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  • 1  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: Må man spise fett for å forbrenne fett? på: 20. august 2010, 00:18
    Atletes should make sure they get optimum amount of both essential fatty acides (efa's) in their food.
    Most athletes get to little w3 EFA.
    in order to maximum energy production atlete should use shorte-chain saturated fatty acids and increase their levle of w3s.
    and avoid ,saturated fats that slow them down ,and avoid hard, saturated , deep fried , hydrogenated , and rancid fats and oils. because these fats poison their cells and decrease cell ( and athletic performance). stated more precisely, they interfere with natural cell function, and some inhibit cell oxidation (respiration) and energy levels. Some injure cell membranes, tissues, liver, and arteries. Other interfere with digestive process, resulting in poored absorbation of nutrition, bowel irritation, 'leaky gut' . and allergic reactions that require an enormous amount of energy to process. leaving less energy available for physical performance. They use up energy in immune defense reactions- energy that could otherwise be used for athletic activity. Sad
    athletes who use w3s reported increased stamina (longer performance before fatigue sets in ), reach higher performance plateaus, and recover from fatigue after exercise more quickly than they did before taking w3s. These benefits are likely due to increased oxidation rate.
    Because of their increase of oxidation and metabolic rate , w3s and other highly unsaturated fatty acids such as stearidonic , gamma-linolenic acid (gla) , eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) , and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) prevent fat deposition. These Fatty acids help people lose excess fat as well as excess water held in tissues.

    If you don't have much fat in your diet add in some omega 3s from healthy food or add in 2 table spoons of flaxseed oil or udo choice a day. Some people may need as musch as 4-5 table spoons a day if they don't eat other food that includes omega 3 and healty fats.

    You live to learn Smiley

    references: Fats that heal , Fats that kill : by Udo Erasmus
    2  Kosthold / Vektnedgang og Diett / Sv: Trenger hjelp til og gå ned 10-15 kilo på: 11. februar 2010, 17:36
    Det bør ikke gå for lang tid mellom måltidene, spis heller 5-6 små måltider enn bare 3 i løpet av en dag. Går det 4-5 timer før du får spist kan du miste muskler om du gjør det ofte!Husk kroppen har ikke noe stort lager av protein i kroppen!  lykke til! Smile
    3  Kosthold / Vektnedgang og Diett / Sv: Stikkord for deffing? på: 11. februar 2010, 17:31
    omega 3 fettsyrer på diett husk det så hode "fungerer" stå på! Smile
    4  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 04. februar 2010, 17:29
    Husk at artikkelen FST-7 ble skrevet som opplysning om et trenings prinsipp som kan brukes av eget valg for å bidra til å få maximalt med muskler/muskel volum!. Svar til han som venter på hvordan hun gikk opp 10kg på 3 månder og ned 4% i kroppsfett: Beklager å måtte skuffe deg fordi jeg vil ikke gi fra med å si her akuratt hva hun gjorde med kosten, treningen og blant annet motivasjons teknikker hun brukte for å gå opp 10kg. Det er en yrkeshemmelighet, basert på 18 års erfaring og utdannelse innen fage. Skal du få hjelp av en god profesjonell trener innen styrke trening i usa kan det koste deg skjorta..Diett hjelp av en profesjonell trener før blant annet en konkurranse kan det koste deg opp til 10000,-  norske kroner eller mer for 3 månders oppfølging.
    Jeg betalte selv en gang 6000 norske kroner til en meget enerkjent profesjonell kost ekspert i USA for å hjelpe meg de siste 3 uken av en diett før en av mine konkurranser.
    Siterer Rulatoren: Hva kommer det av at treningsprogrammer som retter seg mot kraftidretter der Norges Idrettsforbund har et ord med i laget, ser helt anderledes ut? kansje fordi NKF norges kroppsbygger forbund ikke er med i Norges idrettsforbund. "Pella" en storartet mann og motiavator med utrolig kunnskap innen trening jobbet for olympiatoppen i Norge mange år, han døde desverre i fjord. Han kontaktet meg i fjord før han døde og ville jeg skulle holde foredrag ang hvordan trene/spise for maxsimal muskeltillvekst. Han mente de kunne lære litt av kroppsbyggere!
    5  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 04. februar 2010, 13:39
    FST-7 var selvfølgelig bare en av flere elementer som fikk henne opp i vekt. Et eksempel: Men er dere enig i at om man trener i eksempel 6 månder uansett trenings prinsipp bare utfalle er at armene vokste i totalt 2 nye centimeter i omkrets, å fett % er den samme.  Og biceps og triceps vokste ca like mye hver i volum. Utfalle vil bli at muskel hinna rund biceps/ triceps ha strekt seg og blitt større.. Smile
    6  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 04. februar 2010, 12:50
    Når muskelen vokser etter for eksemple 3 månder med trening. Uansett type trening bare den har vokst en del, da vi hinna rundt muskulaturen bli presset utover pga muskelen har blitt større.  Du kan ikke stappe en fotball inn i en tennis ball...!  biggrin
    7  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 29. januar 2010, 18:50
    Wow... leser jeg dette rett?

