Spørsmål: Hvilken artikkel skal jeg lage neste gang
CEE vs monohydrate - 48 (44%)
ANABOLE aminosyrer - 32 (29.4%)
forskjeller på proteiner (samt tilverkningsprossesen av de) - 22 (20.2%)
ingen av de - 7 (6.4%)
Stemmer totalt: 79

Skrevet av Emne: Hvilken artikkel cee vs monohydrate, anabole aminosyrer, proteiner.....  (Lest 45855 ganger)

Utlogget Benpressmannen

  • Treningsveileder
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 5 317
  • Honnør: 584
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 317

  • Anabol, endogen trainee
jau det var kommen noen stemmer til ser jeg og det er jo bra..


Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

Utlogget Benpressmannen

  • Treningsveileder
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 5 317
  • Honnør: 584
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 317

  • Anabol, endogen trainee
bump for natteravnene til å stemme

Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

Utlogget Ole Ø.

  • .: Aktivutøver :.
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 1 567
  • Honnør: 179
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    Innlegg: 1 567

Done! Smiley

Stemte på 'CEE vs monohydrat'. Men har ikke du skrevet tidligere at du hadde høyere kreatin-verdier av monohydrat enn CEE? Mener å huske noe slikt Smiley Men det var ikke akkurat noe artikkel..

Utlogget Benpressmannen

  • Treningsveileder
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 5 317
  • Honnør: 584
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 317

  • Anabol, endogen trainee
Jau du husker vaffal nesten rett
Jeg kommer inn på det der i artikkelen også.


Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

Utlogget Bulder-Bulder

  • Aktivt medlem
  • ***
  • Innlegg: 130
  • Honnør: 3
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    Innlegg: 130

Siste nytt på Ecdysterone fronten hadde vært moro å lese en artikkel om (hvis det finnes noe siste nytt).

Utlogget Benpressmannen

  • Treningsveileder
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 5 317
  • Honnør: 584
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  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 317

  • Anabol, endogen trainee
ja det var en god ide.

I skygen av banningen av pro hormoner og designer steroider i USA så er jo endel av den nye trenden å finne tilbake til gammle ting som virker/ ikke virker og ECDYSTERONE er jo en av tingene som blir "lansert" på ny av flere ulike tilverkere..

Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

Utlogget Kengdal

  • Superavhengig
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 1 237
  • Honnør: 220
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    Innlegg: 1 237

Bra at noen tar seg tid til å gjøre en slik jobb som å skrive artikkler for oss, stå på;)
Passion trumps fucking everything!

Utlogget onakosano

  • Elite medlem
  • *******
  • Innlegg: 4 607
  • Honnør: 274
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 4 607

  • "e d vilje, e d vei!!!"
du kan også lage en artikkel om det de kommer til å gjøre nå, når pro hormoner osv er forbudt.. f.eks: alri, jungle warfare.. skal være uten slike tilsetninger, men har sett blodprøvene til folk på bb.com og de så ikke bra ut, dårlig kolesterol gikk til værs...
benk: 150kg x 1 RAW              
markløft: 210 x 1 RAW           
knebøy: 160kg x 1 Bind          
Treningsveileder, NIH
Kettlebells instruktør


Utlogget Liemann

  • Erfaren bruker
  • ****
  • Innlegg: 418
  • Honnør: 30
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 418

Kunne tenkt meg å høre mer om Cee vs. Mono, siden enktele er såkalte non-responers av sistnevnte. Planlegger å teste Cee i den nærmeste fremtid så en artikkel hadde vært midt i blinken. Smiley

Selv om Jungle Warfare skal være et "snillere" produkt i skyggen av banningen av designer steroider, er det nok ikke lovlig her i landet allikevel.


Så kommer jo Anabolix Xtreme med Hyperdrol som skal være av samme ulla.

Utlogget onakosano

  • Elite medlem
  • *******
  • Innlegg: 4 607
  • Honnør: 274
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 4 607

  • "e d vilje, e d vei!!!"
henta fra produktbeskrivelsen..markerte noen greier..
hørte også om hyperdrol, men den er garantert samme som superdrol og phera-plex

1) What exactly is in Jungle Warfare™?

A: Jungle Warfare is a non-androgen non-hormone based pro-hypertrophic product we have been working to perfect for the past few years. Our goal was to combine herbal AR-agonist that have no hormonal activity with positive estrogen and free testosterone modulation. In short, when combined with proper diet and training, Jungle Warfare supports lean tissue in a major long term progressive way while disrespecting fat stores rudely as well. The goal was to design a non-androgenic matrix for increased myotrophic expression and lipolysis that did not create issues for athletes or enthusiast either ethically or legally. From the results we feel we did pretty well.

