Skrevet av Emne: Hvor mye melk?  (Lest 6503 ganger)

Utlogget Tor Andre

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Sv: Hvor mye melk?
« #60 : 03. januar 2009, 20:00 »
Så.. Du mener virkelig at alle de som inntar store mengder proteiner har bruk for det, mens dexter som ikke gjør det har ikke bruk for det.

Mener at noen må ha i seg i værste fall 500-600 gram om dagen, mens noen er så heldig at de klarer seg på 200 gram om dagen. Hvis du ikke vet hvor mye du må ha i deg så er det jo bedre å sikte på 500-600 enn 200. Bedre å få i seg for mye enn for lite.

Dexter Jackson er jo et eksempel på noe helt sykt da. At noen er så genetisk betinget som han når det kommer til proteinsyntese er jo så sykt at det er jo latterlig.

Utlogget Apelars!

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Sv: Hvor mye melk?
« #61 : 03. januar 2009, 20:09 »
Du må jo være alle kostilskudd produsenters våte drøm!!!!!

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
—Rene Descartes


Lenja AK. Mosjonist.

Utlogget Adrian B

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Sv: Hvor mye melk?
« #62 : 03. januar 2009, 20:30 »
En annen ting du burde være obs på, går ut på fosfor som robber calcium fra beinbyggningen din, som minker vekten din også... les det jeg har under her :

When you have Phosphoric Acid in the blood, that's high like from cans of
drinks like cola, or things like this, or a lot of packaged products, and this and that, they typically
contain a lot of phosphoric acid… coffee, these types of things. What happens in your blood, if
you’ve got high phosphoric acid in your plasma, - which is blood - then your body needs to
balance that with more calcium, and the place that it finds its calcium is the most abundant source
of Calcium in your body, which is your bones. So sugary products, these types of products,
packaged products, all these types of things soda's, soft drinks, coffee these types of things all
have high phosphoric levels. When you have someone with bad teeth, you know they eat a lot of
bad foods, not because they are not cleaning their teeth, but because their body is robbing their
stores of Calcium, which is the most abundant source which is the bones, and it is putting it into
the blood so it can maintain an equilibrium of Calcium to Phosphoric Acid. So it’s not cleaning
your teeth that’s giving you bad teeth, it's the fact that you have got so much phosphoric acid in
your blood that your body has to rob the calcium from your bones and put it into the blood to
maintain an equilibrium. That's why Calcium supplementation is important.

Har du noen anbefalinger om hvor mye fosfor og kalsium man før ha i seg, i forhold til daglig inntak av protein?

Forøvrig veldig interessant innlegg The Bridge:)
Benk: 187,5 Mark: 305 Bøy: LOL

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