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  • 5416  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Kosttilskudd for kondisjonsutøvere på: 01. februar 2003, 14:58
    Ved inntak av kreatin for utholdenhetsidretter bør du ta å hoppe over oppladnings dosen og kjøre på 2-3g pr dag i ca 2 mnd.. dette pga ved utholdenhets idretter er det ikke like ønskelig å legge på seg 2-3 kg overflødig veske, noe som kan redusere resultatene fra trening/konkuranse.

    spis, tren og prester av fredrik paulun
    (det står i boken hvor han har hentet sine kilder fra)
    5417  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / info om ALA3 på: 31. januar 2003, 18:55
    Hva med en tredje artikel om ALA?

    her er den....


    Alpha-Lipoic acid
    Quite Possibly the "Universal" Antioxidant

    by Jack Challem, The Nutrition Reporter
    This article originally appeared in the July 1996 issue of The Nutrition Reporter newsletter.

    If it's essential role in health is any indication, alpha-lipoic acid may very well join the ranks of vitamins C and E as part of your first-line of defense against free radicals. Discovered in 1951, it serves as a coenzyme in the Krebs cycle and in the production of cellular energy. In the late 1980s, researchers realized that alpha-lipoic acid had been overlooked as a powerful antioxidant.

    Over the past few years, the pace of research on lipoic acid has increased dramatically. Last year, Lester Packer, PhD, of the University of California, Berkeley, published a lengthy review article on alpha-lipoic acid in Free Radical Biology & Medicine (1995;19:227-50). In April 1996, he presented a short review of it in the same journal (FRBM;20:625-6).

    Several qualities distinguish alpha-lipoic acid from other antioxidants, and Packer has described it at various times as the "universal," "ideal," and "metabolic" antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals in both the fatty and watery regions of cells, in contrast to vitamin C (which is water soluble) and vitamin E (which is fat soluble).

    The body routinely converts some alpha-lipoic acid to dihydrolipoic acid, which appears to be an even more powerful antioxidant. Both forms of lipoic acid quench peroxynitrite radicals, an especially dangerous type consisting of both oxygen and nitrogen, according to a recent paper in FEBS Letters (Whiteman M, et al., FEBS Letters, 1996; 379:74-6). Peroxynitrite radicals play a role in the development of atherosclerosis, lung disease, chronic inflammation, and neurological disorders.

    Alpha-lipoic acid also plays an important role in the synergism of antioxidants, what Packer prefers to call the body's "antioxidant network." It directly recycles and extends the metabolic lifespans of vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10, and it indirectly renews vitamin E.

    In Germany, alpha-lipoic acid is an approved medical treatment for peripheral neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes. It speeds the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, at least partly by enhancing insulin function, and it reduces insulin resistance, an underpinning of many cases of coronary heart disease and obesity. The therapeutic dose for lipoic acid is 600 mg/day. In the United States, it is sold as a dietary supplement, usually as 50 mg tablets. (The richest food source of alpha-lipoic acid is red meat.)

    "From a therapeutic viewpoint, few natural antioxidants are ideal," Packer recently explained in Free Radical Biology & Medicine. "An ideal therapeutic antioxidant would fulfill several criteria. These include absorption from the diet, conversion in cells and tissues into usable form, a variety of antioxidant actions (including interactions with other antioxidants) in both membrane and aqueous phases, and low toxicity."

    "Alpha-lipoic unique among natural antioxidants in its ability to fulfill all of these requirements," he continued, "making it a potentially highly effective therapeutic agent in a number of conditions in which oxidative damage has been implicated."

    Other research on alpha-lipoic acid has shown that it might:

    help people with genetic defects leading to muscle myopathies (Barbiroli B, et al., Journal of Neurology, 1995;242:472-7);

    reduce ischemia/reperfusion injury to the heart and brain. (Schonheit K, et al., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1995;1271:335-42; and Cao X and Phillis JW, Free Radical Research, 1995;23:365-70); and

    inhibit the activation of "nuclear factor kappa-B," a protein complex involved in cancer and the progression of AIDS. (Suzuki YJ, et al., Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 1992;189:1709-15).
    "The therapeutic potential of alpha-lipoic acid is just beginning to be explored," observed Packer, "but this compound holds great promise."

    The information provided by Jack Challem and The Nutrition Reporter newsletter


    Lipoic Acid: Same anabolic effects as a weak AAS like Primo
    Lets examine the physiological response to a meal
    taken with ALA and w/o ALA.

    ARE ALREADY FULL!!! Remember this......(This is the
    scenario when bulking)

    1. Meal taken w/o ALA.

    i) Food(Macro-nutrients) are ingested.
    ii) Body converts these nutrients to glucose,
    its main source of fuel.(Protein and triglycerides
    also convert to glucose btw)
    Protein: 58% glucogenic
    Fat: 10% glucogenic
    iii) The body detects the glucose entering the Blood-stream
    and releases insulin to shuttle the glucose/amino-acids/fats
    into the cells. This is done by the Pancreas.
    These cells are the miocytes(muscle cells) and
    adipocytes(fat cells)

    Now, the muscle-cells are COMPLETELY full, so all
    the nutrients are either shuttled INTO the
    adipocytes(fat cells) or oxidized for energy.

    Net result: INCREASE IN FAT MASS.

