%, and it can cause significant damage to the root system of the body, as well as compromise the bowel pH (ideal at 8.4), and ORP (ideal at -150 mV).

After thousands of generations, most people still do not understand the fundamental physiology of the body - the body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. Eating, breathing, and thinking are all acidic and can all make you sick, tired, depressed or fat. There is NO disease and NO death that does not involve acid.

Maintaining alkalinity is the key to a long life. The body is not trying to survive; it is trying to maintain its alkaline design while people are making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices that are making them sick, tired, depressed, fat, too thin, and eventually prematurely dead - physically, emotionally and spiritually!

Long term change can only happen based on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design, and to prevent or reverse any disease, treatment is focused upon re-establishing that alkaline design. This can only be done with your thoughts, your words and your deeds. As it has been said, "faith without works is dead!"... You have to bring the physical body into balance before you can bring the emotional or spiritual body into balance... Dis-ease and so-called disease begins with your thoughts, your words and your deeds. Dis-ease is an expression of lifestyle and dietary choice which is first reflected in the bowels, then in the physical brain, and then in the body. Until you clean up the acidity of the bowels you will never clean up the physical brain. Every treatment that focuses only on the brain will eventually fail!

It is also important to differentiate between the physical brain and what we refer to as the mind - meaning that which connects us to universal energy. The enlightened mind creates a constant integrated awareness of body, sense, mind, intellect and spirit. Much healing comes from the higher consciousness of mind, just as much disease can be created by the preoccupation of the mind dwelling on the powerful negative emotions and addictions of lower consciousness.

It is the small bowel that creates the stem and red blood cells that make brain cells. Your primary brain is in your gut, not your head. Cancer cells are the illusion of unscientific minds. There is no such thing as a cancer cell. There is only healthy and unhealthy blood and body cells; all unhealthy blood and body cells are acidic cells - cells that are spoiling. Remember you do not get old; you mold! There is only one cause of ALL sickness and dis-ease and that is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.

Green foods were given by way of counsel in Genesis, Chapter 1 verses 29 and 30. You will find that the color of the food we are counseled to eat are all green herbs. Drinking green drinks has the highest level of pHotons which are converted in the body to electrons or electrical potential. The pHotons are held within the chlorophyll molecule and converted in the body into electrical energy carried from cell to cell via a saline solution. The evidence of what I am saying is in the blood. Blood does not lie - but people do!

Dis-ease and or so-called disease is not an event; it is a process of acidic lifestyle and dietary choice. You don't get sick; you do sick. Cancer is not a disease you contract. Cancer is a symptom of acidity that you do with acidic lifestyle and dietary choice. One has to be aware on a daily basis that s/he is creating more dietary and/or metabolic acids than the body can buffer and/or eliminate. This is why we age or get old.

To stop the aging process, and to prevent all sickness and dis-ease, you must be conscious of the fact that the body is alkaline by design, and acidic by function. You need to ingest or adsorb more alkalinity to keep up with the constant onslaught of acidity to maintain the body's alkaline design to prevent or slow down the aging process.

I personally drink greens and take alkaline buffers every day to prevent dis-ease and to slow down the aging process. That is why I look like I am fifteen to twenty years younger than my age. But physiologically, I am a teenager. Remember, the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is the blood. You are only as healthy and young as your blood.

The blood does the explaining. I just translate it into English words. For the person who has had a cancerous condition, diabetes, heart dis-ease, or multiple sclerosis, and has reversed these conditions with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet, then results are of utmost importance. People who are sick want to know if the plan works - they really don't care how it works.

You cannot make healthy blood with an acidic polluted bowel full of meat, fruit, dairy, or bread, regardless of your thoughts. In fact, thinking is also acidic. When you think you are consuming energy, and when you consume energy while thinking you are producing acidic toxic waste products. You kill yourself with your acidic lifestyle and diet, and with your acidic thoughts, words and deeds.

Autism is a symptom of the brain that is focused in the small and large bowel. Clear the bowel and restore health to the intestinal villi and you will start building healthy blood cells that will build healthy GI and cranial brain cells. Autism begins in the acidic bowels.

I have found in every case, when a person will begin to re-establish the alkaline design of the body, they start feeling better, and when they start feeling better they start thinking better, and when they start thinking better, they start doing better. They forget their depression, or their suicidal thoughts, and replace them with alkalizing thoughts of life is good, and I want to live and to contribute.

The first law of the Universe is the Law of Duality. The Law of Duality states that there needs to be opposition in all things that we might learn from our experience. The opposite of fear is faith, which I have said stands for the "First Attribute In Thinking Healthy." Fear stands for "False Evidence Appearing Real." When you begin the alkalizing process, cleaning up the bowel, beginning the process of building healthy blood, and then a healthy brain and body, the low self-esteems and unconscious fears vanishes!

There is no dis-ease or so-called disease; there are only various states of balance and imbalance. This is based upon the duality of life. Bringing opposites of protons and electrons, acids and base, enervation and energizes, fear and faith into balance. Bringing your body into alkaline balance can ONLY happen with an alkaline lifestyle and diet I call The pH Miracle - The Lifestyle and Diet for Immortality!

You can easily learn the truth and resonance of the "New Biology," "New Chemistry," "New Nuclear Physics," and the "New Psychology." Dr. Young's next course is June 15th through the 19th in London, England and July 6th through July 31st, in San Diego, California. To enroll go to: (

The science is not complex; it is pure and simple. It's already pretty well explained in my books, my science, and the success in reversing hundreds of thousands of so-called fatal or incurable illnesses. Man makes it complex. There is only one health, and there is only one dis-ease. It is the simple truth!

Another Law of the Universe is "Like attracts Like." Like intelligence attracts like intelligence. Like alkalinity attracts like alkalinity. Acid attracts acid. Hate attracts hate. Love attracts love. Peace attracts peaceful people. We are only connected to the extent of this law.

Living to the age of 100 is not impressive when the ancients lived to 1000 years. People who smoke or drink, or eat acidic and live to age 100 have a better alkaline buffering system and elimination than those who die in their 70's or 80's. It is still not impressive. It is not an exception that someone only lives to 100 when they could live to 1000. It is their ability to manage lifestyle and dietary acid. Few do it well, and most die prematurely.

As a scientist, I could only imagine that someone who had a so-called long life with an acidic lifestyle and diet could have lived much longer, a whole lot healthier, and probably with a better mind and better energy. There are two factors here - the first is the quantity of life, and the second is the quality of life. Living longer without health and fitness is misery. Living life longer with health and fitness is bliss, and it can only happen with an alkaline lifestyle and diet that I call the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet."

Kindest regards and in love and light,

Dr. Robert O. Young


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Boyscout slayer20. april 2009, 19:51
Eh Robert Young er jo så godt som bevist til å være en bedrager, det med at han har jobbet med NASA osv som han påstår er bevist 100% bull. Gg han har kjøpt alle doktorgradene sine fra en eller annen kirke.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus20. april 2009, 20:57
Du er så absolutt ute av drift mann.

Jeg synes det er overmåte fasinerende med folk som lar seg lure av slike kvakksalvere. Det bør ringe noen bjeller når noen postulerer kurer som skal kunne behandle ALT.

Når de først har gått på limpinnen virker det også som om de er umulige å overbevise rasjonelt til å innse at de tar feil. Selv om folk påpeker at teoriene ikke er støttet av noen empiri, at de har kjøpt titlene sine på nettet/fått de utskrevet på tvilsomme institusjoner, at kvakksalverne ikke har dokumentert teoriene/behandlingene sine, at de er irrasjonelle etc, så blir alt dette bortforklart på en eller annen rar måte. Det virker som om enkelte er villige til å kjøpe hva det skal være, bare den som sier det er overbevisende nok!

Det hittill værste tilfellene av denne slags ignoranse ser jeg hos tilhengerne av den tyske kvakksalveren og drapsmistenkte Gerd Ryke Hamer. Han mener selv at han er lege, og har utviklet hva han kaller "den germanske medisin" som skal kunne helberede ALT, og spesielt kreft. Den germanske medisin er en motsetning til den jødiske medisin, som Hamer mener at Sionistene sitter med. De nekter å dele denne jødiske medisinen, fordi de har en plan om å drepe 2 milliarder mennesker. Jødene er også reptiler fra det ytre rom, må vite. Osv osv. Det verste er at disse folka kaster seg over kreftsyke mennesker og ber dem slutte med behandlingen og reise til spania. Cellegift og skolemedisin er det som tar livet av kreftpasienter, sier de. Hamer og CO. antas å stå bak 140+dødsfall i Europa, og tallet på kjente døde i Norge er oppe i 4.

Hvor skal det ende?


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist20. april 2009, 22:09
Du er så absolutt ute av drift mann.

Jeg synes det er overmåte fasinerende med folk som lar seg lure av slike kvakksalvere. Det bør ringe noen bjeller når noen postulerer kurer som skal kunne behandle ALT.

Når de først har gått på limpinnen virker det også som om de er umulige å overbevise rasjonelt til å innse at de tar feil. Selv om folk påpeker at teoriene ikke er støttet av noen empiri, at de har kjøpt titlene sine på nettet/fått de utskrevet på tvilsomme institusjoner, at kvakksalverne ikke har dokumentert teoriene/behandlingene sine, at de er irrasjonelle etc, så blir alt dette bortforklart på en eller annen rar måte. Det virker som om enkelte er villige til å kjøpe hva det skal være, bare den som sier det er overbevisende nok!

Det hittill værste tilfellene av denne slags ignoranse ser jeg hos tilhengerne av den tyske kvakksalveren og drapsmistenkte Gerd Ryke Hamer. Han mener selv at han er lege, og har utviklet hva han kaller "den germanske medisin" som skal kunne helberede ALT, og spesielt kreft. Den germanske medisin er en motsetning til den jødiske medisin, som Hamer mener at Sionistene sitter med. De nekter å dele denne jødiske medisinen, fordi de har en plan om å drepe 2 milliarder mennesker. Jødene er også reptiler fra det ytre rom, må vite. Osv osv. Det verste er at disse folka kaster seg over kreftsyke mennesker og ber dem slutte med behandlingen og reise til spania. Cellegift og skolemedisin er det som tar livet av kreftpasienter, sier de. Hamer og CO. antas å stå bak 140+dødsfall i Europa, og tallet på kjente døde i Norge er oppe i 4.

Hvor skal det ende?


Cellegift tar jo livet av mennesker.. det er jo sant det.. Get you facts straight!!
Medisin er den 4 største årsaken til Død i verden!! Du er visst hjernevasket av legemiddelindustrien as!!

Uansett, blodet lyver aldri..  Dr young sine metoder virker, det kan han bevise med blodprøver, før og etter behandling. Tilslutt er det jo resultatene som teller, results are king!!! Og han får resultater!!!
Dr robert young har foretatt blodanalyser på over 30,000 mennesker , og har hjulpet flere tusenvis av mennesker som hadde såkalte uhelbredelige sykdommer, til å bli kvitt dem og gjennopprettet optimal helse..

Når legemiddelindustrien ikke lengre har syke folk å selge medisiner til så vil de tape massevis av penger. De er avhengige av at vi er syke, og fortsetter og bli syk i fremtiden .
Du har hørt uttrykket " no pain, no gain ", det er akkurat hva den industrien handler om, no pain for oss mennesker, no gain for deres økonomi.
Med dette i tankene, så vil legemiddelindustrien ty til alle mulige midler for at oss mennesker ikke skal vite hvordan vi kan holde oss friske på the natural way .
Legemiddelindustrien er korrupt, and that`s a fact!! Se dokumentaren big pharma big bucks eller making a killing for mer info!!!
Medisin dekker over symptomer, men tar seg ikke av selveste årsaken til sykdommen.
Hvis det er hull i båten, ska du fortsette og kaste ut vannet som kommer inn i båten eller skal du faktisk tette selve hullet vannet kommer inn fra???

Burrhus, hvis du senere i livet utvikler en forferdelig sykdom og finner ut at de metodene du benytter deg av da ikke virker, husk Dr young og sine råd.

De berømte franske mikrobejegerne Antonie Bèshamp og Louis Pasteur hadde hver sin oppfattning av bakterier. Bèshamp mente at miljøet i kroppen forårsaket bakterienes skadevirkninger. Pasteur så kun på bakterier og satset alt på å utrydde dem for å kurere sykdom.

Historien kjenner vi. Pasteur sin bakterieteori vant, og følgelig er medisinsk behandling i dag brannslukning og en kamp mot isolerte symptomer.

På sitt dødsleie skal dog Pasteur ha uttalt:
«Bèshamp hadde rett, bakterien er ingenting, miljøet er alt!!!

Til og med Pasteur som var den som kom med bakterieteorien sa at Beshamp hadde rett!!

Dr robert O Young for president sier bare jeg!!!

