Skrevet av Emne: Oppkjøring mot NM - The Weise-Guys treningslogg  (Lest 114438 ganger)

Utlogget Einar B. Gilberg

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Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #45 : 06. januar 2009, 00:09 »
Lover bra. Lover bra. Lover VELDIG BRA! Essz!
Nidarø Treningssenter        FASITEN          Kan du slå meg?

Stevneperser med utstyr
Knebøy - 352,5     Benkpress - 240     Markløft - 300     Sammenlagt - 870 (Perser SL - 892,5)
Stevneperser uten utstyr
Knebøy - 320     Benkpress - 200     Markløft - 300     Sammenlagt - 780 (Perser SL - 820)
Trening uten utstyr
Knebøy - 312,5     Benkpress -  202,5     Markløft - 305     (Sammenlagt - 820)

Utlogget Herman Vandrepølse

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  • Kjønn: Mann
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  • Jau deet...
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #46 : 06. januar 2009, 01:48 »
12 ukers oppkjoering, uke 4, dag 5

Har forovrig drevet litt gjoen med en av de internet svindlerne som hevder og ha en massiv sum med penger, og alt de trenger er foto kopi av passet ditt, samt annen personlig informasjon.  Starta med at jeg svarte paa en av mailene tidlig i desember, og siden det saa har det bare ballet paa seg.  Copy pasta alle mailene inn i ett dokument, som jeg igjen pasta inn i loggen.  Jeg fant ikke de to foerste mailene, saa den foerste mailen i loggen, er mail 3.  Kontakt har altsaa blitt etablert mellom meg og svindleren, og vi iverksetter en aldri saa liten dialog:

From Ching su, December 17th
Dear Partner,
> Regards our pending $17.7 Million Dollar transaction, I recently sent
> you an email from my officer server, for security and
> safety of this transaction, I have had to both delect my
> history and change email address. For the security of this
> transaction, you will not be able to reach me on my previous
> email:
> Henceforth, you only shall be able to reach me on this new email
> below:
> Please note the differences; the old email has no number while
> the new email address has "5"
> To this end, I will appreciate you send your most recent/last
> email correspondence to this email account because I did not
> receive it, every other future future email communication should
> be directed to this email account; ( and
> also update your contact please.
> I am sorry for any inconveniences this might cause you, do
> understand that it is geared towards a successful transaction.
> Your timely response will be very much appreciated.
> Just incase you tried reaching me before and it failed, you
> can reach me now on this email.
> Mr. Hsu
> +88 216 4310 4845

reply from Erlend Weise, December 17th

So you got a new E-mail, that should explain these last days of miscommunication. Either way, I am still ready and willing to do business with you, your offer simply seems to go to say no to. I have saved your new E-mail and we should not have more problems in the future. So, let's get to business. Just give me a detailed information on what is going to happen so that I may take action as soon as possible.
Just to let you know, I am 100% reliable, and willing to go through with this, you could not have picked a better candidate for your generous proposal.

Reply from Ching su, December 18th

Dear Partner,

Thanks for your response to my email, and willingness to collaborate
with me on this transaction and I assure you with your total cooperation
and commitment, I will subsequently provide you with the offshore bank
contact information, but we need take it step by step you that you can
understand every bit for us not to miss any details. We are sure to
finalize this in the shortest possible time and this is whole dependent
on how committed we are to doing that which is our obligations. My
years in the banking sector couple with business ideal had thought
me that partnership need transparency, Our individual obligations
as stated in my previous email also will be elaborated here. I know
my emails have been quite lengthy, it is not because I felt like
writing, but there is the very need for you to get a clear picture
of things.

All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us seeing this
deal through, I guarantee that this will be executed under a
legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from the law
and monetary bodies, to this end, I will be employing the services
of an attorney here in Taiwan to prepare all the required paper
work and documents to legitimize this and place you as the
beneficiary of the funds, documents like;

(i) Death certificate
(ii) Evidence the creditors (showing the probate work of all estate claims)
(iii) A probate printout of the estate work docket sheet (WILL of testament),
(iv) Anti-terrorism -money laundering certificate.
(v) Certificate of fund origin etc.

All these documents will be acquired by the attorney to legitimize
the funds, and the will be handed over to you once this deal is through.

