Skrevet av Emne: Sylvester Stallone  (Lest 24167 ganger)

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Sylvester Stallone
« : 25. februar 2007, 12:59 »
Sylvester Stallone

Full Name:
Sylvester Enzio Stallone

Sly, Italian Stallion

July 6, 1946 in New York City

5' 7"


Stallone was born in Hell's Kitchen, New York to Frank Stallone and Jacqueline "Jackie" Labofish, an astrologer. Stallone's father was an immigrant from Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily while his mother is American. One of his maternal great-grandmothers, Rosa Rabinovich, was from Odessa,Ukraine and was half Jewish. [2][3] At fifteen, his classmates voted him the one "most likely to end up in the electric chair." In the 1960s, Stallone attended the American College of Switzerland, Leysin and the University of Miami for three years. He came within a few credit hours of graduation, before he decided to drop out and pursue an acting career. After Stallone's request that his acting and life experiences be accepted in exchange for his remaining credits, he was granted a Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA) degree by the President of the University of Miami in 1999.[

Stallone did not gain world-wide fame until his starring role in the smash hit Rocky (1976), the film was awarded the 1976 Academy Award for Best Picture.
Rocky cost about US$1.1 million to make, and grossed about US$225 million worldwide. The sequel Rocky II was released in 1979 and also became a major success, grossing US$200 million worldwide.
Stallone had another major franchise success as John Rambo in First Blood (1982) and the sequels, Rambo: First Blood Part II, and Rambo III. During the 1980s he built a reputation as a major action star, frequently setting the record in multi-million dollar salaries. After the release of Rocky IV and Rambo: First Blood Part II, Stallone became the biggest film star in the world. Many consider him the most famous film star of the 80s and one of the most popular celebrities of the decade. 1986's Cobra and 1989's Tango and Cash continued the hit parade, further solidifying Stallone's overseas fanbase.

After starring in the critical and commercial failures Oscar and Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot during the early 90s, he made a major comeback in 1993 with the blockbuster hit Cliffhanger which became an enormously successful venture grossing over US$255 million worldwide. Later that year he enjoyed another hit with Demolition Man which grossed in excess of $158 million worldwide. His string of hits continued with 1994's The Specialist (over $170 million worldwide gross). In 1995 he played the title character in Judge Dredd which was based on the comic book 2000 AD. His overseas box office appeal even saved the domestic box office disappointment of Judge Dredd with a worldwide tally of $113 million. In 1996 he starred in the disaster movie Daylight which made only $33 million in the U.S but was a major hit overseas taking in over $126 million, totaling $159,212,469 worldwide.

Stallone has been married three times, to Sasha Czack (1974–1985), Brigitte Nielsen (1985–1987), and Jennifer Flavin (1997–present). He has five children, sons Sage Moonblood and Seargeoh, who is autistic (with Czack, born 1976 and 1979 respectively), and daughters Sophia Rose, Sistine Rose and Scarlett Rose (with Flavin, born 1996, 1998, 2002 respectively). He and Flavin, an Irish-American, were married at Winston Churchill's birthplace, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England.

In addition to these marriages, he has had romantic relationships with models Susan Anton, Angie Everhart, Pamela Anderson, Naomi Campbell and Janice Dickinson. The latter once believed that Stallone was the father of her daughter Savannah


The 1997 film Face/Off starring Nicolas Cage and John Travolta was originally conceived as a sci-fi film and written specifically for Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Cobra and Judge Dredd were intended to spawn franchises, but due to their lukewarm reception at the boxoffice, those plans were cancelled. Cliffhanger had a sequel script written for it entitled The Dam but this was later retooled as a separate film entitled Daylight which Stallone made in 1996.

Sustained serious injuries making the Rambo films, particularly First Blood. In that film, he attempts to jump from a cliff into a tree. The look of pain he shows in the film is in fact real as the branches were lodged in his chest, breaking ribs and puncturing a lung.

Widely considered to have inspired the one-man army action films of the 1980s with the genre classic First Blood.