    Now, Meal taken w/ ALA

    i) Food(Macro-nutrients) are ingested.
    ii) Body converts these nutrients to glucose,
    its main source of fuel.(Protein and triglycerides
    also convert to glucose btw)
    Protein: 58% glucogenic
    Fat: 10% glucogenic
    iii) The body detects the glucose entering the Blood-stream
    and releases insulin to shuttle the glucose/amino-acids/fats
    into the cells.
    These cells are the miocytes(muscle cells) and
    adipocytes(fat cells)

    However,(And this is the IMPORTANT PART), ALA
    has increased the amount of glut-4 transporters
    on the out-side of the miocytes(muscle-cells)
    considerably.(By roughly 50% from the studies that
    have been posted)
    This effect gives the msucle-cells the ability to soak up MORE
    glucose from the blood-stream. In essence, you have
    increased the amount of glycogen your muscles can store.

    So, we now have a glucose wave incoming into the
    the micoytes and adipopcytes which is being pushed
    by a certain amount of insulin.(Depending on the amount
    of food(type) consumed).

    Now, in a normal scenario(like w/o ALA being added to the
    meal) the net result would be fat gain, BUT the glucose is
    now PARTIALLY being diverted to the miocytes(muscle-cells),
    due to the increased cellular glut-4 content being generated
    by the exogeneously orally administered ALA.
    This now means that the glucose+nutrients are being
    diverted to BOTH the MUSCLE-cells and fat-cells w/o
    ANY CHANGE in insulogenic levels. While in the w/o
    ALA scenario the glucose was being diverted STRAIGHT
    to the fat-cells.

    What does this all mean?

    That by just adding ALA to a meal you have
    diverted MORE NUTRIENTS into your muscle
    cells than into your fat cells.
    This is what a nutrient-partitioning agent does.
    The net result is an increased muscle-gain over the
    long-run with a smaller fat-gain.

    To give you a quantitative idea, if a person
    gains 10lbs muscle and 10lbs fat in a bulking
    cycle w/o ALA. He/she is likely to gain around
    14lbs muscle and 6 lbs fat if he/she would have
    taken ALA.

    Thats what makes ALA a kick-ass supplement.

    This whole thread is of course in reference to
    HIGH-DOSES of ALA. Roughly 3000mg/day or more.
    And, before anybody starts saying that I'm going to
    die, the toxic dose for a 165-lb individual is
    30,000mg, so doomsayers begone.

    Fonz - Elite

    Lipoic Acid Update
    The Ideal Antioxidant Gets Even Better

    Lipoic acid (aka alpha-lipoic acid, thiotic acid) has been variously called the "universal antioxidant" or the "ideal antioxidant," and with good reason. First, lipoic acid acts as a kind of "wild card" antioxidant. This means that it can substitute for other antioxidants, such as vitamins C or E. So if you're not getting enough of these substances in your diet, lipoic acid supplements can make up at least part of the deficit.

    While it acts as a powerful antioxidant in its own right, lipoic acid also plays an important role in controlling blood sugar. Evidence is accumulating rapidly that both of these mechanisms may contribute to preventing many of the serious side effects of diabetes, such as nerve damage, pain, blindness, heart disease, and accelerated aging. It may also repair existing nerve damage by encouraging new nerve sprouting.

    Recent studies have demonstrated that lipoic acid can also help improve muscle strength and energy levels, protect extracellular LDL cholesterol and intracellular DNA from damage by free radicals, discourage the formation and growth of cancer cells, and possibly even improve memory.

    Lipoic acid is also a talented chelator, capable of removing from the blood stream excess iron and copper as well as toxic molecules of cadmium, lead and mercury.1

    What Is Lipoic Acid?
    Lipoic acid is considered a conditionally essential antioxidant nutrient. This means that although the body makes some of its own lipoic acid, you still need to get most of it through your diet, either from food or supplements. As with other vital substances, like melatonin, DHEA, pregnenolone, estrogen, testosterone, coenzyme Q10, and growth hormone, your body's ability to make lipoic acid declines with age. This means that, as you grow older, you become more dependent on dietary sources. Unfortunately, the best dietary sources of lipoic acid are red meats, which makes supplements a better choice for many people.

    Why Lipoic Acid Is Considered the "Ideal Antioxidant"
    According to Dr. Lester Packer of the University of California, Berkeley, a leading lipoic acid researcher for many years, the "ideal antioxidant" should meet all of the following criteria:2

    Neutralize free radicals
    Be absorbed and utilized rapidly and easily by the body
    Be highly concentrated in cells, tissues, and extracellular fluid
    Be capable of enhancing the effects of other antioxidants
    Chelate free metal ions
    Promote normal gene expression
    Lipoic acid, in combination with its metabolite, dihydrolipoic acid, is the only known antioxidant that meets all these criteria. It might be termed a "broad-spectrum" antioxidant, with actions against a wide range of free radical species, including the superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, hypochlorous acid, singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, and transition metals (e.g., iron, copper, cadmium, lead, and mercury).

    Its unique size (larger than vitamin C, but smaller than vitamin E) gives the lipoic acid molecule an important structural advantage. Unlike any other antioxidant, it can dissolve in both water and fats. This unique ability to go "both ways" gives lipoic acid access to virtually all body systems.2 Its water solubility lets it move throughout the blood and other extracellular fluids, which are mainly composed of water. At the same time, its fat solubility opens the doors to cell membranes and nuclear membranes, which are largely made of lipids, where it can prevent lipid peroxidation.

