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  • 1  Trening / Treningsprogrammer / treningslogg/dagbok på: 31. mars 2013, 11:44
    Ser en del folk på treningssentret der jeg trener som noterer vekt og reps i en loggbok, men jeg kan ikke finne noe lignende i nettbutikker.
    Virker som dette er en super måte å holde kontroll og planlegge treningen.
    Er det noen der ute som vet hvor jeg kan få tak i dette?

    2  Trening / Kroppsbygging og Fitness / Sv: strikker til pullups/chins på: 31. mars 2013, 11:40
    Takker for svar!
    Strikker er på vei :-)
    3  Trening / Kroppsbygging og Fitness / Sv: strikker til pullups/chins på: 17. mars 2013, 15:40
    Problemet er at jeg har en relativt liten leilighet, så 90% av treningstiden foregår i studio eller utendørs :-)
    4  Trening / Kroppsbygging og Fitness / strikker til pullups/chins på: 12. mars 2013, 12:06

    Har sett noen videoer på bla. youtube hvor folk trener hangups/chins med strikker som hjelpemiddel i begynnelsen.
    Hvor kan jeg få kjøpt denne typen strikker? Finner noen strikker på bla. xlife, men de virker veldig korte.
    Takker for innspill

    5  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Sv: En liten artikkel som begynner å bli aktuell for Norge også på: 25. april 2012, 18:50
    Takk for svarene:-)
    Ser selv at den ble tung å lese når den ikke lenger ligger som en word fil, lover å dele opp og legge til noen bilder når jeg får tid(ork) til det  Tongue
    Noen av kommentarene og tallene som er brukt i artikkelen referer til USA mens andre viser til tall ifra nordamerika og utvalgte problemområder som eks. Mexico. Kan se det er uklart noen plasser, så takk for konstruktiv kritikk  Wink
    6  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Sv: En liten artikkel som begynner å bli aktuell for Norge også på: 15. mars 2012, 14:19

    Ingen som har noe å si ?  Smiley
    7  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / En liten artikkel som begynner å bli aktuell for Norge også på: 19. februar 2012, 21:36
    Tenkte jeg skulle legge ut en oppgave jeg skrev om fedme i USA, da jeg mener at temaet begynner å bli aktuelt for Norge også. Oppgaven/artikkelen er skrevet på engelsk(overse skrivefeil om det er noen Wink )
    Gi meg litt feedback, good or bad Wink

    Looking at the picture above you might feel a sense of disturbance over the weight of these children, but is this picture relevant as to describe the general American population and more specifically is pictures like this one accurate to the describe trends in food and exercise habits in the US today?