Stallone claims to have been able to bench press 385-400 lbs and squat 500 lbs in his prime. While in a bench pressing contest with former Mr. Olympia Franco Columbu, he severely tore his pectoral muscle and needed over 160 stitches on it. This is why one half of his chest is more veiny than the other. [10]

He is one of President George W. Bush's two favorite actors. The other is fellow action hero and conservative Chuck Norris. Both men attended Bush's inauguration as President in 2001.

Stallone's films have grossed over $1.7 billion in the USA and over $3.5 billion worldwide.

Oil paints in his spare time and considers Leonardo Da Vinci his personal hero.

Was part owner of the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain with Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Birth complications, caused by forceps, resulted in paralysis of the lower left side of his face, manifested by a perennial snarl and slurred speech.

Dislikes his first name, usually referred to as "Sly."

Stallone's mother is a fan of Jackie Chan. Chan and Stallone are very good friends.

Was originally slated to play Detective Axel Foley in _Beverly Hills Cop (1984)_ . The role went to Eddie Murphy instead.

Has a total of five children, Sage & Seargeoh with first wife Sacha Czack and Sophia, Sistine & Scarlet with third wife Jennifer Flavin.


Turned down the role of John McClane in Die Hard (1988). The part went to Bruce Willis instead.

Son of Jackie Stallone & Frank Stallone

In April 2004 he formed his own nutrition company InStone, that produces protein pudding, a testosterone booster, an energy booster and two different protein shakes.

In 1988 he was offered $4 million to do an advert for an American beer commercial under the condition that he cut his hair; when he refused they offered a further $1 million to go to the barber - he still refused.


Sly Stallone first got his inspiration to pursue exercise and nutrition when he saw Steve Reeves (a former Mr. Universe) in HERCULES! At 13 years old, Sylvester was astounded with films such as ‘Hercules:Unchained,’ ‘Goliath and the Barbarians’ and ‘The Thief of Baghdad.’
Today Sylvester Stallone is an inspiration to many who strive to improve their physical prowess, willpower and determination. For an example of his physique at its best, take a look at films like Rocky III or IV, Rambo II, or Rambo III and be amazed at what can be accomplished with sheer determination. Of course, Sly has had his fair share of injuries from his incredible physical pursuits. When training for Rocky II, Sly trained so hard with two time Mr. Olympia Franco Columbu, that he tore his pectoralis, resulting in a four hour operation.

When making Rocky III, Sly would begin the day with a two mile jog, then go straight into 18 rounds of sparring, 2 hours of weightlifting and jumping rope. After all this, he would take a nap in the afternoon, then go running again! He would finish the day with a swim. On this film he made himself even leaner and smaller to enhance the ‘David & Goliath’ imagery. To get this effect Stallone dropped his body weight to a mere 155 lbs, with a diet of 10 eggwhites and a burnt piece of toast once a day, and a piece of fruit every third day. Although this diet left him weak and dizzy, he then built his muscle mass up ounce by ounce until he was up to about 175.

Sylvester Stallone had trained with Franco Columbu to get in shape for Rocky II, so he knew the services of the two-time Mr. Olympia did not come cheap. Still when he heard the amount of the fee Franco would charge him for the next six weeks to train for his new film Rambo II: First Blood, he was shocked.

"Franco," he told the Sardinian, "why don't you just take my house and be done with it?"

"I had to charge Sly a good amount for the training," explains Franco, "because he wanted to train full out, just as if he were preparing for the Mr. Olympia contest. That meant two workouts a day, six days a week. I had to drop almost everything else in order to concentrate on getting him in the best shape of his life."

According to Franco, motivating his pupil was not that difficult because of Stallone's tremendous mental intensity and competitiveness. "Sly gives 100% all the time," Franco says, "and his determination is awesome. He is an achiever. A leader. He never sits back and let's things happen, he is the one who makes them happen.”