    Besides its ability to scavenge free radicals on its own, lipoic acid also enhances the actions of its fellow antioxidant molecules, such as vitamin E and glutathione, by either substituting for them when they are deficient or by helping recycle them for further use after they have neutralized free-radical molecules.3,4

    Lipoic Acid Inhibits Glycation
    Lipoic acid is good news for people with diabetes for several reasons: Glycation is a reaction in which blood sugar reacts spontaneously and directly with proteins such as collagen, found in skin, blood vessels, connective tissue, and myelin (which surrounds nerve cells), and other tissues to form cross-linked sugar-damaged proteins.5 It is similar to the process of glycoslyation except that it is not driven by enzymes. Glycation is a serious problem in people with diabetes, because they have higher than optimal levels of blood sugar due to low insulin production (type I, or juvenile-onset diabetes) or high insulin resistance (type II, or adult-onset diabetes). Over many years, glycation accelerates tissue aging and may promote kidney damage, atherosclerosis, and loss of vision, all of which are common diabetic complications.

    A powerful antioxidant, lipoic acid also plays an
    important role in controlling blood sugar (and
    may help prevent) many of the serious side
    effects of diabetes, such as nerve damage, pain,
    blindness, heart disease, and accelerated aging.

    Lipoic acid reduces glycation by enhancing the movement of blood sugar into cell interiors.6,7 This is what insulin is supposed to do. But when insulin falls down on the job, lipoic acid can pick up the slack, just as it does when vitamin C or vitamin E levels drop too low. Not only does this action reduce dangerous levels of blood sugar, by increasing the amount of blood sugar available to muscle cells, it also promotes greater energy production by muscles and reduces the amount stored as fat. In one study using laboratory rats with a form of type II diabetes, lipoic acid increased insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal by 30% to 50% and reduced plasma insulin and free fatty acids by 15% to 17%.8

    Lipoic Acid Prevents Free-Radical Damage
    Diabetics are exceptionally susceptible to free radicals that over time cause cataracts, damage the retina, contribute to atherosclerosis, deprive heart muscle of oxygen and nutrients, and destroy nerves. By scavenging free radicals, lipoic acid, along with other antioxidants, including vitamin E and selenium, can reduce oxidative stress, thus minimizing many of the major complications of diabetes.9-12

    Lipoic Acid Improves Neurologic Function
    By inhibiting glycation and scavenging free radicals - thus preventing lipid peroxidation in nerve cell membranes - lipoic acid has been shown to slow the progression of diabetic neuropathy, which, if unchecked, can lead to numbness in the feet, infection, and, eventually, the need for amputation.13-16

    Recent studies have shown that long-term treatment with lipoic acid can even result in "sprouting," or regeneration, of new nerve fibers to replace those that might have been destroyed by diabetes-related pathologies. In one such study, lipoic acid was found to be superior to recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) in promoting nerve growth in diabetic rats.17

    Lipoic Acid Protects Brain Tissue
    Reactive oxygen-free radicals are thought to be involved in a number of types of acute and chronic pathologic conditions in the brain and neural tissue. Lipoic acid may be capable of offering important protection against these damaging free radicals, because it is easily absorbed via the GI tract and crosses the blood-brain barrier. Once in the brain, it can be taken up by brain cells and tissue and reduced to dihydrolipoate, offering both intracellular and extracellular protection.

    According to Dr. Lester Packer, this makes lipoic acid "an ideal substance in the treatment of oxidative brain and neural disorders involving free radical processes." Packer observes that lipoic acid provides significant protection in cases of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion, excitotoxic amino acid brain injury, mitochondrial dysfunction, diabetes and diabetic neuropathy, inborn errors of metabolism, and other causes of acute or chronic damage to brain or neural tissue.

    Noting that very few pharmacological intervention strategies are currently available for treating stroke and other disorders involving free-radical injury to the brain, Dr. Packer proposes that lipoic acid, in part because it increases intracellular levels of glutathione, may be extremely valuable. "The most important thiol antioxidant, glutathione, cannot be directly administered, whereas alpha-lipoic acid can," he writes. "In vitro, animal and preliminary human studies indicate that alpha-lipoate may be effective in numerous neurodegenerative disorders.18

    Lipoic acid's ability to protect brain tissue was clearly demonstrated in a recent German study in which mouse brains were subjected to focal infarct injury by blocking the flow of blood to a specific region. Those animals pretreated with subcutaneous injections of lipoic acid were found to have smaller infarct areas than untreated animals.19

    Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
    As most people know by now, one of the primary villains in cardiovascular disease is the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol particle, whose job it is to carry fatty acids, cholesterol, and triglycerides to destinations all over the body. The trouble begins when LDL is damaged by oxidation or free radicals, which begins a process that ends up with the formation of fatty deposits on the inner walls of arteries, reduced blood flow, heart attacks, and strokes.

    Antioxidants like vitamin E protect LDL from oxidation and free radicals. The problem is that in the process of protecting LDL, vitamin E itself is consumed. Here's where lipoic acid comes in. First, lipoic acid helps recycle vitamin E molecules, so they can rise and join the antioxidant battle again and again. Second, lipoic acid itself provides antioxidant protection for LDL.

