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  • 1  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Sv: 2 porsjoner av samme mÃ¥ltid 01. september 2011, 18:46
    Må ikke finne på å spise det samme en gang til!!!!!! Proteinsyntesen i kroppen skjønner at det er samme maten igjen, og går helt i vranglås for å unngå overload. Kast maten eller gi den til katten. Evt frys den ned og spis den om en uke. Proteinsyntesen har dårlig hukommelse, så tirsdag neste uke bør være trygt Smiley

    Kom deg ut av TF med det svadaet der!!!!!!
    Honnør gitt av : Sitronsaft, 01. september 2011, 19:08
    2  Treningsforum Crew / Recycle Bin / Sv: Amadon - Bulker sakte men sikkert 31. august 2011, 21:47
    En god artikkel:

    Tror jeg har litt av det samme problemet med marken selv(løfter mye med ryggen)...
    Du kan jo legge ut en film? Smiley

    Honnør gitt av : Pans, 31. august 2011, 21:55
    3  Generelt / Ã…pent forum / Sv: Fleksnes treningslogg 13. august 2011, 02:23
    Honnør gitt av : Ryū, 14. august 2011, 03:25
    4  Trening / Forum for ungdom / Sv: Kjøpe Kreatin, i en alder av 16 06. august 2011, 22:57
    1) On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag.

    I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this.

    I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this **** now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?
    Honnør gitt av : Hakon92, 08. august 2011, 17:00
    5  Trening / Forum for ungdom / Sv: Kjøpe Kreatin, i en alder av 16 06. august 2011, 22:57
    1) On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag.

    I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this.

    I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this **** now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?
    Honnør gitt av : loft, 07. august 2011, 00:11
    6  Trening / Forum for ungdom / Sv: Kjøpe Kreatin, i en alder av 16 06. august 2011, 22:57
    1) On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag.

    I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this.

    I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this **** now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?
    Honnør gitt av : Prodigy92, 07. august 2011, 00:06
    7  Trening / Forum for ungdom / Sv: Kjøpe Kreatin, i en alder av 16 06. august 2011, 22:57
    1) On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag.

    I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this.

    I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this **** now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?
    Honnør gitt av : rolfern, 06. august 2011, 23:59
    8  Treningsforum Crew / Recycle Bin / Sv: Trenings&bildelogg (KAKER&IS 37-38-39) FTW2013 02. juni 2011, 16:58
    Testa eplekaka di Smiley

    Bytta ut proteinpulvered med bakepro og kokosmelet med mandelmel.

    Ble ganske god, men burde hatt litt mer krydder
    Mengden hele egg kunne vel også vært redusert litt.
    Honnør gitt av : BF/AF-2013, 12. juni 2011, 22:19
    9  Kosthold / Oppskrifter / Sv: Kaker/dessert. Proteinrikt, uten "mel" og tilsatt sukker. 05. juni 2011, 00:14
    Du har vel ikke oversikten over det totale kalori-innholdet i de forskjellige bakstene dine? :-)

    Står jo under alle oppskriftene..? Tongue
    Honnør gitt av : BF/AF-2013, 06. juni 2011, 12:23
    10  Kosthold / Oppskrifter / Sv: Hva spiser du akkurat nÃ¥? FoodporntrÃ¥den 05. februar 2011, 22:55
    Biff, timianstekte poteter, grønnsaker og bærrne saus Smiley

    bearnaise Smiley
    Honnør gitt av : Kampen, 06. februar 2011, 17:51
    11  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Sv: For mye proteiner ?? 06. februar 2011, 12:42
    Gidder ikke forklare engang.

    kaneldrypp? Smiley
    Honnør gitt av : Zippo, 06. februar 2011, 15:58
    12  Kosthold / Oppskrifter / Sv: Hva spiser du akkurat nÃ¥? FoodporntrÃ¥den 28. januar 2011, 19:22
    Havregryn med blodpølse, tunfisk og torskefilet. Alt i blender'n.

    Edit: Litt kanel for å få den ekstra, gode smaken.

    Honnør gitt av : ironlion, 04. februar 2011, 01:33
    13  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Sv: Opp i vekt første uken pÃ¥ diett 21. januar 2011, 17:39
    Det finnes alltid bedre alternativer til næringsstoffer enn sjokolade. Den eneste gangen sjokolade kan kalles sunt, er de gangene man trenger næring og ikke har noe annet for hånden. Du kan dra den så langt som å si at sjokolade kan redde liv, men det blir for dumt når vi har tilgang på annen mat.
    Så lenge du har muligheten til å ikke spise sjokolade, og allikevel få i deg det du trenger av næringsstoffer gjennom naturlig mat, så er sjokolade usunt.

    det er mest sunt for sjelen Wink
    Honnør gitt av : froggy, 22. januar 2011, 11:44
    14  Kosthold / Kosthold og Ernæring / Sv: Kosthold i syden 10. juni 2010, 11:14

    Der er sikkert bra info:)
    Honnør gitt av : Lommelykt, 10. juni 2010, 12:00
  • 1
  • Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

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