Spørsmål: Help defining
Bench press - 0 (0%)
Dumbbell fly - 0 (0%)
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Skrevet av Emne: Help defining a program with home-gym (pics of material and myself)  (Lest 3607 ganger)

Utlogget donnieclark

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Hello Guys,

I need some help in defining a program, and also I would like to receive any kind of suggestions from experienced people.
I'm 33 years old, 1.78m and 63kg, always been kinda sporty, I started doing some body weight workout lastyear and in Jan I bought a bench to extend my possibilities.

I train, in average, 4 days a week (due to my job sometimes I can't, sometimes I can do more. Also, usually I don't have more than a hour, hour and a half).
I've been doing, for the first 2 months:
1st day:
- Bench press
- Dumbbell fly
- Abs
- Triceps

2nd day
- lifting myself on the bar (with biceps)
- Trx to train shoulders
- Abs
- Biceps with dumbbell (various versions)

Now I've added more exercises and I do a 3 day program:
1st day
- Barbell dead lift
- Bent Over Barbell Row
- Barbell curl
- Abs

2nd day
- squat (one leg only, no weight, standing on the bench)
- calf raise (one leg only, no weight, standing on the bench)
- TRX for shoulders (to explain, it's the antagonist movement to the dumbell fly movement)
- dumbell lateral raise
- dumbell frontal raise

3rd day
- Bench press (I try to vary the grip on different weeks before increasing weight)
- dumbell fly
- barbell shrug
- inclined dumbell press

These routine is just the product of my imagination, so I'm sure it's bad: please criticise and propose a better one, compatible with the material I have at home (see the pictures).

Also, in the pictures, there is one from Jan (when I bought the bench) and two from April (now). I struggle losing fat around love handles; since Jan I gained roughly 1.5Kgs.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
- https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=173854241
-?Professional App Video Cost.

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