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  • 1  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Ditt forbilde? på: 25. november 2009, 17:44

    I Migrapolis i kveld skal d handle om forbilder, de var hos meg og filmet litt ang Bruce Lee.
    kl 22.30 i kveld..
    2  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Jeet Kune Do seminar.... på: 20. januar 2009, 09:19
    Kan anbefale alle med sans for kampsport og være med på et slikt seminar.

    Jeg har vært i Tønsberg på seminar, med Leif som instruktør og han er en som virkelig har noe å formidle.

    Får se om jeg tar en tur igjen, om det lar seg gjøre.

    Fint at du likte treningen :-) Håper vi sees igjen, blir masse kul trening
    3  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Jeet Kune Do seminar.... på: 19. januar 2009, 23:09

    Vi arrangerer et JKD seminar i Tønsberg 14 og 15 februar.
    For påmelding og mere info kontakt Pål på
    Det blir en del fokus på trenings metoder, og en masse drilling på focus mitts.

    Hovedfokus JKD fotarbeide, slag og spark, trenings metoder med handmitts som verktøy

    De som vil  gradere seg, mail meg for info:
    Gradering på lørdag ettermidag

    Nærkamp m/ Trapping, Grappling-lockflows, kontringer, driller.

    4  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Trene som Bruce Lee? :) på: 18. januar 2009, 12:56

    Noen som har kjøpt boken å lest den da?
    Eller artikkelen?
    5  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Trene som Bruce Lee? :) på: 30. desember 2008, 12:18
    Jeg vil også gjerne lære å trene som Bruce Lee gjore.
    Vis noen finner treningsprogrammet hans, så vil jeg gjerne trene sånn Cheesy

    Men som jeg ser så var treningen hans basert mye på ulike forskjellige måter av sit og push ups.
    Men det må vel være mere.

    Men jeg har også et spørmål innen dett temaet. Går det ann å trene ultimat styrke uten å få noen særlig store muskler ?


    Igjen, kjøp den boken jeg nevnte, der står flere programmer som Bruce prøvde også litt kosthold. Men igjen, mye har skjed siden den gang.

    Kos dere med denne:

    6  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Trene som Bruce Lee? :) på: 29. desember 2008, 13:04


    Beste kilde til Bruces trenings program er:The Art of Expressing the Human Body

    Denne boken viser de forskjellige måtene Bruce Lee trente for å oppnå sin ekstreme fysikk, og det på en grei og gjennomført måte. Den inneholder også en mengde bra bilder av Bruce Lee.Så om du er en av dem som vil bli sterkere (men ikke vil se ut som en steroidknaskene torpedo), kjappere, mykere, mer utholden eller bare vil bli inspirert er dette boken for deg.

    Men at  selv om Bruce studerte ALT innen styrketrening, så er dette over 30 år siden.
    7  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjanse i dagens MMA? på: 18. juli 2008, 09:26
    Leif, tror du virkelig at Bruce hadde hatt noe å hente mot typer som Urijah Faber, Shawn Sherk eller BJ Penn?

    Hvem som har vunnet hva vet jeg ikke, men runt hans egen vekt klasse som var 58-60 kg tror jeg han hadde vert en jævel å slå.

    Selv om at jeg trener JKD så gloriserer jeg ikke Bruce slik som enkelte andre. Jeg sier bare at de som mener at Bruce var førs og fremst skuespiller tar helt feil.

    Legger ved en artikkel fra Muscle anf Fitness for de som er interesert :-)

    For de som er litt intereserte i og høre mere om Bruce, så legger jeg ut et klipp fra Dan Inosanto:

    8  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjanse i dagens MMA? på: 17. juli 2008, 12:58

    For og se litt hvor mye han trente så anbefaler jeg denne boken:

    The Art of Expressing the Human Body, denne er om hans studier og trenings programm innen styrke trening. Dette er noe av inholdet:

    Noen som har sett den?
    9  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjanse i dagens MMA? på: 17. juli 2008, 12:52
    Er Leif T. Røbekk og Radio Starr samme person?

    Nei, jeg er ikke RS..
    10  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjanse i dagens MMA? på: 16. juli 2008, 23:41
    Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjangse i dagens MMA? Slik han var trent, ville han vært sjanseløs.

    Ville han vært en god utøver dersom han hadde vært trent i MMA? Det får man aldri svar på.

    End of discusion.


    Blir feil å samenligne Bruce fra -73 mot dagens MMA fightere synnes jeg.

