Skrevet av Emne: L-arginine, bedre enn vi hadde trodd for skader og kardiovaskulær helse??  (Lest 2241 ganger)

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Det har vært mye diskutert om såkalte NO-produkter kan være skadelige eller om de faktisk har gunstige effekter for skade i muskelatur og for kardiovaskulær helse. Mens det enkelte NO-produkt må vurderes utfra sin unike sammensetnng, ser det ut til at L-Arginine faktisk har oppsiktsvekkende effekter i gunstig retning, selv om mye ”mer forskning må gjøres for at vi kan trekke entydige konklusjoner”.

L-arginine er en aminosyre som ser ut til å ha en gunstig effekt på kardiovaskulær helse. Nobelprisvinneren i medisin fra 1998, Louis Ignarro fra UCLA, skriver i Time mag. 17 jan 2005 dette om L-arginine og den rollen det kan ha i forbindelse med kroppens produksjon av NO:

”Nitric oxide is critically important in reducing blood pressure and promoting total cardiovascular health…The natural production of nitric oxide in the body can be supported by supplementing the diet with the amino acid L-arginine in combination with antioxidant nutritients”

The supplent research foundation uttaler seg slik;

Arginine has been researched quite well and has many beneficial effects especially when it comes to cardiovascular health. Some other research suggests it may help improve exercise performance, support protein synthesis, boost growth hormone levels at higher doses, and even help replenish glycogen (stored carbohydrate) stores post workout. Its main mechanism of action is boosting nitric oxide (NO) production which helps promote its many effects. NO is basically the muscle cells "signaling molecule". Boosting nitric oxide in muscle tissue can have many anabolic effects including increased nutrient transport and vasodilation (increased blood flow). Arginine boosts nitric oxide by stimulating nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that makes NO  A good time to take arginine is before and after a hard workout and before bed time.  Taking three to five grams at these times can be beneficial.  Be careful because in some people, gram doses of arginine may cause stomach discomfort.  There is a new and supposedly better absorbed form of arginine that just hit the market called arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (a product called NO2 by MRI). Future research will tell if this form really works.  Based on the current research, pure L-Arginine may be better and more effective.

Det er også spennende å diskutere om L-arginine og andre produkt som støtter kroppens NO-produksjon kan ha en skadeforebyggende effekt, selvom mer forskning antakelig må gjøres. (Anekdote: det slår meg at produkt som V 12 i alle fall ikke har forverret skader jeg har slitt med)
Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Jun;13(3):157-64.   
Single dose of inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor induces prolonged inflammatory cell accumulation and fibrosis around injured tendon and synovium.

Darmani H, Crossan JC, Curtis A.

Department of Applied Biology, Faculty of Science, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid 22110.

The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production after injury on inflammatory cell accumulation and fibrosis around digital flexor tendon and synovium. A standard crush injury was applied to the flexor tendons of the middle digit of the hindpaw and the overlying muscle and synovium of female Wistar rats. Thirty animals received an intraperitoneal injection of either isotonic saline or N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 5 mg/kg) immediately following the crush injury, and five animals were then sacrificed at various intervals and the paws processed for histology. Another group of five animals was sacrificed after 3 days for nitrite determinations. The results showed that nitrite production and hence NO synthase activity is doubled at the acute phase of tendon wound healing, and we can prevent this by administering a single dose of L-NAME immediately after injury. The incidence and severity of fibrocellular adhesions between tendon and synovium was much more marked in animals treated with L-NAME. Treatment with L-NAME elicited a chronic inflammatory response characterised by a persistent and extraordinarily severe accumulation of large numbers of inflammatory cells in the subcutaneous tissues, in muscle and in tendon. These findings indicate that in the case of injured tendon and synovium, NO could act to protect the healing tissue from an uncontrolled inflammatory response.

PMID: 15223606 [PubMed - in process]

Siste ord er sikkert ikke sagt, men tenkte dette kanskje kunne være av interesse for de som sliter med belastningsskader eller er opptatt av blodtrykk.

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