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky20. april 2009, 22:20
Finnes det noe data på disse 30000 blodprøvene? Hvis metodene hans faktisk fungerer, så er det ikke noe problem for han å starte et forskningsprosjekt og publisere dataene.

Jeg har googlet litt og ser at det står han har forsket kjempemasse.. men jeg greier ikke å finne ett eneste publisert verk fra han. Før noen kan finne det, så blir alt dette bare tomsnakk..

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus20. april 2009, 22:54
Cellegift tar jo livet av mennesker.. det er jo sant det.. Get you facts straight!!
Medisin er den 4 største årsaken til Død i verden!! Du er visst hjernevasket av legemiddelindustrien as!!

Javel. Hvor har du dette fra?

Uansett, blodet lyver aldri..  Dr young sine metoder virker, det kan han bevise med blodprøver, før og etter behandling. Tilslutt er det jo resultatene som teller, results are king!!! Og han får resultater!!!
Dr robert young har foretatt blodanalyser på over 30,000 mennesker , og har hjulpet flere tusenvis av mennesker som hadde såkalte uhelbredelige sykdommer, til å bli kvitt dem og gjennopprettet optimal helse..

Javel. Kunne du lagt ut en link til studiene som viser at det funker? De 30000 altså.

Når legemiddelindustrien ikke lengre har syke folk å selge medisiner til så vil de tape massevis av penger. De er avhengige av at vi er syke, og fortsetter og bli syk i fremtiden .
Du har hørt uttrykket " no pain, no gain ", det er akkurat hva den industrien handler om, no pain for oss mennesker, no gain for deres økonomi.
Med dette i tankene, så vil legemiddelindustrien ty til alle mulige midler for at oss mennesker ikke skal vite hvordan vi kan holde oss friske på the natural way .
Legemiddelindustrien er korrupt, and that`s a fact!! Se dokumentaren big pharma big bucks eller making a killing for mer info!!!
Medisin dekker over symptomer, men tar seg ikke av selveste årsaken til sykdommen.
Hvis det er hull i båten, ska du fortsette og kaste ut vannet som kommer inn i båten eller skal du faktisk tette selve hullet vannet kommer inn fra???

Dette er alternativ mumbo-jumbo på sitt verste. Tror du virkelig ikke at en person som fant ut en medisin som kurerte en sykdom kom til å bli stein hakke rik? Er det fordi at vi ønsker å holde folk syke at den gjennomsnittlige levetiden er tilnærmet fordoblet, og at vi har derfor vi har utryddet tuberkolose og meslinger?

Burrhus, hvis du senere i livet utvikler en forferdelig sykdom og finner ut at de metodene du benytter deg av da ikke virker, husk Dr young og sine råd.

De kommer jeg nok til å legge i samme søppelbøtta som Gerd Ryke Hamer, blodtypedietten, akupunktur, homeopati m.m. Dr. Young er en kvakksalver, og sånn kommer det alltid til å være.

De berømte franske mikrobejegerne Antonie Bèshamp og Louis Pasteur hadde hver sin oppfattning av bakterier. Bèshamp mente at miljøet i kroppen forårsaket bakterienes skadevirkninger. Pasteur så kun på bakterier og satset alt på å utrydde dem for å kurere sykdom.

Historien kjenner vi. Pasteur sin bakterieteori vant, og følgelig er medisinsk behandling i dag brannslukning og en kamp mot isolerte symptomer.

På sitt dødsleie skal dog Pasteur ha uttalt:
«Bèshamp hadde rett, bakterien er ingenting, miljøet er alt!!!

Til og med Pasteur som var den som kom med bakterieteorien sa at Beshamp hadde rett!!

Dr robert O Young for president sier bare jeg!!!

Er dette en gang ett argument? At noen mente at han tok feil på dødsleiet sier ingenting om kredibiliteten hans.

Ta deg en bolle


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist20. april 2009, 23:02
Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist20. april 2009, 23:25
Death by Medicine
By Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD
Something is wrong when regulatory agencies pretend that vitamins are dangerous, yet ignore published statistics showing that government-sanctioned medicine is the real hazard.

Until now, Life Extension could cite only isolated statistics to make its case about the dangers of conventional medicine. No one had ever analyzed and combined ALL of the published literature dealing with injuries and deaths caused by government-protected medicine. That has now changed.

A group of researchers meticulously reviewed the statistical evidence and their findings are absolutely shocking.4 These researchers have authored a paper titled “Death by Medicine” that presents compelling evidence that today’s system frequently causes more harm than good.

This fully referenced report shows the number of people having in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to be 2.2 million per year. The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections is 20 million per year. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million per year. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million per year.

The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.5) (

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: UpAndComming21. april 2009, 07:01
Sory mate, men når han som står bak den siden der er, og jeg siterer fra siten: "Bill Faloon is not a medical doctor. This fact is important to emphasize because Bill’s “think-outside-the-box” approach to disease prevention and treatment varies considerably from the mainstream. A review of what Bill Faloon and the Life Extension Foundation have accomplished over the past 29 years reveals just how badly conventional medicine lags behind Life Extension’s scientific advances."

Da begynner jeg å se et mønster her...

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 08:16
Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness

Ikke spesielt overbevisende, med mindre du mangler kritisk sans og litt kunnskap om sykdom. Du faller gang på gang for autoritetsappell mann. Det at mennesker står i en hvit legefrakk og forteller deg noe, betyr ikke at de er leger.

Og. Det hun sier kan virke lurt, men faller totalt igjennom. For eksempel mener hun at grunnen til at mennesker som går på psykofarmaka bruker det så lenge, er at medisinen er vanskelig å slutte med. Mesteparten av psykofarmakaen brukes for å dempe de kraftigste symptomene i sykdommene dvs: angst, tunge depresjoner, hallusinasjoner etc. Hvis man slutter før man blir frisk, vil man kunne risikere tilbakefall, noe de færreste ønsker. Dessuten er psykiatriske sykdommer ikke sammenlignbart med forkjølelser eller andre forgjengelige sykdommer. Tunge psykisk sykedommer varer lenge, ofte over flere år, og det er derfor man bruker medisinene så lenge. Er man syk lenge, må man bruke medisin lengre.

Siden du er så tilbakeholdende med å legge frem Hr. Youngs bevis for hvorfor han skulle ha rett, så sjekka jeg litt rundt. Det nærmeste jeg kom en forskningsartikkel var dette: ( Det der er så lite medisisk bevist som du kan få det. Her har du en haug med tekst og et bilde av en lykkelig familie. Wow. Kjempebra. Tror du ikke Dr. Young ville ha blitt tilbudt Nobelprisen i Medisin hvis han hadde en kur for diabetes?

Og apropos tjene penger. Har du sett den menyen til venstre der? Mannen selger bokser med avokado til 270 kr + frakt, mengder av latterlige kosttilskudd og 3-dagers alkaliserende opphold til over 20000 kr. Hvem andre er det som selger harmløse, ikke-virkende produkter til ågerpris? Kvakksalvere. Kvakksalvere og Kvakksalvere. Har du hørt om slangeolje? (


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 16:24
Gjør ka dere vil, husk blodet lyger aldri.. Jeg stoler på blodanalyser!!
Og du burrhus, jeg tror hun ex pharmasøyten har litt mer peiling enn deg og hva du tror!! HUn har 15 år i bransjen før hun valgte å si opp jobben sin. Legemiddelindustrien er korrupt, de publiserer studier men tilbakeholder informasjon om alle skadene ved bruk av medisinene. De betaler leger til å skrive under med navnet sitt på papirene, mens de selv har utformet skrivet etter deres ønsker, selv om alt er helt total misledene og feil.  Det er er så mange eksempler du kan finne.. Se dokumentaren big pharma big bucks, der har du leger, ex pharmasøyter, kjemikere, fysikere osv som forteller sannheten!!

Jaja vi har alle ansvar for egen helse, dere kan gjøre det på deres måte mens jeg på den måten jeg velger å følge. La oss alle møte hverandre om 20 år og sjekke ut helsetilstanden vår, så tar vi en liten sammenligning... Gleder meg  ::biggrin::

Dr Young for president!!!

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier21. april 2009, 16:41
Gjør ka dere vil, husk blodet lyger aldri.. Jeg stoler på blodanalyser!!
Og du burrhus, jeg tror hun ex pharmasøyten har litt mer peiling enn deg og hva du tror!! HUn har 15 år i bransjen før hun valgte å si opp jobben sin. Legemiddelindustrien er korrupt, de publiserer studier men tilbakeholder informasjon om alle skadene ved bruk av medisinene. De betaler leger til å skrive under med navnet sitt på papirene, mens de selv har utformet skrivet etter deres ønsker, selv om alt er helt total misledene og feil.  Det er er så mange eksempler du kan finne.. Se dokumentaren big pharma big bucks, der har du leger, ex pharmasøyter, kjemikere, fysikere osv som forteller sannheten!!

Jaja vi har alle ansvar for egen helse, dere kan gjøre det på deres måte mens jeg på den måten jeg velger å følge. La oss alle møte hverandre om 20 år og sjekke ut helsetilstanden vår, så tar vi en liten sammenligning... Gleder meg  ::biggrin::

Dr Young for president!!!

Ofte kan man bare se på hva slags mennesker slike kvakksalvere tiltrekker. DEG for eksempel. Språk som en fjortizz og kritisk sans som ei hore. Du får slå deg sammen med Hanzimann i "allmektige Gud"-tråden og starte opp for dere selv. Ring TV3 og si at dere har en idè til et realityshow, og pang dere er rike. Jeg hadde i hvert fall sett på et program om dere to! Hadde vært L.Æ.T.T.I.S.! :D

"Dr." Robert O. Young lacks legitimate credentials. A recent e-mail response to a query addressed to the Web address of Robert O. Young, co-author of The Ph Miracle, indicated that he does not have a graduate degree from a school accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. According to the sender, Young's credentials include: "M.S. Nutrition" (1993); "D.Sc. Science" (1995); "Ph.D., Nutrition" (1997); and "N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor" (1999). All were issued by the American Holistic College of Nutrition in Birmingham Alabama, which is a nonaccredited correspondence school.(1)
National council against health freud

In 1995, Young allegedly drew blood from two women, told them they were ill, and then sold them herbal products to treat these illnesses. He was charged with two third-degree felonies, but pled guilty to a reduced misdemeanor charge of attempting to practice medicine without a license.[9][1] In 2001, Young was again charged with a felony in Utah, after a woman suffering from cancer alleged that he told her to stop chemotherapy and use one of his products to treat her cancer instead. Subsequently, when an undercover agent visited Young, he allegedly analyzed her blood and prescribed a liquid diet.(2)

1. National council against health freud
2. Wikipedia

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier21. april 2009, 16:52
"Dr robert young har foretatt blodanalyser på over 30,000 mennesker , og har hjulpet flere tusenvis av mennesker som hadde såkalte uhelbredelige sykdommer, til å bli kvitt dem og gjennopprettet optimal helse"..

Dette sier du i denne tråden, mens i "proteiner bygger ikke muskler-tråden" sier du dette:

"Men dr young har vært med på å ta forskningen et steg videre, og har utført over 15000 blod analyser... Fyren er nok ekte, og dedikert."

Så han har altså utført over 15000 blodanalyser på noen måneder? Imponerende!

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Egil Skallagrimsson21. april 2009, 17:21
Jeg liker de runde tallene!
Hvis han bare hadde kunnet komme med 1 bevist, vitenskapelig understøttet og dokumentert helbredelse av kreft, så holder det i massevis...

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 17:25
Gjør ka dere vil, husk blodet lyger aldri.. Jeg stoler på blodanalyser!!
Og du burrhus, jeg tror hun ex pharmasøyten har litt mer peiling enn deg og hva du tror!! HUn har 15 år i bransjen før hun valgte å si opp jobben sin. Legemiddelindustrien er korrupt, de publiserer studier men tilbakeholder informasjon om alle skadene ved bruk av medisinene. De betaler leger til å skrive under med navnet sitt på papirene, mens de selv har utformet skrivet etter deres ønsker, selv om alt er helt total misledene og feil.  Det er er så mange eksempler du kan finne.. Se dokumentaren big pharma big bucks, der har du leger, ex pharmasøyter, kjemikere, fysikere osv som forteller sannheten!!

Du må forstå det at fordi folk sier at de er ditt og datt, så betyr ikke det at de er det. Og hvis hun er farmasøyt, hvordan kjenner hun til disse påståtte sammenhengene? Hvis de er basert på egne observasjoner er de lite verdt. Hvis de er basert på ting hun har hørt fra andre er de lite verdt. Det hun sier er generelt lite verdt fordi hun ikke har noen bevis. Påstander som de hun kommer med må rotfestes i virkeligheten med uomtvistelige bevis. Det er de ikke. Det er bare tull og fanteri, og kvakksalveri for å lure penger ut av henda på lettlurte narrer som deg. Beklager. Du tar disse folka seriøst (som innebærer at du forkaster store deler av dagens vitenskapelige kunnskap) bare fordi de kaller deg dr.ditt og datt og snakker masse store ord om tullball iført hvite frakker! Det hjelper ikke å stå ved et mikroskop iført et fett glis hvis du ikke kan dokumentere påstandene dine...

