Skrevet av Emne: T-hunddietten  (Lest 914 ganger)

Utlogget Advocatus Diaboli

  • Elite medlem
  • *******
  • Innlegg: 5 172
  • Honnør: 1094
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 172

  • Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel
« : 19. februar 2006, 21:44 »
A Brief History of Supper Time

In the beginning, there was meat, and meat was good. A hungry man would pick up a sharp stick, sit quietly by a watering hole in the early morn, and wait until breakfast strolled up for a sip of water. Along with four-legged extra value meals, there were tasty sources of protein and healthy fats swimming in the oceans and rivers. When the hunting and fishing weren't that good, there were things growing in the ground that could sustain a man and his family. Man's body adapted to this simple diet and this was also good.

Fast forward to the 1980's and early 1990's. Things had gone very wrong somewhere down the line. Diet experts railed against fat, questioned the importance of protein, and touted the benefits of highly processed carb sources. Sugar and flour replaced meat and veggies. People became soft and diseased. Grown men wore stretchy pants. This was very bad.

Luckily, a few revolutionaries were able to look out at the gelatinous masses and see that something was very wrong. Man had defied Mother Nature and that old bat had struck back. These brave souls came forth and said that fat wasn't that bad, heck, some of it was even essential. They said that meat wasn't evil and that protein was vital. Most importantly, they smite the bagels and rice cakes out of the hands of the chubby, misled carboholics, and reminded them that "fat free" does not always mean healthy.
"The devil made me do it". I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them.

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Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

5 digge middager med cottage cheese


Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
Det er en risiko forbundet med treningen og løftene man utfører
Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

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