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FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« : 21. januar 2010, 07:20 »
FST-7 er veien å gå om du vil ha fremgang i treningen din å bygge mye muskler raskt. For å ta et eksempel på en som nettopp har hatt suksess ved bruk av FST-7 er Jay Cutler.

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #1 : 21. januar 2010, 09:38 »
Jay Cutler har også hatt lang suksess med å trykke i seg alt som finnes av kjemikalier de siste ørten årene, så å bruke han som referanse på at et treningsprogram funker blir litt søkt. ellers synes jeg det er synd at artikler på død og liv må inneholde et lass med referanser til konkrete produkter som man gjerne selger selv.
du ser ut som en piss i trynet

Utlogget GogopleX

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #2 : 21. januar 2010, 13:16 »
Jay Cutler har også hatt lang suksess med å trykke i seg alt som finnes av kjemikalier de siste ørten årene, så å bruke han som referanse på at et treningsprogram funker blir litt søkt. ellers synes jeg det er synd at artikler på død og liv må inneholde et lass med referanser til konkrete produkter som man gjerne selger selv.

Bra skrevet!

Legger med et sitat fra Stuart Mc Robert sine flotte og lærerike bøker:

" Train like a modern-day "elite" bodybuilder and you never develop a terrific physique UNLESS you`re one of the very few who have fantastic genetic potential. Don`t waste years of your life before you learn this lesson. Learn it now! "

Utlogget Tommi Thorvildsen

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #3 : 21. januar 2010, 16:50 »
veggiss  har du hatt en dårlig dag Smile he he. ha en god økt da !
Tommi Thorvildsen

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #4 : 21. januar 2010, 19:15 »
Interessant artikkel Smiley

Utlogget JanB Diddl etc

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #5 : 21. januar 2010, 20:51 »
Det kombinerer jo flere kjente prinsipper man vet fungerer. Det har både relativt høy intensitet (tunge vekter) i baseøvelsene, og høy mengde på "7" settene, men de siste 7 settene er isolasjonsøvelser, så man vil ikke brenne seg helt ut. Selve stretch-konseptet for å strekke/utvide fascia rundt muskelen ("S"en i FST-7) er vel aldri bevist ved forskning (bortsett fra de dyrene hvor man stretchet en muskel maks i 30 dager i strekk), men empirisk så mener jo mange at me får effekt av det, om det faktisk skjer en utvidelse av fascia eller ikke. Så komboen høy intensitet på baseøvelser, en stretch-øvelse, og så høyt volum på en isolasjonsøvelse har jeg tro på.

Tilskuddene som nevnes er jo helt basic tilskudd som alle produsenter selger, så jeg ser ikke noe galt i å refere til de.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #6 : 24. januar 2010, 16:18 »
Tilskuddene som nevnes er jo helt basic tilskudd som alle produsenter selger, så jeg ser ikke noe galt i å refere til de.

selvfølgelig synes du jo ikke det, de kommer jo fra sponsoren din.
du ser ut som en piss i trynet

Utlogget JanB Diddl etc

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #7 : 24. januar 2010, 16:58 »
selvfølgelig synes du jo ikke det, de kommer jo fra sponsoren din.

Han refererer til cell max, whey tech og glutamax noen få ganger i artikkelen og Proteinfabrikken en gang ved å bruke forkortelsen "pf". Synes ikke akkurat at dette er et lass med referanser eller særlig aggressiv markedsføring.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #8 : 24. januar 2010, 17:06 » hvorfor bruke "artikler" som markedsføring? nettstedet er jo fyllt opp av reklame uansett, om ikke man må sile artiklene man leser for reklame også. dessuten er det ekstremt amatørmessig ovenfor andre annonsører.
du ser ut som en piss i trynet

Utlogget JanB Diddl etc

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #9 : 24. januar 2010, 17:14 »
Hvis du synes det er et problem så kan du jo ta det opp med sjefen for TF.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo


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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #10 : 24. januar 2010, 17:19 »
P1: Hver dag når jeg forlater huset trykker jeg på ringeklokka 3 ganger (magisk tall!), hvis ikke så kommer jeg til å bli påkjørt og dø.
P2: Jeg har ikke blitt påkjørt og er ikke død.
K: Å trykke på ringeklokka eksakt 3 ganger, og ikke 2 eller 17 eller 0, fungerer! Jeg er et levende bevis. Man kan ikke argumentere mot resultater!

P1: Å trene med 7 sett (magisk tall!) med korte pauser utvider fascia slik at musklene vokser lettere, som å blåse opp en ballong man har strukket i.
P2: Musklene vokser!
P3: Fullstendig urelevant, men man må ha med en appell til autoritet - Jay Cutler vant Mr. Olympia!
K: 7 sett (magisk tall!) med korte pauser strekker facia.