    Bruker du virkelig faren din sin død til å lage et billig poeng i en diskusjon du ikke har evne til å føre? Kvalmende.

    Sitat fra: Tommi Thorvildsen på I dag kl. 01:00
    Dette er ikke et prinsipp jeg har funnet på om noen trodde det ,og ikke helt nytt, har blitt brukt før med forskjellig antall set for FST, Haney Rambod har satt navn på dette til FST-7.  Dette er et treningsprinsipp. hvor stor forskning har det vært på : super set, drop set, force set, dog crap, half reps, pyramide set, 21's etc? Men sannheten er at en del mennesker som trener bruker dem uansett proff eller ikke! Mange av disse trenings prinsippene ble samlet inn og promotert av selveste Joe Weider for mange år tilbake. og selv i dag går noen av disse prinsippene under navnet The Weider Pinciples. Weider firmaet har vært ledene innen  kosttilskudd og muskel blader i verden. Weider samlet inn disse prinsippen og markesførte dem slik at folk kunne prøve ut dem om dem ville. Weider/ flex magazine har også skrevet om FST-7 og meget positiv omtale. Dette som kommer nå har ikke noe med FST-7 å gjøre men jeg jobbet selv for Weider i 3 år i usa og det var en grunn for at jeg ble hånd plukket for å bo i usa og jobbe for Weider og være et forbilde for sporten. Uansett til nå er jeg den eneste mannlige kroppsbyggeren i norge med 3 års kontrakt med Weider som profesjonell rådgiver og kroppsbygger og valgte selv å flytte hjem. 55 konkurranser og 35 proff show under belte. Jeg har prøvd mange forskjellige dietter og trenings prinsipper og har levd ut gutte drømmen min med å jobbe for Weider og bodd i USA venice beach. Det har vært enormt tøft med diett/ trening osv. men har vært utrolig lærerikt og morsomt og også sett mye av verden! Ingen kan ta fra meg det og jeg har store gode minner for livet! Takker for oppmerksomheten for innleggene, artig, all pr. er god pr!

    Fortsatt evner du ikke se hva kritikken går ut på.

    Spar med for ditt pathos. Dette fungerer ikke på meg. Gi meg noe håndfast eller endre dine påstander.

    Og hva så at det ikke var du som har funnet på disse prinsippene? Påstanden om fascia like drøy uansett hvem som har pønsket det ut! I dette tilfellet er det faktisk din artikkel og innholdet som presenteres er ditt ansvar.


    Har du prøvd FST-7...NEI er svaret ditt, og jeg respekterer dette selvfølgelig, har det vært stor forskning på FST-7, nei, jeg er enig i det, og har det vært stor forskning på at facian strekker seg etter FST-7 trening. Nei enig i det!

    Men følg med her:
    når man trener hardt med vekter uansett FST eller ikke fyller muskulaturen seg med blod og facian rundt muskulaturen strekker seg...det er du enig i....ellers ville ikke muskulaturen bli større i volum under trening! muskelen blir større når du får pump..eller....det er blant annet noe du ville ha svar på!
    FST-7 trening stimulere muskel tilvekst , fordi du skal trene hardt når utfører trenings prinsippet. Og muskelen vokser over tid .om du er flink med kosten også selvfølgelig. pga treningen vil da facian.....strekke seg/ utvide seg? Tro hva du vil for meg er det logikk....!

