Skrevet av Emne: Kvinner, alkohol og testosteron  (Lest 2244 ganger)

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Kvinner, alkohol og testosteron
« : 10. juni 2005, 04:18 »
Ingen nyhet, men kan jo gjøre den kvinnelige delen av medlemmene på forumet oppmerksom på at alkohol kanskje ikke har en så veldig negativ effekt på vekttreningen som noen kanskje tror. Ihvertfall ikke når det gjelder testosteron. Leptin er vel en annen historie...

High doses of alcohol increase urinary testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio in females

Karila T, Kosunen V, Leinonen A, Tahtela R, Seppala T.

National Public Health Institute, Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Helsinki, Finland.

The effect of alcohol (1.2 and 2.0 g/kg) on the urinary testosterone-to-epitestosterone (T/E) ratio was studied by two experiments each conducted with four healthy females and males. The intake of 2.0 g/kg of ethanol within 5 h in the evening significantly increased plasma testosterone concentration and ratio of T/E in urine collected next morning in females. The results suggest that alcohol increases the T/E ratio more in females than in males. The effect of high doses of alcohol on urinary T/E ratio must be kept in mind when doping tests are performed during training periods.

Hva mindandmuscle skriver om kvinner og alkohol:

Testosterone and Females

Ethanol's effects on the female bodybuilder, however, are not so bleak. Because female testosterone production occurs primarily outside the gonadal structures (81), ethanol's effect on LH is not as relevant -- and its effects on Leydig cells obviously are not at all relevant. In addition, ethanol is known to stimulate adrenal activity (82) -- 25% of female testosterone production is produced as an intermediate in the production of cortisol in the adrenals (81).

This results in INCREASED testosterone levels in women after ethanol consumption. As little as .4g/kg caused a significant increase in testosterone levels (83),and 1.2g/kg and 2g/kg caused increases of 25% and 54% respectively (84).

Interestingly, serum epitestosterone is not proportionally increased, nor are urinary levels, thus the testosterone to epitestosterone ratio (T:Ep) used in athletic drug screenings is skewed. The same study mentioned above resulted in a T:Ep ratio of around 4.5 compared to 1.5 before drinking. Individual increases ranged from 1.9 to 8.7 times baseline (84). Given that the testing cutoff is 6:1, it is easy to see that this could result in a false positive (or perhaps be used as a handy excuse for a true positive).

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