Skrevet av Emne: Rapport fra WSM 07  (Lest 19176 ganger)

Utlogget Kikki

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Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #45 : 17. september 2007, 07:58 »
Phil Pfister og Dominic Filiou i Fingal Fingers

Phil Pfister i Hercules Hold

Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

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  • Kjønn: Mann
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Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #46 : 17. september 2007, 22:11 »

På markløften idag var det 7 løft. Første løft på 265 og siste på 340. Jeg ble kastet inn som tester for ESPN igjen, uten oppvarming og uten belte dro jeg tre løft. 265, 277,5 og 290.

Skog greide 4 løft, mens alle de andre i gruppa hans greide alle 7.... Dvs at Skog løftet 265, 277,5, 290 og ca 300.

Plasseringen etter tidsbruk ble: Terry, Raivis, Jason, Magnus og Skog.

Råest i verden var Mark felix som tok alle syv løftene, men I TILLEGG 3 reps på siste vekta 340 kg!!! Og det i løpet av 30 sekunder!!!

Nå er det bøy på de andre gruppene og jeg skal surre Janne!

Utlogget Kikki

  • V.I.P
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  • Kjønn: Kvinne
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Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #47 : 17. september 2007, 22:13 »
Litt bilder mens vi venter på resultater...

Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
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  • Innlegg: 17 784
  • Honnør: 4412
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  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 17 784

Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #48 : 17. september 2007, 22:37 »
Fra wsm website;

Day 2: Favorites strong, Newcomer surpises

On the second day of WSM 2007, favorites Phil Pfister and Mariusz Pudzianowski showed why each of them has been WSM before.

Hercules Hold

The first event of the day was the Hercules Hold. Athletes had to hold on to two pillars, weighing 353 pounds each, for as long as they could. Pudzianowski lasted for 46 seconds. The current world record holder Tarmo Mitt from Estonia couldn't keep up to the high expactations as he had to let go after 52 seconds.

Phil Pfister on the other hand had an excellent event. He held on to the pillars for 58 seconds only to be beaten by a newcomer.
Germany's Florian Trimple put on the performance of the day as he was able to stop the pillars from falling for just over 60 seconds. Asked, if he was surpised by the great result, he replied: "No I was not surprised. I knew I could do it. My goal was one minute and I reached it." And nobody else was able to top that mark.

After the lunch break the strongmen had to give their best at the Overhead Log Lift. Only two of the five groups were taking part. The participants had to make as many repetitions as possible, pushing up a log weighing 275 pounds. The winner was Mariusz Pudzianowski with an impressive result of 18 reps. Three other athletes, naming Magnus Samuelsson, Boris Haraldsson and James Marku accomplished the second best score of 13 repititions.



Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
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  • Innlegg: 17 784
  • Honnør: 4412
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  • Kjønn: Mann
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Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #49 : 17. september 2007, 23:37 »

Hentet fra Lene sine rapporter på

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
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  • Kjønn: Mann
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Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #50 : 17. september 2007, 23:39 »
Svend starter sin siste rapport slik: DAG 2 WSM 2007:

Oh,wow for en dag..
Les mer på

Utlogget Kikki

  • V.I.P
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  • Kjønn: Kvinne
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Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #51 : 18. september 2007, 07:50 »
Mariusz sends his regards to:

"The tall woman in Storefjell....Kikki ". Mariusz told me today he will be back in Norway 2008 !!!
Ikke verst det Kikki !!!

Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget Kikki

  • V.I.P
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  • Kjønn: Kvinne
  • Innlegg: 6 551

  • Cleverly disguised as an adult!
Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #52 : 18. september 2007, 07:53 »
Dagens rapport fra Svend

Dag 3 WSM 2007:

Oppe kl.06.00, frokost og avsted sammen med Colin Bryce og Jim, tv produsenten Channel 5. Vi kjørte oss totalt vill og kom til et mer eller mindre getto strøk Les mer på
Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
  • ********
  • Innlegg: 17 784
  • Honnør: 4412
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  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 17 784

Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #53 : 18. september 2007, 15:05 »
WSM webpage:

Day 3: Good lifts and great squats

On the third day of this year's MET-Rx World's Strongest Man event the stage was set up at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California.

Deadlift for weight

The first event of the day was the Deadlift. Contestants had to lift up a rack, filled with barrels, off the ground from a stabalized bent-over position. After each good lift another barrel was added, so that it reached the maximum weight of 345 kg after seven lifts.