Åsså du mener at den lille snutten der skal "bevise" at hele legemiddelindustrien er korrupt og farlig? Da er mer på jordet enn jeg trodde. Dessuten har du ikke besvart spørsmålet mitt om hvor jeg finner bevisene for at det funker? Hvor er resultatene fra disse tusenene med helberedelser?Jeg er helt sikker på at de ikke finnes, hva tror du?

Jaja vi har alle ansvar for egen helse, dere kan gjøre det på deres måte mens jeg på den måten jeg velger å følge. La oss alle møte hverandre om 20 år og sjekke ut helsetilstanden vår, så tar vi en liten sammenligning... Gleder meg  ::biggrin::

Jeg håper for din egen del at du velger å stole på legestanden hvis du, eller noen du kjenner blir syke. Alt annet ville være u-etisk og idiotisk.


Dr Young for president!!!

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 17:27
Jeg liker de runde tallene!
Hvis han bare hadde kunnet komme med 1 bevist, vitenskapelig understøttet og dokumentert helbredelse av kreft, så holder det i massevis...

Nettopp! Eller ét dokumentert eksempel på at NOE av det han sier har rot i virkeligheten.

Det er så latterlig at jeg har lyst til å grine. Føler du deg korrumpert etter nyreoperasjonen eller?


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Egil Skallagrimsson21. april 2009, 17:32
Nettopp! Eller ét dokumentert eksempel på at NOE av det han sier har rot i virkeligheten.

Det er så latterlig at jeg har lyst til å grine. Føler du deg korrumpert etter nyreoperasjonen eller?

Jeg føler meg svindlet nå ja, når det viser seg at alt kunne vært fikset uten operasjon bare man hadde hatt kontroll på kosten... og Ph'en... *ler*

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: UpAndComming21. april 2009, 17:39
Gjør ka dere vil, husk blodet lyger aldri.. Jeg stoler på blodanalyser!!

Kan jeg få se en slik analyse? :)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 17:52
Jeez. Denne hjemmesida ( er jo helt latterlig. Hele siden dreier seg om tull du kan kjøpe. Til latterlige priser selfølgelig.

Bl.a en ( . Her selger han et elektrolyseapparat (husker dere naturfagen fra videregående?) til nærmere 9000 kroner. Du kan oppnå akkurat det samme til kr null hjemme.

Eller hva med en trampoline med stativ til kroner 2000? (



Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Egil Skallagrimsson21. april 2009, 18:04
The World's First Medically Documented Cure of Type I Diabetes.
Type I Diabetes Cure

Click here to read the details.

Og så er det enda et døvt testimonial...ingen medisinsk dokumentasjon... Svada fra ende til annen. Skjønner ikke at folk enda tror på kvakksalvere.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky21. april 2009, 18:26
Elektrolyseappart til å bruke på drikkevannet til 9000? kjøper folk det? wow.. tror jeg har funnet meg et nytt yrke.. finnes det ikke en master i dette et eller annet sted?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 18:32
"Tester ut ny vaksine
Haukeland sykehus søker prøvekaniner til verdenspremieren på en ny vaksine mot fugleinfluensa. " (

Burrhus og co, kan ikke dere stikke innom å være prøvekaniner for dette da?? Moderne medisin er jo tingen deres...  Dere stoler vel på denne vaksinen ikke sant???

Lykke til!!! ::smile::

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: HHHH21. april 2009, 18:36
"Tester ut ny vaksine
Haukeland sykehus søker prøvekaniner til verdenspremieren på en ny vaksine mot fugleinfluensa. " (

Burrhus og co, kan ikke dere stikke innom å være prøvekaniner for dette da?? Moderne medisin er jo tingen deres...  Dere stoler vel på denne vaksinen ikke sant???

Lykke til!!! ::smile::

Jeg tror på at verden og kunnskapen går inkrementelt fremover, og er ikke dum nok til å kritisere noe før jeg har forstått det.

Shoot me up doc!

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 18:50
Til Karky, her kan du se hvordan det fungerer med alkaline ionized water..
Skal kjøpe meg det snart  ::biggrin::

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 18:53
Jeg tror på at verden og kunnskapen går inkrementelt fremover, og er ikke dum nok til å kritisere noe før jeg har forstått det.

Shoot me up doc!

Ja, det e greit, men du må vite to sider av saken før du kan forstå det helt, fordi det er ikke like trygt som du kanskje tror..

Sjekk ut Vaccine Nation på Youtube, hele dokumentaren vises der:

Full playlist her :

Link : (

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 18:53
"Tester ut ny vaksine
Haukeland sykehus søker prøvekaniner til verdenspremieren på en ny vaksine mot fugleinfluensa. " (

Burrhus og co, kan ikke dere stikke innom å være prøvekaniner for dette da?? Moderne medisin er jo tingen deres...  Dere stoler vel på denne vaksinen ikke sant???

Lykke til!!! ::smile::

Du vet ikke et dugg om kliniske prøver av nye medisiner. Bergen blir desverre for langt unna for meg, men det er likevel helt ufarlig. Kan du ikke følge opp saken da å se hvor langt du kommer med konspirasjonsteoriene dine.

Uansett, hvor er bevisene på at Young har rett? Hvor er forskningen? For er resultatene?


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 18:56
Og forresten, hvos du er så opptatt av å drikke svært basiske drikkevarer kan du jo helle neppå litt lut:D


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky21. april 2009, 19:02
Sier Robert noe om hva som skjer om man får i seg for mye alkaniserende stoffer?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 19:03
Ja, det e greit, men du må vite to sider av saken før du kan forstå det helt, fordi det er ikke like trygt som du kanskje tror..

Sjekk ut Vaccine Nation på Youtube, hele dokumentaren vises der:

Full playlist her :

Link : (

Å hærrregud, kommer du med autisme-vaksinebløffen? Dette er så latterlig!!! Barn får autisme omtrent samtidig som de får sine første vaksiner. Det må jo være en sammenheng? Nei. Det er ingen annen sammenheng enn at alderen for utbrudd av autisme og da de får vaksinene er den samme. Get real! (

    Methodology/Principal Findings

    The objective of this case-control study was to determine whether children with GI disturbances and autism are more likely than children with GI disturbances alone to have MV RNA and/or inflammation in bowel tissues and if autism and/or GI episode onset relate temporally to receipt of MMR. The sample was an age-matched group of US children undergoing clinically-indicated ileocolonoscopy. Ileal and cecal tissues from 25 children with autism and GI disturbances and 13 children with GI disturbances alone (controls) were evaluated by real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR for presence of MV RNA in three laboratories blinded to diagnosis, including one wherein the original findings suggesting a link between MV and ASD were reported. The temporal order of onset of GI episodes and autism relative to timing of MMR administration was examined. We found no differences between case and control groups in the presence of MV RNA in ileum and cecum. Results were consistent across the three laboratory sites. GI symptom and autism onset were unrelated to MMR timing. Eighty-eight percent of ASD cases had behavioral regression.


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:13
Du vet ikke et dugg om kliniske prøver av nye medisiner. Bergen blir desverre for langt unna for meg, men det er likevel helt ufarlig. Kan du ikke følge opp saken da å se hvor langt du kommer med konspirasjonsteoriene dine.

Uansett, hvor er bevisene på at Young har rett? Hvor er forskningen? For er resultatene?


Du hakke så mye peiling selv, du er jo helt hjernevasket!!
Du har ikke to sider av saken mann..  Vit begge før du sier noe.. (

Shocking Documentary Will Convince You to Stay Away From Vaccines For Good (

Nytteløs BCG-vaksine
Du stålsatte deg trolig forgjeves da du fikk den beryktede BCG-vaksinen på ungdomskolen. (

Small-pox Mortality and Vaccination (

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:15
"Worst coverup in the history of the military", SECRET SHOTS

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:18
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:22
For the Pro-Vaccine people - read this if you dare - Eugenics at its best (

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:25
VG Nett) Antallet innrapporterte bivirkninger fra medisiner økte kraftig i 2008.

123 nordmenn døde av bivirkninger i fjor (

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:28
Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Coverup

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:38
Dr. Boyd Haley is a professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. In this interview, Dr. Haley discusses mercury toxicity as a causal factor in Autism. He also discusses the two primary sources of mercury toxicity: vaccines & dental amalgams.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Sgt.21. april 2009, 19:40
Lol, ingen bryr seg! Mentoren din er en bedrager!

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 19:41
How Mercury Kills the Brain ~ Autism

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky21. april 2009, 19:48 ( (

jeg kan fortsette..

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist21. april 2009, 20:09
Nå har jeg ivertfall informert dere om alternativet... Lev som dere vil, men husk det finnes hjelp hvis dere har prøvd alt og funnet ut at det faktisk ikke funker...  Håper dere alle oppnår optimal helse, det fortjener vi alle...  Jeg velger å følger beshamp og dr robert O young sine råd, og vil oppnå optimal helse og energi!!

Vi snakkes  ::biggrin::

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Egil Skallagrimsson21. april 2009, 20:24

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Burrhus21. april 2009, 20:37

Du hakke så mye peiling selv, du er jo helt hjernevasket!!
Du har ikke to sider av saken mann..  Vit begge før du sier noe.. (

Shocking Documentary Will Convince You to Stay Away From Vaccines For Good (

Nytteløs BCG-vaksine
Du stålsatte deg trolig forgjeves da du fikk den beryktede BCG-vaksinen på ungdomskolen. (

Small-pox Mortality and Vaccination (

Dette handler ikke om å se to sider av en sak, men å vite hva som er sant. Den eneste måte å finne ut om vaksiner forårsaker autisme er å bruke vitenskapelige metoder, og disse viser at det ikke stemmer. Studien som "fant" linken i sin tid er nå blitt replikert og ingen link er funnet Det er en konspirasjonsteori som stammer fra et bullshitstudie kombinert med mediahype, ingenting annet. Kombinert har dette ført til det første utbruddet av meslinger i Storbritannia siden vaksinen kom på slutten av 60-tallet. Meslinger tar livet av 125000 mennesker verden rundt hvert år, spesielt i u-land.

Her er studien som debunker hele hypen: (

Her er noen kommentarer: ( ( ( (


Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: UpAndComming21. april 2009, 20:57
Kan jeg få se en slik analyse? :)

KJipt å måtte sitere seg selv, men alt jeg vil se er én blodanalyse. :)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier21. april 2009, 21:50
Foreslår at vi lar denne tråden ligge egentlig. Trådstarter er tydlig personlighetsforstyrret. Bare se på måten han fremlegger sin sak på. Jeg har bare hørt liknende når uintelligente fanatisk religiøse skal fronte sin sak. Total mangel på selvinnsikt, kunnskaper og åpenhet. Han har tydligvis bestemt seg for at dette er riktig, og jo mer vi sier det motsatte, jo mer vil han tro, på trass.
Det beste vi kan gjøre for hans skyld er å la ham være i fred.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist22. april 2009, 23:37
Understanding Colloid Chemistry- Vital for Good Health

I feel that a terrible mistake is made in all our medical schools today, by not teaching colloid chemistry to all medical students. They are taught inorganic chemistry which is the chemistry of all elements (dead things) other than carbon and their compounds and they are taught organic chemistry which is the chemistry of the compounds of carbon (live things), and biochemistry which is the study of the specific molecular basis of life, but very little is taught about colloid chemistry which is what the body fluids are all about -- the behavior of the dissolved solids and colloids in all our body fluids. As I've already mentioned, most physicians are so ignorant concerning colloidal chemistry that they cannot even give you a clear definition of what a colloid is. This is tragic. Without an understanding as to how these colloids or dissolved solids behave in our body fluids, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY PHYSICIAN TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE MECHANISMS OF MANY DISEASE STATES AS WELL AS HOW TO TREAT THEM. This is one of the main reasons that medical students today are taught to treat symptoms of diseases with drugs and chemicals instead of being taught to treat the cause of the disease.

let me simply explain about what is happening with the cations and anions in all our body fluids, but with emphasis on the blood. When one is in good health and homeostasis and usually when a person is born, each liter (1,000 cc or slightly more than a quart) of blood contains approximately 2/3 anions and 1/3 cations. However, due to the pollution of our water, the polluted air we breathe, the chemicals and preservatives in the food we eat and the excessive amounts of prescription and nonprescription drugs and medications most people ingest, this ratio has reversed in most people to the point that most of us have about 2/3 cations and 1/3 anions in our blood.