    Studies in laboratory animals have shown that lipoic acid reduces blood cholesterol by 40% and LDL levels by 42%. This results in a 72% increase in the amount of oxygen reaching the heart muscle and a 128% increase in oxygen reaching the liver.5
    5418  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / info om ALA2 på: 31. januar 2003, 18:53
    her kommer en artikkel til om ALA

    Lipoic acid: The unique antioxidant
    by Ray Sahelian, M.D., and Edward Byrd -- from Nature's Impact, February/March 1998

    Pick up any health magazine and youre bound to find an article about antioxidants such as vitamins E, C, and beta-carotene. But theres a new antioxidant on the block thats worth looking into. Why? Because this nutrient does more than some of the run-of-the-mill antioxidants. Lipoic acid can actually help treat certain medical conditions. And you dont have to wait forever to find out if its working.
    Were still in the early stages of learning all of lipoic acids potential benefits. In the meantime, we have brought together the very latest scientific research about this nutrient. You should consider learning more about lipoic acid if you have any of the following:

    Diabetes, or higher than normal blood sugar
    Diabetic neuropathy
    Cataracts, if still in the early stages
    Brain or nerve degeneration
    Cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, or cerebrovascular diseases
    High cholesterol levels
    Lipoic acid has also been examined in a variety of other medical conditions, including infections (such as HIV) and cancer.
    Although LA is found in foods such as meats and spinach, full evaluations of food contents have not been done as thoroughly for LA as they have for other antioxidants. Our bodies are thought to be able to synthesize small amounts of LA, although there is no proof at this time. When LA is ingested as a supplement, about 80 percent is absorbed into the bloodstream.

    What is lipoic acid?

    Lipoic acid (LA) is a natural antioxidant. It is gradually becoming recognized for its unique abilities in the therapy andprevention of a broad range of diseases. In addition to antioxidant properties, LA helps the body use glucose; hence its potential for helping people with diabetes.
    An antioxidant is any chemical, natural or synthetic, that neutralizes toxins or free radicals, thus protecting our cells from damage. A free radical is an unstable molecule with at least one unpaired electron. It reacts by trying to steal an electron from a neighboring molecule, causing damage in the process. Cigarette smoke, fried foods, ozone, excessive sun exposure, car exhaust, and air pollution are common causes of free radicals. It is believed that aging and many degenerative conditions are due to free-radical damage to cells. For instance, if a free radical damages our DNA, the eventual consequences could be a higher risk of cancer. If the damage occurs in arteries that supply blood to the heart, it could eventually lead to a heart attack. Thus, it has been proposed that the intake of antioxidants could potentially slow down this damage.

    The chemical name of LA is 1,2-dithiolane-3-pentanoic acid. Usually you see it mentioned in the medical literature as alpha-lipoic acid or "thiotic acid." For the sake of simplicity, we will use the shorter version: lipoic acid or LA.

    LA is easily absorbed from the diet or when taken as a supplement. It can enter the bloodstream and travel to many parts of the body. It can even cross the blood-brain barrier. Cells can absorb LA and transform it into a related antioxidant known as dihydrolipoate, which is exported to areas outside a cell. Therefore, LA can protect cells on both the inside and outside.

    Although LA is found in foods such as meats and spinach, full evaluations of food contents have not been done as thoroughly for LA as they have for other antioxidants. Our bodies are thought to be able to synthesize small amounts of LA, although there is no proof at this time. When LA is ingested as a supplement, about 80 percent is absorbed into the bloodstream.

    A brief history

    In the fall of 1950, a team of scientists headed by Dr. Lester Reed, from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Texas in Austin, isolated a compound that affected the metabolism of glucose. They named this compound alpha-lipoic acid. The term lipoic refers to "lipid" or fat, since LA was not soluble in water.
    Since 1950, hundreds of articles have been published on LA. Initially, scientists focused on the role of LA in sugar metabolism. However, in the late 1980s, LAs powerful antioxidant capabilities were discovered. The research with this nutrient has accelerated over the past few years. Various patents have been taken, and researchers are testing LA for its potential in fighting infections and inflammation, protecting nerve cells, treating cardiovascular diseases, tumors, allergies, shielding against stomach ulcers, and so on. Naturally, theres no guarantee that LA will turn out to be appropriate for all these conditions.

    Lets review some of the published research on LA and explore guidelines on how you can best take advantage of this unique nutrient.

    The ideal antioxidant?

    Our foods, especially fruits and vegetables, contain countless antioxidants. They are all important, and taking LA is certainly not a substitute for eating a diet loaded with refined sugars, desserts, and high-fat junk.
    However, LA offers some benefits you wont find in other antioxidants. In a 1995 review article published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, one of the leading scientists in the area of antioxidant chemistry, Lester Packer, Ph.D., from the University of California at Berkeley, reports on the uniqueness of LA. He even comes close to calling LA the "ideal" antioxidant, for the following reasons:

    LA is readily absorbed from the diet or as a supplement.
    It can regenerate vitamin C from dehydroascorbic acid, its oxidized form.
    It can potentially regenerate other antioxidants.
    LA increases the levels of glutathione, a very important antioxidant normally found in our cells.
    It can be used therapeutically in a variety of medical diseases.
    LA can enhance the synthesis of glutathione, the main antioxidant within our cells. Glutathione effectively mops up all types of toxins and free radicals. However, we cannot take supplements of this antioxidant since it is unable to cross cell membranes. Fortunately, both laboratory and animal studies have shown that LA can stimulate the production of glutathione. This is particularly important during periods of excessive stress or exposure to toxic substances, or even exposure to radiation.
    It seems that LA can even pitch in and help when the body is lacking vitamin E. When laboratory animals were depleted of their vitamin E stores because their diet lacked this nutrient, they displayed obvious symptoms of vitamin E deficiency. However, when their diet was supplemented with LA, the animals were completely protected.

    What about side effects?

    Low doses of LA, such as 10 to 50 mg, do not cause side effects of any significance. However, higher doses could cause gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea or stomach upset. Extremely high doses could potentially lead to very low blood sugar.
    For long-term use, we do not recommend that you take more than 100 mg a day until extensive human studies are completed. People dont always realize that even a good thing can turn bad. Some antioxidants are thought to turn into pro-oxidants (oxidation-causing) in excessive dosages. Also, the body needs some oxidation-type chemicals in order to fight off certain germs. It may be unwise to mop up all oxidants in the body, since some may play certain key roles. It would certainly be wise to make your healthcare practitioner aware of the supplements you are taking.