    According to Jennifer LaRue Huget there was done a survey late 2010 by, which charted out the eating- and diet-habits of average Americans . By comparing the number with the official numbers from the CDC (Centers of Decease Control and Prevention) we get a view that not all who answer these internet based surveys are entirely true to themselves. According to the CDC the body mass index(BMI) which is used to measure weight and keep track of obesity has rose about 20% among Americans in the past 26 years, from less than 14% obese in 1986 to 33,8% obese in 2010 and the numbers are still rising . Obesity is the term used when overweight is considered to be an obstacle in daily life, in form of cause of illness or difficulty in mobility, for the person affected by it. In the numbers drawn from the CDC it does not state how many Americans who are just overweight, so with numbers over 30% obese we might assess that the number of people border lining unhealthy weight is far beyond 40% and perhaps over 50% or higher in addition to the obese population. In the same survey done in 2010 by the CDC, 12 states in the US had an obesity number beyond 30%. Predominantly the southern states had the inhabitants with the highest rates of obesity, and no state in the US had an obesity level below 21%. According to the WHO the trend is still heading in the same direction as the population of the world and America in particular, are getting fatter . Especially one “fact” in LaRue Hugets article caught my attention “Fifteen percent of respondents said they were on a diet, while another 46 percent said they were either careful or strict about their food intake but not on a formal diet. Forty percent said they pretty much just ate what they wanted.” this giving us a number of about 61 percent who claim they think about what they eat . Is it a fact that 33,8 percent of the adult population is obese and only about 6 percent is overweight, while the rest of the population is normal weighted? Further down in the article the survey comes up with that 20percent of the asked has a BMI over 30 thus making them obese. Something tells us that some of the people close their eyes to their own obesity and lie to garnish their lives as they would like it to be, and  by comparing the numbers to the CDC survey we get confirmation that the obesity is a larger problem then US citizens think themselves.
      As an answer to the growing size of the worlds population the automotive industry has bulked up their cars and the weight of an average car has almost doubled since the 1950s, and manufacturers are installing broader seats, movable steering wheels, and strengthening the construction of the cars interior and exterior to provide comfort and safety to the physically growing population . According to the article in the Daily Mail by Nick McDermott even crash test dummies are sized up to match the growing weight and size of the population. From the original dummy based on an average American man the weight has grown with almost 20% to match the growing average weight among the driving . Although this article has been published in a British newspaper it reflects a growing world wide problem, which is escalating more rapidly in the US than anywhere else.
     A reason for this upsizing of cars is that overweight people use their cars more than people who are in shape, especially in America where a high proportion of the overweight live in rural districts or in suburbs where they depend on their car for transportation. In countries where they use more active transportation systems like bikepaths and public transport where you need to use your legs to transport you to where you want to go, the average BMI is lower than in areas which depend on cars as transport. This is why the population of larger European cities has a lower BMI than the average American, they use their energy to transport themselves to work while most Americans work in cities and live outside in rural areas or suburbs and therefor use their cars to do the transportation and thus not using any energy and storing it as fat .
     But all the obesity cannot be the result of the lack of bike roads and active transportation or lousy eating habits as projected by the picture introduced at the beginning of the assignment alone, there has to be a connection between the factors. Take for example the Japanese people who have among the lowest obesityrates and BMI numbers in the world, they walk a marginally 1300 steps more each day compared to Americans, while the Swiss who rank somewhere in the middle walks a whopping 3800 steps more each day compared to the regular American .  In Japan a regular mealplan include fish, rice, pure meat of swine, beef or chicken and a lot of vegetables, a diet known to be high in minerals and vitamins and low on calories and fat which explain how a population who move less can keep fit . Swiss on the other hand eat a lot of grain based foods in combination with milk and cheese products in addition to higher consume of sweet food types like müsli, honey and chocolate, but with their higher movement rates they manage to keep their BMI at a normal weight level . Americans on the other hand have a culture of fast food and preprepared meals, at the same time as they move less than most other countries. The last years the total of people eating out of the house has actually went down, but the sale of easy-fix foods has skyrocketed, this might have something to do with the fact that more Americans cannot afford the luxury of eating out during the financial distress the country is going through and therefor goes for the cheap unhealthy alternatives. The meals being served is also growing larger, this might have something to do with the competition between restaurants and  producers of preprepared meals, to attract more customers and keep their business alive they give the customers more food for the money, more bang for the buck .