Having been pre-informed that, you will be placed as the
beneficiary/next of kith to the 17.7M USD deposit, to enable my
attorney obtain a certificate of deposit from my bank and a WILL
of testament from the probate registry and other vital documents
to be issued in your name as the beneficiary. The following
comprehensive personal information will be required
of you:

Full Name
Present contact address,
Telephone and or fax number
Scanned copy of Passport/Work ID/D license

Regards our individual obligations in this transaction,
I Mr. Ching Hua Hsu will be responsible for the documentation
process and ensuring that the fund are transferred successfully
out of Taiwan to an account you will open in your name with my
principal bank. I will furnish you with our principal banks
contact information immediately after the requested information
above has been received. While your obligation is opening the
offshore account through which the funds will be transferred
out of Taiwan to your personal account, and like I said earlier,
the account will have to be opened with our affiliate bank, and
that I will direct you there subsequently.

I have been in the banking sector for well over 2 decades
and having taken timeto study the files on the 17.7 million
deposit, this is the best strategy for us. I also must be able
to trust you on this, because, once you have open the account in
your name and the attorney had apply for release of funds and
funds eventually transferred through our Clearing/De-bonding
House to your personal account, I will no more have access to the
funds but you, therefore I must have your words not to betray me
in this transaction.

For your perusal I have attached a copy of my Passport,
please download for your safe keeping.

Note: Due to the time consciousness of this transaction, I
will appreciate your timely Response to my email, a situation
that as the transaction progresses, we must ensure a constant
and regular email update i.e. sending each other email on
constant bases, I Will not condole lengthy period of silence
as I want this transaction to be finalized in
A timely manner

Your timely response will be appreciated as I would want us
finalize this transaction
within the shortest possible time.

Mr. Ching-Hua Hsu

Reply from Erlend Weise December 18

I can not believe this, first I was actually somewhat in doubt about you being genuine, but when you sendt a picture of your passport all doubts where immediatly removed. It was a picture of your passport, and not a scanned picture, these are easy to forge in for example photo shop, but the passpoert picture you sendt me has now made me 100% certain that this is not a scam, thank you very much, I appreciate it. Not to sound rude, and not that I ever suspected that you have shady intentions, but I have heard stories before about people being tricked on the internet.
Thanks however for being understanding enough to send proper documentation, it makes me feel a whole lot better.
The business proposal you have presented me with sounds like a very big deal, and quite frankly I must admit I am a little nervous because I have never been involved with such a large sum of money before. This brings me into another topic I wanted to ask you: I have gone over my bank account, and I found out that I have about 1700 US Dollars and if need be, I would be happy to use these Dollars towards our purpose, are there any hidden costs or expences that need to be covered by me in the US in order to get this transaction under way? I would be happy to help if there are, it would be silly not to, after all, what is 1700 Dollars compared to the millions that we will profit from this.
I still can't believe this is happening to me!! Wonder why I am the chosen one, finally something good happens in my life, I am so happy, you have no idea.
There was one more thing I wanted to ask of you, since we are business partners in a major deal, do you think there is a chance that we might have a personal relationship? As in a friendship? Wouldnt that only be natural since we are going to be making all this money together? Fact is, I would just trust you so much more if I could call you my friend, after all, of all the millions of people you could have chosen for this, you chose me, that must mean something, right? Please respond to this, it is important to me.
And as far as business goes, the ONLY information you wanted was the following:
> Full Name
> Present contact address,
> Telephone and or fax number
> Age
> Sex
> Occupation
> Scanned copy of Passport/Work ID/D license
I am pretty clear on all of these points, however I am in some doubt about the scanned picture. You see, I have a printer with a scanner at home, however I do not know if the resolution is high enough, it can scan pictures that are clear if you watch them on say for example a 20 inch screen. However, if you watch the scanned pictures on say a big screen TV, and move your head close to the TV, the quality is no longer optimal.
We have a high resolution scanner at work and I sure that I could borrow it if need be. What do you want me to do? Just scan at home with OK quality, or go to work and scan with very high quality?
Please reply fast so that we can get to business, after all, it is urgent and I have a feeling speed is important when doing deals like this.

By the way Mr Ching Hsu, do you like men?

Reply from ching su Dec 19th
Dear Partner,

To begin with, you of course can call me friend, like I
always tell people, friends are what we make them to be, your best
friend today was once a stranger to you, over time, with
understanding, patience with each other a friendship was
established, we also can do same here.
It is so disappointing what the internet met for Good has
turned into, but not is not to say there are no good part of it,
and I can say this happens to be one of the good things.
Regards the information I requested, I need them to process
all the relevant documents to legitimize this transaction to a
successful end, you also have another and most important obligation in
this transaction, which is your having to open an offshore
account with a bank that is affiliated to my bank, I will advise you of
the bank to open this account with once I receive the information I
asked for. Having talked about scanning, I presume you have some
knowledge about it, it really does not matter where you scan the passport or
ID, the most important thing is that, the resolution has to be between
90-110 and has to be saved in JPG format so that you can comfortably
send it as email and also can be accessed here.