    LA and aging

    Glucose (sugar) has been implicated in the aging process because of its ability to react with some proteins, such as collagen, to produce glycation. That is, the glucose molecule attaches to some amino acids of a protein and makes the protein less functional, leading to malfunction. The initial phase of this attachment is called glycation.
    As we age, the amount of glycation of the proteins in our bodies tends to increase. We should also note that blood sugar generally increases as we age. The glycation of the collagen in our tendons and arteries increases with age, in proportion to the increase in blood glucose that occurs with aging.

    However, restricting calories can help prevent this age-related increase in glyca-tion. In other words, avoiding excess sugar and excess calorie consumption could theoretically, over the years and decades, help our proteins stay healthier. Practical ways to use this information include:

    Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of one or two excessively large ones. Eating these small meals, or snacks, will help maintain your blood sugar at a relatively steady state, instead of wide fluctuations.
    Make sure to get some protein with each meal. Avoid a purely carbohydrate meal, except when you want to induce sleep at night. Carbohydrates, eaten an hour or two before bed, will help you feel sleepy.
    Even relatively "healthy" drinks, such as fruit juices, can increase blood sugar significantly when consumed in large amounts, such as six ounces or more. Many people quickly gulp down eight ounces of orange juice in the morning, in addition to a cup of coffee laced with a teaspoon or two of sugar.
    Lipoic acid could also help lower the rate of glycation. According to a study published in 1997, LA was found to reduce glycation of proteins in human tissues. This is an important finding not only for diabetics, but for all of us.
    For prevention and anti-aging

    Because of its effectiveness as an antioxidant, it would seem logical for anyone who takes supplemental antioxi-dants to consider adding LA to his or her regimen. The ideal dose of LA as an antioxidant has not been determined. However, 50 mg a day, or every other day, would certainly be reasonable. If you prefer to be more cautious, you may consider as low a dose as 10 mg a day. If your capsules contain 100 mg, you could open the capsule and take a small portion of it. You may also need LA in times of stress, infection, or other types of illness.
    As with many nutrients and medicines, our philosophy is to take occasional breaks and not use them for a few days.

    How will LA make you feel?

    We, the authors, have noted that the ingestion of LA can often lead to a mild, relaxed feeling of well-being. Interestingly, theres also a slight visual enhancement that occurs. However, this visual enhancement is not as dramatic as that of pregnenolone.

    Final note

    Lipoic acid is an exciting addition to the list of nutrients, herbs, and hormones that can treat disease in a safer and more natural way, and help you become healthier. LA offers many benefits, but, as with any medicine, we should not think of it as a magic bullet that can cure all types of diseases. The human body is complicated, with countless chemical reactions going on at any one time. LA, when used appropriately, can either by itself or in combination with proper exercise and diet offer additional therapeutic benefits.
    Over the next few years, we are likely to see the research in this field accelerate. In the meantime, we hope that LA can help you with your particular medical condition.

    5419  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / info om ALA 1 på: 31. januar 2003, 18:51
    Her er en artitkkel om ALA!

    by dr Derek Charlebois

    Before we get into ALA, let's take a look at what happens to food when it enters the body.

    A normal meal:

    Food is consumed.
    This food is converted into glucose for energy.
    Insulin is released by the pancreas to shuttle the glucose into muscle and fat cells (assuming liver glycogen levels are full). Once the muscle cells are full, all excess glucose is shuttled to fat cells.
    Now let's look at a meal taken with ALA:

    Food is consumed.
    This food is converted into glucose for energy.
    Insulin is released by the pancreas to shuttle the glucose into muscle and fat cells. Once the muscle cells are full, all excess glucose is shuttled to fat cells.
    Now this is where ALA comes into play. In order for glucose to be carried into cells, it must be attached to insulin. ALA is shown to have an insulin mimicking effect. So then more glucose would be shuttled to fat cells because the muscle cells are full, right? Wrong! Studies show that ALA increases Glut-4 transporters on the outside of muscle cells. This means more glucose can be shuttled into muscle cells and away from fat cells. Studies show that the amount of glucose shuttled to your muscles can increase from 50-60%. For those who are not that good in math: This means if you ate 100 carbs and originally without ALA, 40 grams of glucose went to your muscles cells and the rest, 60 grams, went to fat cells. Now, by supplementing with ALA, you have the power to send 60 grams of glucose and only 40 to fat cells. That is a big difference! How you ask.

    Insulin Effect

    ALA has an insulin like effect. It does not take the place of insulin, only mimics it. (To learn about insulin and its effects you can read my Insulin article). ALA has been shown to increase glucose uptake by mimicking insulin and shuttling it to Glut-4 receptors as mentioned above. Because ALA has increased the number of Glut-4 receptors on the outside of the muscle, more glucose can be absorbed.

    Effects of Increased Glucose Uptake

    This increase of glucose does many positive things. These include:

    Increased pump
    Less fat accumulation
    Increases Amino Acid transport
    Increases creatine
    Increased insulin sensitivity
    Increased Pump

    The increased pump is due to the increase in glucose uptake. Not only does this feel great, but it also contributes to muscle growth. By increasing the muscle cells volume, but nutrients are able to be shuttled to the muscle. Hence increased muscle growth.

