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Til alle som vil bli svære!
« : 21. juni 2006, 17:03 »
Tekst av Dante (doggcrap):

I think the absolute hardest decision people have to make in this sport is whether to go to an elite level. Absolutely. It seems most people can get to that 200lb to 230lb barrier lean and stay there. I originally did and I know most of you guys are or have been there too. To go beyond that takes a very weighty decision.

 To accumalate enough muscle mass in the shortest time possible, what would be the fastest way? Most likely it is to get big, somewhat smooth and put the time in at the dinner table and with heavy weights. Whats the downside of that? You are no longer JoeClub guy--lean at 230lbs and getting the girls. You are now bloated, large, and heavy which makes your face change dramatically and suddenly those girls that thought "god he is cute" no longer look your way. Its a huge decision to make. And if someone is satisfied at being a little bit larger than the next guy at 200-230lbs and lean more power to them. But if you think you are going to stay lean and make it up to a 4.0LBS per inch of height level--unless you have unbelievable genetics--its not going to happen for the average guy.

You can look at someone like Darrem Charles or Claude Groiux as people who stay lean all the time trying to get larger. Awesome physiques yes and the weight gain is quality but how much faster would they put on muscle mass by throwing caution to the wind and going for it and chowing down. They change very little from year to year. I'll use King Kamali as an example. Heres a guy with ok genetics but no where near the genetics of a Coleman or Wheeler etc. This guy catches so much hell and guff in the offseason for getting so smooth and bloated. Do you think King Kamali would be a pro right now if at 200lbs he decided he was going to stay very lean 8-9% or so and try to make pro status that way? No way in hell! The guy force fed himself up to a very smooth, bloated and heavy 300lbs and forced his body into a pro mass body. In my mind he took the absolutely fastest way from point A to point B--otherwise he would be slaving away like the majority of gym members out there with big dreams yet amateur status. Lee Priest. Dorian Yates (in his earlier years)--more examples of guys who didnt care what the general public thought and decided to take it to the ultimate mass level.

What skewers peoples minds is they see someone like Paul Dillett who admittingly ate once or twice a day for a long time --and the guy is enormous. But thats the exception to the rule. If your black--sorry to differentiate but your genetics are usually very gifted and muscle mass comes real easy. Three meals a day with half ass workouts and black guys are sporting 20 inch guns and 255lb physiques lean. The rest of us dont have that luxury or even close to it. I see so many people stuck in the 220-240 range doing everything else right but not realizing that the only way they are going to put on 20lbs more of muscle mass is by eating your way up to it. If your 220 and you want to be 240lbs you better start eating like a 260lb bodybuilder to get there. And thats alot of food! When i was coming up in size and in that 225-240lb range I got girls galore. When I made the decision that I wanted to be as large muscularly as my genetics allow and took it to the 250-300 range---alot of those same type of girls started looking the other way. IM thankful as hell that i have a fiance that realizes what a bodybuilder must do to make it to a 4.0lb per inch range. The "female" "dating" "attraction" decision right there is a huge one that keeps alot of bodybuilders from ever getting into that inhuman muscle mass level. I dont blame them.

 Theres alot of people that want it bad (huge muscle size) and have alot better genetics than the next guy but either dont know how to go about it or cant stand forcefeeding themselves to get there. Nothing has been harder for me then getting past the 260LB to the 300lb range. I couldnt believe how much food I had to take in to get that scale to budge just 3LBS over 2 months time. It gets incredibly frustrating and consistency has made it happen for me. If at 137lbs when i started, I tried all this time to stay at a 8% bodyfat range but still trying to put on as much muscle as humanly possible, I have no doubt that i would be weighing about 215LBS right now. My decision was I didnt want to look normal. I can wear the loosest long sleeve shirt and baggy jeans and people all day still have no doubt commenting or realizing Im a bodybuilder. I couldnt say that when i was covered up and very lean at 225lbs. It was just a personal decision for me and I feel I have gotten to point B from point A at the quickest rate possible. I actually look forward to the day I can bring this all down to a very lean, jacked, hard as a rock comfortable weight for me--(somewhere around 260-270lbs). Until then I have some goals I would like to accomplish and this rapid muscle accumalation (for me) project continues on. Heres some pros who decided the same decision I did long ago and its amazing to me that most people think these guys walk around 24/7 at 7% (via the monthly Flex magazine spread). pagenumber=1

I believe the two hardest decisions there are to make in bodybuilding is whether to a)use drugs and b)going to a level where the human body truly doesnt want to be. Its a question every bodybuilder should ask himself. What would be the quickest way for me to put on 50lbs of muscle mass while staying reasonably lean? IN my mind that means eating enough food that your body goes beyond the limits its set for itself, doing everything in your power with diet manipulation to stay leaner while also acquiring muscle mass as fast as possible, maybe walking treadmill work maybe 3-5 times a week on off leg training days (varies from person to person and needs to be determined), supplementation of the likes of the Anarchy stack on Animals board which many people are having incredible success with. Its a huge decision that not many people can put up with or have the fortitude to do or more importanly--even want to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Synes det beskriver veldig bra hva som egentlig skal til for å kunne hevde seg i bodybuilding på et elitenivå.

