Visning av honnrposter for Diesel
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  • 1  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Sv: Dosering av proteinpulver 11. juli 2008, 20:27
    Som Zyklox sier, pulveret er veldig luftig og lett. Men mål du, for sikkerhetsskyld. Og det er ikke noe som heter "for mye protein" Tongue Med mindre du gjør som han idioten som skrev her tidligere, som tok 3-400g i en shake Tongue
    Honnr gitt av : Prodigy92, 11. juli 2008, 20:28
    2  Generelt / Loggbok Online / Sv: Egil Skallagrimssons saga 11. juli 2008, 01:39
    For å sitere meg selv fra en annen tråd:

    What is the Zercher Squat?

    To the uninitiated, the Zercher Squat is a strange beast. Instead of the bar being held across the shoulders (slightly higher or lower for Olympic Weightlifters, Bodybuilders and Powerlifters); it’s held in the crook of your arms. The inside of your elbows, if you like.

    This is somewhat painful (although you do get used to it a little), however it’s an extremely effective exercise. As Louie Simmons notes in Dead Lift Secrets :

        It teaches you exactly how to squat. It teaches you to push your knees apart. Push your chest up. Push your buttocks out. The whole nine yards.


    The Zercher Squat was one of the many cruel and unusual exercises created by St Louis strongman Ed Zercher (1902 - 1995). Zercher’s own home gym resembled a junkyard more than a basement, and was filled with such toys as anvils, wrecking balls and assorted pieces of machinery. Sounds perfect.


    This is one of the rare exercises where using a thick bar actually makes it more comfortable. A strongman yoke with an adjustable crossbar is great; a thick (2.5” - 3”) barbell is also a good choice.

    The lift comprises two stages, although it is common to see only the second one being performed in gyms.

    The weighted bar begins on the floor, and is deadlifted (using a conventional, or shoulder-width stance) to a point a little above the knee. Aim for the lower quad muscles, rather than your kneecaps.

    Slowly squat down; balancing the bar at this point on your lower thighs. Slide your arms under the bar until it reaches your elbows. Now stand up.

    Simply reverse the process to complete the exercise. That’s one rep.

    NB : You may notice that this movement resembles the action of lifting a heavy stone, and it can be a great way to help train for such an event.

    How to hold the bar

    Regardless of how you hold the bar, there’ll be some pain involved. Whilst you can probably ignore it when there’s 50kg on the bar, it’s a different story when the bar weighs 200kg.

    There are three things to consider here. Experiment with them and find the combination that feels right to you. They are :

    How your hands are -

        * as fists
        * clasped together

    How your forearms are -

        * crossed over
        * bringing your hands together
        * straight ahead (or at a slight angle)

    What the bar is resting against -

        * your skin
        * a board
        * something soft, such as a towel

    Other ‘Zercher’ exercises

    There are several other exercises which use the same method of holding the bar. Try a few of these :

        * Zercher Lunges
        * Zercher Good Mornings
        * Zercher Situps
        * Zercher Deadlifts (simply start with the loaded bar on the ground, squat down and hook your arms under it, then stand up)

    Of course, the original Zercher Squat is still a personal favourite. Definitely a keeper.

    Det røde er vell i hovedsak det du leter etter, håper jeg Smiley
    Honnr gitt av : Egil Skallagrimsson, 11. juli 2008, 11:42
    3  Trening / Treningsprogrammer / Sv: Trenger hjelp med noen øvelser! 09. juli 2008, 22:15
    Kickbacks = unødvendig

    Be a man, train smalbenk Wink
    Honnr gitt av : burny_, 09. juli 2008, 22:20
    4  Kosthold / Vektnedgang og Diett / Sv: Syden 4 juli... HJELP! 22. april 2008, 17:26
    Så er det jo ikke sikkert jayplay her er så muskuløs som deg da Fata, og dere kan ha forskjellige oppfatninger om hva som er "spinkelt" Wink
    Honnr gitt av : Fatamorgana, 22. april 2008, 18:27
    5  Bilder / Bilder av Medlemmene / Sv: Noen bilder av meg. 02. april 2008, 17:56
    Honnr gitt av : A. Holstad, 16. april 2008, 22:46
    6  Trening / Styrkeløft / Sv: Zercher Squat 11. april 2008, 20:49
    Fordelen ved Zercher bøy, slik jeg har forstått det, er at det tar godt på kjernemusklaturen i tilegg til beina som vanlige bøy.
    Kanskje mest praktisk for Strongmen, for å bli vandt til øvelser som Conans Wheel og stein.

    "The Zercher squat is a rare technique for building up upper quad mass!"

    What is the Zercher Squat?

