Skrevet av Emne: Happiness is not necessarily a highly trained body. How you talk to yourself is  (Lest 3936 ganger)

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Now Easter over and many worry maybe that they are not on track with summer body. The visits in the fitness center often has a tendency to increase when we get out there on a recent all-in-efforts to get the body we want. We also like some unrealistic goals and a bad plan for how to get the goal. The motivation dabber gladly by gradually in step with the feeling that happens very little relative to the effort one puts in.

You're not the first, nor the last, which has gone on a slam by exercising too much and eat too little a shorter period of time, before you end up exercising little or nothing plus you give f *** and eat too much again. This is something most of us have done, but how do we break out of this negative cycle of under eating-binge eating and no exercise-overtraining?

We fully understand that people want to feel well at that time of year where your shirt is a lot of, but remember that a sixpack will not give you better self-esteem. Then you have to work a bit with his head. Self-esteem is very much about what we tell ourselves. If you every time you look in the mirror saying to yourself that you are too poor or too fat you break your confidence and self-esteem slowly but surely down.

You need to start telling yourself that you are good enough. Instead of finding everything that you think is wrong with yourself, you should begin to tell yourself what you are good at and that you are fortunate to have a wonderful and functioning body. We're not saying you can not exercise and eat to get a sixpack, large breast muscles or curvaceous buttocks, but not believe that it is the solution that is needed to be happy. We do not have much knowledge about how to change the self-image and self-esteem is most effective over time so here you may want to check with an expert. However, we can tell you what is realistic to achieve in the time you have at your disposal.

What is realistic to achieve in 2-3 months?
How much can you lose weight in 8 weeks? From 4 to 8 kg for most people depending on how much one weighs basically. A weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week ie. One can also aim at 0.5-1% of their body weight per week. Are you normal weight or slightly overweight may 0.5% would be a nice goal, while you are pretty overweight is probably 1% is a good solution for you.

Many people who want to lose weight will also tighten up the body. Something that is best done with strength training. Increases muscle mass while fat mass is reduced, it may be difficult to watch their weight. Many feel that the scale is not moving or stops eventually. Relax! The weight is just a number that you should not give permission to decide whether to feel joy, anger or sadness. It can be part of an overall picture of your progress, but do not let it rule your life. In combination with measuring tape, strength increases and before-after pictures can give a good indication of which way it goes.

Also read: More muscle for summer

We talked to people any time would like to have gone down one kilogram a day. It's probably far from what is realistic. One must adhere to the laws of physics that says that to lose weight you have to consume more than you consume - then more specifically calories. Calories are energy that can either be stored in the body or used to move. One must certainly not count calories to lose weight, but it is a useful tool which gives you more control than other options.

Another way to lose weight may be to change the current diet. Eat more protein in the form of meat, chicken, fish, seafood and dairy products. Please also well on the fruits, vegetables and berries. Allows you the bulk of your diet consist of this, you are well placed to lose weight. Also be sure to get in a little fat and carbohydrates as well. Good sources of fat can be oily fish, avocado, olive oil and nuts. Beans, lentils, rice, pasta and bread are good sources of carbohydrates, but also a number of important micronutrients. Do you eat from the list of 80 to 90% of the time you will probably lose weight if you have a moderate activity level.

When it comes to exercise, it may to go for walks - both short and long - be a good option. So you can either derision in with cardio and strength training little by little. Although cardio and strength training is tougher than the walking, it is how much you move during a day and not just on training that determines how much you burn.

Eat sensibly, indulge in a while and be active so you will probably lose weight. Want more control can count calories make sense. Remember that luck is not a highly trained body. How you talk to yourself is much more important.

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