    Jeg presiserer at dette er et trenings prinsipp og ikke en trenings fasit!
    FST-7 er jo en forbedring og utvikling av tidligere trenings prinsipper hvor man får frem de elementene som gir best mulig målbart resultat.

    Her er en person jeg blant annet hjalp med å gå opp 10kg på 3 månder og ned 4 % i kropps fett. Hun kjørte FST-7 de 3 månden og fikk 2 plass på blant annet Nordisk i fitness 2009! Og hun er ikke noen kroppsbygger og fikk god fremgang ved bruk av FST-7. Et av de eldste treningsprinsippene er mengde trening , De fleste har en eller annen gang hatt for seg at jo mer dem trener jo bedre blir dem og altid jo mer du trener jo bedre form blir du, hva er best? Poenge er inviduellt! Uansett trening kan du aldri forutsi 100% resultatet, det er jo sant, Uansett hvor hardt og lenge du holder på med dama....så vil du aldri vite eksakt hva resultatet blir på forhånd Smile.Alt er rellativt he he ::smile::God Helg!



    8  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 29. januar 2010, 01:00
    Dette er ikke et prinsipp jeg har funnet på om noen trodde det ,og ikke helt nytt, har blitt brukt før med forskjellig antall set for FST, Haney Rambod har satt navn på dette til FST-7.  Dette er et treningsprinsipp. hvor stor forskning har det vært på : super set, drop set, force set, dog crap, half reps, pyramide set, 21's etc? Men sannheten er at en del mennesker som trener bruker dem uansett proff eller ikke! Mange av disse trenings prinsippene ble samlet inn og promotert av selveste Joe Weider for mange år tilbake. og selv i dag går noen av disse prinsippene under navnet The Weider Pinciples. Weider firmaet har vært ledene innen  kosttilskudd og muskel blader i verden. Weider samlet inn disse prinsippen og markesførte dem slik at folk kunne prøve ut dem om dem ville. Weider/ flex magazine har også skrevet om FST-7 og meget positiv omtale. Dette som kommer nå har ikke noe med FST-7 å gjøre men jeg jobbet selv for Weider i 3 år i usa og det var en grunn for at jeg ble hånd plukket for å bo i usa og jobbe for Weider og være et forbilde for sporten. Uansett til nå er jeg den eneste mannlige kroppsbyggeren i norge med 3 års kontrakt med Weider som profesjonell rådgiver og kroppsbygger og valgte selv å flytte hjem. 55 konkurranser og 35 proff show under belte. Jeg har prøvd mange forskjellige dietter og trenings prinsipper og har levd ut gutte drømmen min med å jobbe for Weider og bodd i USA venice beach. Det har vært enormt tøft med diett/ trening osv. men har vært utrolig lærerikt og morsomt og også sett mye av verden! Ingen kan ta fra meg det og jeg har store gode minner for livet! Takker for oppmerksomheten for innleggene, artig, all pr. er god pr!

    Ha en god kveld!

    For dere som ønsker å lese igjen:

    Last month we outlined the training aspects of my FST-7 (Fascia Stretch Training 7) system. The discussion included the need for both strength gains and a fascia-stretching maximum pump to induce optimal gains, and how to incorporate the ‘seven' sets into your workouts for best results. Ideal exercises for ‘sevens' were listed for each bodypart, and instructions were given as to how to perform the series of pumping sets properly. Finally, several suggested bodypart routines incorporating both standard sets and sevens were given. This month, we wrap up the two-part series by explaining how to structure your nutritional intake around your workouts to ensure that your muscles will have all the necessary nutrients to fuel a superior pump, thus stretching out your fascia tissue and permitting growth to occur. Bodypart routines for the rest of your muscle groups will also be provided so that you can get started immediately on your own FST-7 growth experience.

