Skrevet av Emne: noen som har sett denne filmen  (Lest 1385 ganger)

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SV: noen som har sett denne filmen
« #1 : 24. januar 2006, 09:44 »
Sendte mail til folka som har lagd den, fikk dette som svar.

Thanks for your interest in "No Pain, No Gain"!  As you may know, the movie recently played at a special nationwide premiere in 250 theaters across the USA.  We also screened the film to enthusiastic audiences at film festivals in Palm Beach, Houston and Sao Paulo, Brazil, which is the most important film festival in South America.  The director, Samuel Turcotte, won an award for Best Director at the Houston International Film Festival (Worldfest).

We will now be moving onto other distribution such as DVD, cable, satellite, pay-per-view, etc, both in the USA and around the world.  The exact dates have not been decided, but you can most likely expect the DVD within six months or less.  We will make announcements with each new phase of distribution and we will inform you directly via email.

The current (February) issue of Iron Man has a great article about the film, including a full review and over 10 photos.  There are many other articles about the film listed in the "News" area of the movie's website, as well as a recent profile of the film done by ESPN.

We greatly appreciate your support and would like to know how you found out about the film?

Please forward this info about the film to others to help us spread the word!

Thank you again for your support!

The "No Pain, No Gain" Team

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