Skrevet av Emne: Profilert PT og smith maskin.  (Lest 6091 ganger)

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Sv: Profilert PT og smith maskin.
« #30 : 31. desember 2006, 23:36 »
Eg bruker smith-maskina til å ta chins i. Eigentleg einaste vetugge bruksområdet eg kan komme på.
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Sv: Profilert PT og smith maskin.
« #31 : 01. januar 2007, 15:23 »
Knebøy i smith er jeg ikke fan av... Har kjørt noe frontbøy der med bedre hell, et godt alternativ på DC uten spottere.. Hadde jeg i tilfelle hatt spottere, hadde jeg kjørt fritt...
Fins ingen erstatning for det...

Bruker smith til press øvelser i DC rotasjonen min... Decline benk, press bak hodet, press foran hodet, smalbenk... Er øvelser i min mening som fungerer greitt i smith, særlig i DC der du leker rundt failure hele tiden, og evnt ikke har spottere og kan bare hempe stanga på plass når du når failure.. Kjører frivekter på alle øvelser jeg har mulighet til.
"This sport is about extremes - using weights you havent used previously, taking in amounts of food to build greater muscle mass-in amounts you never have done previously, & doing the cardio to keep you at an acceptable offseason training bodyfat that keeps you happy. Get your act together & think this all out or quit your complaining & dreaming and take up tennis."

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Sv: Profilert PT og smith maskin.
« #32 : 01. januar 2007, 15:27 »
Bruker bare smith til militærpress og noen ganger i utfall for litt forandring, men knebøy i smith er noe tull Smiley

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Sv: Profilert PT og smith maskin.
« #33 : 05. januar 2007, 00:07 »
Slik bør SMITH maskinen brukes:

Problemet er SMITH-maskinen. Jeg mener dette burde være ting enhver PT og person som trener med vekter burde ha kunnskap om - men tydeligvis ikke. Orker ikke å sette meg ned og skrive opp alt nå, derfor sakser jeg like så godt fra noen bra kilder på nettet.

Who the hell was Smith, anyhow? — If you’ve been reading t-nation for any length of time, you know that we kinda’ hate Smith Machines. For one thing, they create what Paul Chek has termed Pattern Overload. What that means is that by being locked into a particular plain of motion by the Smith Machine, you’ll only get stronger or more efficient in that narrow plain. Worse, though, is that by doing movements in that same range over and over again until the stars stop twinkling will cause your joints to be featured as the "Sorry Case of the Month" in the journal, Orthopedic Nightmares.

Personal trainers like to put their clients in these gizmos because they’re deemed safe. A trainee in a Smith machine is unlikely to fall on his keester, and what’s more, he’s protected against earthquakes. The truth is, trainers who put their clients in Smith Machines are LAZY

Another problem posed by these machines is knee injuries. Because the bar is fixed, a person doing Smith Machine squats is able to lean against the bar, which is a natural response. This minimizes hip extension, thus allowing the hamstrings to take a siesta during the movement. Trouble is, the hamstrings help to stabilize the knee during squats, and the result of taking them out of the picture is to induce a shearing force on the joint. This might ultimately lead to a blown anterior cruciate ligament.

Why, I’ve literally seen trainees who were using the Smith Machine to do squats have their kneecaps fly across the gym and take out an entire family of Afghani refugees.

Go ahead and use the Smith Machine periodically, for short durations and for specific purposes, but don’t make it a mainstay of your program.

Om du absolutt insisterer på å bruke SMITH-maskinen kan den brukes slik:

Noen problemer med SMITH-maskinen:

1. The machine locks the body into the machine's groove, and prevents the body from determining its groove.

2. If you stand with your feet pretty much underneath the bar, the knee flexion will be exaggerated, and stress there exaggerated too.

3. If you put your feet forward, to reduce knee flexion, the lower back is put in a weak position, with rounding of the lower back likely. In addition, there is additional stress on the knees as the feet want to slide forward but don't because of the friction from the floor surface.

All in all, the Smith machine squat may give an illusion of safety relative to the barbell squat, but in reality it's a bad exercise. Sure there are degrees of "bad" depending on the specific form used, and the individual, but it's still a bad exercise. Rather than try to minimize the problems with a bad exercise, why not just stick to exercises that have far better potential? Of course, even the "safe" alternatives can be ruinous if not done properly, but best to stick with movements that have good potential.

Noen kommentarer fra t-nation forum:

"The only thing a Smith Machine is good for is to hang your jacket."

"Yes, the smith machine is horrid for squats. Run away from it, and be prepared for a LOT of flame about using it."

"The Smith machine eliminates the impact of stabilizing the movement yourself and reduces the overall training effect. In a roundabout manner, it can prove harmful to the lifter by not training supporting muscle groups. Ultimately, the athlete's supporting musculature isn't able to sustain greater force. Unless you're hanging up your jacket, avoid the Smith machine"

"The Smith machine is the equipment parallel to High Intensity Training. On one hand, it's been called more dirty names than Madonna on a trip to the Vatican. On the other hand, there are those who vehemently adhere to it in spite of the fact that it's an inferior way to train."

Stuart McRobert:

"Definately. I'm not only speaking theoretically, but from (bad) experience.
See what Stuart McRobert says about Smith machines in "The Insiders Tell
All Guide On Weight Training Technique". I believe, as Stuart does, that
the Smith is  unsound biomechanically and should only be used for limited
motion one plane movements. I use the Smith only for calf raises."

Av egen erfaring kan jeg bare si at SMITH maskin er dårlig for knebøy. Skal man absolutt gjøre det bør man trene med lettere vekter, og gjerne kjøre front-bøy istedetfor vanlig bøy. Å kjøre TUNGE bøy i SMITH er idiotisk, og vil bare føre til skader. Selv får jeg vondt som et helvete i korsryggen av det.

Her følger forsåvidt en mer objektiv diskusjon rundt det å kjøre knebøy i Smith-maskin:


En smith kan være kjek å ta racked chins i da:)

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