"With Sly, I worked out a program that was right for him," Franco explains, "and then I led the way, constantly increasing weights and reps. I knew for sure that this would motivate him to try and keep up with me. If I took a weight and did 12 reps, Sly would have to try and do at least 7. After all, I may be stronger than he is, but not that much stronger. Then, next set, I would do 15 reps, so he would have to increase his reps to at least 10. By the end of our training, he was doing curls with 70- pound dumb-bells. You should have seen how strong he got

When Stallone first came to Franco to begin training, he was 170 pounds and very well defined. But he didn't feel he was big enough and wanted to put on 10 pounds of muscle in six weeks. Franco knew how hard Stallone was capable of training, so he decided that was a feasible goal.

"Sylvester gained just about 10 pounds in six and a half weeks," Franco says. "He has great structure, with a waist only about 29 inches. When we started, he had a 44-inch chest. At the end, his chest was almost 50 inches. And his arms went from 16 ½ inches to 18 inches. He was bigger, harder and much more muscular. Wait until you see him in the movie. He's going to shock a lot of people by how good he looks."

Morning: Chest, back, abs
Afternoon: Shoulders, arms, abs

Morning: Calves, thighs
Afternoon: Rear delts, traps, abs

"Each day we would train, I would change the exercises. I had Sly do extra sets of exercises that were working, and I dropped the ones that weren't working. And the more results he saw, the harder he trained. I'd say, let's do three more sets, and he would immediately agree. The workouts got to be really fun, very exciting."

Franco had Stallone training abs three times every two days, doing 500 reps every ab workout. "We trained four different ab and torso exercises: sit-ups, leg raises, side leg raises, and side bends. We did 50 reps of each, one exercise right after another, and five sets of this cycle. And wait until you see the results. Sly has great abs, intercostals, serratus, everything."

Franco says Sly was determined to be the most impressive man on film this side of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. "But Sly wants to go even farther for Rocky IV", Franco reveals. "In fact, if Sly had decided to be a body builder instead of an actor, with his great proportions, his tremendous athletic ability, and his mental drive, he would certainly ended up as one of the top physique champions."

As Stallone continues to slug it out in his workout, his jet-black hair becomes wringing wet. Sweat pours profusely off the tip of his straight roman nose and intensity conquers the contender. Working the world's most famous biceps, he says that this is the heaviest he's been in a while. "I was 178 for Rocky, and 200 in Rocky II. For Rocky III I was 163. For my next film, Rocky IV, I went up to 173. I like this weight, because it is a fuller, rounder look, more in keeping with the old Roman athletes. I'm not quite as sinewy as I was in Rocky III, but I feel stronger."

Stallone's measurements when he was filming Rambo II were: chest around 50", 29 ½ " waist, and 17 inch biceps. His body fat runs 4 ½ %, although when he's not filming it's 6 %. Loud bursts of energy can be heard as the star does push-ups to get pumped up for some photos.

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Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #1 : 25. februar 2007, 13:02 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #2 : 25. februar 2007, 13:05 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #3 : 25. februar 2007, 13:07 »
Er det bare meg, eller har Sly en lite estetisk kropp? Mannen er trent, og rippet til de grader, men syntes ikke han har vært heldig fra naturens side.

Edit: Bra magemuskler og skuldre. Bryst er greit. Resten er heller labert.
The Iron Wolf - Sponset av Ironcore Nutrition

Loggbok: The little girlyman

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #4 : 25. februar 2007, 13:07 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #5 : 25. februar 2007, 13:08 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #6 : 25. februar 2007, 13:22 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #7 : 25. februar 2007, 13:23 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #8 : 25. februar 2007, 13:24 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #9 : 25. februar 2007, 13:24 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #10 : 25. februar 2007, 13:25 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #11 : 25. februar 2007, 13:26 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #12 : 25. februar 2007, 13:26 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #13 : 25. februar 2007, 13:27 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

Utlogget TottoRosland

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Sv: Sylvester Stallone
« #14 : 25. februar 2007, 13:27 »
Norgesmester Classic Bodybuilding +180cm 2011

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