2) Jungle Warfare is a non-hormonal AR agonist. Does this mean that it will cause other unwanted androgenic effects?

A: No, not at all. There is nothing in Jungle Warfare™ that can aromatize to estrogens, nor are there any synthetic androgenic compounds in the matrix. Just because something potentially stimulates the AR (Androgen Receptor)does not mean it will send an androgenic signal or cause the negative side effects that synthetic androgens can have. Our experience from long term testing has been that Jungle Warfare™ actually supports the HPTA, rather than suppresses it like hormones do. This in itself is a big step in potential for performance optimization with the main focus on health first through natural means.
Of course, it seems plausible to at least consider that a severe over dose, employed long term, may possibly inhibit FSH activity simply due to AR stimulation. But this would be an intake level beyond bizarre if it is possible at all. After all, you can really stimulate some serious gyno and have raisin nuts if you drink enough soy milk.
The goal is to support, not replace endogenous hormones, in a manner that favors lean mass and/or its performance capacity. Add to this hypertrophic activity with a favorable natural estrogen to androgen ratio and you have the makings of some interesting potentials. We certainly have been satisfied with the results users have shared.

3) Can women use it?

A: At this time I would feel uncomfortable if I said yes. We have only had the results of a few months of final testing on women to draw from. Of course the results have been very favorable, but let’s wait until all of the results are in before going there. Of course we have been working on a women's formula as well, but it will not ready at this time.

4) You hint that Jungle Warfare is pro HPTA. Can you describe the mechanism by which HPTA function is being impacted here?

A: Certainly.

a.) By modulating estrogen build-up the negative feed back loop to the hypothalamus is put in check. The result is that the body optimizes natural testosterone production. We use ADED to do this and it works pretty well to modulate instead of obliterate estrogen. So we still have the right amount of estrogen for normal growth of lean tissue and positive libido, without the excess water weight and fat feeding aspect.

b.) We utilize an excellent free testosterone optimizing compound called Conjugated (-)3,4-divanillyl-tetrahydrofuran. This is simply the result of a series of extraction processes performed upon nettle root. Many know of this herb due to its anti-aromatase capacity and the studies that show its positive affects upon BHP in men. Some of the extracts also have a positive affect upon the total testosterone to free testosterone ratio. More free testosterone means more “active testosterone. Nothing really trick here other than it just works better than one would expect. Nice for a change when something can be simple and effective.

c.) We use a specific dual process that allows us to use both the insulinogenic and AR agonistic fractions from a proprietary mormordica chirantia extraction. By doing so, we can foster the hypertrophic event in lean tissue via the two most important mechanisms without the usual negative side effects.

5) Will Jungle Warfare™ impact male/female libido?

A: Yes, naturally we can say anytime you feel better you will perform better in all senses of the word. But in this case, we have a great hormonal optimization matrix that supports pro-sexual performance as well.

6) Let's say that an athlete was coming off a prohormone cycle and is looking to restore his HPTA. Ultra Hotter which was recently licensed to Anabolic Xtreme as PCT™ seems the perfect choice.

A: Hmmm, we had not really intended the product to be used in this manner but obviously due to the HPTA support aspect with the non-androgen mediated lean tissue hypertrophy value it could be. Stacking with PCT™ would have additional benefits in this regard, but certainly not necessary.

7) Does Jungle Warfare potentially replace Ultra Hotter/PCT?

A: That would depend upon the intent of the user. It would best be described as another cycle option rather than a replacement as it is more so a hypertrophic matrix than a PCT product.

8) Would it make sense to use them together or separately?

A: I would suggest separately. This would help allow the body to avoid any potential adaptive curve to the products. We have has continued results from the test protocols employing Jungle Warfare™ for 12 weeks continuously, but at some point the body will adapt to the dosage and mechanisms of activity. For this reason it is a better option to structure 6-12 week protocols focused upon Jungle Warfare™ then a 4 week alternative cycle to allow re-sensitizing.

9) Do you happen to know the active life and relative bio-availability of ADED?

A: Yes, the half-life appears to be about 8 hours though its actions in the body last closer to 20 hours. Once aromatase has been modulated at the source, there is a protracted period of time post clearance that is required for aromatase to re-establish adequate levels again. This is true of most anti-aromatase type compounds.

10) What data and feedback can you share so far?