Chemicals and Drugs You Take - Critical

The pharmaceutical and drug companies are making billions of dollars annually in selling over the counter and prescription drugs and medications. Most all the pain medications, antihistamines, cough medicines, antacids, and indigestion drugs, diarrhea medications, laxatives, sleeping pills, not to mention tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs, are primarily cationic in nature and when ingested, also serve to increase the excessive burden of cations in our blood and body fluid systems. It seems we are in a Catch 22 situation because the more drugs and chemicals we take in the sicker we become, which to most people simply calls for more drugs and chemicals to treat the symptoms, and we then begin to develop even more serious illness requiring more drugs. One must not forget that drugs and chemicals of all kinds are foreign to our bodies and only add severe stress to our already stressed-out systems, but they cause an excessive burden on the organs of elimination, suppress the immune system and severely compromise the imbalance of cations and anions in our blood, which in turn prevents maximum efficiency of all body processes throughout. Our health then suffers. No wonder the chronic degenerative diseases are increasing every year and the drug companies and many health practitioners keep getting richer and richer while unsuspecting citizens get sicker and sicker.

The Food You Eat - Critical

Probably the worse source of polluting cations in our blood and body is from our polluted food chain. All the ingredients added to our foods to make them look good, taste good, easy and convenient to prepare and all preservatives added to give longer shelf life, are cationic in nature and critically compromise the overburden of cations in our blood. In fact, at last count, there are over 60,000 different colorings, flavorings, preservatives, taste enhancers, emulsifiers, texture balancers and a multitude of other types of food additives that serve to increase the cationic imbalance in our blood and body systems. The processing of these foods alone, in addition to poisoning with cationic additives, only serves to make these foods deficient in vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. Many people today are eating only processed foods, so no wonder America is sick. If you are following this same pattern, then you are going to get sicker unless you take your health into your own hands and do something about your health. Unfortunately, most people do not have anywhere to turn to for advice because most physicians know very little about nutrition. They know even less about cations, anions, and colloidal chemistry, and the health of America continues to suffer, degenerative diseases increase, the pharmaceutical and drug companies and most doctors get richer and the cost of health care keeps sky rocketing.

What a dilemma!

The question now arises as to why these excessive cations are so dangerous in causing disease and why the depleted anions are protective and prevent the development of many disease conditions. When one does an indepth study of colloids and colloidal chemistry and the behavior of these dissolved solids in our blood, one quickly learns that there are known and proven laws of behavior that regulate and control the actions of these dissolved particles of cations and anions. There are proven laws concerning Zeta Potential, Vander-Waal-London forces, specific conductance, surface tension, steric hindrance, surfactants, electrophoresis, anion gap, homeostasis, intravascular coagulation and other processes that are vitally important in controlling the behavior of these dissolved solids in our blood. It would take a full length textbook to explain what actually happens and why it happens in our blood when we reach the point of having excessive cations dominate our fluid systems.

Hopefully a very simplified explanation will suffice to help you get an idea of what is happening in your blood when overburdened with excess cations. Cations are sticky in nature and you can imagine sticky substances in your blood trying to flow through your arteries and capillaries. A good portion of these sticky substances are going to stick to the lining of your blood vessels and this can build up over a period of time. (Could this be the actual cause of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries?) These sticky cations will stick to the formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) and they in turn will have a tendency to not only stick together (agglomerate) but also to stick to the blood vessel walls or lining. All of these sticky processes will finally terminate in a condition of electrolyte imbalance and intravascular coagulation where your organs and tissues cannot receive the proper nutrients (even if your diet has made them available), nor can the cells and tissues properly rid themselves of the cell products of waste metabolism. This results in a severe deterioration of cellular function and degeneration sets in. I've made a list of 64 different disease states where the above processes are playing a vital role in causing or aggravating these disease conditions. It's also been shown scientifically that heavy metal cations such as lead, mercury, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and beryllium, are the absolute worst cations to initiate this intravascular coagulation. Our foods that are sticky are the high cation foods. All sweets and desserts, all processed foods (with additives of cations) like white flour foods, macaroni, spaghetti, pizza, chips and dips, most cereals, canned fruits, and all fatty red meats, but especially pork should be avoided as they are highly cationic. There are unprocessed foods like oatmeal and fresh fruits that are sticky and they have high cations but they also have high amounts of anions to balance them.

The anionic foods are all the green foods, yellow foods, and slicky foods. If any vegetable is green, yellow, or slicky, it is high in the good anions. You can cut a cucumber and on rubbing it, the slickiness is felt. The same holds true for squash, okra, broccoli, spinach, greens, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, as well as all the fresh green leafy vegetables. Yellow vegetables like squash, lemons, sweet potatoes, bananas or pumpkins, etc. are also highly anionic. The anions in the blood are slicky and all the formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) have a built in preference to have the anions coat their surfaces instead of cations, as well as the endothelial cells (lining) of our blood vessels. With adequate anions in the blood, you will find no intravascular coagulation (clumping or agglutination) and the circulation is greatly enhanced as those slicky cells slide quickly and easily through all our blood vessels and capillaries without clumping, and nutrients are efficiently delivered to the cells and tissues, and waste products from cellular metabolism are quickly removed from their source and carried to the excretory organs for proper elimination very efficiently. A person who has the proper amounts of the slicky anions will seldom be seen suffering from any of the 64 diseases listed.


I want you to understand that the above subject and discussion is totally unknown, much less understood by 99% of the practicing physicians and health practitioners today. They haven't been taught colloidal chemistry and most doctors do not even understand the language of colloidal chemistry, much less comprehend the laws or principles involved in the forces that regulate the behavior of these dissolved solids (colloids) that our body fluids are composed of. So they will not even understand what I'm talking about and in all likelihood will ridicule, criticize, or scoff at the previous discussion because, human nature being what it is, I've learned that a law of human nature that usually applies is "if they are not up on it, they are down on it." (No one likes to admit their ignorance). Any honest and sincere physician reading this brochure will be compelled to call me to try to learn more about this vital subject in order to better treat their patients. The doubters and those that criticize this information are simply uninformed and ignorant (and maybe stupid), concerning these principles because there are basic laws concerning dissolved solids in the body fluids that work in certain ways under various conditions that I did not invent or make up or even discover, but these laws operate every day in our body fluids that control the behavior of these colloids. When we violate the laws we must suffer the consequences and our health deteriorates.

My goal in life is to find the TRUTH concerning my personal, professional and religious life, and I've tried to pass on these truths to you, my patient, in order to ensure that you attain better health. The previous discussion on colloids and dissolved solids in our body fluids are not my invention or conclusions. I'm not intelligent enough to figure out or to tie together all the processes involved because I am not a chemist, even though I have made an indepth study on colloid chemistry principles. Numerous other physicians, chemists and scientists have made the discoveries and I have simply tired to help organize and tie these vital principles and laws together so that my patients can get well faster. I want no credit and deserve none for any discoveries or information produced in this brochure, but I have been able to help organize the ideas and principles into a format that will benefit my patients and help anyone who applies these principles and ideas to maintain superior health. I've never claimed to know everything and never will, but when I see the health of my patients improve by applying the ideas and principles recommended in this brochure, I feel obligated to share this information with anyone, physician or patient, who desires to achieve better health. These principles work and will enable you, if applied, to achieve the best of health for yourself and your family.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist23. april 2009, 00:58
"Nobody on the planet, nobody in the history of the
world, nobody on the horizon, nobody ever, has sat
at a microscope for over a 30 year period and looked
at people's live and dry blood, maybe 15 times in 45
days, and meanwhile, between sessions, adjusted,
modified, calibrated and tweaked the person's food
and drink intake. Nobody except one man -
Dr. Robert O. Young. By the time you've looked at
500,000 blood slides, you pretty much know what
you're talking about. Add to that the approximately
100% of people who get better and reverse their serious
diseases like cancer when they follow his protocol, and
you've got something to talk about."
- Dr. Patrick Sobota

DR ROBERT O YOUNG ER EN SANN HELT!!!   ::biggrin:: ::biggrin:: ::biggrin::

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Egil Skallagrimsson23. april 2009, 09:15
Du kødder med oss, ikke sant?
Du tror virkelig ikke på denne tegneseriefiguren?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: darker23. april 2009, 09:46
Trist at alle behandler deg slik Dr Robert O Young sin apprentice, vi vet jo begge at om det ligger på så er det sant. Venter spent på artikkel om dette i neste hjemmet, se og hør e.l.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Sigbjørn23. april 2009, 16:42
Du kødder med oss, ikke sant?
Du tror virkelig ikke på denne tegneseriefiguren?
Kan umulig være annet enn kødd. Han virka seriøs først, men tror rett og slett ikke det er mulig å være så på jordet som han er nå.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Boyscout slayer23. april 2009, 20:19
Så mye tid som han har brukt på innleggene, så er han syk i hode uansett om han kødder eller ikke.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Karky23. april 2009, 20:32
Så mye tid som han har brukt på innleggene, så er han syk i hode uansett om han kødder eller ikke.

copy paste tar ikke så lang tid :P

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Unknown_Soldier23. april 2009, 20:37
Nei, nettop. Tviler på at crazien egentlig leser så veldig mye av det som står i de innleggene han copy/paster. Hadde han gjort det så ville han nok ha forstått at det bare var bøff. Eller, ved videre ettertanke, så krever jo det intelligens over orangutang-nivå..så maybe not :)

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist24. april 2009, 02:56

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Mr Melk24. april 2009, 02:59
Du fant ikke et litt mindre heterofilt bilde?

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist24. april 2009, 21:23
Drinking Alkaline Water in the Treatment of Disease

Processed food, polluted air, polluted water, carcinogenic pharmaceuticals, mental stress... just some of the components of an overly acidic body.

One of the main functions of the body is to rid itself of harmful acidic waste products (toxins). But, with the accumulation of acidic waste from polluted air, water, and food, combined with the normal toxins created by the metabolic processes of the human body, we are finding it harder and harder to maintain the proper pH balance for health.

Independent researchers have been concluding for years (although the FDA loves to ignore these findings) that one way to help rid the body of harmful acidic waste is through the consumption of electron rich alkaline water. Now, with the help of new water technology (refer to our book the The pH Miracle for Weight Loss), it is possible to have healthy electron rich alkaline water... right from your own tap. With the invention of the water ionizer comes a new dawn in the fight against over-toxicity of the human body. We have used a water ionizer in our home for years, and we hope that you will discover the benefits for yourself.

For more information on the health benefits of ionized electron rich
alkaline water visit our website at: (

The following our several scientific research papers on the benefits of ionized electron rich alkaline water!Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
1997 May 8;234(1):269-74.
Shirahata S, Kabayama S, Nakano M, Miura T, Kusumoto K, Gotoh M, Hayashi H, Otsubo K, Morisawa S, Katakura Y. Institute of Cellular Regulation Technology, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive
oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be 'active hydrogen'. 'Active hydrogen' can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-2 produced by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XOD) system in
sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving, but was lost by opened autoclaving or by closed autoclaving in the presence of tungsten trioxide which efficiently adsorbs active atomic hydrogen.

Water bubbled with hydrogen gas exhibited low DO, extremely high DH and extremely low RP values, as does reduced water, but it has no SOD-like activity. These results suggest that the SOD-like activity of reduced water is not due to the dissolved molecular hydrogen but due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water, as well as catalase and ascorbic acid, could directly scavenge H2O2.

Reduced water suppresses single-strand breakage of DNA b active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.- and H2O2, but also 1O2 and .OH.
PMID: 9169001 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The mechanism of the enhanced antioxidant effects against superoxide anion radicals of reduced water produced by electrolysis.
Biophys Chem. 2004
Jan 1;107(1):71-82.
Hanaoka K, Sun D, Lawrence R, Kamitani Y, Fernandes G. Bio-REDOX Laboratory Inc. 1187-4, Oaza-Ueda, Ueda-shi, Nagano-ken 386-0001,

We reported that reduced water produced by electrolysis enhanced the antioxidant effects of proton donors such as ascorbic acid (AsA) in a previous paper. We also demonstrated that reduced water produced by electrolysis of 2 mM NaCl solutions did not show antioxidant effects by itself. We reasoned that the enhancement of antioxidant effects may be due to the increase of the ionic product of water as solvent. The ionic product of water (pKw) was estimated by measurements of pH and by a neutralization titration method. As an indicator of oxidative damage, Reactive Oxygen Species- (ROS) mediated DNA strand breaks were measured by the conversion of supercoiled phiX-174 RF I double-strand DNA to open and linear forms. Reduced water had a tendency to suppress single-strand breakage of DNA induced by reactive oxygen species produced by H2O2/Cu (II) and HQ/Cu (II) systems. The enhancement of superoxide anion radical dismutation activity can be explained by changes in the ionic product of water in the reduced water.