    Pre-workout nutrition: Priming the pump

    Hopefully most of you grasp the importance of solid pre-workout nutrition. This provides the body with all the raw materials it will need to fuel an intense and productive weight training session. I like to see my clients get in a minimum of two solid-food meals containing both lean proteins and complex carbohydrates prior to training. The protein source can be chicken or turkey breast, white fish, or even leaner cuts of red meat such as filet or top sirloin if one is training later in the day. Good carbohydrate sources would be oatmeal, sweet potatoes, or brown rice. These are all slow-burning carbs that will deliver time-released energy, as opposed to fruits and other simple sugars that digest too quickly and can leave you with an insulin crash while training. Equally important to the food intake is adequate hydration. This is particularly applicable to anyone using thermogenic products. Most of these have a diuretic effect, which means you need to take care to drink a bit more water to compensate for the fluid loss. Notice that I said water and not diet soda. Carbonated drinks tend to be too filling and hence you don't drink enough. A common question I get is, how soon before the workout should my last meal be? Generally speaking, you want your last meal to end about one hour before your workout begins. The exception would be legs. Since heavy leg training is so metabolically demanding, the last meal should be a bit earlier - say ninety minutes. These are just guidelines. If you are the type of person that is starving an hour and a half after a clean meal, you probably don't ever want to let more than an hour go by from the end of the pre-workout meal to the workout. If you seem to digest your food more slowly and get nauseous when you eat too close to the workout, adjust your meal timing accordingly. Staying away from high-fat foods or sugary items should help stave off feelings of nausea while training.

    During the workout

    While training, most people will only need plenty of water - roughly a liter. This also depends on your size, how much you tend to sweat while training, and the season. Obviously you need more water in the summer, particularly if you train at a place like MetroFlex Gym that doesn't believe in air conditioning, or if you work outdoors. You can sip a carb drink or a thermogenic drink if you tend to ‘run out of gas' while training, but neither takes the place of water. If you choose to have one of these beverages during your workout, you should also have a water bottle and alternate between the two to ensure proper hydration. I can't emphasize this strongly enough - there is simply no way you can achieve a great pump if you aren't drinking enough water before and during the workout. As you know, the human body and especially our blood supply is comprised of over seventy percent water, so you need to have a steady supply to stay hydrated.

    Post-workout nutrition

    Within 15-20 minutes of the end of your workout if not immediately, it's important to drink a shake to start the re-compensation and recovery process that ultimately leads to muscle growth. There are several different recovery powders I am currently testing with my clients, and I will have the results soon. But in the meantime, you can't go wrong with a highly bio-available protein source such as whey protein isolate along with a rapidly-assimilated carbohydrate source like dextrose, waxy maize, or maltodextrin. If you are a hardgainer ectomorph type, don't be afraid to mix two or more carb sources together. You can even add in something like fruit juice for flavor and additional simple carbs. If you are trying to lean out or you are simply a person that gains fat very easily, you will want to take it easy on the amount of carbs in this shake. You still want to always include at least some carbs in this shake, except in the case of the final stages of a pre-contest diet for those that are striving to lose the last vestiges of bodyfat.

    Roughly an hour or two later, you want to have another solid-food meal that should be similar in composition to the pre-workout meal. For the purpose of better absorption, you want to keep the fat content low, particularly saturated fats. The timing of this meal will depend on the size of your shake as well as your appetite. Obviously you can't eat until you are hungry again. If you are drinking a large shake that is very filling for you, it might take two hours for your appetite to return substantially enough to allow you to eat a solid meal. Conversely, a lighter shake should digest faster and you should theoretically be ready to eat just an hour later. Also note that there tends to be more bloating and gas associated with lower-quality grades of protein powder. They tend to taste good, but contain large amounts of lactose. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and spring for the good stuff.

    A note on sodium

    Many bodybuilders have it in their heads that sodium is bad for them and should be avoided. They intentionally remain on very low-sodium diets year-round when the fact of the matter is, you only need to be concerned about sodium intake in the final few days before a contest when you are attempting to shed subcutaneous water. Without proper amounts of dietary sodium, you simply won't be able to get a pump. Some of you may have experienced this when competing. If you are trying to pump up and haven't had more than trace amounts of sodium for a couple days, your muscles will be totally flat and unresponsive, even if you are eating carbs and drinking some water. Then, if you go out and have a burger and fries after the judging, your muscles seem to magically inflate, and you are able to generate an excellent pump for the night show! Sodium helps transport carbs into the muscles, so by all means don't be afraid to put a bit of salt on your food. I actually encourage my clients to get their sodium from condiments like ketchup, mustard, and barbecue sauce in the off-season. It should be noted that for any of you with medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes that require you to adhere to strict low-sodium diets, always observe the guidelines set forth by your physician or your dietician.