    Less Fat Accumulation

    Again, due to the increase in glucose uptake by muscles cells, less glucose is stored as fat. ALA also lowers one's blood sugar levels, creating a more suitable atmosphere for fat burning.

    Increased Amino Acid and Creatine Uptake

     This comes back to the increased pump. Because the muscle cells are in an enlarged state, more amino acids and creatine can reach them. Insulin increases amino acid and creatine uptake. Remember, ALA mimics insulin, which means it also increases amino acid and creatine uptake. There are a ton of creatine products on the market that are loaded with sugar. This is because sugar causes an insulin spike, which carries the creatine to muscle cells. The problem with this is an excess amount of sugar with cause you to gain fat. By supplementing with ALA you can carry more creatine to muscle cells without swallowing 75+ grams of sugar. I still recommend taking a simple sugary carb after your workout, but ALA can increase creatine uptake while you take a lower amount of sugar. This is very important for those who are cutting. They can get the same effects post workout without having to worry about storing excess carbs as fat.

    Increased Insulin Sensitivity

    This is great news for bodybuilders! When I go on a bulking cycle. I find that about after two months, my gains slow drastically. One way to combat this is to go on a brief cutting cycle to and your insulin sensitivity rebuild. Supplementing with ALA could allow you to add more mass as a result of your insulin sensitivity not reducing.

    Results During Cutting vs. Bulking

    Results will differ depends on your diet. If you are bulking, you can expect to less fat and more muscle gain because of ALA nutrient partitioning effect.

    Results from cutting are increased fat loss and a muscle sparing effect. Because your muscles are storing more glucose, your muscles will not become as depleted as they usually do when cutting. This helps you look full and not flat.

    Dosage (per day)

    200-600 mg will increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. Lower than 200 mg won't give you noticeable effects, except for ALA antioxidant properties. 600 mg-1200 mg will give you an increase in #1 1200-2000 will give you an increase in #1 and more noticeable fat loss. 3000 mg is "said" (Not a fact, just what has worked best for ALA users) to be the ideal dose to assist in massive fat loss, increase in insulin sensitivity, and increasing glucose.

    I got these doses from experienced ALA users and other information I've read. They are a general ranges. It is best to divide you dosages up throughout the day. For example, if you are taking 1000 mg a day. You could take:

    300 mg with breakfast
    200 mg with a carb meal
    300 mg post workout
    200 mg with last meal

    When buying ALA, you have to be careful. ALA is very unstable and rapidly degrades when exposed to the outside atmosphere. Some people think that as long as it is not exposed to atmospheric conditions for extended periods of time, it will be fine. But even a brief period of time can cause massive degeneration of the product. That is why it is not wise to buy ALA in powder form. It is most likely useless. An especially big no-no is buying creatine products with ALA already in them. The only thing you are paying for is the creatine, because there isn't any ALA in those tubs. The solution, buy ALA in capsules! Most companies are very careful when capping their ALA. AST, for example, uses ALA that is vacuum packed in UV protected plastic. Therefore, I do not recommend buying ALA from no name companies. I'm not saying their ALA is not quality ALA, but it's your money and I know I'd rather play it safe.

    Well there is what ALA can do for you. In my next article, we will look at different tests and scientific data that backs up what is stated above.
    5420  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Cell-tech på: 31. januar 2003, 18:48
    Det ble nærmere en uke og 2 minuter!!!

    her kommer det info om ALA!

    by dr Derek Charlebois

    Before we get into ALA, let's take a look at what happens to food when it enters the body.

    A normal meal:

    Food is consumed.
    This food is converted into glucose for energy.
    Insulin is released by the pancreas to shuttle the glucose into muscle and fat cells (assuming liver glycogen levels are full). Once the muscle cells are full, all excess glucose is shuttled to fat cells.
    Now let's look at a meal taken with ALA:

    Food is consumed.
    This food is converted into glucose for energy.
    Insulin is released by the pancreas to shuttle the glucose into muscle and fat cells. Once the muscle cells are full, all excess glucose is shuttled to fat cells.
    Now this is where ALA comes into play. In order for glucose to be carried into cells, it must be attached to insulin. ALA is shown to have an insulin mimicking effect. So then more glucose would be shuttled to fat cells because the muscle cells are full, right? Wrong! Studies show that ALA increases Glut-4 transporters on the outside of muscle cells. This means more glucose can be shuttled into muscle cells and away from fat cells. Studies show that the amount of glucose shuttled to your muscles can increase from 50-60%. For those who are not that good in math: This means if you ate 100 carbs and originally without ALA, 40 grams of glucose went to your muscles cells and the rest, 60 grams, went to fat cells. Now, by supplementing with ALA, you have the power to send 60 grams of glucose and only 40 to fat cells. That is a big difference! How you ask.

    Insulin Effect

    ALA has an insulin like effect. It does not take the place of insulin, only mimics it. (To learn about insulin and its effects you can read my Insulin article). ALA has been shown to increase glucose uptake by mimicking insulin and shuttling it to Glut-4 receptors as mentioned above. Because ALA has increased the number of Glut-4 receptors on the outside of the muscle, more glucose can be absorbed.

    Effects of Increased Glucose Uptake

    This increase of glucose does many positive things. These include:

    Increased pump
    Less fat accumulation
    Increases Amino Acid transport
    Increases creatine
    Increased insulin sensitivity
    Increased Pump

    The increased pump is due to the increase in glucose uptake. Not only does this feel great, but it also contributes to muscle growth. By increasing the muscle cells volume, but nutrients are able to be shuttled to the muscle. Hence increased muscle growth.