The brief procedure to the transaction is this, when I
receive the requested information, I will then send you the offshore
bank contact information and also forward the information to the attorney
to start processing the relevant documents in your name as the
beneficiary to the funds, while I and the lawyer are processing the
documents, you will engage in opening the offshore account at the bank I
directed you to, when you have opened the account (probably online), you
will need to inform me that you have, I will then communicate with the
attorney to apply for the release of the funds, being that I am in the
helm of affairs here at Taiwan
business Bank, I will endorse the funds for transfer to
the new account you opened with the bank I directed you to.
The reason why we are having to use a new account at the
bank I will be directing you to is because of the magnitude of the
money, having to transfer it to your personal account at this early stage
could erupt

questions from different quarters. Now, when the funds has reached the new account, you and I will plan a meeting in your country or wherever, for further
investment, because I intent to resign from work after we have been able to
transfer the funds out of my country. Not for getting, should you be able to
open the offshore account needed to receive this money at a bank I will be
directing you to, you will be entitled to 40% of the entire $17.7 Million,
while the balance come to me.Sequel to all above, I will be looking forward to the
requested information so that the entire process can commence immediately.
Mr Hsu

Reply from Erlend Weise, December 20th
Mr Ching Hsu,
After I saw the picture you sendt me, I must admit that I though you were a very attractive man, I happen to like Asian men you see.  Do not misunderstand, I am not a homo sexual, I just happen to like Asian men, their curves are so much smoother than say for example the African Negro, or the Latin American man.  Do you think Ching Hsu, that our friendship will be a close one?  I mean, do you think we can spend time together after all this is over?  With all the money we are going to get after this deal is done, we can do whatever we want can't we?
Please Answer these questions Ching Hsu, it is important to me, its important to me to know where we stand before we do this business, tell me how you feel Ching Hsu...

Reply from Ching Hsu, December 21st

My dear friend, we will be very good friends once this is all over, but as of now it is of the uttermost importance that we commence with the transaction.

Please send the following IMMEDIATLY
> Full Name
> Present contact address,
> Telephone and or fax number
> Age
> Sex
> Occupation
> Scanned copy of Passport/Work ID/D license

Mr Hsu

Reply from Erlend Weise, December 24th
Dear Mister Chingh Hsu
Sorry that I have not been able to reply during these last days, I have struggled a bit with depression and occasionally I am unable to get out of bed, this causes me to not be able to do anything, and the consequence is that I loose my productiveness. Fortunatelly I have now shaken these feelings of depression I and think I am back in action. I was forced to call in sick from work a coupple days but it worked out OK.
You see I had a traumatic childhood and the after effects of some of the events I was forced to go through have resulted in a reactive Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder and this sometimes causes me to feel a little depressed. Sorry for telling you this, but it is just that I do not have many friends, and it just feels like you are somebody that I can trust. You always reply to my mails and you tell me that we are friends, and I just feel that I can trust you so much.
I had a dream last night, it was so weird and it caused me to wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle of sweat. I dreamt that I was in a dungeon or some kind of basement, I was all alone and my hands and feet where hand cuffed to the wall. There were no windows in the room, just a big door, suddenly I could hear foot steps, and then someone started opening the door. In came a very large man that appeared to be some kind of prison guard, he was wearing a leather suit, leahter boots and a leather mask. He had metal spikes all over his body and he was carrying a whip in on of his hands. He said something about him being the master and me being the slave, then he whipped out the largest erected penis I had ever seen in my life, he slapped it in my face and showed it down my throat until I gagged, he started screaming "BY THE POWER OF THE COCK-LORD YOU SHALL OBEY", the fear was so intense, it was by far the worst nightmare I had ever had in my life, and just then, I woke up, in a puddle of sweat.
I am not sure why I dreamed this, I remember that once when I was a kid, my father tied my up in the basement and did things to me, but he never wore a leather suit, and he never said anything about a cock-lord, still I think that these dreams can be related to certain things that happened to me during child hood.
I am sorry for telling you all this, its just that I have never told anyone anything like this before, its just that I trust you so much and I dont know why, I guess I just need someone that I can confide in, and I took my chance on you, I really hope you are my friend, as you said you were....I guess it is stupid to say that, I know I can trust you and tell you everything, I just know it, so many people have let me down, but this time I know that you are the one I can trust.
Naturally I am still willing to do business with you, together we shall prosper, together we shall win, I believe that you Mister Chingh Hsu, are the man that will help me back into the light.
Naturally, I must ask you, if you are still willing to do business with me, even after I have opened myself up to you, if you feel that you can not trust me, and that you need somebody else for your business proposal, then please tell me. But just so you know, I trust you 100%, I wouldnt have told you all that if I did not trust you. I pray to God that you will still accept me, be my friend and do business with me.
Please reply fast, so we can start business
Be strong!