PMID: 14871602 [PubMed - in process]
Comparison of electrolyzed oxidizing water with various antimicrobial
interventions to reduce Salmonella species on poultry.
Poult Sci.
2002 Oct;81(10):1598-605.
Fabrizio KA, Sharma RR, Demirci A, Cutter CN.
Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
16802, USA.

Foodborne pathogens in cell suspensions or attached to surfaces can be reduced by electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water; however, the use of EO water against pathogens associated with poultry has not been explored. In this study, acidic EO water [EO-A; pH 2.6, chlorine (CL) 20 to 50 ppm, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of 1,150 mV], basic EO water (EO-B; pH 11.6, ORP of -795 mV), CL, ozonated water (OZ), acetic acid (AA), or trisodium phosphate (TSP) was applied to broiler carcasses inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and submerged (4 C, 45 min), spray-washed (85 psi, 25 C, 15 s), or subjected to multiple interventions (EO-B spray, immersed in EO-A; AA or TSP spray, immersed in CL). Remaining bacterial populations were determined and compared at Day 0 and 7 of aerobic, refrigerated storage. At Day 0, submersion in TSP and AA reduced ST 1.41 log10, whereas EO-A water reduced ST approximately 0.86 log10.

After 7 d of storage, EO-A water, OZ, TSP, and AA reduced ST, with detection only after selective enrichment. Spray-washing treatments with any of the compounds did not reduce ST at Day 0. After 7 d of storage, TSP, AA, and EO-A water reduced ST 2.17, 2.31, and 1.06 log10, respectively. ST was reduced 2.11 log10 immediately following the multiple interventions, 3.81 log10 after 7 d of storage. Although effective against ST, TSP and AA are costly and adversely affect the environment. This study demonstrates that EO water can reduce ST on poultry surfaces following extended refrigerated storage.

PMID: 12412930 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Treatment of Escherichia coli (O157:H7) inoculated alfalfa seeds and sprouts with electrolyzed oxidizing water.
Int J Food Microbiol.
2003 Sep 15;86(3):231-7.

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA.

Electrolyzed oxidizing water is a relatively new concept that has been utilized in agriculture, livestock management, medical sterilization, and food sanitation. Electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water generated by passing sodium chloride solution through an EO water generator was used to treat alfalfa seeds and sprouts inoculated with a five-strain cocktail of nalidixic acid resistant Escherichia coli O157:H7. EO water had a pH of 2.6, an oxidation-reduction potential of 1150 mV and about 50 ppm free chlorine. The percentage reduction in bacterial load was determined for reaction times of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 min. Mechanical agitation was done while treating the seeds at different time intervals to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Since E. coli O157:H7 was released due to soaking during treatment, the initial counts on seeds and sprouts were determined by soaking the contaminated seeds/sprouts in 0.1% peptone water for a period equivalent to treatment time. The samples were then pummeled in 0.1% peptone water and spread plated on tryptic soy agar with 5 microg/ml of nalidixic acid (TSAN). Results showed that there were reductions between 38.2% and 97.1% (0.22-1.56 log(10) CFU/g) in the bacterial load of treated seeds. The reductions for sprouts were between 91.1% and 99.8% (1.05-2.72 log(10) CFU/g). An increase in treatment time increased the percentage reduction of E. coli O157:H7. However, germination of the treated seeds reduced from 92% to 49% as amperage to make EO water and soaking time increased. EO water did not cause any visible damage to the sprouts.

PMID: 12915034 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Inactivation of Escherichia coli (O157:H7) and Listeria monocytogenes on plastic kitchen cutting boards by electrolyzed oxidizing water.
Venkitanarayanan KS, Ezeike GO, Hung YC, Doyle MP.
Department of Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs 06269, USA.

One milliliter of culture containing a five-strain mixture of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (approximately 10(10) CFU) was inoculated on a 100-cm2 area marked on unscarred cutting boards. Following inoculation, the boards were air-dried under a laminar flow hood for 1 h, immersed in 2 liters of electrolyzed oxidizing water or sterile deionized water at 23 degrees C or 35 degrees C for 10 or 20 min; 45 degrees C for 5 or 10 min; or 55 degrees C for 5 min. After each temperature-time combination, the surviving population of the pathogen on cutting boards and in soaking water was determined. Soaking of inoculated cutting boards in electrolyzed oxidizing water reduced E. coli O157:H7 populations by > or = 5.0 log CFU/100 cm2 on cutting boards. However, immersion of cutting boards in deionized water decreased the pathogen count only by 1.0 to 1.5 log CFU/100 cm2. Treatment of cutting boards inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes in electrolyzed oxidizing water at selected temperature-time combinations (23 degrees C for 20 min, 35 degrees C for 10 min, and 45 degrees C for 10 min) substantially reduced the populations of L. monocytogenes in comparison to the counts recovered from the boards immersed in deionized water. E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes were not detected in electrolyzed oxidizing water after soaking treatment, whereas the pathogens survived in the deionized water used for soaking the cutting boards. This study revealed that immersion of kitchen cutting boards in electrolyzed oxidizing water could be used as an effective method for inactivating foodborne pathogens on smooth, plastic cutting boards.

PMID: 10456736 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The bactericidal effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water on bacterial strains involved in hospital infections.
Vorobjeva NV, Vorobjeva LI, Khodjaev EY.
Artif Organs.
2004 Jun;28(6):590-2.

Department of Physiology of Microorganisms, Biology Faculty, Moscow State University, Lenin Hills 1/12, Moscow 119992, Russia.

The study is designed to investigate bactericidal actions of electrolyzed
oxidizing water on hospital infections. Ten of the most common opportunistic pathogens are used for this study. Cultures are inoculated in 4.5 mL of electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water or 4.5 mL of sterile deionized water (control), and incubated for 0, 0.5, and 5 min at room temperature. At the exposure time of 30 s the EO water completely inactivates all of the bacterial strains, with the exception of vegetative cells and spores of bacilli which need 5 min to be killed. The results indicate that electrolyzed oxidizing water may be a useful disinfectant for hospital infections, but its clinical application has still to be evaluated.

PMID: 15153153 [PubMed - in process]
Effect of electrolyzed oxidizing water and hydrocolloid occlusive dressings on excised burn-wounds in rats.
Chin J Traumatol.
2003 Aug 1;6(4):234-7.
Xin H, Zheng YJ, Hajime N, Han ZG.
Department of Thoracic Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Jilin 130031, China.

OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW) and hydrocolloid occlusive dressings in the acceleration of epithelialization in excised burn-wounds in rats. METHODS: Each of the anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats (n=28) was subjected to a third-degree burn that covered approximately 10% of the total body surface area. Rats were assigned into four groups: Group I (no irrigation), Group II (irrigation with physiologic saline), Group III (irrigation with EOW) and Group IV (hydrocolloid occlusive dressing after EOW irrigation). Wounds were observed macroscopically until complete epithelialization was present, then the epithelialized wounds were examined microscopically. RESULTS: Healing of the burn wounds was the fastest in Group IV treated with hydrocolloid occlusive dressing together with EOW. Although extensive regenerative epidermis was seen in each Group, the proliferations of lymphocytes and macrophages associated with dense collagen deposition were more extensive in Group II, III and IV than in Group I. These findings were particularly evident in Group III and IV. CONCLUSIONS: Wound Healing may be accelerated by applying a hydrocolloid occlusive dressing on burn surfaces after they are cleaned with EOW.

PMID: 12857518 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Effect of electrolyzed water on wound healing.
Artif Organs.
2000 Dec;24(12):984-7.
Yahagi N, Kono M, Kitahara M, Ohmura A, Sumita O, Hashimoto T, Hori K, Ning-Juan C, Woodson P, Kubota S, Murakami A, Takamoto S.
Department of Anesthesiology, Teikyo University Mizonokuchi Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.

Electrolyzed water accelerated the healing of full-thickness cutaneous wounds in rats, but only anode chamber water (acid pH or neutralized) was effective. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), also produced by electrolysis, was ineffective, suggesting that these types of electrolyzed water enhance wound healing by a mechanism unrelated to the well-known antibacterial action of HOCl. One possibility is that reactive oxygen species, shown to be electron spin resonance spectra present in anode chamber water, might trigger early wound healing through fibroblast migration and proliferation.

PMID: 11121980 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Decomposition of ethylene, a flower-senescence hormone, with
electrolyzed anode water.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.
2003 Apr;67(4):790-6.
Harada K, Yasui K.
Department of Research and Development, Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., 2-1 Tsuishikari, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 067-0033, Japan.

Electrolyzed anode water (EAW) markedly extended the vase life of cut carnation flowers. Therefore, a flower-senescence hormone involving ethylene decomposition by EAW with potassium chloride as an electrolyte was investigated. Ethylene was added externally to EAW, and the reaction between ethylen and the available chlorine in EAW was examined. EAW had a low pH value (2.5), a high concentration of dissolved oxygen, and extremely high redox potential (19.2 mg/l and 1323 mV, respectively) when available chlorine was at a concentration of about 620 microns. The addition of ethylene to EAW led to ethylene decomposition, and an equimolar amount of ethylene chlorohydrine with available chlorine was produced. The ethylene chlorohydrine production was greatly affected by the pH value (pH 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 were tested), and was faster in an acidic solution. Ethylene chlorohydrine was not produced after ethylene had been added to EAW at pH 2.6 when available chlorine was absent, but was produced after potassium hypochlorite had been added to such EAW. The effect of the pH value of EAW on the vase life of cut carnations was compatible with the decomposition rate of ethylene in EAW of the same pH value. These results suggest that the effect of EAW on the vase life of cut carnations was due to the decomposition of ethylene to ethylene chlorohydrine by chlorine from chlorine compounds.

PMID: 12784619 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria
Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, Head of Kuninaka Hospital
"Too many fats in the diets, which lead to the deposition of cholesterol on the blood vessels, which in turn constrict the blood flow, cause most illnesses such as high blood pressure. In accordance with the theory of Professor Gato of Kyushu University on Vitamin K (because vitamin K enables the blood calcium to increase ), or the consumption of more antioxidant water, the effectiveness of the increase in the calcium in high blood pressure is most significant. The consumption of alkaline antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, I have observed the blood pressure slowly drop, due to the water's solvent ability, which dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels."
Use of Ionized water for gynecological conditions
Prof. Watanabe Ifao, Watanabe Hospital

"Ionized alklaine antioxidant water improves body constituents and ensures effective healing to many illnesses. The uses of antioxidant water in gynecological patients have proved to be very effective. The main reason for its effectiveness is that this water can neutralize toxins. When given antioxidant water to pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, the results are most significant. During my long years of servicing the pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, I found that the women with pre-eclamptic toxemia who consumed antioxidant water tend to deliver healthier babies with stronger muscles. A survey report carried out on babies in this group showed intelligence above average."
Toxin Neutralization
Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

"In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability neutralizes
toxins, but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicine can only apply to each and individual case, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured.

The patient was a 35 years old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment.

During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times. He had undergone high tech examinations such as angiogram by injecting VINYL via the vein into the heart. He consulted and sought treatment from many good doctors where later he underwent a major surgical operation. Upon his discharge from the hospital, he quit his job to convalesce. However, each time when his illness relapsed, the attack seemed to be even more severe.

Last year, in August, his relatives were in despair and expected he would not live much longer. It so happened at that time that the victim's relative came across antioxidant water processor. His illness responded well and he is now on the road to recovery."

(In the United States, cardiovascular diseases account for more than one-half of the approximate 2 million deaths occurring each year.... It is estimated that optimal conditioning of drinking water could reduce this cardiovascular disease mortality rate by as much as 15 percent in the United States)

From: Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977
Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center

"Eczema is used to describe several varieties of skin conditions, which have a number of common features. The exact cause or causes of eczema are not fully understood. I many cases, eczema can be attributed by external irritants.

Let me introduce a patient who recovered from skin disease after consuming the antioxidant water. This patient suffered 10 years of eczema and could not be cured effectively even under specialist treatment. This patient, who is 70 years of age, is the president of a vehicle spare parts company. After the war, his lower limbs suffered
acute eczema, which later became chronic. He was repeatedly treated in a specialist skin hospital.

The left limb responded well to treatment, but not so on the right limb. He suffered severe itchiness, which, when scratched led to bleeding. During the last 10 years, he was seen and treated by many doctors. When I first examined him, his lower limb around the joints was covered with vesicles. Weeping occurred owing to serum exuding from the vesicles.
I advised him to try consuming antioxidant water. He bought a unit and consumed the antioxidant water religiously and used the acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks of treatment the vesicles dried up. The eczema was completely cleared without any relapse after 1½ month."
Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga, Head of Kuninaka Hospital

"Mr. Yamada, the head of Police Research Institute, suffered from severe
allergy. He was treated repeatedly by skin specialist, but with no success. Then he started consuming antioxidant water. The allergy responded very well and was soon completely cured. No relapse had occurred, although he had taken all kinds of food. He was most grateful and excited about this treatment.

