Skrevet av Emne: Forklaring av utførelse av foroverbøyd stangroing og variasjoner  (Lest 25746 ganger)

Utlogget EndrePendre

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Jeg synes dette er en meget god forklaring av utførelsen av denne øvelsen, og de to variasjonene Yates rows og Pendlay rows, som kanskje ikke er så kjent for de fleste. Det har vært postet mange tråder om denne øvelsen, og jeg vil tro dette kan hjelpe mange forvirrede sjeler. Det er nok mange som ikke egentlig vet helt hva som skiller Yates rows fra vanlig stangroing, og ikke engang har hørt om Pendlay rows.

There are 3 basic variations of the bent row, and they are separated by the angle of the upper body

1) the "Yates row", popularized by the previous Mr. Olympia, involves an upper body that is bent over at approximately 60 degrees above parallel, i.e. just basically a "forward lean".

It allows for a tremendous amount of weight, and it is a brutal upper/inner back workout. It also blows up the traps, but if you have weak lats, you will not get any further lat development. In other words, your traps will overpower your lats completely unless you have strong lats. This is NOT a "bring up your weak lats" type exercise. This is a "my lats kick ass, let's try something new to make them kick MORE ass" type of exercise.

Yates typically performed this with an underhand grip. He also tore a biceps as a result. I used this with great success, but I used an overhand grip as the underhand grip tore the hell out of my elbows. In both cases, a close grip is used, and you pull to the lower portion of the gut, underneath the navel.

Tips: NEVER straighten your elbows all the way at the bottom of the motion, but allow your shoulders to shrug downward into a full stretch for the "start" position. Perform a shoulder shrug to begin the exercise, then pull hard with the lats (i.e. yank elbows up and back) so the bar digs into your lower belly, and control the bar slowly back to the start position and full stretch.

2) The "Pendlay/JS row" is probably the exact *opposite* end of the spectrum as far as execution and body position. Maintaining a PERFECTLY PARALLEL upper body is the key. You will also use a relatively wide grip (I keep pinkies approximately 1/2" inside outer knurling on standard Olympic bar), and pull the bar into your lower ribcage/upper gut area. You must "deload" between *every* repetition. That is, you actually put the bar down and release your grip so that you remove any type of static tension in the muscles at that time.

Start off with the bar on the floor. Get your body into a parallel position initially. Keeping your upper body parallel, allow your shoulder blades to roll forward so that you can grip the bar as explained above. Without standing upright at all, explosively contract your shoulder blades together, and KEEP YOUR HIPS MOTIONLESS. There is *no* movement at the hips, i.e. do NOT stand up during this motion, you maintain the parallel upper body position throughout. Your lower back arches hard, your elbows pull outward and behind the body, but you do not stand up at all. Slam the bar into your upper gut/lower ribcage, then control the weight downward while maintaining the parallel upper body position.

Tips: If you are able to row more than 135 with this exercise, use 35s so that you can get a better range of motion while pulling from more of a stretch position.
Use significantly less weight on this exercise than on Yates rows. It takes the traps out of the motion. For reference, I am able to use 335 on Yates rows, but only 255 on Pendlay's for 5 "good" reps. That is a good 25% reduction in weight.

3) Your basic "vanilla" bent row involves a motion and body position about halfway between the 2 extremes mentioned above. Body position somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees, whichever is comfortable. hand position can be anywhere you feel you want to work. Your elbow flexors, rear delts, and traps can all assist pretty powerfully in this exercise, so it is easy to "lose" the motion by trying to use an excessive amount of weight. This will give you great rear delts and traps, but not much lat development.
Wide and close grips both work the lats hard, assuming proper execution and the ability of the trainee to force the lats to be the prime movers.
Generally, the wider your grip, the higher along your body you will want to pull. If you use a wide grip, pull to your upper gut/lower ribcage. If you use a closer grip, pull to your lower belly beneath your navel.

Don't take these as variations of the same exercise. Take these as completely different exercises. Just my $0.02

Utlogget Bob Paar

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Å på norsk?!du har glemt å oversette resten av stykket No no Deal
Nordisk mester i håndbak 2014.

Utlogget EndrePendre

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Å på norsk?!du har glemt å oversette resten av stykket No no Deal

Hæ? Hva mener du? Det over streken har jeg skrevet selv...

Utlogget thomasan

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enig med Alexander! gimme some .gif! Wink  Doktor
Det ER en skam å snu!

Utlogget EndrePendre

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  • Kickback or die!
Lær dere å lese engelsk. Wink

Hvis dere vil ha gif-animasjoner av Yates-roing og Pendlay-roing får dere lage dem selv, men her er det beste jeg kan finne.



Vanlig stangroing

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