Reply from Mister Ching Hsu, December 25th
Yes, I am still willing to do business with you, now please send the requested items, time is running out and we are loosing momentum, please send the requested items right now, or we will not be able to go through with the transaction.
Mr Hsu

Reply from Erlend Weise, 27 Des
Mr Ching Hsu,
You asked me to send you the following items:
> Full Name
> Present contact address,
> Telephone and or fax number
> Age
> Sex
> Occupation
> Scanned copy of Passport/Work ID/D license

I don't really feel like sending these items, instead I decided to write you a poem, are you ready? OK, here we go:
Roses are red, violets are blue
Faggots suck cocks, and so does Ching Hsu
When you went to school, you were the dumbest kid in your class
Thats cause instead of studying, you took it in the ass

You sendt me a mail and said I'd get rich, boy are you one stupid fucking bitch
Youre a disease to society, nothing but a maggot, you should burn in hell you fucking faggot

So go somewhere else with your internet scam you fucking looser,
faggot, bitch and dildo abuser
I laugh at you and your pathetic life, I hope somebody guts you with a knife

cause thats what you get for being such a queer,
If somebody kills you the whole world will cheer
If somebody tries, I hope they do the job well,
So that you my friend can spend all eternity, burning in hell

(intet mere hoert fra Mister Ching Hsu)

Reply from Erlend Weise,  january 2nd
Mister Ching Hsu,

Why don't you reply my mails any more?  I thought we were partners, I thought you wanted to do business with me...Whats wrong Ching Hsu?

 Grin Så j..... bra! Har gjort det samme selv for noen år tilbake. Priceless!

Sitat: fra prizm-image - til Vandrepølsa  21. Mai 2007, 21:38
"men så lenge du har det fint ellers,så har det ikke så mye å bety om du løfter 200 eller 300kg i benken Wink du kan jo uansett trøste deg med at du helt sikkert er norges sterkeste fyllikk" Grin
Det enkle er ofte det beste Wink
 195 - 160 - 215 utstyrsfritt på stevne.
Vekt: 87kg
 Treningsperser raw: 225 - 180 - 240
Frogner Atletklubb Styrkeløft/Kampsport Israeli Krav International(IKI Krav Maga)

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

  • Pratsom bruker
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 886
  • Honnør: 375
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    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #47 : 06. januar 2009, 20:12 »

12 ukers oppkjoering, uke 5, dag 2

Benkpress med Kloss
115x2 - 115x2 - 117,5x2 - 117.5x2 - 122.5x2 - 122.5x2

triceps 5x15

Var lett i dag.

Og bra er det, for paa Torsdag skal jeg kjoere 18 sett benk, mine pecs har aldri blitt saa hardt kjoert foer i mitt liv, mange av settene er tunge ogsaa, saa her maa jeg bare spise meg opp.  Apropos tungt, det er mange godbiter i vente, har tung dag paa boy paa Mandag, og tung dag i mark neste Fredag.  Saa her blir det nok og henge fingrene i.  Har invistert i mutant mass, og den kommer nok godt med i tiden som kommer.

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

  • Pratsom bruker
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  • Innlegg: 886
  • Honnør: 375
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    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #48 : 07. januar 2009, 21:47 »

Oppkjoering, 12 uker, uke 5, dag 3

Markloeft/bredt grep med reimer
115x6 - 140x5 - 150x4 - 160x3 - 155x3 - 160x3

Latrowing maskin 3x8
laarcurl 3 x 8

Lett i dag, proevde og gjoere marken saa tung som mulig ved og rykke saa hardt jeg kunne.  Har ikke brukt latrowings maskinen paa nidaroe trenings senter paa herrans mange aar, har brukt den mye tidligere, saa var litt nostalgisk og sitte der og dra.