    Additional research

    If it seems odd that this discussion of nutrition as it applies to the FST-7 training system isn't discussing supplements, that's because I am currently in the process of experimenting with various types of products to see which ones enhance the pump, reduce soreness, speed up recovery, and other effects that would be beneficial. One of the major side effects of this type of training is extreme muscle soreness, so this in particular needs to be addressed. All I can say at this point is that even though all the results aren't in and there is still more research to be done; we have already witnessed some intriguing and exciting effects. Stay tuned here in the coming months for my findings in this area.

    Success stories - in progress!

    Although I have been developing the FST-7 system for several years and have been recommending it to my clients, only recently have I insisted that they consistently incorporate it into their own training. In the near future, I will have some impressive success stories to report. In the meantime, you will be seeing some of the results of FST-7 on the pro stages this year. Phil Heath has used it to improve his shoulder and back width, his chest, and even his legs. Larger bodyparts like back and legs typically need more time to show changes, of course. Charles Ray Arde has used FST-7 over this past off-season to bring up his chest, delts, and back for his rookie pro season this spring. And Bill Wilmore has just started using FST-7 for his arms, and will soon be showing the results of his hard work. I also encourage those of you that experience success with FST-7 to send me before and after photos and tell me how you used it to improve stubborn bodyparts.

    9  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 28. januar 2010, 20:17
    Siterer det du sa Celdiir: "Men jeg har fortsatt ingen mulighet for å si noe om fascia utvides"!

    Fascia utvides pga vekt trening øker blod gjennomstrømningen til muskulaturen, da øker volumet på muskelen du trener og facian rundt muskulaturen utvides.

    Fst-7 forårsaker en enorm pump i muskulaturen mens du gjør en isolasjons øvelse som generelt er "stretch" øvelse.
    FST-7 kommer ikke til å være løsningen til å bli i verdens mester i kroppsbygging, mange faktorer spiller inn ellers ville vi alle se ut som Jay Cutler!

    Ha en god kveld!
    10  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 28. januar 2010, 19:13
    Faren min er død..

    11  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 28. januar 2010, 17:49
    Du svarte ikke på spørsmålet mitt har du prøvd det ut FST-7?
    Og du leste ikke det jeg skrev sikkelig når du må si magisk tall 7, fordi det er ikke noen magisk tall, noe må man jo kalle det....bare et tall, du kan bruke mer eller mindre set.hva som passer best for deg. Men haney Rambod har prøvd ut dette i mange år på sine atleter han hjelper og mange har vunnet tittler i USA.Han har funnet ut at 7 set er greit for de fleste.
    Det er mye som fungerer uten at det har vært noen stor forskining på det. Man trenger ikke hvit lab frakk og 15 generasjoner lab rotter for å konkludere med at noe fungerer.
    Når du har prøvd FST-7. Da kan du komme til meg!

    Jeg kommer ikke til å avsluttet dette her før du har prøvd FST-7 ut ihvertfall i 6-8 uker. Og med riktig mat og hard trening!

    Jeg hadde flest atleter som stilte i Grand Prix 2009 fra teamet mitt Team 24fitness. Og vi ble beste klubb. Og mange av atletene kjørte blant annet FST-7. Om du mener dette er dårlig argumentasjon så er det dine ord. Men ofte kommer resultater før forskning! Du skal ikke lære faren din å knulle!
    12  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 27. januar 2010, 12:06
    "Force yourself out of your comfort zone. You can't grow and progress without challenge and pressure. A diamond without pressure is a piece of fucking coal."