    Less Fat Accumulation

    Again, due to the increase in glucose uptake by muscles cells, less glucose is stored as fat. ALA also lowers one's blood sugar levels, creating a more suitable atmosphere for fat burning.

    Increased Amino Acid and Creatine Uptake

     This comes back to the increased pump. Because the muscle cells are in an enlarged state, more amino acids and creatine can reach them. Insulin increases amino acid and creatine uptake. Remember, ALA mimics insulin, which means it also increases amino acid and creatine uptake. There are a ton of creatine products on the market that are loaded with sugar. This is because sugar causes an insulin spike, which carries the creatine to muscle cells. The problem with this is an excess amount of sugar with cause you to gain fat. By supplementing with ALA you can carry more creatine to muscle cells without swallowing 75+ grams of sugar. I still recommend taking a simple sugary carb after your workout, but ALA can increase creatine uptake while you take a lower amount of sugar. This is very important for those who are cutting. They can get the same effects post workout without having to worry about storing excess carbs as fat.

    Increased Insulin Sensitivity

    This is great news for bodybuilders! When I go on a bulking cycle. I find that about after two months, my gains slow drastically. One way to combat this is to go on a brief cutting cycle to and your insulin sensitivity rebuild. Supplementing with ALA could allow you to add more mass as a result of your insulin sensitivity not reducing.

    Results During Cutting vs. Bulking

    Results will differ depends on your diet. If you are bulking, you can expect to less fat and more muscle gain because of ALA nutrient partitioning effect.

    Results from cutting are increased fat loss and a muscle sparing effect. Because your muscles are storing more glucose, your muscles will not become as depleted as they usually do when cutting. This helps you look full and not flat.

    Dosage (per day)

    200-600 mg will increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. Lower than 200 mg won't give you noticeable effects, except for ALA antioxidant properties. 600 mg-1200 mg will give you an increase in #1 1200-2000 will give you an increase in #1 and more noticeable fat loss. 3000 mg is "said" (Not a fact, just what has worked best for ALA users) to be the ideal dose to assist in massive fat loss, increase in insulin sensitivity, and increasing glucose.

    I got these doses from experienced ALA users and other information I've read. They are a general ranges. It is best to divide you dosages up throughout the day. For example, if you are taking 1000 mg a day. You could take:

    300 mg with breakfast
    200 mg with a carb meal
    300 mg post workout
    200 mg with last meal

    When buying ALA, you have to be careful. ALA is very unstable and rapidly degrades when exposed to the outside atmosphere. Some people think that as long as it is not exposed to atmospheric conditions for extended periods of time, it will be fine. But even a brief period of time can cause massive degeneration of the product. That is why it is not wise to buy ALA in powder form. It is most likely useless. An especially big no-no is buying creatine products with ALA already in them. The only thing you are paying for is the creatine, because there isn't any ALA in those tubs. The solution, buy ALA in capsules! Most companies are very careful when capping their ALA. AST, for example, uses ALA that is vacuum packed in UV protected plastic. Therefore, I do not recommend buying ALA from no name companies. I'm not saying their ALA is not quality ALA, but it's your money and I know I'd rather play it safe.

    Well there is what ALA can do for you. In my next article, we will look at different tests and scientific data that backs up what is stated above.

    5421  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / INFO Om Kasein protein på: 29. januar 2003, 21:53
    Menneskene har til alle tider vært opptatt av hvordan maten vi spiser påvirker oss. Interessen for dette har nok gått i bølger, men det har gradvis vokst fram en stadig bedre forståelse av hvordan maten vi spiser påvirker oss både fysisk og psykisk.
    Det er etterhvert blitt mer og mer klart at stoffskifteprossessen- også kalt metabolismen- er meget komplisert.

    Dr. Karl Ludwig Reichelt, som er forsker ved Rikshospitalets pediatriske forskningsinstitutt, er den som har frembrakt mest ny vitenskapelig kunnskap på dette området. Gjennom utstrakt forskning i mange år, etterhvert også sammen med kolleger i Storbritannia og USA, har han fremskaffet både forklaringer og bevis for en sammenheng mellom metabolismeforstyrrelser og fysiske/psykiske vansker av forskjellige slag. Noen mennesker synes å ha problemer med nedbrytningen av visse proteiner.

    Proteinintoleranse innebærer at enkelte proteiner fra mat kan framkalle sykdom. Dette gjelder f. eks kasein (i melk) og gluten (i mel), fordi kroppen har for lite av de enzymene som bryter ned proteinene. Det finnes i dag forskningsresultater som viser at proteiner i melk og gluten spiller en rolle i utvikling av symptomer ved autisme,schizofreni og depresjoner. Når proteiner fra mat fordøyes, dannes det peptider. Det er gjort studier som viser at slike peptider også kan være av betydning ved hyperaktivitet (ADHD). Nyere forskning setter også utslett, migrene, spiseforstyrrelser og psoriasis i sammenheng med proteinintoleranse.
    Peptider som stammer fra kasein og gluten, kan ved hjelp av følsomme analysemetoder, påvises i urin. Hvis disse stoffene finnes i større mengder enn normalt, er det gode holdepunkter for at en diett (kasein - og glutenfri) kan føre til merkbare positive endringer.
    Analysene utføres av firma NeuroZym Biotech AS i Snåsa i samarbeid med overlege K.L. Reichelt på Rikshospitalet. Analysen må rekvireres av lege, psykolog eller annen ansvarlig terapeut på eget rekvisisjonsskjema fra NeuroZym Biotech AS.
    Testen benyttes til å vurdere om det foreligger intoleranse mot proteiner, og om diett bør forsøkes.
    Antatt antall personer i Norge som har denne funksjonshemmingen: Det er "umulig" å angi et eksakt tall for antall personer med proteinintoleranse.