As for myself, I had also suffered severe allergy. Ever since I began to consume antioxidant water, the allergy has recovered. Since then, I started a research on the effectiveness of antioxidant water. I discovered that most allergies are due to acidification of body condition and is also related to consuming too much meat and sugar. In every allergy case, the patient's antioxidant minerals are excessively low which in turn lower the body resistance significantly. The body becomes overly sensitive and develops allergy easily. To stabilize the sensitivity, calcium solution in injected into the vein. Therefore, it is clear that the antioxidant water has ionic calcium, which can help alleviate allergy. The ionic calcium not only enhances the heart, urination, and
neutralization of toxins but controls acidity. It also enhances the digestive system and liver function. This will promote natural healing power and hence increase its resistance to allergy. In some special cases of illness, which do not respond to drugs, it is found, it is found to respond well to antioxidant water."
Digestive Problems
Prof. Kogure Keizou, Kogure Clinic of Juntendo Hospital

"The stomach is readily upset both by diseases affecting the stomach and by other general illnesses. In addition, any nervous tension or anxiety frequently causes gastric upset, vague symptoms when This information is under some strain.

The important role of antioxidant water in our stomach is to neutralize the secretion and strengthen it s functions. Usually, after consuming the antioxidant water for 1 to 3 minutes, the gastric juice increase to 1½ times.

For those suffering from hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria ( low in gastric juice) the presence of antioxidant water will stimulate the stomach cells to secrete more gastric juice. This in turn enhances digestion and absorption of minerals.

However, on the other hand, those with hyperchlorhydria ( high in gastric juice), the antioxidant water neutralizes the excessive gastric juice. Hence, it does not create any adverse reaction.

According to the medical lecturer from Maeba University, the pH of the gastric secretion will still remain normal when antioxidant water is consumed. This proves that the ability of the antioxidant water is able to neutralize as well as to stimulate the secretion."
Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

"When I was serving in the Fire Insurance Association, I used to examine many diabetic patients. Besides treating them with drugs, I provided them with antioxidant water. After drinking antioxidant water for one month, 15 diabetic patients were selected and sent to Tokyo University for further test and observations.

Initially, the more serious patients were a bit apprehensive about the
treatment. When the antioxidant water was consumed for some time, the sugar in the blood and urine ranged from a ratio of 300 mg/l to 2 mg /dc. There was a time where the patient had undergone 5 to 6 blood tests a day and detected to be within normal range. Results also showed that even 1 ½ hour after meals, the blood sugar and urine ratio was 100 mg/dc: 0 mg/dc . The sugar in the urine has completely disappeared."


More Americans than ever before are suffering from diabetes, with the number of new cases averaging almost 800,000 each year. The disease has steadily increased in the United States since 1980, and in 1998, 16 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes (10.3 million diagnosed; 5.4 million undiagnosed).

Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and more than 193,000 died from the disease and its related complication in 1996. ................... The greatest increase - 76 percent - occurred in people age 30 to 30. ....

From: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, October 13, 2000 Fact Sheet.
Use of Ionized water in treating Acidosis
Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital,
Faitama District

"Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese.

The degree of "burn-out" in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.

Nowadays, many people suffer from acidification that leads to diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, live and kidney diseases. If our food intake can be completely burned off, then there is no deposition of fats. Obviously, there will be no acidification problem and hence there should not be any sign of obesity.

The antioxidant water contains an abundance of ionic calcium. This ionic calcium helps in the "burn-off" process. By drinking antioxidant water, it provides sufficient minerals for our body. As a result, we do not need to watch our diet to stay slim.

Hence, antioxidant water is a savior for those suffering from obesity and many adult diseases, providing good assistance in enhancing good health."

ph Miracle Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: JanB Diddl etc24. april 2009, 21:28
Drinking Alkaline Water in the Treatment of Disease

Processed food, polluted air, polluted water, carcinogenic pharmaceuticals, mental stress... just some of the components of an overly acidic body.

One of the main functions of the body is to rid itself of harmful acidic waste products (toxins). But, with the accumulation of acidic waste from polluted air, water, and food, combined with the normal toxins created by the metabolic processes of the human body, we are finding it harder and harder to maintain the proper pH balance for health.

Independent researchers have been concluding for years (although the FDA loves to ignore these findings) that one way to help rid the body of harmful acidic waste is through the consumption of electron rich alkaline water. Now, with the help of new water technology (refer to our book the The pH Miracle for Weight Loss), it is possible to have healthy electron rich alkaline water... right from your own tap. With the invention of the water ionizer comes a new dawn in the fight against over-toxicity of the human body. We have used a water ionizer in our home for years, and we hope that you will discover the benefits for yourself.

For more information on the health benefits of ionized electron rich
alkaline water visit our website at: (

The following our several scientific research papers on the benefits of ionized electron rich alkaline water!Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
1997 May 8;234(1):269-74.
Shirahata S, Kabayama S, Nakano M, Miura T, Kusumoto K, Gotoh M, Hayashi H, Otsubo K, Morisawa S, Katakura Y. Institute of Cellular Regulation Technology, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive
oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be 'active hydrogen'. 'Active hydrogen' can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-2 produced by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XOD) system in
sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving, but was lost by opened autoclaving or by closed autoclaving in the presence of tungsten trioxide which efficiently adsorbs active atomic hydrogen.

Water bubbled with hydrogen gas exhibited low DO, extremely high DH and extremely low RP values, as does reduced water, but it has no SOD-like activity. These results suggest that the SOD-like activity of reduced water is not due to the dissolved molecular hydrogen but due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water, as well as catalase and ascorbic acid, could directly scavenge H2O2.

Reduced water suppresses single-strand breakage of DNA b active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.- and H2O2, but also 1O2 and .OH.
PMID: 9169001 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The mechanism of the enhanced antioxidant effects against superoxide anion radicals of reduced water produced by electrolysis.
Biophys Chem. 2004
Jan 1;107(1):71-82.
Hanaoka K, Sun D, Lawrence R, Kamitani Y, Fernandes G. Bio-REDOX Laboratory Inc. 1187-4, Oaza-Ueda, Ueda-shi, Nagano-ken 386-0001,

We reported that reduced water produced by electrolysis enhanced the antioxidant effects of proton donors such as ascorbic acid (AsA) in a previous paper. We also demonstrated that reduced water produced by electrolysis of 2 mM NaCl solutions did not show antioxidant effects by itself. We reasoned that the enhancement of antioxidant effects may be due to the increase of the ionic product of water as solvent. The ionic product of water (pKw) was estimated by measurements of pH and by a neutralization titration method. As an indicator of oxidative damage, Reactive Oxygen Species- (ROS) mediated DNA strand breaks were measured by the conversion of supercoiled phiX-174 RF I double-strand DNA to open and linear forms. Reduced water had a tendency to suppress single-strand breakage of DNA induced by reactive oxygen species produced by H2O2/Cu (II) and HQ/Cu (II) systems. The enhancement of superoxide anion radical dismutation activity can be explained by changes in the ionic product of water in the reduced water.

PMID: 14871602 [PubMed - in process]
Comparison of electrolyzed oxidizing water with various antimicrobial
interventions to reduce Salmonella species on poultry.
Poult Sci.
2002 Oct;81(10):1598-605.
Fabrizio KA, Sharma RR, Demirci A, Cutter CN.
Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
16802, USA.

Foodborne pathogens in cell suspensions or attached to surfaces can be reduced by electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water; however, the use of EO water against pathogens associated with poultry has not been explored. In this study, acidic EO water [EO-A; pH 2.6, chlorine (CL) 20 to 50 ppm, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of 1,150 mV], basic EO water (EO-B; pH 11.6, ORP of -795 mV), CL, ozonated water (OZ), acetic acid (AA), or trisodium phosphate (TSP) was applied to broiler carcasses inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and submerged (4 C, 45 min), spray-washed (85 psi, 25 C, 15 s), or subjected to multiple interventions (EO-B spray, immersed in EO-A; AA or TSP spray, immersed in CL). Remaining bacterial populations were determined and compared at Day 0 and 7 of aerobic, refrigerated storage. At Day 0, submersion in TSP and AA reduced ST 1.41 log10, whereas EO-A water reduced ST approximately 0.86 log10.

After 7 d of storage, EO-A water, OZ, TSP, and AA reduced ST, with detection only after selective enrichment. Spray-washing treatments with any of the compounds did not reduce ST at Day 0. After 7 d of storage, TSP, AA, and EO-A water reduced ST 2.17, 2.31, and 1.06 log10, respectively. ST was reduced 2.11 log10 immediately following the multiple interventions, 3.81 log10 after 7 d of storage. Although effective against ST, TSP and AA are costly and adversely affect the environment. This study demonstrates that EO water can reduce ST on poultry surfaces following extended refrigerated storage.

PMID: 12412930 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Treatment of Escherichia coli (O157:H7) inoculated alfalfa seeds and sprouts with electrolyzed oxidizing water.
Int J Food Microbiol.
2003 Sep 15;86(3):231-7.

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA.

Electrolyzed oxidizing water is a relatively new concept that has been utilized in agriculture, livestock management, medical sterilization, and food sanitation. Electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water generated by passing sodium chloride solution through an EO water generator was used to treat alfalfa seeds and sprouts inoculated with a five-strain cocktail of nalidixic acid resistant Escherichia coli O157:H7. EO water had a pH of 2.6, an oxidation-reduction potential of 1150 mV and about 50 ppm free chlorine. The percentage reduction in bacterial load was determined for reaction times of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 min. Mechanical agitation was done while treating the seeds at different time intervals to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Since E. coli O157:H7 was released due to soaking during treatment, the initial counts on seeds and sprouts were determined by soaking the contaminated seeds/sprouts in 0.1% peptone water for a period equivalent to treatment time. The samples were then pummeled in 0.1% peptone water and spread plated on tryptic soy agar with 5 microg/ml of nalidixic acid (TSAN). Results showed that there were reductions between 38.2% and 97.1% (0.22-1.56 log(10) CFU/g) in the bacterial load of treated seeds. The reductions for sprouts were between 91.1% and 99.8% (1.05-2.72 log(10) CFU/g). An increase in treatment time increased the percentage reduction of E. coli O157:H7. However, germination of the treated seeds reduced from 92% to 49% as amperage to make EO water and soaking time increased. EO water did not cause any visible damage to the sprouts.

PMID: 12915034 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Inactivation of Escherichia coli (O157:H7) and Listeria monocytogenes on plastic kitchen cutting boards by electrolyzed oxidizing water.
Venkitanarayanan KS, Ezeike GO, Hung YC, Doyle MP.
Department of Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs 06269, USA.

One milliliter of culture containing a five-strain mixture of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (approximately 10(10) CFU) was inoculated on a 100-cm2 area marked on unscarred cutting boards. Following inoculation, the boards were air-dried under a laminar flow hood for 1 h, immersed in 2 liters of electrolyzed oxidizing water or sterile deionized water at 23 degrees C or 35 degrees C for 10 or 20 min; 45 degrees C for 5 or 10 min; or 55 degrees C for 5 min. After each temperature-time combination, the surviving population of the pathogen on cutting boards and in soaking water was determined. Soaking of inoculated cutting boards in electrolyzed oxidizing water reduced E. coli O157:H7 populations by > or = 5.0 log CFU/100 cm2 on cutting boards. However, immersion of cutting boards in deionized water decreased the pathogen count only by 1.0 to 1.5 log CFU/100 cm2. Treatment of cutting boards inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes in electrolyzed oxidizing water at selected temperature-time combinations (23 degrees C for 20 min, 35 degrees C for 10 min, and 45 degrees C for 10 min) substantially reduced the populations of L. monocytogenes in comparison to the counts recovered from the boards immersed in deionized water. E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes were not detected in electrolyzed oxidizing water after soaking treatment, whereas the pathogens survived in the deionized water used for soaking the cutting boards. This study revealed that immersion of kitchen cutting boards in electrolyzed oxidizing water could be used as an effective method for inactivating foodborne pathogens on smooth, plastic cutting boards.

PMID: 10456736 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The bactericidal effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water on bacterial strains involved in hospital infections.
Vorobjeva NV, Vorobjeva LI, Khodjaev EY.
Artif Organs.
2004 Jun;28(6):590-2.

Department of Physiology of Microorganisms, Biology Faculty, Moscow State University, Lenin Hills 1/12, Moscow 119992, Russia.

The study is designed to investigate bactericidal actions of electrolyzed
oxidizing water on hospital infections. Ten of the most common opportunistic pathogens are used for this study. Cultures are inoculated in 4.5 mL of electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water or 4.5 mL of sterile deionized water (control), and incubated for 0, 0.5, and 5 min at room temperature. At the exposure time of 30 s the EO water completely inactivates all of the bacterial strains, with the exception of vegetative cells and spores of bacilli which need 5 min to be killed. The results indicate that electrolyzed oxidizing water may be a useful disinfectant for hospital infections, but its clinical application has still to be evaluated.