    Dette er slagoret ditt, du må nok bytte dette nå! biggrin
    13  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 27. januar 2010, 12:00
    Celdiir nå prøver du virkelig hard skjønner jeg, siterer det du sa: Forsøker du å bli verdensmester i stråmann-argumentasjon også? 
    he he. du får holde deg til saken

    Har du prøvd FST-7 i en lengre periode? biggrin

    14  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 25. januar 2010, 13:33
    Så du er enig at variasjon er viktig. Og enig at for å få maksimalt med muskler som dette dreier seg om, må man trene super hardt og periodisere treningen. De mest kjente trenings prinsippene som super set, force set, dropp set etc. er blitt en sucsess blant mange vanlige mennesker som har prøvd ut disse prinsippene. FST-7 er et verktøy for variasjon i treningen, Når det er sagt lurer jeg på hvilket svar som egentlig ville tilfredstillt deg?  biggrin

    What is FST-7?

    FST-7 is a training system I devised after years of research and a great deal of trial and error with many clients. FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training, and the seven refers to the seven sets performed for the final exercise of a target bodypart. I have had many clients use this system for overall growth and especially to improve stubborn bodyparts that were seemingly resistant to just about anything else the person had tried. FST-7 encompasses several factors both inside and outside the gym. This month we will focus on the training aspects.

    Is fascia limiting your muscle growth?

    There are three types of fascia in the human body, but the type bodybuilders should be concerned about is deep fascia. This is dense fibrous connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of collagen fibers is what gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount of elastin fibers determines how much extensibility and resiliency it will have. In other words, some of us have fascia that is thicker and tougher than others. The most genetically blessed bodybuilders have thinner fascia, which is why their muscle bellies appear to be larger and fuller, with that round ‘bubbly' look that all bodybuilders covet. Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath would be two prime examples of individuals blessed with thin fascia. Their muscles expand easier. Think of it in terms of it being easier to blow up a balloon as opposed to one of those water bottles that strongmen like Franco Columbu used to. Jay Cutler and Nasser El-Sonbatty are two men that clearly have thicker fascia. This didn't prevent them from building substantial muscle mass, obviously, but neither man ever had that round ‘Marvel Comics' appearance to their muscles. Yet the average bodybuilder has thicker fascia than either of those two champions. In an effort to expand their fascia and allow growth to occur, some have turned to Synthol and other items that are injected deep into the muscle belly. There have even been some advisors, mainly online, that make it seem as if this is the only solution and must be done. They will also try and insist that all the pro's use Synthol and site inject, which I can assure you is not true. Synthol and related products are foreign substances, and you can never be certain how they will metabolize in the body. We are starting to see various health issues with bodybuilders that are more than likely related to site injecting. Yes, you do need to stretch the muscle fascia to experience optimal growth, but that is not the way to do it.

    All stretching is not the same

    I am not the first person to recognize the importance of stretching the muscle fascia. First John Parrillo, then more recently Dante Trudel of DC Training fame, incorporate aggressive stretching during workouts as part of their training programs. They had the right idea, but stretching the fascia by elongating the muscle is not the best method. FST-7 is based on stretching the muscle from the inside out by volumizing it. This is accomplished by getting the greatest pump possible while training.

    Do I still train heavy, or can I just pump up with light weights?

    One thing I don't want anyone misconstruing is that FST-7 is all about pumping. That's just one component. I also believe that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, and you absolutely must train with heavier weights in the 8-12 rep range. I have tried many variations of heavier and lighter training with clients over the years, and discovered that both types are needed. Heavy weights will build thickness and density, but they will not give you that round, full look. Similarly, getting incredible pumps all the time can impart some of that roundness, but you won't ever get extreme muscle size without training with heavy straight sets. So you need to focus equally on maximizing both your strength and your pump in the same workouts to see optimal results. Here's an example of a biceps workout, FST-7 style, that shows you how to incorporate both:

    Alternate dumbbell curls 3-4 x 8-12

    Machine preacher curl 3 x 8-12

    EZ-bar curl 7 x 8-12 (rest 30-45 seconds between sets while sipping water - more on this next month)