    Chabance, B. et al (1998): Casein peptide release and passage to the blood in humans during digestion of milk or yoghurt. Biochimie; 80, 155-165.
    Teschemacher, H. et al (1997): Milk Protein-Derived Opioid Receptor Ligands. Biopol.; 43, 99-117
    Fukudome, S. et al (1997): Release of opioid peptides, gluten exorphins by the action of pancreatic elastase. FEBS Lett; 412, 475-479.
    5422  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Nye proteiner på: 29. januar 2003, 21:19
    Myseproteinet blir hurtig tatt opp av kroppen innen ca 3t er alt tatt opp av kroppen! kasein proteinet er tregere og tas opp i en periode på over 7-8 timer. det er vel og bra vist du ikke har tenkt å spise noe spesielt på lang tid. F.eks i løpet av natten for da sover man jo.
    Men derimot på dagen bør du spise hver 2,5-3 time og da havner ikke kroppen i katabol(nedbrytbar) tilstand. og ettersom myseproteinet er mer anabolt (oppbyggende) en kasein proteinet sier det vel seg selv hva en bør bruke.
    i tillegg er det fler og fler som oppdager at de ikke tåler melk. Og det er jo kasein proteinet i melken de ikke tåler pga kroppen klarer ikke ordentlig å bryte ned kasein proteinet. verd å merke seg.

    5423  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Billig protein på: 22. januar 2003, 19:40
    Hmm. bra info av infomannen der...
    satte nettopp og leste en artikkel om akkurat det der..
    se mitt innlegg om WHEY vs KASEIN protein...

    5424  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Muskelpiraten ?? på: 22. januar 2003, 19:12
    Jeg har handlet en del fra MUSKELPIRATEN for noen år tilbake. ok service og rask leveringstid....
    Kromèn de selger og vanadyl er meget effektive...
    5425  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:GAINER PRO star nutrition på: 22. januar 2003, 19:10
    Jeg bruker bortimot en boks i uken av Gainer-pro og eller Twinlab super mass fuel når jeg er på oppbygging.....

    Tar en porsjon vedsiden av hvert måltid (5g/dag)
    og en porsjon 200g rett etter trening....
    5426  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Dyrt vs Billig Protein på: 22. januar 2003, 19:05
    Jeg lurer nå litt på hvilken sort protein brukte alle som bruker proteinfabrikken før. Da proteinfabrikken ikke har vært så lenge. Kansje det var derfor han der fyren lo?Huh?? Spist seg stor og sterk på et merke for å få en bedre sponsoravtale ved et nystartet bedriftt?Huh  jeg bare lurer... Wink
    5427  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Cell-tech på: 22. januar 2003, 18:44
    Det er verd å merke seg at i cell-tech og andre såkaldte kreatin loaders er ALA i pulverform i pulveret.
    Da ALA er en meget sterk antioksidant reagerer den umiddelbart i kontakt med luft, Den blir da virkningsløs, Så medCell-tech når du åpner boksen blir ALA`n ødelagt etter få dager. Sats heller på rent kreatin+karbo og ALA i kapselform det vil du ha mer effekt av i lengden.
    I tilleg er cell teck dyr pr gram kreatin og karbo(nesten gratis) og ala...

    Cell tech inneholder pr servering:
    75g raske karbohydrater (Billig)
    200mg ALA    (som oksiderer når du åpner boksen)  Huh
    10 g Kreatin monohydrate
    vitaminc 250 mg
    Calsium 20mg
    Chromium picolinate 300mg
    Taurine 2mg
    Phosporous 100mg
    Magnesium 15mg
    potassium 150mg
    sodium 60 mg

    str 985g eller 1970g
    serveringer totalt 10 og 20
    oppladning 1 servering 2gang pr dag de første 5 dager. (da er allerede den minste boksen brukt på oppladning)derreter en servering pr dag.

    som du ser er det rimelig enkelt å lage et billigere og mer effektivt alternativ
    5428  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:Piller del 2 på: 20. januar 2003, 19:46
    Magnesium og sink bør du ta like før du skal hoppe til køys. ungå å ta det med tilskudd eller mat som inneholder kalsium, da det hemmer virkningen.
    Zink og magnesium tatt før leggetid er med på å øke testosteronivået i kroppen.
    Se bla på under biotest der var det en referanse om akkurat det, om jeg ikke husker feil.'

    Omega 3 bør du ta i lag med din multivit tab, da noen vitminer er fettløselige, du får litt bedre effekt da.

    Eple eddik kan du bruke før måltid for å senke GI verdien på måltidet.

    Amino tabs vedsiden av måltid for å høye protein andelen i måltidet.

    ALA virker fint med karbo og kreatin etter trening
    5429  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Re:methoxyisoflavon på: 20. januar 2003, 19:38
    Du Får kjøpt det i sverige.

    Men der er foreløpig ikke godkjent for salg i norge pga det går under legemiddelloven eller noe sånt har jeg skjønt...

    det blir ihvertfall stoppet i tollen ved bestilling....

    5430  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Re:PROTEINPULVER på: 14. januar 2003, 19:27
    Det er mange merker som er bra..
    stort sett de fleste merker er ok.

    for å øke i vekt/muskell masse er en Gainer etter trening tingen
    den bør inneholde myseprotein og raske karbohydrater+litt langsome for innlagring av glykogen.
    eller du kan lage en selv med å blande myseprotein og F.eks bananer...

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