PMID: 15153153 [PubMed - in process]
Effect of electrolyzed oxidizing water and hydrocolloid occlusive dressings on excised burn-wounds in rats.
Chin J Traumatol.
2003 Aug 1;6(4):234-7.
Xin H, Zheng YJ, Hajime N, Han ZG.
Department of Thoracic Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Jilin 130031, China.

OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW) and hydrocolloid occlusive dressings in the acceleration of epithelialization in excised burn-wounds in rats. METHODS: Each of the anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats (n=28) was subjected to a third-degree burn that covered approximately 10% of the total body surface area. Rats were assigned into four groups: Group I (no irrigation), Group II (irrigation with physiologic saline), Group III (irrigation with EOW) and Group IV (hydrocolloid occlusive dressing after EOW irrigation). Wounds were observed macroscopically until complete epithelialization was present, then the epithelialized wounds were examined microscopically. RESULTS: Healing of the burn wounds was the fastest in Group IV treated with hydrocolloid occlusive dressing together with EOW. Although extensive regenerative epidermis was seen in each Group, the proliferations of lymphocytes and macrophages associated with dense collagen deposition were more extensive in Group II, III and IV than in Group I. These findings were particularly evident in Group III and IV. CONCLUSIONS: Wound Healing may be accelerated by applying a hydrocolloid occlusive dressing on burn surfaces after they are cleaned with EOW.

PMID: 12857518 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Effect of electrolyzed water on wound healing.
Artif Organs.
2000 Dec;24(12):984-7.
Yahagi N, Kono M, Kitahara M, Ohmura A, Sumita O, Hashimoto T, Hori K, Ning-Juan C, Woodson P, Kubota S, Murakami A, Takamoto S.
Department of Anesthesiology, Teikyo University Mizonokuchi Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.

Electrolyzed water accelerated the healing of full-thickness cutaneous wounds in rats, but only anode chamber water (acid pH or neutralized) was effective. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), also produced by electrolysis, was ineffective, suggesting that these types of electrolyzed water enhance wound healing by a mechanism unrelated to the well-known antibacterial action of HOCl. One possibility is that reactive oxygen species, shown to be electron spin resonance spectra present in anode chamber water, might trigger early wound healing through fibroblast migration and proliferation.

PMID: 11121980 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Decomposition of ethylene, a flower-senescence hormone, with
electrolyzed anode water.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.
2003 Apr;67(4):790-6.
Harada K, Yasui K.
Department of Research and Development, Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., 2-1 Tsuishikari, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 067-0033, Japan.

Electrolyzed anode water (EAW) markedly extended the vase life of cut carnation flowers. Therefore, a flower-senescence hormone involving ethylene decomposition by EAW with potassium chloride as an electrolyte was investigated. Ethylene was added externally to EAW, and the reaction between ethylen and the available chlorine in EAW was examined. EAW had a low pH value (2.5), a high concentration of dissolved oxygen, and extremely high redox potential (19.2 mg/l and 1323 mV, respectively) when available chlorine was at a concentration of about 620 microns. The addition of ethylene to EAW led to ethylene decomposition, and an equimolar amount of ethylene chlorohydrine with available chlorine was produced. The ethylene chlorohydrine production was greatly affected by the pH value (pH 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 were tested), and was faster in an acidic solution. Ethylene chlorohydrine was not produced after ethylene had been added to EAW at pH 2.6 when available chlorine was absent, but was produced after potassium hypochlorite had been added to such EAW. The effect of the pH value of EAW on the vase life of cut carnations was compatible with the decomposition rate of ethylene in EAW of the same pH value. These results suggest that the effect of EAW on the vase life of cut carnations was due to the decomposition of ethylene to ethylene chlorohydrine by chlorine from chlorine compounds.

PMID: 12784619 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria
Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, Head of Kuninaka Hospital
"Too many fats in the diets, which lead to the deposition of cholesterol on the blood vessels, which in turn constrict the blood flow, cause most illnesses such as high blood pressure. In accordance with the theory of Professor Gato of Kyushu University on Vitamin K (because vitamin K enables the blood calcium to increase ), or the consumption of more antioxidant water, the effectiveness of the increase in the calcium in high blood pressure is most significant. The consumption of alkaline antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, I have observed the blood pressure slowly drop, due to the water's solvent ability, which dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels."
Use of Ionized water for gynecological conditions
Prof. Watanabe Ifao, Watanabe Hospital

"Ionized alklaine antioxidant water improves body constituents and ensures effective healing to many illnesses. The uses of antioxidant water in gynecological patients have proved to be very effective. The main reason for its effectiveness is that this water can neutralize toxins. When given antioxidant water to pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, the results are most significant. During my long years of servicing the pre-eclamptic toxemia cases, I found that the women with pre-eclamptic toxemia who consumed antioxidant water tend to deliver healthier babies with stronger muscles. A survey report carried out on babies in this group showed intelligence above average."
Toxin Neutralization
Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

"In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability neutralizes
toxins, but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicine can only apply to each and individual case, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured.

The patient was a 35 years old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment.

During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times. He had undergone high tech examinations such as angiogram by injecting VINYL via the vein into the heart. He consulted and sought treatment from many good doctors where later he underwent a major surgical operation. Upon his discharge from the hospital, he quit his job to convalesce. However, each time when his illness relapsed, the attack seemed to be even more severe.

Last year, in August, his relatives were in despair and expected he would not live much longer. It so happened at that time that the victim's relative came across antioxidant water processor. His illness responded well and he is now on the road to recovery."

(In the United States, cardiovascular diseases account for more than one-half of the approximate 2 million deaths occurring each year.... It is estimated that optimal conditioning of drinking water could reduce this cardiovascular disease mortality rate by as much as 15 percent in the United States)

From: Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977
Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center

"Eczema is used to describe several varieties of skin conditions, which have a number of common features. The exact cause or causes of eczema are not fully understood. I many cases, eczema can be attributed by external irritants.

Let me introduce a patient who recovered from skin disease after consuming the antioxidant water. This patient suffered 10 years of eczema and could not be cured effectively even under specialist treatment. This patient, who is 70 years of age, is the president of a vehicle spare parts company. After the war, his lower limbs suffered
acute eczema, which later became chronic. He was repeatedly treated in a specialist skin hospital.

The left limb responded well to treatment, but not so on the right limb. He suffered severe itchiness, which, when scratched led to bleeding. During the last 10 years, he was seen and treated by many doctors. When I first examined him, his lower limb around the joints was covered with vesicles. Weeping occurred owing to serum exuding from the vesicles.
I advised him to try consuming antioxidant water. He bought a unit and consumed the antioxidant water religiously and used the acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks of treatment the vesicles dried up. The eczema was completely cleared without any relapse after 1½ month."
Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga, Head of Kuninaka Hospital

"Mr. Yamada, the head of Police Research Institute, suffered from severe
allergy. He was treated repeatedly by skin specialist, but with no success. Then he started consuming antioxidant water. The allergy responded very well and was soon completely cured. No relapse had occurred, although he had taken all kinds of food. He was most grateful and excited about this treatment.

As for myself, I had also suffered severe allergy. Ever since I began to consume antioxidant water, the allergy has recovered. Since then, I started a research on the effectiveness of antioxidant water. I discovered that most allergies are due to acidification of body condition and is also related to consuming too much meat and sugar. In every allergy case, the patient's antioxidant minerals are excessively low which in turn lower the body resistance significantly. The body becomes overly sensitive and develops allergy easily. To stabilize the sensitivity, calcium solution in injected into the vein. Therefore, it is clear that the antioxidant water has ionic calcium, which can help alleviate allergy. The ionic calcium not only enhances the heart, urination, and
neutralization of toxins but controls acidity. It also enhances the digestive system and liver function. This will promote natural healing power and hence increase its resistance to allergy. In some special cases of illness, which do not respond to drugs, it is found, it is found to respond well to antioxidant water."
Digestive Problems
Prof. Kogure Keizou, Kogure Clinic of Juntendo Hospital

"The stomach is readily upset both by diseases affecting the stomach and by other general illnesses. In addition, any nervous tension or anxiety frequently causes gastric upset, vague symptoms when This information is under some strain.

The important role of antioxidant water in our stomach is to neutralize the secretion and strengthen it s functions. Usually, after consuming the antioxidant water for 1 to 3 minutes, the gastric juice increase to 1½ times.

For those suffering from hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria ( low in gastric juice) the presence of antioxidant water will stimulate the stomach cells to secrete more gastric juice. This in turn enhances digestion and absorption of minerals.

However, on the other hand, those with hyperchlorhydria ( high in gastric juice), the antioxidant water neutralizes the excessive gastric juice. Hence, it does not create any adverse reaction.

According to the medical lecturer from Maeba University, the pH of the gastric secretion will still remain normal when antioxidant water is consumed. This proves that the ability of the antioxidant water is able to neutralize as well as to stimulate the secretion."
Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

"When I was serving in the Fire Insurance Association, I used to examine many diabetic patients. Besides treating them with drugs, I provided them with antioxidant water. After drinking antioxidant water for one month, 15 diabetic patients were selected and sent to Tokyo University for further test and observations.

Initially, the more serious patients were a bit apprehensive about the
treatment. When the antioxidant water was consumed for some time, the sugar in the blood and urine ranged from a ratio of 300 mg/l to 2 mg /dc. There was a time where the patient had undergone 5 to 6 blood tests a day and detected to be within normal range. Results also showed that even 1 ½ hour after meals, the blood sugar and urine ratio was 100 mg/dc: 0 mg/dc . The sugar in the urine has completely disappeared."


More Americans than ever before are suffering from diabetes, with the number of new cases averaging almost 800,000 each year. The disease has steadily increased in the United States since 1980, and in 1998, 16 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes (10.3 million diagnosed; 5.4 million undiagnosed).

Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and more than 193,000 died from the disease and its related complication in 1996. ................... The greatest increase - 76 percent - occurred in people age 30 to 30. ....

From: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, October 13, 2000 Fact Sheet.
Use of Ionized water in treating Acidosis
Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital,
Faitama District

"Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese.

The degree of "burn-out" in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.

Nowadays, many people suffer from acidification that leads to diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, live and kidney diseases. If our food intake can be completely burned off, then there is no deposition of fats. Obviously, there will be no acidification problem and hence there should not be any sign of obesity.

The antioxidant water contains an abundance of ionic calcium. This ionic calcium helps in the "burn-off" process. By drinking antioxidant water, it provides sufficient minerals for our body. As a result, we do not need to watch our diet to stay slim.

Hence, antioxidant water is a savior for those suffering from obesity and many adult diseases, providing good assistance in enhancing good health."

ph Miracle Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California

What he just said

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist23. juni 2009, 01:01
Kre-alkalyn, en alkalarisk/basisk creatin kosttilskudd som ligger mellom 7-14 på ph skalaen.

" The first and only creatine that doesnt convert to creatinine in liquids BEFORE reaching muscle "

Forskingen bak Kre-alkalyn viser klart at creatin sin konverteringstid til creatinine er relatert til Ph`en av væsken brukt til blandingen. Desto lavere Ph`en, jo raskere konverterer det.
Det er også oppdaget at konverteringsfrekvensene reduseres dramatisk når Ph`en er over 7, og stopper fullstendig over 12.

Kre-Alkalyn er det eneste creatin produktet i verden med en Ph på over 12 på grunn av molekylene er syntisert med buffere som bruker en pantentisert produksjon prosess.
Resultatet av dette er at det forblir fullstendig stabilt, og når muskel cellene med full effekt.

Det er vitenskapsmann og ex bodybuilder Jeff Golini som står bak kre-alkalyn.

Mine helter nå er Dr robert O Young, Dr Otto Warburg og Jeff Golini  ::smile::

Nå litt info om Jeff Golini og hvordan han skapte Kre-Alkalyn :

" Even though scientist Jeff Golini originally discovered the Nitric Oxide amplifying agent AKG (Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate) over 11 years ago, his most profound achievement was inventing Kre-Alkalyn®: the world’s first and only creatine that doesn’t convert to creatinine before reaching muscle.

Jeff is certainly no stranger to the bodybuilding world. At one time he carried over 270 pounds of jaw-dropping, sleeve-splitting mass. Known in bodybuilding circles as "The 8th Wonder Of The World”, he won Ohio’s 1982 Mr. Lorain, placed 4th in the 1984 NPC L.A. Bodybuilding Championships and won the 1988 Mr. Natural California Pro-Am.

Sick and tired of using “any means necessary” to put on more and more size, he began searching for safer alternatives. By 1988, he found what he was looking for—a new compound called creatine. Although it produced amazing results, he quickly realized it also had some rather “unpleasant” side effects and wanted to know why.