    Det JEG vil presisere er det FAKTUM at han var førs og fremst en kampsport utøver.
    Og at datidens beste fightere i usa kom til han for privat undervisning taler for seg selv.
    11  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjanse i dagens MMA? på: 16. juli 2008, 21:29
    Toxic, det svar viser hvor lite peiling du har.
    12  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Hadde Bruce Lee hatt en sjanse i dagens MMA? på: 15. juli 2008, 07:42

    .. flesteparten vet at jeg ikke er noe Bruce Lee hypnotisert bla bla type.
    Er heller ikke av den oppfatning at han var best på ditt og datt.
    Men at han var en liten pioner på flere områder innen martial arts, kan ingen ta fra han.

    Han har nok dessverre blitt glorisert mye av enkelte personer og media opp igjennom tidene.
    Men hvis en tillater seg å høre på hva andre dyktige utøvere forteller om sine treninger med han bør vel sier litt mener jeg. Jeg har vert i usa og truffet mange av hans elever, og er sertifisert til og undervise JKD under Larry Hartsell. Ikke under noen omstendigheter har noen av de skrytt Bruce opp i skyene.

    Flestparten av dere var ikke engang født, mens han var i live, hva vet dere som jeg ikke vet?
    Noen sier at han ikke var dyktig, ok for meg at noen tror det.
    Men for min del hører jeg mer på de som traff han og som trente med han, en på de som aldri har møtt han. Ta for eksempel utøvere av andre arter, eks:

    Mike Stone (verdensmester)
    Chuck Norris (verdensmester)
    Bob Wall (verdensmester)
    Joe Lewis (verdensmester)
    Wally Jay
    Jhonn Ree
    Mito Uhera
    Steve L. Johnson (Karate instructor and Mr Philadelphia in Bodybuilding)
    Joey Orbillo (former top five ranked heavyweight in boxing and former boxing coach of kickboxing legend Joe Lewis)

    De sier at han vart ekstremt dyktig, holder det for meg.

    Dette er fra James W. DeMile som var en av de råeste street fightere i Seattle på 60 tallet:

    James W. DeMile, original Bruce Lee-student of the Seattle era:

    "People always seem to make their questions relate to the the martial arts side of Bruce rather than the fighting side. I wish they would explore the realistic side of Bruce's skill in the street, rather than compare him to tournament fighters. I read some of the comments by Joe Lewis and he always compared Bruce to the martial arts image that everyone saw and yet the Bruce that I knew would have blown Joe Lewis, Chuck Norris and anyone else for that matter that acquired their reputation by playing the game of tournaments."

    "Most of the questions about Bruce's fighting skills are asked by people who did not know him. Most of the answers are from people who either did not know him or related their answer how Bruce would have done in a tournament. Joe Lewis is very out front with his comments and yet he always compares Bruce to either his tournament days or some world champion. I really enjoy meeting these people and always look forward to giving my opinion on why Bruce was the best street fighter I ever knew. Not pound for pound, but against anyone in a street fight. I was never in a tournament and had many street fights and I have never seen anyone that I would have been scared to fight, regardless of their Belts and trophies. This goes for UFC and K1. I'm not saying I could beat all of them, I am just saying they are tough, but so what. People do not understand what Bruce did in a real fight. They relate his skills to the movies or JKD. No, that was martial arts. Fighting is survival. It is mean, ugly and stupid and someone can reall be hurt or killed. Bruce knew he could be hurt if he got hit, that is why he believed a street fight should not last over two seconds and his personal skills were designed for that attitde. I am very opinionated and willing to discuss with anyone my belief in why Bruce was the best fighter I ever knew. And I still feel that way, 42 years later.."

    "I was a heavyweight boxer in the Air Force. Over a four year period I had over a hundred fights and never lost one. I had a very big ego and perceived myself as the toughtest man alive. I was 5ft 10inches and weighted 225. I could knock a man out with either hand. Then I met a small 135 lb 5 ft 7 kid who believed his martial arts could beat anyone. I decided to explain the reality of fighting to him and proceded to show him what street fighting was all about. Needless to say I learned humility in about 5 seconds. He not only stopped me cold, but tied me up in such a way that he could hit me at will and the only thing I could do about it was... nothing. Later I reviewed all my previous skills, including boxing and threw all of it out as it was impractical against Bruce's skills."