Falsk kausalitet - en favoritt blant styrketrenede.

Men for all det, trening funker jo det.

Hvis du synes det er et problem så kan du jo ta det opp med sjefen for TF.

Dette underforumet er vel en egnet plass for sånt, ellers er ikke vi langt bedre enn Biotest og t-nation.

Utlogget JanB Diddl etc

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #11 : 24. januar 2010, 18:40 »
Falsk kausalitet - en favoritt blant styrketrenede.

Hadde man blitt større av ekte kaustisk soda så hadde nok også det vært en favoritt.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Utlogget Tommi Thorvildsen

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #12 : 25. januar 2010, 02:34 »
Celdiir biggrin hater du ikke det når noen ikke vil høre på det du har og si....hvor viktig tror du treningsvariasjon er for fremgang og motivasjo? jeg er sikker på de fleste mennesker mener det er viktig med  "you may already be a winner"
Tommi Thorvildsen

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #13 : 25. januar 2010, 03:41 »
Celdiir biggrin hater du ikke det når noen ikke vil høre på det du har og si....hvor viktig tror du treningsvariasjon er for fremgang og motivasjo? jeg er sikker på de fleste mennesker mener det er viktig med  "you may already be a winner"

Tommi  biggrin Det er surt å ikke bli hørt ja, men er våre følelser er strengt tatt ikke relevante i denne sammenhengen.

Variasjon er meget kjekke saker, for både framgang og motivasjon, som du nevner. Skal ikke kimse av sånt, nei. Derimot er heller ikke det relevant.

Utlogget Tommi Thorvildsen

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Sv: FST-7 og diettips for 2010
« #14 : 25. januar 2010, 13:33 »
Så du er enig at variasjon er viktig. Og enig at for å få maksimalt med muskler som dette dreier seg om, må man trene super hardt og periodisere treningen. De mest kjente trenings prinsippene som super set, force set, dropp set etc. er blitt en sucsess blant mange vanlige mennesker som har prøvd ut disse prinsippene. FST-7 er et verktøy for variasjon i treningen, Når det er sagt lurer jeg på hvilket svar som egentlig ville tilfredstillt deg?  biggrin

What is FST-7?

FST-7 is a training system I devised after years of research and a great deal of trial and error with many clients. FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training, and the seven refers to the seven sets performed for the final exercise of a target bodypart. I have had many clients use this system for overall growth and especially to improve stubborn bodyparts that were seemingly resistant to just about anything else the person had tried. FST-7 encompasses several factors both inside and outside the gym. This month we will focus on the training aspects.

Is fascia limiting your muscle growth?

There are three types of fascia in the human body, but the type bodybuilders should be concerned about is deep fascia. This is dense fibrous connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of collagen fibers is what gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount of elastin fibers determines how much extensibility and resiliency it will have. In other words, some of us have fascia that is thicker and tougher than others. The most genetically blessed bodybuilders have thinner fascia, which is why their muscle bellies appear to be larger and fuller, with that round ‘bubbly' look that all bodybuilders covet. Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath would be two prime examples of individuals blessed with thin fascia. Their muscles expand easier. Think of it in terms of it being easier to blow up a balloon as opposed to one of those water bottles that strongmen like Franco Columbu used to. Jay Cutler and Nasser El-Sonbatty are two men that clearly have thicker fascia. This didn't prevent them from building substantial muscle mass, obviously, but neither man ever had that round ‘Marvel Comics' appearance to their muscles. Yet the average bodybuilder has thicker fascia than either of those two champions. In an effort to expand their fascia and allow growth to occur, some have turned to Synthol and other items that are injected deep into the muscle belly. There have even been some advisors, mainly online, that make it seem as if this is the only solution and must be done. They will also try and insist that all the pro's use Synthol and site inject, which I can assure you is not true. Synthol and related products are foreign substances, and you can never be certain how they will metabolize in the body. We are starting to see various health issues with bodybuilders that are more than likely related to site injecting. Yes, you do need to stretch the muscle fascia to experience optimal growth, but that is not the way to do it.

All stretching is not the same

I am not the first person to recognize the importance of stretching the muscle fascia. First John Parrillo, then more recently Dante Trudel of DC Training fame, incorporate aggressive stretching during workouts as part of their training programs. They had the right idea, but stretching the fascia by elongating the muscle is not the best method. FST-7 is based on stretching the muscle from the inside out by volumizing it. This is accomplished by getting the greatest pump possible while training.

Do I still train heavy, or can I just pump up with light weights?