Edit: sånn:p
"Do you really think that eating 3000 calories with 225 grams of protein and doing the Weider "confusion training principle" to keep your body offguard will somehow magically make your 175lbs into 250lbs of rock granite monstrosity?
....Get your act together and think this all out or quit your complaining and dreaming and take up tennis." -DC

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #1 : 21. juni 2006, 17:06 »
No offence men hadde du delt opp teksten litt mer hadde det muligens vert mer som hadde lest den Wink Litt kjedelig når alt henger sammen som en stooor setning...
It aint the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog

Utlogget UpAndComming

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #2 : 21. juni 2006, 17:06 »
Må være lov å stille noen krav til leseren også vel ?? Wink
Inni meg lever en tynn liten gutt som skriker etter å komme ut. Men som regel kan jeg få han til å holde kjeft med en kjeks.

Utlogget Advocatus Diaboli

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #3 : 21. juni 2006, 17:09 »
Jeg tror faktisk Dagens Næringsliv stiller krav til leserne sine.. Forsåvidt også de som skriver jus-pensum.. likefullt har de avsnitt og paragrafer.. Wink
"The devil made me do it". I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them.

Utlogget UpAndComming

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #4 : 21. juni 2006, 17:11 »
Det har de nok, men en som er intressert driter i slikt. De andre må lokkes til å lese det, som pensum f.eks. Wink
Inni meg lever en tynn liten gutt som skriker etter å komme ut. Men som regel kan jeg få han til å holde kjeft med en kjeks.

Utlogget Advocatus Diaboli

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  • Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel
SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #5 : 21. juni 2006, 17:13 »
Tja, det er ikke snakk om å være "intressert", det er snakk om at en artikkel som er rasjonelt oppbygget faktisk er lettere å lese, det er lettere å tilegne seg informasjon fra den og den er i det hele bedre.. Smiley Du må gjerne kverulere, men du vet like godt som meg at teksten over hadde vært langt bedre med avsnitt og luft mellom forskjellige deler av den, en ingress, underoverskrifter o.l..
"The devil made me do it". I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them.

Utlogget UpAndComming

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #6 : 21. juni 2006, 17:16 »
Selvfølgelig er vi enige om det. Men DC har aldri hatt noe mål om å være komersiell. Han har sin stil og følger den, noen velger å lese det andre ikke. Hvem som gjør tror jeg har driter syltynt i - massene var aldri målet uansett. Smiley
Inni meg lever en tynn liten gutt som skriker etter å komme ut. Men som regel kan jeg få han til å holde kjeft med en kjeks.

Utlogget Lars H

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #7 : 21. juni 2006, 21:10 »
Bra den. Tror mange gjør feil i å være så RÅleane når de prøver å gaine. Tror MANGE begrenser seg selv der.


Lars Helge Kristensen

Konkurrerende utøver innen Strongman

Beste løft: 245kg i knebøy, 190kg benkpress og 280kg i markløft. Nå 23 år gammel
Sponset av:
Team Stronman Roy Holte
Viking Supplements System

2003; NM-105kg Husker ikke Plass
2004; NM-21år  3 plass
2007; BOV "Fersk" 4 plass
2007; 8 plass P.N Strongman SHow Larvik, Storklassedebut

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #8 : 21. juni 2006, 22:40 »
Hvor er det dere leser alle disse tekstene til Dante?

Hver gang jeg leser tekstene hans er det som om et lys går opp for meg...

Utlogget dunny

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SV: Til alle som vil bli svære!
« #9 : 22. juni 2006, 00:35 »
Posta denne teksten etter å ha lest intervjuet med Bjørgulf Hansen som ligger på forsida her nå. Noe han sa som minte meg på dette Wink
"Do you really think that eating 3000 calories with 225 grams of protein and doing the Weider "confusion training principle" to keep your body offguard will somehow magically make your 175lbs into 250lbs of rock granite monstrosity?
....Get your act together and think this all out or quit your complaining and dreaming and take up tennis." -DC

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Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
Det er en risiko forbundet med treningen og løftene man utfører
Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

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