    To the uninitiated, the Zercher Squat is a strange beast. Instead of the bar being held across the shoulders (slightly higher or lower for Olympic Weightlifters, Bodybuilders and Powerlifters); it’s held in the crook of your arms. The inside of your elbows, if you like.

    This is somewhat painful (although you do get used to it a little), however it’s an extremely effective exercise. As Louie Simmons notes in Dead Lift Secrets :

        It teaches you exactly how to squat. It teaches you to push your knees apart. Push your chest up. Push your buttocks out. The whole nine yards.


    The Zercher Squat was one of the many cruel and unusual exercises created by St Louis strongman Ed Zercher (1902 - 1995). Zercher’s own home gym resembled a junkyard more than a basement, and was filled with such toys as anvils, wrecking balls and assorted pieces of machinery. Sounds perfect.


    This is one of the rare exercises where using a thick bar actually makes it more comfortable. A strongman yoke with an adjustable crossbar is great; a thick (2.5” - 3”) barbell is also a good choice.

    The lift comprises two stages, although it is common to see only the second one being performed in gyms.

    The weighted bar begins on the floor, and is deadlifted (using a conventional, or shoulder-width stance) to a point a little above the knee. Aim for the lower quad muscles, rather than your kneecaps.

    Slowly squat down; balancing the bar at this point on your lower thighs. Slide your arms under the bar until it reaches your elbows. Now stand up.

    Simply reverse the process to complete the exercise. That’s one rep.

    NB : You may notice that this movement resembles the action of lifting a heavy stone, and it can be a great way to help train for such an event.

    How to hold the bar

    Regardless of how you hold the bar, there’ll be some pain involved. Whilst you can probably ignore it when there’s 50kg on the bar, it’s a different story when the bar weighs 200kg.

    There are three things to consider here. Experiment with them and find the combination that feels right to you. They are :

    How your hands are -

        * as fists
        * clasped together

    How your forearms are -

        * crossed over
        * bringing your hands together
        * straight ahead (or at a slight angle)

    What the bar is resting against -

        * your skin
        * a board
        * something soft, such as a towel

    Other ‘Zercher’ exercises

    There are several other exercises which use the same method of holding the bar. Try a few of these :

        * Zercher Lunges
        * Zercher Good Mornings
        * Zercher Situps
        * Zercher Deadlifts (simply start with the loaded bar on the ground, squat down and hook your arms under it, then stand up)

    Of course, the original Zercher Squat is still a personal favourite. Definitely a keeper.
    Honnr gitt av : Egil Skallagrimsson, 11. april 2008, 22:37
    7  Trening / Styrkeløft / Sv: Zercher Squat 11. april 2008, 20:49
    Fordelen ved Zercher bøy, slik jeg har forstått det, er at det tar godt på kjernemusklaturen i tilegg til beina som vanlige bøy.
    Kanskje mest praktisk for Strongmen, for å bli vandt til øvelser som Conans Wheel og stein.

    "The Zercher squat is a rare technique for building up upper quad mass!"

    What is the Zercher Squat?

    To the uninitiated, the Zercher Squat is a strange beast. Instead of the bar being held across the shoulders (slightly higher or lower for Olympic Weightlifters, Bodybuilders and Powerlifters); it’s held in the crook of your arms. The inside of your elbows, if you like.

    This is somewhat painful (although you do get used to it a little), however it’s an extremely effective exercise. As Louie Simmons notes in Dead Lift Secrets :

        It teaches you exactly how to squat. It teaches you to push your knees apart. Push your chest up. Push your buttocks out. The whole nine yards.


    The Zercher Squat was one of the many cruel and unusual exercises created by St Louis strongman Ed Zercher (1902 - 1995). Zercher’s own home gym resembled a junkyard more than a basement, and was filled with such toys as anvils, wrecking balls and assorted pieces of machinery. Sounds perfect.


    This is one of the rare exercises where using a thick bar actually makes it more comfortable. A strongman yoke with an adjustable crossbar is great; a thick (2.5” - 3”) barbell is also a good choice.

    The lift comprises two stages, although it is common to see only the second one being performed in gyms.

    The weighted bar begins on the floor, and is deadlifted (using a conventional, or shoulder-width stance) to a point a little above the knee. Aim for the lower quad muscles, rather than your kneecaps.

    Slowly squat down; balancing the bar at this point on your lower thighs. Slide your arms under the bar until it reaches your elbows. Now stand up.

    Simply reverse the process to complete the exercise. That’s one rep.

    NB : You may notice that this movement resembles the action of lifting a heavy stone, and it can be a great way to help train for such an event.