    This picture first caught my attention in a seminar in American civilization at the University of Oslo in the fall of 2011, during a class where everyone was told to bring pictures they believe represent America as a nation.
    What did the presenters want to show us when they brought this picture to a seminar about pictures of America? Almost all of the groups brought a picture of an overweight person of some sort. Why was these pictures chosen? Was it to ridicule the American people or to cast light on a serious problem? The overweight, fat and obese people have become a sort of stereotype American seen with non-American eyes, at least with Norwegian eyes.  “Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions” according to Wikipedia. Stereotyped Americans is usually related to loud, dumb, patriotic, cowboy and Indian (as in Native Americans) and also often fat. This might not be so odd when we look to the numbers previously in this text. If we look to the mass media we get an idea as to the influence that is being projected toward us from American TV-shows who ridicule the stereotypical American. Take for example one of the most popular shows on the TV-network FOX, The Simpsons, an animated show about a stereotypical fat, loud and dumb American, King of Queens, Family Guy, Married with children, and the list goes on with similar characters. No wonder people outside the US get the impression that most Americans are fat, and looking at the numbers more than one third of the nation is not only overweight but obese so no wonder Americans are imagined this way. But is the picture a good representation of Americans in general? Looking to the maps the CDC displays on their webpage we see that 66,2% of all American adults are below the obesity line of 30BMI, this meaning they vary from the underweight to overweight therefor raising the question, why is the stereotype fat, why is not the common stereotypical American thin or normal weight? Because most stereotypes are based on what separates the one group from the others, and with the highest numbers of overweight and obese Americans are distinguished as a “fat nation”. By constructing stereotypes you create an image in your and others mind of someone you can rise above, the “ideal minion”, someone you are superior to and can look to when you need to boost your self-esteem. Like cracking jokes about dumb Swedish people if you are Norwegian, or in extreme cases you can use a stereotype to justify the tormenting and pursuing of a population like the Nazis did against the Jews in WWII or white Americans did (and somewhat still do) with discrimination against blacks. This is the reason there is so few positive stereotypes. There are a few, like the patriotic American fighting for the rights of his fellow Americans against enemy nations or against the government trampling in his backyard, or the hard working working-class man who does backbreaking labor to put food on the table. But since it is in the nature of man to be superior to the one who is your neighbor, it is more likely to elevate yourself with a stereotype than it is to elevate your neighbors achievements by positive stereotyping.
      Searching for the origin of the picture I came across it in two different settings. The first is serious articles about obesity among children both in the US and also I other western countries, the second setting was in ridiculing articles and videos making fun of overweight Americans  . One posing serious questions about children’s health and displaying serious concern that the weight epidemic will spread to other countries and escalate. The other although posing as a video of concern toward obesity and the “McDonalds-effect” , show pictures of obese children and adults in awkward situations which is obviously meant to be funny. One raising a serious matter which needs to be discussed another further contributing to stereotyping Americans. By bringing this picture to a Norwegian seminar it is arguably to show the stereotype of Americans, it is most likely not to cast light on the problem but to show the other Norwegians that we are superior to those across the Atlantic and ridicule them. In present Norway there is a trend that physically fit automatically gives you a higher status than if you are overweight, or at least more “street cred”. It is not cool to be overweight according to present trends and therefor the obesity in stereotypical Americans is a way to raise our self up to a level above those who struggle with their weight. What you can show of intelligence and skill is multiplied if you are in top shape and divided if you are obese. There seem that the average interpretation is that if you are fit you are organized and if you are fat you are not, because you cannot organize your day to fit a trip to the gym or find the time to eat healthy.
    In light of the high obesity rates one cannot but help to ask, what are the state and federal government standings on the issue? Is it being debated at all, is anything being done to prevent further growth of the problem? There are awareness programs and help out there for those who want and need it. Mostly awareness programs are private or in the hands of hospitals and other corporations who provide treatment against weight issues. There are institutions which in the same way as drug and alcohol rehab lock you up for your own good and help you get back on your feet, so called “fat camps”. The only way the states are engaged in the theme is by providing funding for the institutions and programs who work on the issue, the state itself cannot go out and ban the population from eating what they want as it is a basic human right. The government is raising awareness by informing the population of the high obesitynumbers and also informing of which types of food is healthier alternatives to the fast sidewalk food . When president Obama got his health reform through he opened a door for many who need help with their obesity . By guaranteeing more low- and middle- income families medical insurance he made it possible for a much higher percentage of the population to afford medical counseling, and therefor a higher likelihood to cut down on some of the obesity. It is not a solution for the issue, but a tool for the ones struggling to raise awareness.

    The picture in the beginning of the assignment might not represent all Americans, but with the escalating weight of both children and adults this is not an improbable future for many citizens of the US. With a third of the country so overweight it becomes a health issue it is a becoming a serious problem regarding public health. While people are getting fatter they suffer more from disorders like heart conditions, weaker joints, pain, breathing problems and moving problems, and with the current health plans in America the fatter the population gets, the sicker they get, and ultimately the cost for the taxpayers will rise. 

