Skrevet av Emne: Øk opptaket av kreatin, spis salt. Boost din framgang!  (Lest 1572 ganger)

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Er salt djevelens verk? Eller Guds gave?
Vi tar en nærmere titt på djevelskapen

En annen sak er at jeg er sikker på at flere spiser så "rent" at de får Ronnie Coleman og Cutler til og rødme av skam. Stort inntak av protein, 2-4l vann, samt minimalt salt/mineral inntak, burde få noe bjeller til og ringe.
Fra T-nation
The higher protein intake you have, the more salt you need. On every single Comprehensive Metabolic Profile I do, I always find that sodium is low in high protein users.

• The more cooked food you eat, the more salt you need to activate certain intestinal enzymes. That is why traditional Chinese food tends to be salty, since the Chinese eat very little raw food. This is the opposite of the Inuit, who still eat their traditional diet heavy with raw food.

Jack Up the Sodium
Another worthwhile way to improve creatine "efficiency" is to improve its uptake in muscles. While everything seems to have been tried already, the simplest method remains. Remember the creatine transporters we just discussed? Well we still don’t have the full picture on them: they transport not only creatine into the muscles, but sodium as well (this is called co-transport, i.e. 2 things at once). In fact, it is only because of the sodium that the creatine gets into the muscles at all!

In order to illustrate the importance of this, one study demonstrated that muscle creatine uptake was more dependent on sodium than insulin (Willott et al., 1999)! We all know how important insulin is for creatine uptake, so discovering the importance of sodium is an exciting find! This doesn’t mean that you should start loading tons of table salt into your post-workout drinks, but it means that you should be aware of the need for sodium for creatine uptake.

Another study went one step further and measured the amount of sodium needed for maximal creatine uptake in rats. Researchers once again found that sodium was more important than insulin, and muscle creatine content peaked with high-normal blood sodium levels (Brault and Terjung, 2003). Elevating blood sodium greater than high-normal concentration had no additional effect, but we already have the info we need to maximize creatine levels!

During a hard hour-long workout we can lose over a gram of sodium in our sweat alone! Now think about the fact that we can drink almost 3 liters of water in the hours surrounding our workout, with pre/post meals and the water we drink during the workout. This fluid intake dilutes our blood electrolytes, and coupled with the sweating, our sodium levels aren’t going to be at the optimal level for maximum creatine transport! One way to beat this problem is to throw a little sodium into your drink during your workout. Also, having a little table salt in your post workout drink will help ensure that you’re topped up and the creatine is flowing well.

Salt består som kjent av Natrium og klorid -->NaCl

I 2.5g "vanlig" salt er det ca 1g natrium og 1.5g klorid. Havsalt har en større andel av andre mineraler, som eks kalium.

Klorid er vell så viktig som natrium.

fra wiki:
Chloride ions have important physiological roles. For instance, in the central nervous system, the inhibitory action of glycine and some of the action of GABA relies on the entry of Cl− into specific neurons. Also, the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger biological transport protein relies on the chloride ion to increase the blood's capacity of carbon dioxide, in the form of the bicarbonate ion.

Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, especially in the spinal cord, brainstem and retina. When glycine receptors are activated, Cl- enters the neuron via ionotropic receptors, causing an Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP). Strychnine is an antagonist at ionotropic glycine receptors. Glycine is a required co-agonist along with glutamate for NMDA receptors.


Sodium ions are necessary for regulation of blood and body fluids, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity, and certain metabolic functions.

Sodium chloride is only 75 percent of the salt in seawater, which also contains potassium chloride (KCl), calcium chloride (CaCl2), and calcium phosphate (Ca(CPO4)2), as well as other mineral salts.

Det beste saltet å bruke er urafinert salt. Havsalt etc.

Det er fortgjort og spise for "rent" og leve for "sundt". Som med alt annet bør inntaket justeres i forholdt til livsstilen! Og ikke sammenlikne seg med "sofagriser"

Mange sier at kreatin fungerer dårlig på dem. Kanskje påtide  å prøve litt salt i pre/post shaken?

NB! Det er ca 10% av befolkningen som er overfølsom for salt.
2x220 markløft film
Another day, another Kg
\\\\\\\"Av lydighet lærer man ingen ting\\\\\\\", sitat Jens Bjørneboe
  Treningsprogrammet--> Supercharged! Blitzkrig 2000.BEYOND PUMPED!

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det forklarer hvorfor jeg har så sinnsykt trøkk i muskelene i perioder jeg eter litt pottis... 
Hadde en vekt på snitt 1 kg over vanlig for en uke siden, og neste 1 cm større armer og følte trøkk nesten hele tiden.  så litt bloated ut og... mens nå er jeg litt daffere i kroppen.  Jeg har ikke spist dritt på en uke!

omsider en fordel med potetgull, saltet! 
Samnt saltsild og djungel vræl hjeper også på å binde vann i kroppen, og komibnert med kreatin så gir det sikkert litt ekstra trøkk....

Utlogget PhilLynott

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