    How to hold the bar

    Regardless of how you hold the bar, there’ll be some pain involved. Whilst you can probably ignore it when there’s 50kg on the bar, it’s a different story when the bar weighs 200kg.

    There are three things to consider here. Experiment with them and find the combination that feels right to you. They are :

    How your hands are -

        * as fists
        * clasped together

    How your forearms are -

        * crossed over
        * bringing your hands together
        * straight ahead (or at a slight angle)

    What the bar is resting against -

        * your skin
        * a board
        * something soft, such as a towel

    Other ‘Zercher’ exercises

    There are several other exercises which use the same method of holding the bar. Try a few of these :

        * Zercher Lunges
        * Zercher Good Mornings
        * Zercher Situps
        * Zercher Deadlifts (simply start with the loaded bar on the ground, squat down and hook your arms under it, then stand up)

    Of course, the original Zercher Squat is still a personal favourite. Definitely a keeper.
    Honnr gitt av : Down and coming, 11. april 2008, 21:14
    8  Helse & Velvære / Sex og Samliv / Sv: hvilke type dame hadde dere valgt? 10. april 2008, 23:50
    MC Hammer learned the hard way that Chuck Norris can touch it
    Og vet dere hva CNN egentlig står for? Chuck Norric Network
    Honnr gitt av : True, 11. april 2008, 10:51
    9  Helse & Velvære / Sex og Samliv / Sv: hvilke type dame hadde dere valgt? 10. april 2008, 23:25
    Nei, for alle vet jo at Om du har 5 dollar, og Chuck Norris har 5 dollar, så har Chuck Norris mer penger en deg!

    Så slik er det... Smiley
    Honnr gitt av : Unforgiven, 10. april 2008, 23:34
    10  Generelt / Loggbok Online / Sv: pizzatrykk! 02. mars 2008, 20:11

    Så scroller du ned, velger "Free", så venter du til telleren når 0, så kan du laste den ned Smiley
    Honnr gitt av : magnus1982, 08. april 2008, 23:27
    11  Generelt / Antidoping / Sv: 13-åringer på anabole steroider 01. april 2008, 22:23
    Honnr gitt av : Mr Melk, 01. april 2008, 22:26
    12  Trening / Forum for nybegynnere / Sv: Er dette vanlig eller er jeg svak... 21. mars 2008, 19:10
    Skal jeg begynne veldig tungt og presse meg ordentlig eller burde jeg begynne med lette vekter fra starten??

    Start lett, og lær deg teknikk og slikt, gjerne med mange repitisjoner (8-12), så kan du øke vektene, og sette ned antall repitisjoner.

    Om du greier å vende deg til knebøy og markløft, samt andre hjelpsomme øvelser, så er du mye sterkere i de øvelsene når kompisene dine engang finner ut at "faen, trening ER mer en bare benkpress" Wink
    Honnr gitt av : xXUnknownXx, 22. mars 2008, 10:45
    13  Generelt / Åpent forum / Sv: Mark henry 22. mars 2008, 00:52
    Og ett rask wikipediansk søk konstanterte nederlaget Embarrassed


        * All time world raw (unequipped) squat world record holder (430 Kilograms)

    Arnold Classic Strongest Man (2002)

       * First person to clean and press the inch dumbbell, 175 pounds plus, putting the bell overhead using only his right hand

    # Pan American Games

        * Pan American Games Silver Medalist (1995)

    # Senior American record holder in Snatch, Clean and jerk, and Total (1993-1997)
    # Senior National Championship (1993, 1994, 1996)

    Som sagt, føler meg dum nå, og må bbare beklage min daværende uviten... Nå vet jeg heldigvis bedre Smile

    Edit: Men likevell mener jeg
    Gimmicken er på trynet, "The world's strongest man", og så vinner Batista en håndbakkonk mot han, og mange vinner kamper mot han...

    Altså, da er jo det feilprioritering fra WWE... Når Henry er så rå som han faktisk er, så burde de bruke han mye mer.
    Honnr gitt av : lfaro, 22. mars 2008, 01:20
    14  Generelt / Loggbok Online / Sv: AlexanderDGL - 200 kg. i knebøy ++ 21. mars 2008, 21:19
    Å hvor er du i fra/bor du? Grin

    Tusen takk. Smiley

    Er fra Hovden, midt mellom verdens to navler, Ørsta og Volda Tongue
    Honnr gitt av : AlexanderDGL, 21. mars 2008, 21:29
    15  Trening / Forum for nybegynnere / Sv: Skråbenk 20. mars 2008, 16:16
    Honnr gitt av : flisaa, 21. mars 2008, 01:35
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  • Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

    5 digge middager med cottage cheese


    Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
    Det er en risiko forbundet med treningen og løftene man utfører
    Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

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