Skrevet av Emne: WADA er nær å finne et tredje designdopingmiddel  (Lest 1374 ganger)

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BEIJING, Apr. 21 (Xinhuanet) -- Sports scientists are close to identify a third designer drug in the wake of the discoveries of THG and DMT, a senior official with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) revealed on Thursday.

"We have another substance which we are analysing now, which we think will be another designer drug, "WADA director general David Howman told Xinhua, who was here for the second Asian inter-governmental anti-doping conference.

THG, or tetrahydrogestrinone, surfaced in 2003 after the substance was sent anonymously in a syringe to American anti-doping athletes.

A test was developed secretly, trapping several top athletes and triggering an international doping scandal.

Several leading athletes including double world sprint champion Kelly White of the United States and Britain's European 100 meters champion Dwain Chambers, were banned after THG was discovered.

The WADA announced in February the discovery of DMT (desoxy-methyl-testosterone) following an anonymous tip-off passed through email. Scientists said that DMT was aimed to artificially boost strength and stamina.

It was tipped off that the DMT was among the substances seized by Canadian customs at the Canada-US border last year.

Though designer drugs appeared to keep coming up, Howman was not fussed, saying that pre-emptive efforts are being taken.
"We are catching it earlier. We are catching it before it goes into the market," he said.

Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

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