Bringing in the new technology

Jeff was the first scientist to introduce a new product testing technology called Near Infrared Analysis (NIR) to the Supplement and Nutraceutical Industry. In fact, his contributions to this advanced science even earned him the title, “The Founding Father of NIR”.

So it’s only proper that Kre-Alkalyn® was discovered while performing routine purity and stability tests on creatine using NIR technology.

If you invested over $1 million dollars to develop the most advanced quality control and product testing system in the world, isn't this the one you'd create?

Now heavily used in the pharmaceutical industry, NIR is the testing system of choice due to its speed and 100% reproducible accuracy.  But there’s another reason why it can’t be touched when dead-on, hyper-accurate results are an absolute must.
At a cost of over $1 million, this amazing technology will test and certify every single molecule in a compound. Just like a Crime Scene Investigative Laboratory dissects DNA evidence, a product's molecular structure is scientifically justified and “fingerprinted”.
Unlike High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), NIR analysis scans a product in its entirety. Mathematical algorithms then separate the chemical or physical properties of interest from the rest of the matrix, meaning creatine samples can be analyzed “as-is”.

In fact, the “as-is” part was the very key to Jeff’s incredible discovery. It allowed him to test products exactly as they are when a consumer buys and prepares them according to the label.

Why everyone was DEAD WRONG about how to stabilize creatine...and how a critical adjustment to its pH level finally led to the worlds first 100% stable creatine.

Jeff noticed that almost all creatine purity tests were performed using only controlled or dry samples. As a result, he wanted to see what actually happens to the creatine products once they’re activated with a fluid.

Jeff decided that a standardized protocol of one gram dissolved into one liter of fluid (a 1-to-1 ratio) would provide the most consistent results for testing.

While measuring each product’s reaction to fluid in 15-second intervals using NIR analysis, Jeff made a shocking discovery.  Even the creatine serums and liquids had virtually no creatine left because the creatine content had all been converted to creatinine!

Then it happened—he “cracked the creatine code”.  All his testing finally revealed the exact reason why creatine is so unstable and converts to creatinine in liquids: the problem all along was creatine’s low pH level!

Once he developed a method to raise the pH level of creatine to 12, Jeff noticed that the conversion to creatinine stopped dead in its tracks. 

1 Gram Kre-Alkalyn® vs. 1 Gram Creatine Dissolved In 1 Liter of Fluid

The importance of this critical discovery about creatine’s low pH can’t be overstated.  This powerful information, that so many others before him had overlooked, allowed Mr. Golini to develop patented pH-Correct™ technology and the manufacturing process that produced the world's first 100% stable creatine: Kre-Alkalyn®. " (


Thank You Dr Robert O Young og Jeff Golini  ::biggrin::

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: JanB Diddl etc23. juni 2009, 10:25
I denne artikkelen refereres det til forskning som indikerer at ingen av argumentene eller påstandene om Kre-alkylyn "holder vann" (nå skal jo ikke kre-alkylyn binde vann heller, så det er mulig at ihvertfall det er korrekt). (

Jeg tror forøvrig at det kan være positivt å ha et basisk kosthold, men forskningen som det refereres til her indikerer at det ikke er hverken noen stor eller rask konvertering fra CM til creatinin. Hvis dette er korrekt så er det sannsynligvis ikke creatinin eller syre som gjør at enkelte får bivirkningene det refereres til.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Eneres23. juni 2009, 10:40
Dr Robert O Young sin apprentice:

Legg ingen bry til de som ikke tåler å få høre om en annen livsstil uten å måtte slenge usaklige kommentarer, jeg føler så med deg i denne tråden da jeg har en tråd om min egen livsstil som har blitt forsøkt knust og tråkket på av flere som er uvitende, men fanken heller om jeg lar meg rive ned av uvitenhet, og ikke du heller!! Så stå på for din livsstil!!  :D :D  Personlig synes jeg det er interessant at folk er å kjappe til å dømme noe før de egentlig vet noe som helst om en annen type livsstil.

Respekt til deg!  ::smile::

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Mr T7623. juni 2009, 18:51
Dr Robert O Young sin apprentice:

Legg ingen bry til de som ikke tåler å få høre om en annen livsstil uten å måtte slenge usaklige kommentarer, jeg føler så med deg i denne tråden da jeg har en tråd om min egen livsstil som har blitt forsøkt knust og tråkket på av flere som er uvitende, men fanken heller om jeg lar meg rive ned av uvitenhet, og ikke du heller!! Så stå på for din livsstil!!  :D :D  Personlig synes jeg det er interessant at folk er å kjappe til å dømme noe før de egentlig vet noe som helst om en annen type livsstil.

Respekt til deg!  ::smile::
Er med på den. Man må skille kritikk og respektløs kritikk, og jeg synes sistnevnte kan ta litt overhånd i enkelte debatter på TF (og andre forumer for den saks skyld). Men ofte er det en liten "bande" som står for de meste av de negative kommentarene. Så sitter det mange på gjerdet og synes diskusjonen er interessant. Har selv hatt mine debatter med "sære oppfatninger". Man får en liten gjeng på nakken, og det kan være frustrerende når det står på. Man kan ligge om natta og tenke på hva man skal svare osv. Lærdommen er at man må bare velge sine ord med omhu, backe opp det man sier med forskning og gode argumenter, og kanskje ikke svare når man er sint, men ta en tur ut og svare når man har roet seg. Jeg har lært mye av sånne diskusjoner, da man ofte møter folk som kritiserer fra alle vinkler, og det tvinger meg til å studere enda nøyere det jeg står for for å kunne svare dem. Så man får tykkere hud og mer erfaring etter hvert.

Vi får starte en klubb vi "særinger" på TF...

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Coincidence theorist23. juli 2009, 13:46
Twenty-Five Sceintific Points In Understanding Dr. Young's New Biology‏

Her følger 25 punkter som hjelper på å forklare Dr Young sin nye biologi litt bedre.

innholdet har jeg fra en email fra Dr Young så jeg kan ikke linke, så poster alt her.

The following scientific discourse are twenty-five important points to understand concerning the creation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach lining, the ingestion of protein and sugar and how acid/alkaline biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy relate to health, sickness, and disease.
Unfortunately, contemporary medical doctors and scientists as well as alternative health practitioners do not understand how acid/base are created in the body and the onset of latent tissue acidosis in the colloidal connective tissue or the "Schade". Welcome to the 21st century and Dr. Young's "New Biology."

How is acid/base created in the body?

1) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL.

2) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the digestive system - specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) - to be eliminated.

3) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production

4) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich protein meal, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis - or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus - created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner's glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), Lieberkuhn's glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to produce.

5) When a rich protein and carbohydrate meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger's spaces.

6) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger's space, or the extracellular space that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology text books. There is mention of the extracellular space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the "pre-kidney."

7) After a rich protein or sugary meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline. Protein and sugar nourishment then react in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosporhoric, nitric, uric, lactic, and acetylaldehyde acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. This is a double loss of bases.

8) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ, which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop.That is why I have stated, "acid is pain and pain is acid." You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis.

9) The more acidity, the more that acids are adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile glands. The larger the potential difference between the adsorbed acids and the amount of NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands, blood, etc. The acid binding power of the connective tissue, the blood, and the alkalophile glands depends on its alkali reserve, which can be determined through blood, urine, and saliva pH, including live and dried blood analysis as taught by Dr. Robert O. Young.

10) The iso-structure of the blood maintains the pH of the blood by pushing off the acids into the connective tissue. The blood gives to the urine the same amount of acid that it receives from the tissues and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base deficiency is always related to the deterioration of the deposit ability of the connective tissues. As long as the iso-structure of the blood is maintained, the urine - which originates from the blood - remains a faithful reflected image of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood, but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an excretion product of the tissues, not the blood. So when you are testing the pH of the urine, you are testing the pH of the tissues.

11) A latent "acidosis" is the condition that exists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers. This leads to compensated "acidosis." This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed. This can then lead to decompensated "acidosis" where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated "acidosis" can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating steak!)or too much protein, and hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are you and your battery runs down. The charge of your cellular battery can be measured testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction potential of the blood using an ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy potential or ORP decreases.

12) If there is not enough base left over after a protein or surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues, a relative base deficiency develops which leads to latent tissue acidosis. When this happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper alkalization of the food in your stomach and small intestine.

13) Digestion or alkalization cannot proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to produce more acid in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms are not the result of too much acid. On the contrary, it is the result of too little base!

14) The stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as currently taught in ALL biology and medical texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit. It's function is to deposit alkaline juices to the stomach to alkalize the food and to the blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!

15) There is a daily rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the fluids of the body. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger's spaces while we sleep.These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger's spaces, the extracellular fluid compartments of the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger's spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we have ingested.

16) If your urine is not alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4.

17) After a high protein meal, the free acids formed such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the delicate pH of 7.365. The H+ or proton ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K)+ CO2.

18) Medical doctors and savants do not recognize latent tissue acidosis. They recognize compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis. In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in order to blow off more carbonic acid which decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer get any faster and when the kidneys can no longer increase its' function to keep up with the acid load, then the blood pH starts to change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the client goes into a coma or dies.

19) Metabolism of a normal adult diet results in the generation of 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent which is an expression of concentration of substance per liter of solution, calculated by dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100 milliliters by the molecular weight. This process involves two basis steps; 1) the reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton produced each day by the formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton secretion from the cells of the kidney into the urine.

20) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3 concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body since both are derived from the dissociation of H2CO3 or carbonic acid

21) The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are generated within the kidney cells from the dissociation of H2O or water. This process also results in the equimolar production OH- or hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active zinc-containing site of the intracellular carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2 to form HCO3- ions which are released back into the kidney cells and returned to the systemic circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+ or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+ or proton ions can be combined with the urinary buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ + HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system or the H+ or proton ions can combine with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows:NH3 + H+ = NH4.

22) This ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine

23) In response to acid load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) - common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered extracellularly as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2 or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate.The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.

24) Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of steak) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease. In the long run, the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron-rich green foods and long-chain polyunsaturated fats. A cucumber a day keeps the doctor away - an apple creates more acid, leading to latent tissue acidosis.

25) The Human Body is an acid producing organism by function. Yet, it is an alkaline organism by design. Eating animal protein and sugar are deadly acidic choices - unless you want to be increasingly sick, tired and fat over time.

Bottom line - the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program focuses on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by function. This make this program the ultimate program for preventing and reversing aging and the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the diet for immortality. 

Please remember this very important truth, hydrochloric acid is not the cause of digestion but the result of digestion. Start alkalizing today and begin improving the quality and quantity of your life today.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: Kpt. Plumbonite23. juli 2009, 14:35
Blandt annat kan nevnes en Nobell  prisvinner i medisin fra 30 tallet som heter Otto Warburg. Han fikk prisen for sin forskning som viste at eksempelvis kreftceller trives best i surt og oksigenfattig miljø. Vi må vel ikke da være en Einstein for å tenke oss til hva en sunn og basisk kropp kan forebygge eller utrette av egen kraft.
Men man trenger heller ikke være noen Einstein for å gjøre litt undersøkelser når man treffer på et utsagn som går på tvers av almenne sannheter.

Warbergs krefthypotese (fra 1924): (

Man har siden 1924 forsket videre på dette og funnet mange sterke indiser på at faktisk kreft henger sammen med mutasjoner i genmaterialet til celler.

Det som Warberg har funnet er da ikke en årsak men en konsekvens av at celler blir kreftceller. Og ja, han har fått Nobelprisen. Men det betyr ikke at alt han har postulert er sannhet.

Forøvrig så belyser Warberghypotesen godt problemet med å trekke slutninger om kausalitet fra korrelasjon, det stemmer at han fant en korrelasjon, men slutningen om årsakssammenhengen var feil.

Ellers ble det blod-Ph-greiene slengt ut i raw-food-tråden. Jeg lette en del, men fant ingen uavhengige kilder som tydet på at blodets Ph varierte hverken i velvære eller i sykdom.

Tittel: Sv: Robert O Young og den nye biologien
Skrevet av: V.M14. august 2009, 00:48
Ph er kanskje ikke avgjørende for mutasjoner i genene som gir kreft...det er vel heller toxiner av ymse slag som medvirker til fra en kreftcelles begynnelse til eventuell utvikling av kreft så har nok ph meget å si. Med en lav ph blir kroppens imunceller som er avhengig av oksygen for å fungere skikkelig såpass sløve at de ikke klarer å gjøre jobben sin. Cellene som skal lokalisere kreftcellene vil ta lengre tid på å finne frem slik at kreften har fått et farlig forsprang, før imunforsvarets dreperceller som heller ikke fungerer optimalt setter igang. De aller fleste av den voksne befolkningen har nok hatt kreftceller i kroppen som aldri har rukket å bli til kreft da immunforsvaret i de tilfellene har fungert godt nok.