A: Our averages from the 12 week protocol test subjects has been very favorable. All, of course, continued to follow good training and dietary structures as well, so please do not think we are suggesting magic pills. The results were 12-15 pounds of lean mass gained and 6-8 pounds of fat tissue loss. We had all subjects submit then continue their current training and diet protocols during testing. Naturally one could expect a greater increase in total bodyweight if calorie intake was increased, but our goal at this point was to validate repartitioning modulation by way of supporting health oriented pathways.

Personally I have always disliked ads that state someone has gained 20 pound in only 6-8 weeks while using a new product. Too often the subject increased calorie intake to a point that leaves in question as to what was the actual cause, and gives no information on what the weight gained was made up of: Water, fat and or muscle? Some are obviously better than other products, but this tells us little to make good choices from.

We are currently constructing an advanced 12 week clinical study that we hope will start in the next 2 months.

11) Apart from the standard disclaimer that you should always check with your doctor and pharmacist before taking any supplement, are there any contraindications that you are aware of?

A: Obviously one can overdose even on water, but no, we feel pretty good about this one in that it supports health resulting in lean tissue modulation rather than supporting lean tissue modulation at the expense of health.

12) Have any users reported any negative effects?

A: No, none.

13) What action-reaction factors should be considered when taking this supplement, particularly if considering long term (4-8 weeks) of use?

A: In regard to Jungle Warfare™ long term should be considered beyond 12 weeks, though we have done some longer tests.

Action/Reaction Factors need to be addressed anytime a supplement, drug, training or diet protocol is planned. In this case most of the actions from long-tern Jungle Warfare™ use would be considered good. Increased receptor sensitivity for thyroid, pancreatic, pituitary and testes functions has been noted. This would suggest that less of any hormone would do more due to increased receptor response and activity post use.

benk: 150kg x 1 RAW              
markløft: 210 x 1 RAW           
knebøy: 160kg x 1 Bind          
Treningsveileder, NIH
Kettlebells instruktør


Utlogget Liemann

  • Erfaren bruker
  • ****
  • Innlegg: 418
  • Honnør: 30
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 418

Interessant, har lest litt om dette produktet jeg også men er allikevel litt skeptisk. 12-15pounds of LBM er ikke til å kimse av, da funker det.

Kanskje benpressmannen kan komme med et innspill her?

Utlogget onakosano

  • Elite medlem
  • *******
  • Innlegg: 4 607
  • Honnør: 274
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 4 607

  • "e d vilje, e d vei!!!"
jeg tror du missforsto meg litt.. litt lengre opp skrev jeg om blodprøvene til folk som har prøvd jungle warfare... og det dårlige kolesterolet gikk til værs... (ikke bra)... men de økte endel ja, selv om en del av folket aldri skulle bruke produktet igjen, det siste innlegget mitt var bare for å vise at de påstår at det er naturlig osv, men så egentlig er det et superdrol produkt...
benk: 150kg x 1 RAW              
markløft: 210 x 1 RAW           
knebøy: 160kg x 1 Bind          
Treningsveileder, NIH
Kettlebells instruktør


Utlogget Liemann

  • Erfaren bruker
  • ****
  • Innlegg: 418
  • Honnør: 30
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 418

jeg tror du missforsto meg litt.. litt lengre opp skrev jeg om blodprøvene til folk som har prøvd jungle warfare... og det dårlige kolesterolet gikk til værs... (ikke bra)... men de økte endel ja, selv om en del av folket aldri skulle bruke produktet igjen, det siste innlegget mitt var bare for å vise at de påstår at det er naturlig osv, men så egentlig er det et superdrol produkt...

Okey, det jeg ikke skjønte helt. For ingrediensene i jungle warfare fikk meg til å lure litt uavhengig av hva produsenten sier. De vil jo naturlig nok bare selge mest mulig.

Utlogget Benpressmannen

  • Treningsveileder
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 5 317
  • Honnør: 584
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 317

  • Anabol, endogen trainee
Bra at noen tar seg tid til å gjøre en slik jobb som å skrive artikkler for oss, stå på;)


Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

Utlogget Benpressmannen

  • Treningsveileder
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 5 317
  • Honnør: 584
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 5 317

  • Anabol, endogen trainee
du kan også lage en artikkel om det de kommer til å gjøre nå, når pro hormoner osv er forbudt.. f.eks: alri, jungle warfare.. skal være uten slike tilsetninger, men har sett blodprøvene til folk på bb.com og de så ikke bra ut, dårlig kolesterol gikk til værs...

Ja det kunne jo også vært en intresang artikkel..

Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

Gå til:  

Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

5 digge middager med cottage cheese


Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
Det er en risiko forbundet med treningen og løftene man utfører
Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

5 fordeler med stående leggpress


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