Skrevet av Emne: Cardio mens man bulker?  (Lest 5976 ganger)

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Cardio mens man bulker?
« : 23. oktober 2016, 22:45 »
Om man har lyst å bulke og bygge litt masse, kan man da kjøre cardio 2-3 ganger i uken for å holde fettprosenten ved like? Går det i hele tatt ann å bulke samtidig som man går ned i fettprosent? what

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Sv: Cardio mens man bulker?
« #1 : 24. oktober 2016, 13:34 »
Det er ikke enkelt å legge på seg muskler samtidig som man går ned i fettprosent dersom man har trent lenge. Nybegynnere kan derimot klare dette uten problemer. Dette fordi kroppen deres har lite muskler i forhold til sitt potensiale og dermed vil de vokse omtrent uansett hvordan de velger å spise. De kan til og med være i et kaloriunderskudd i lang tid og fortsatt bygge muskler. Etterhvert som man blir veldig bra trent vil det bli mye vanskeligere. Da vil det være nødvendig å bytte mellom bulking og cutting for å nå enda lenger.

Det jeg prøver å si er at det kommer egentlig litt an på hvor bra trent du er i utgangspunktet. Føler du at du stagnerer kan du jo prøve en bulkeperiode før du cutter. Fettprosenten vil gå litt opp, men den er ikke vanskelig å få ned igjen om du er flink til å spise sunt. Husk at det er vanskeligere å bygge muskler enn å ta av seg fett. Er du veldig rett for å få mer fett på kroppen kan du også prøve å veksle mellom bulking og cutting hyppigere enn det normale. Dvs at du for eksempel bulker i 2 uker og cutter i 1 uke istedet for å holde på månedsvis før man bytter.

Det går også helt fint å trene cardio, men vil du ha mer masse på kroppen ville jeg nok satt opp flere treninger med tunge vekter enn det er cardio-økter. Cardio er heller ikke noe du er nødt til å gjøre for å holde fettet borte. styrketrening forbrenner også fett.

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Sv: Cardio mens man bulker?
« #2 : 24. oktober 2016, 19:34 »
Okei! Smiley
sånn styrketrenings messig under en liten bulkeperiode: kan man kjøre volumtrening med 8-12 rep eller bør man kjøre flere sett med lavere reps?

Og kan det kalles bulking så lenge man er i et kalorioverksudd, eller må det kalorioverskuddet være veldig mye, hvis du skjønte hva jeg mente? Smiley

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Gym Healthy food for Eating-Healthintips
« #3 : 25. oktober 2016, 06:58 »

Tips To Follow For Healthy Eating
September 27, 2016 Healthintips Health and Fitness
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In today’s hectic lifestyle, it has become almost impossible for everyone to have healthy eating. The reason is that most of us confine ourselves to junk or fast foods in order to take the pleasure of taste buds. This is the sole reason why most of us fall sick or develop certain physical ailments. You might think what to do under such a hectic schedule that most of us are bound to be beneath. If you follow some tips then you can go for healthy eating. Familiarize yourself with the tips mentioned below:


Green leafy vegetables are treasure of vitamins, iron and fiber. So, habituate yourself with eating of these types of vegetables. But, you need to be careful with its cooking. These vegetable are fragile, so do not overcook them or make them spicy. Nor you add any ketchup or unhealthy sauce to them. Cook them at moderate temperature with a little sprinkle of salt and spices.
After vegetables, you need to think of fruits. Just like to leafy vegetables, there are many fruits with different nutrients that you can choose from. Apples, grapefruits and oranges contain a good amount of fiber and vitamin C. Berries such as strawberries and blue berries contain antioxidant properties. Eat all these fruits as much as you can.
Protein is very important for a healthy diet. Meat is a good source of protein. Those, who love to eat meat can get sufficient amount of protein. If you are non-vegetarian, then there is no problem with your eating of meat. But, if you are vegetarian, then eating meat is a great challenge for you. You are not forced to eat it since your conscience will not allow you to do so. Then, confine yourself to eating vegetable and fruits only.
Become devotee of wheat foods. It does not mean that you need to worship it like a God. Eat all kinds of products made up of wheat. The most useful nutrient, which is found in it, is Carbohydrates. The body converts it into glucose which gives energy to body.
Eschew salty foods. Remember that high intake of salt can give rise to many health related problems – formation of kidney stones, high blood pressure etc. So, make such a dietary plan that does not include much salt.

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Sv: Gym Healthy food for Eating-Healthintips
« #4 : 25. oktober 2016, 07:00 »

Tips To Follow For Healthy Eating
September 27, 2016 Healthintips Health and Fitness
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In today’s hectic lifestyle, it has become almost impossible for everyone to have healthy eating. The reason is that most of us confine ourselves to junk or fast foods in order to take the pleasure of taste buds. This is the sole reason why most of us fall sick or develop certain physical ailments. You might think what to do under such a hectic schedule that most of us are bound to be beneath. If you follow some tips then you can go for healthy eating. Familiarize yourself with the tips mentioned below:


Green leafy vegetables are treasure of vitamins, iron and fiber. So, habituate yourself with eating of these types of vegetables. But, you need to be careful with its cooking. These vegetable are fragile, so do not overcook them or make them spicy. Nor you add any ketchup or unhealthy sauce to them. Cook them at moderate temperature with a little sprinkle of salt and spices.
After vegetables, you need to think of fruits. Just like to leafy vegetables, there are many fruits with different nutrients that you can choose from. Apples, grapefruits and oranges contain a good amount of fiber and vitamin C. Berries such as strawberries and blue berries contain antioxidant properties. Eat all these fruits as much as you can.
Protein is very important for a healthy diet. Meat is a good source of protein. Those, who love to eat meat can get sufficient amount of protein. If you are non-vegetarian, then there is no problem with your eating of meat. But, if you are vegetarian, then eating meat is a great challenge for you. You are not forced to eat it since your conscience will not allow you to do so. Then, confine yourself to eating vegetable and fruits only.
Become devotee of wheat foods. It does not mean that you need to worship it like a God. Eat all kinds of products made up of wheat. The most useful nutrient, which is found in it, is Carbohydrates. The body converts it into glucose which gives energy to body.
Eschew salty foods. Remember that high intake of salt can give rise to many health related problems – formation of kidney stones, high blood pressure etc. So, make such a dietary plan that does not include much salt.

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Sv: Cardio mens man bulker?
« #5 : 25. oktober 2016, 15:19 »
Ja, du kan kjøre alt fra 6-12 reps. Det viktigste er at du trener hardt og med så tunge vekter at du hvert fall ikke klarer mer enn 12 repetisjoner før du må hvile ca 1-2 minutter før neste sett. Så lenge du er i et kontinuerlig kalorioverskudd over en lengre periode kan det kalles for en bulk. Det er faktisk bedre å bulke med lite kalorioverskudd enn et stort, ettersom kroppen ikke klarer å utnytte all den overflødige energien til å bygge mer muskler enn den allerede gjør. Spiser du for altfor mye vil kroppen bygge muskler men samtidig lagre veldig mye av det som blir til overs i form av fett. Så prøv å hold deg like over ditt daglige behov av kalorier og spis proteinrik mat slik at minst mulig blir lagret som fett under bulkeperioden.

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