Skrevet av Emne: Eurycoma longifolia - testobooster  (Lest 8731 ganger)

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Eurycoma longifolia - testobooster
« : 09. oktober 2011, 18:39 »
Leste litt om eurycoma longifolia aka longjack aka malaysias viagra  biggrin Ser ut til at det kan ha noe for seg når det gjelder testoboosting, og ihvertfall libido.

"In a placebo-controlled human study with healthy young men in a weight-training program, it was found that "the lean body mass of the treatment group showed a significant increment, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p = 0.012)." Furthermore, "the increase in strength in the treatment group was larger than in the placebo group (6.78% and 2.77% respectively)… The mean arm circumference of the treatment group increased significantly by 1.8 cm after the supplementation… but there was no significant increase in the placebo group." The results of the study were published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Sports Medicine.[15]"

"In an experiment conducted on male rats, it was found that eurycoma longifolia increases sperm count. The authors also reported that the plasma testosterone level of Eurycoma longifolia extract treated rats "was significantly increased when compared with that of the control and infertile animals."[11]"

Dessverre har longjack veldig dårlig bio-availibility pluss at de fleste produkter som inneholder det er garantert "propriotary blend" med kun spor av godsakene. Interessant lesing uansett, og noe å vurdere for de som ser etter en boost i testosteron.
Thin Lizzy!
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