Phil Pfister (USA) knew he didn't need to give it all to make it to the finals, so he only put up four lifts. But other strongmen were in need of a good result.

Jarek Dymek (Poland) showed a good effort and managed to handle all seven lifts in just over 30 seconds.There was some confusion after Derek Boyer's (Australia) attempt. He lifted the maximum weight and thought he had it. He started a speech directed to his fiancee. But he obviously didn't think of the fact, that the time was still running. So he lost about five seconds, before he finally let go of the rack.

Some great action was going on, seeing Mark Felix (England) and Kevin Nee (USA) lift the maximum weight faster than 30 seconds, but nobody was able to beat Terry Hollands today. The Englishman was able to get through the task in 26,99 seconds.

Squat Lift

The next event was the Squat Lift. There the athletes had to manage as many repetitions as possible with a starting weight of 256 kg. The maximum, after seven reps, was 340 kg. The faster the participants were able to do that, the better their result was.

Mark Westaby (England) put up six lifts in 33,80 seconds and was a little bit surprised of the result. "I don't know where I got the power from. I probably could have done the seventh as well", he said after regaining his breath.

"It was nothing!" an energized Boris Haraldsson (Iceland) screamed out after his great bout. He lifted the whole weight and finished in 22,83 seconds, only to be beaten by two other excellent athletes.

Jimmy Marku (England) and Mariusz Pudzianowski (Poland) were starring in today's performance of the day. Fighting for the lead in the same group both men managed to lift all the weight. One of them was a little quicker though. Pudzianowski finished in 21,38 seconds just barely after Marku's 20,83. Asked about his feelings Jimmy Marku only replied: "It was quite some fun out there."

Overhead Safe Lift

For the last event of the day the athletes had to lift up two safes, that were clamped together, over their heads as many times as possible. The count for this event stopped after 75 seconds.

Phil Pfister looked very strong but didn't seem to overpower. He lifted the rack 16 times. Afterwards he summarized the day as follows: "I was playing it safe today. It has been a tough competition so far. Everybody has gotten better."

Tarmo Mitt (Estonia) and Jarek Dymek were also in good shape and managed to put up 18 and 17 reps.

New record holder in this event is Sebastian Wenta. A longshot for the finals before the event, the Pole increased his chances to reach it with his incredible result of 19 reps. Asked, if he is planning for the finals already he replied just like a real sportsman would: "Everybody here has the chance to reach the finals and so do I."

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
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  • Innlegg: 17 784
  • Honnør: 4412
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  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 17 784

Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #54 : 18. september 2007, 15:07 »
Ironmind: WSM: Pfister and Mitts into the Finals  by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2007 IronMind

With one day left in the qualifying round at the World’s Strongest Man contest, Phil Pfister and Tarmo Mitts have locked in their positions for the finals, IronMind has been told, unofficially.

”A lot of guys are looking really good,” one observer told IronMind, and Mariusz Pudzianowski is reportedly “looking stronger than ever.”

Tomorrow the action continues, with the last day of the qualifying round, and one of the people to watch is Magnus Samuelsson, currently in third place in his group, but only one point out of second. There’s a lot on the line for the American contingent, too, as Kevin Nee, Karl Gillingham and Dave Ostlund are all said to have a chance to make it through to the finals - we hear that Don Pope is either locked into the finals or is at least in a very strong position to go through.

Utlogget Kikki

  • V.I.P
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  • Kjønn: Kvinne
  • Innlegg: 6 551

  • Cleverly disguised as an adult!
Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #55 : 18. september 2007, 20:47 »
Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
  • ********
  • Innlegg: 17 784
  • Honnør: 4412
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 17 784

Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #56 : 19. september 2007, 00:02 »
Da er Keg toss ferdig! Tønnene skulle kastes over en vegg som var 4 meter høy. De veide 20 kg hver...

Magnus greide alle 10, Terry 9, Richard 7 , Raivis 6 og Jason 4....

Richard skal ut i stener om en time, og han har lovt å klikke maximalt der for å kanskje slå "The King of Stones!"  Grin

p.s. ta ei 20 kilosskive neste gang du er på gymmet, og kjenn etter om du ville greid å kaste den OVER 4 meter høyt....