    I don't typically like to use very high reps, because too often you will experience general fatigue and get short of breath before you have built the maximum pump in the muscle. I also don't like the weight to be too heavy and limit the reps any lower than eight, because this is when you see form breaking down and ancillary muscles kicking in and robbing the target muscle of the proper stimulation. You can think of the ‘7' set as blowing up a balloon. We keep the rest periods fairly short, because as you pump up the muscle, a little blood escapes in that time. You can think of it as blowing up a balloon with a slight leak in it - even though the balloon is being inflated, some air is escaping. The key is to build on the pump sets by set, exponentially, so that it reaches its maximum state by the final set. If the rest periods were too short, you wouldn't have enough energy to do justice to the seven sets. Another question I often get is, should the weight be constant as the seven sets go on? It can be, but it's perfectly fine to reduce the weight one or two times as needed to stay in the proper rep range. There may also be times when you need to increase the weight, but this happens less often.

    How often can I train bodyparts this way?

    Generally speaking, this type of training is too traumatic on the larger muscle groups to use more than once a week. Due to the sheer volume of muscle cells, soreness tends to linger too long to allow for more frequent workouts. For instance, Phil Heath recently completed a back workout and was sore for four days. Since he is supposed to be training back and chest twice a week in preparation for the Arnold Classic, this threw him off his schedule somewhat. The higher than normal amount of microscopic tears in the muscle caused by FST-7 training necessitates a bit more recovery time than standard training protocols. However, smaller bodyparts like arms and calves certainly can and should be trained twice a week. This gives you twice as many opportunities to stretch the fascia in what are often exceedingly stubborn bodyparts. Here's a sample split that displays how you could arrange this:

    Day one: Biceps and triceps, calves

    Day two: Legs

    Day three: OFF

    Day four: Chest and triceps

    Day five: Back and calves

    Day six: Shoulders and biceps

    Day seven: OFF

    This is a split geared toward someone with the goal of improving stubborn arms. There are many other variations depending on what the individual's goals might be.

    Which exercises are best suited to the ‘7' sets?

    Certain exercises are more appropriate than others for the ‘7' sets. The big compound free weight movements like squats and deadlifts usually are poor choices, for two reasons. For one thing, they involve several other muscle groups and don't do a good job of isolating a target muscle. Also, they require technique and balancing, which tends to break down if one attempts to perform multiple sets in such a short time span. Machines are a good choice in many instances because they keep you in a fixed plane of movement and thus make it easier to isolate a given muscle. Those with selectorized stacks also make it very fast and convenient to increase or decrease the resistance as needed. Here are some suggested movements that I have found work very well:

    Back width: Machine pullovers (Hammer Strength, Nautilus) or cable pullovers

    Back thickness: Seated row machines with chest support

    Chest: Pec deck or peck flye machine*, cable crossovers

    *I find that the pec decks with the pads for the elbows usually work very well for shorter trainers, while the pec flye machines with handles seem to be better for tall guys. Try both - you will know by the pump and range of motion you achieve which one is a better choice for you.

    Shoulders: Machine lateral raises with pads - my favorite is made by Bodymasters. Hammer Strength, LifeFitness, and Cybex also produce similar models.

    Quads: Leg extensions, leg presses

    Hamstrings: Seated or lying leg curls

    Biceps: EZ-bar curls, machine curls, cable ‘front double biceps curls'

    Triceps: Cable pushdowns using rope attachment

    Overhead cable extensions

    Skull crushers (for advanced trainers)

    Calves: Standing and seated raises, calf raises using leg press

    (alternate between these three)

    When should I do my ‘7'?

    The best time to do your ‘7' is as the final exercise for a muscle group. You don't want to do it first, as this would take away from your performance on the heavy straight sets that are also a critical factor in building muscle mass. Finishing off a bodypart with a great pump is something many top bodybuilders have been doing instinctively for years, not knowing that they were expanding their fascia and maximizing growth. It may be tempting to do your pumping sets earlier on if you can't seem to get any kind of pump going, but I would urge you instead to do something like a set or two of 21's to get the blood flowing and then proceed with your heavy sets before capping it all off with your ‘7' set for that bodypart. Remember, ‘7's' are done at the conclusion of each bodypart, so if you are working multiple bodyparts in a given workout, you will be doing two or more of these extended pumping sets.

    15  Generelt / Diskutèr artikler / Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010 på: 25. januar 2010, 02:34
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