    Chinese Boxing - Jun Fan Gung Fu
    By Bruce Lee
    President of Jeet Kune Do
    Jeet Kune Do is training and discipline towards the ultimate reality in combat.
    The ultimate reality is the returning to one’s freedom, which is simple, direct and non-classical.
    A good Jeet Kune Do man does not oppose force or give away completely. He is pliable as a spring; he is the complement and not the opposition to his opponent’s strength. He has no technique; he makes his opponent’s technique his techniques.
    One should respond to circumstance without artificial and "wooden" pre-arrangement. Your action should be like the immediacy of a shadow adapting to a moving object. Your task is simply to complete the other half of the "oneness" spontaneously.
    In Jeet Kune Do, one does not accumulate but eliminates. It is not daily increase, but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity. It is the half way cultivation that runs to ornamentation.
    So it is not how much fixed knowledge one has accumulated, rather it is what one can apply alvely that accounts. "Being" is defiantly more valued than "doing".
    The understanding of Jeet Kune Do is through personal feeling from movement to movement in the mirror of relationship and not through a process of isolation. To be is to be related. To isolate is death.
    Any technique, however worthy and desirable, mimics a disease, when the mind is obsessed with it.
    Learn the principle, abide by the principle and dissolve the principle. In short, to enter a mould without being caged in it, and obey the principle without being bound by them.
    My followers in Jeet Kune Do listen to this, "all fixed set patterns, are incapable of adaptability or pliability". The truth is outside of all fixed patterns. Try and obtain a manageable shape of nicely lied paper package of water.
    When one has reach naturally in this art, one well have the formless form. It is like the dissolving of a thawing ice into water that can shape itself to any structure. When has no form, one can be all forms, when one has no style, he can fit in with any style.
    In primary freedom one utilizes all ways and is bound by none, and likewise uses any technique or means which serves its end. Efficiency is anything that scores.
    When you perceive the truth in Jeet Kune Do, you are at an undifferentiated center of a circle that has no circumference.
    By Bruce Lee
    President of Jeet Kune Do
    13  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Er kampsport fordummende ? på: 06. juli 2007, 14:52

    .. "If you argue with a fool... you then have two fools..."  ..

    14  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / What is Jeet Kune Do? Finally, the Answer! på: 06. juli 2007, 11:58
    What is Jeet Kune Do?  Finally, the Answer!
    By Steve Golden

    As it’s been stated, there are many opinions on what JKD is and what it is not. So, instead of adding my opinion to the long list of opinions, I’ll leave my opinion out of this and just tell you what JKD really is. (My wife read that and said I sounded conceited and obnoxious. She may be right but moving right along…)

    JKD is a method or methods based on sound and provable principles. What Bruce Lee did was pull together principles and truths that have been around for hundreds or thousands of years. He then used them “his way” to make a combat system that used universal truths in a way that best fit his skills and personality. That is Bruce Lee’s expression of JKD.

    The information that Bruce Lee gathered, documented and left in his notes gives us hints on how to put those truths and principles together into a usable and effective method for our own use. When that is done, JKD becomes your own personal use and expression of those principles. JKD is alive and well in each of us when we follow these principles of combat. That does NOT mean that we must execute those principles in the same way that Bruce Lee did. It also doesn’t mean that we can’t do it the way he did. The beauty of JKD is that it gives you the tools and lets you build what you personally need to gain effectiveness and excellence.

    So, is it JKD if you deviate from these principles? Maybe. It’s very important to understand that the principles are not laws. They are guidelines. There are times when you should break the “rules” because the situation dictates it. But you should also know and understand the implications of doing so. Do I stand strong side forward? Sometimes. Do I use the “Bi Jong” stance? Rarely. Am I doing JKD? Hmmm? I’m not sure I can answer that one. But, am I using the principles that Bruce Lee assemble? You bet I am! Does it work? Of course it does.

    I’ve asked people and I’ve also been asked to define JKD. If you make the mistake of defining it you have destroyed its very spirit. That’s because any definition is restrictive. It forces the method into artificial bounds and structures. If you want to understand JKD, then understand its principles but don’t be bound by them. My description, not definition, of JKD should give you the spirit of JKD but not lock it into restrictive bounds.

    Personally, I do not like using the term JKD because of the restrictions the term generates. I do say JKD, just as I have here, but that’s only a matter of convenience so we know what subject we’re discussing.

    Steve Golden
    Orginal elev av Bruce Lee
    15  Trening / Kampsport og Selvforsvar / Sv: Trenings leir på: 19. april 2007, 15:51
    .. JKD camp i Tønsberg til helgen  Smiley

    ..for info kontakt Pål på
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