One thing I don't want anyone misconstruing is that FST-7 is all about pumping. That's just one component. I also believe that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, and you absolutely must train with heavier weights in the 8-12 rep range. I have tried many variations of heavier and lighter training with clients over the years, and discovered that both types are needed. Heavy weights will build thickness and density, but they will not give you that round, full look. Similarly, getting incredible pumps all the time can impart some of that roundness, but you won't ever get extreme muscle size without training with heavy straight sets. So you need to focus equally on maximizing both your strength and your pump in the same workouts to see optimal results. Here's an example of a biceps workout, FST-7 style, that shows you how to incorporate both:

Alternate dumbbell curls 3-4 x 8-12

Machine preacher curl 3 x 8-12

EZ-bar curl 7 x 8-12 (rest 30-45 seconds between sets while sipping water - more on this next month)

I don't typically like to use very high reps, because too often you will experience general fatigue and get short of breath before you have built the maximum pump in the muscle. I also don't like the weight to be too heavy and limit the reps any lower than eight, because this is when you see form breaking down and ancillary muscles kicking in and robbing the target muscle of the proper stimulation. You can think of the ‘7' set as blowing up a balloon. We keep the rest periods fairly short, because as you pump up the muscle, a little blood escapes in that time. You can think of it as blowing up a balloon with a slight leak in it - even though the balloon is being inflated, some air is escaping. The key is to build on the pump sets by set, exponentially, so that it reaches its maximum state by the final set. If the rest periods were too short, you wouldn't have enough energy to do justice to the seven sets. Another question I often get is, should the weight be constant as the seven sets go on? It can be, but it's perfectly fine to reduce the weight one or two times as needed to stay in the proper rep range. There may also be times when you need to increase the weight, but this happens less often.

How often can I train bodyparts this way?

Generally speaking, this type of training is too traumatic on the larger muscle groups to use more than once a week. Due to the sheer volume of muscle cells, soreness tends to linger too long to allow for more frequent workouts. For instance, Phil Heath recently completed a back workout and was sore for four days. Since he is supposed to be training back and chest twice a week in preparation for the Arnold Classic, this threw him off his schedule somewhat. The higher than normal amount of microscopic tears in the muscle caused by FST-7 training necessitates a bit more recovery time than standard training protocols. However, smaller bodyparts like arms and calves certainly can and should be trained twice a week. This gives you twice as many opportunities to stretch the fascia in what are often exceedingly stubborn bodyparts. Here's a sample split that displays how you could arrange this:

Day one: Biceps and triceps, calves

Day two: Legs

Day three: OFF

Day four: Chest and triceps

Day five: Back and calves

Day six: Shoulders and biceps

Day seven: OFF

This is a split geared toward someone with the goal of improving stubborn arms. There are many other variations depending on what the individual's goals might be.

Which exercises are best suited to the ‘7' sets?

Certain exercises are more appropriate than others for the ‘7' sets. The big compound free weight movements like squats and deadlifts usually are poor choices, for two reasons. For one thing, they involve several other muscle groups and don't do a good job of isolating a target muscle. Also, they require technique and balancing, which tends to break down if one attempts to perform multiple sets in such a short time span. Machines are a good choice in many instances because they keep you in a fixed plane of movement and thus make it easier to isolate a given muscle. Those with selectorized stacks also make it very fast and convenient to increase or decrease the resistance as needed. Here are some suggested movements that I have found work very well:

Back width: Machine pullovers (Hammer Strength, Nautilus) or cable pullovers

Back thickness: Seated row machines with chest support

Chest: Pec deck or peck flye machine*, cable crossovers

*I find that the pec decks with the pads for the elbows usually work very well for shorter trainers, while the pec flye machines with handles seem to be better for tall guys. Try both - you will know by the pump and range of motion you achieve which one is a better choice for you.

Shoulders: Machine lateral raises with pads - my favorite is made by Bodymasters. Hammer Strength, LifeFitness, and Cybex also produce similar models.

Quads: Leg extensions, leg presses

Hamstrings: Seated or lying leg curls

Biceps: EZ-bar curls, machine curls, cable ‘front double biceps curls'

Triceps: Cable pushdowns using rope attachment

Overhead cable extensions

Skull crushers (for advanced trainers)

Calves: Standing and seated raises, calf raises using leg press

(alternate between these three)

When should I do my ‘7'?

The best time to do your ‘7' is as the final exercise for a muscle group. You don't want to do it first, as this would take away from your performance on the heavy straight sets that are also a critical factor in building muscle mass. Finishing off a bodypart with a great pump is something many top bodybuilders have been doing instinctively for years, not knowing that they were expanding their fascia and maximizing growth. It may be tempting to do your pumping sets earlier on if you can't seem to get any kind of pump going, but I would urge you instead to do something like a set or two of 21's to get the blood flowing and then proceed with your heavy sets before capping it all off with your ‘7' set for that bodypart. Remember, ‘7's' are done at the conclusion of each bodypart, so if you are working multiple bodyparts in a given workout, you will be doing two or more of these extended pumping sets.

Tommi Thorvildsen

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