    Copyright; Joe Kristoffer Partyka

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    8  Treningsforum / Informasjon om Treningsforum / Sv: Legge inn Artikkel på: 15. februar 2012, 15:40
    Hehe, jeg hadde likt å få med alt av referanser o.l også, men om det ikke går i dnne forumformen så finner jeg en annen måte  Wink
    9  Treningsforum / Informasjon om Treningsforum / Legge inn Artikkel på: 14. februar 2012, 22:54
    Er det noen som vet om en lur måte å legge inn et worddokument direkte som en forumtråd?
    Jeg har skrevet en oppgave ang. kosthold og fedme i USA(som begynner å bli reel for oss her hjemme også) som jeg gjerne ville hatt noe feedback på.

    Setter pris på tilbakemeldinger.
    10  Trening / Forum for nybegynnere / Sv: Bred over rææææva. på: 11. mai 2011, 09:51
    Takk for hjelpen Glucifer .
    11  Trening / Forum for nybegynnere / Sv: Bred over rææææva. på: 10. mai 2011, 21:33
    Grunnen til at jeg spør om øvelser er fordi den er slapp og fleskete, gjør ikke noe om den er stor om den er veltrent;-)

    Har en Skibakke i nærheten, får vel bare manne meg opp og løpe opp den noen ganger i uken:-P
    12  Trening / Forum for nybegynnere / Bred over rææææva. på: 10. mai 2011, 21:16
    Hey folkens,

    Jeg sliter med et lite problem, rettelse; Stort problem. Jeg er bred over ræva! Enkelt og greit...
    Det er ganske flaut for en kar i min alder.
    Har slitt med vekten over lengre tid og har kommet meg ned fra ca 100kg til stabil på ca 80kg, men som det står flere steder her så er jeg ikke fornøyd med kroppen enda og da spesiellt bakdelen.
    Nå søker jeg dere vismenn om øvelser som fungerer bra på rompa, og også om noen har en god ide til hvordan jeg kan motivere meg også så hadde det vært flott:-D
    Kjører pr. idag knebøy og benpress, men føler ikke at dette tar godt nok.
    13  Kosthold / Kosttilskudd / Hjelp til kosttilskudd på: 18. mars 2011, 15:20

    Jeg trenger hjelp med valg av kosttilskudd. Leser jo det jeg kan på nettet og har en kamerat som er bodybuilder, men problemet er at jeg aldri blir helt klok på virkemåter og hva som passer for meg.
    Jeg er en aktiv håndballspiller som i tillegg trener styrke 3 ganger i uken, ligger stødig på en vekt på ca 80kg men nå vil jeg ned i fettprosent og opp i muskelmasse for å bedre spillet mitt(og se bedre ut til sommeren:-P ).
    Jeg har tidligere brukt Kreatin og proteiner, samt at jeg har prøvd med på såkallte fettbrennere uten at det var det helt store.
    Målet mitt er å gå ned i vekt(fett), samtidig som at jeg ikke føler meg helt utmattet slik at jeg også kan prestere på skole, jobb og trening.
    Noen som har tips?
    Kreatin, Carb, Protein, Aminosyrer, koffein? Kom gjerne med anbefalinger av produkter og forklar meg hvorfor jeg bør velge det jeg bør velge :-P

    Om noen kunne hjulpet meg så hadde jeg vært takknemmlig.
    Mvh Joe

    Kommer med en liten update;
    Har sett på tre produkter som skal kunne hjelpe meg på energidelen;

    Er det noen som har erfaring med noen av disse?

    Tenker også på proteinpulver og forsøker å sammenligne disse to;
    Hva er egentlig forskjellen her? ér det verdt å betale nesten det dobbelte for whey tech?

    Som dere kanskje skjønner så er jeg relativt grønn på dette her, så om noen ville hjelpe meg så hadde jeg vært takknemlig
  • 1
  • Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

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    Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

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