Utlogget Egil Skallagrimsson

  • Ekstremt avhengig
  • ********
  • Innlegg: 17 784
  • Honnør: 4412
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 17 784

Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #57 : 19. september 2007, 06:15 »
Da var siste kvalikøvelse over. I Skog sin gruppe ble resultatet på atlassteinene slik:
Magnus, raivis, Terry, Jason og Skog. Han kom sist i sin gruppe men har kjempet hardt, og vi andre er stolte av ham.

Dette er Finalegruppen wsm 07: Mariuzs, Phil, Termo, Don, wenta, mark, dave, terry, magnus og Kevin
. Smiley

Utlogget Kikki

  • V.I.P
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  • Innlegg: 6 551
  • Honnør: 1046
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  • Kjønn: Kvinne
  • Innlegg: 6 551

  • Cleverly disguised as an adult!
Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #58 : 19. september 2007, 10:09 »
Dag 4 WSM 2007:

Snipp, snapp, snute-så var eventyret for Richard ute....i alle fall for i år...

Les mer på  Smile
Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget Kikki

  • V.I.P
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  • Innlegg: 6 551
  • Honnør: 1046
  • Utlogget Utlogget

  • Kjønn: Kvinne
  • Innlegg: 6 551

  • Cleverly disguised as an adult!
Sv: Rapport fra WSM 07
« #59 : 19. september 2007, 10:17 »

Day 4: No party without a keg

Day four of the World's Strongest Man event took the athletes to Huntington Beach, California. As is was the last Qualifying day the strongmen had to give their best.

Keg Toss

The first event of the day was the Keg Toss. Athletes had 90 seconds to toss as many kegs over a barrier as possible. Each keg weighs in at 55 pounds.

Going first, Mark Westaby (England) managed to toss 9 barrels over to the other side. Asked why he couldn't finish all ten barrel, he said: "You feel good after six or seven barrels, but before you know it your body just gives up. And it was so hot out there. Heat is not my thing."

Karl Gillingham (USA) was the first to toss all ten barrels over the barrier. But his time of 51,10 seconds was not good enough to place him amongst the leaders for this event.

Don Pope (USA) ensured his place in the final with ten tooses in 51,37 seconds. Reaching the final led Pope to the follwing statement: "It's is hard to shut the switch off, but I will try to only go with 70% lifting the Atlas Stones."

Strong Pole Sebastian Wenta rushed his barrels over the top. He was finished after 34,65 seconds.

The performance of the day came from James Marku (England) as he stepped on top of two barrels and threw a third one over the barrier. He said afterwards: "It's my weakest event. Plus I'm a bit short. That's why I stepped onto the barrels. I hope I don't get disqualified." He didn't and finished with two barrels after 90 seconds.

Dave Ostlund form the United States of America won this event. He tossed all ten barrels of the barrier in 34,33 seconds. Asked for the recipe of this result he replied: "Rhythm is everything. And you have to make sure you don't overpower."


Atlas Stones

The second event of the day and at the same time the last chance for contestants to reach the final, were the Atlas Stones. The athletes had to lift up five different stones on five different platforms. The stones were weighing from 220lbs. to 353 lbs. The platforms heights decreased with the increasing weight of the stones.

Don Pope managed to lift up all five stones and is looking forward to his final-appearance. "I was injured a lot this year and as you know a wounded animal is very dangerous. My goal is to do better than last year. Everything can happen."

Dominic Filou (Canada) finished second best in this event. He was done lifting up the stones after 20,80 seconds.

Only Tarmo Mitt from Estonia waas quicker. He finished after 20,45 seconds. Asked for his goal this year, he replie: "I really hope this is my year. I am in better shape than last year."

Phil Pfister (USA) took it easy lifting the stones. His spot in the finals was already secure. So he made a show out of his attempt, acting as if he was lifting the stones up. Asked, if he can repeat his title run from last year, he said: "I take it one step at a time. But to regain my title will be the biggest task ever. The otherf inalists are so strong."

In the last battle of the day. Kevin Nee (USA) and Florian Trimpl (Germany) were fighting for the last spot for the finals, head to head. Nee just flew by the platforms and managed to beat Trimpl to secure his ticket to the final.

There will be a two day break. We will be back with the finals on Friday. The exact location is: Monarch Beach, St. Regis, Dana Point. Starting at 10 a.m. with the loading race.
Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

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