Trente etter og ha spist forkost i form av 3 broedskiver med kjoettpaaleg, samt en dose mutant mass.  En dose inneholder 1000 cals, saa man kan trygt si at det er ganske heftig, tror iallefall ikke vekt oekning skal bli noe problem naar jeg bruker dette produktet.

blir spennende med benken imorgen, skal ha mange sett, og 5 av settene er paa 130, kun enere, men dog ikke saa ekstremt langt fra mitt maks loeft.

forberedelsene til Mandag har ogsaa allerede begynt, skal ha 2 toere paa 165 i kneboy, dette hoeres ganske mye ut for en som aldri har tatt mer enn 170, og 170 syns jeg var ganske tungt, vi faar se, er jeg i saa god form som jeg foeler meg, saa skal jeg klare og eksplodere de 2 repsa opp uten problem, vi faar vente og se hva som skjer:)

- ferdig -

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

  • Pratsom bruker
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 886
  • Honnør: 375
  • Utlogget Utlogget

    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #49 : 09. januar 2009, 00:09 »
12 ukers oppkjoering, uke 5, dag 4

Benkpress med stopp
82.5x6 - 97.5x5 - 102.5x3 - 110x3 - 117.5x1 - 125x1 - 125x3(kloss) - 127.5x2(kloss) - 130x2(kloss) -

130x1 - 130x1 - 130x1 - 130x1

Benkpress/smalt grep/paa kloss
85x6 - 102.5x5 - 110x4 - 110x4 - 110x4

18 sett benk, hvorav 5 av settene var 12.5 kg unna min maks, riktignok kun enere da, men dog, kassa fikk kjoert seg.  Var veldig fornoyd med styrken, selv paa 130 kg foelte jeg at jeg kunne presse den opp lett med en fin stopp.  Var nesten fristet til og legge paa 150, som er mitt 12 ukers maal, hadde en foelelse av at jeg var sterk nok.  Gjorde det ikke, venter til maksdagen, jeg tror ikke jeg er av typen som har godt av og makse i hele tiden.  Er jeg sterk nok naa, saa vil jeg bare vaere enda sterkere i uke 12, og gaar 150 lett opp da, saa kan jeg bare proeve litt mere vekt da.

Men naa maa jeg ikke bli for stor i kjeften, jeg sier meg fornoyd hvis jeg faar opp 150:)

Lett oekt imorgen, saa 2 dager med oppladning foer jeg skal traa til med ett par dobble paa 5 kg fra min maks pers i boy, dette skal VIRKELIG bli spennende, haaper det gaar bra.

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

  • Pratsom bruker
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 886
  • Honnør: 375
  • Utlogget Utlogget

    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #50 : 09. januar 2009, 23:03 »
12 ukers oppkjoering, uke 5, dag 5

82.5x6 - 97.5x5 - 107.5x4 - 112.5x4 - 110x4 - 112.5x4

Markloeft/paakloss/litt bredere grep
122.5x6 - 147.5x5 - 165x3 - 175x3 - 170x3 - 165x3

Benk med strikk
70x4 - 80x3 - 90x3 - 95x3 - 95x3 - 95x3 - 96x3

45x8 - 50x6 - 55x5 - 57.5x5 - 57.5x5

dips 4x8
latrowing stang 3x8

Har som sagt kjoept mutant mass, men har kommet fram til at jeg ikke kan innta det paa morgenen foer trening, blir saa kvalm naar jeg trener.  Det gaar greit hvis jeg har tid til og la det synke litt, men tid er det ikke alltid jeg har paa tidlig oekta.

oekta var litt tung, det var morgen og jeg sto alene i power rommet, men alle sett og reps gjennomfoert, saa det gaar bra.  Naa er det helg og det trenger jeg, for jeg maa lade opp til madagens tung dag i boy.

- ut -

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

  • Pratsom bruker
  • ******
  • Innlegg: 886
  • Honnør: 375
  • Utlogget Utlogget

    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #51 : 12. januar 2009, 23:53 »
12 ukers oppkjoering, uke 6, dag 1

102.5x5 - 125x4 - 137.5x3 - 147.5x2 - 155x2 - 160x1 - 155x2 - 165x2 - 165x2

Benk/stopp/middels grep
77.5x6 - 95x6 - 105x4 - 110x3 - 107.5x3 - 105x3

Skraabenk/smalt grep
62.5x6 - 75x5 - 82.5x4 - 87.5x4 - 85x4 - 87.5x4

Hantelpress med vekt  31x5x2
rygghev                      3x5
Biceps curl                  45x10x3

Da var det altsaa den foerste skikkelige utfordringen paa dette programmet, 2 x 2 paa 5 kg under 1 rep maks i kneboy.  Foelte meg ikke i form da jeg moette opp paa gymmen, merkelig med tanke paa at jeg tok det rolig i helga og har spist mye.  Problemet var daarlig natte soevn igaar natt, gjorde at jeg foelte meg litt groggy.  Men jeg fyrte loes og starta settene jeg skulle ta, typisk dietmar, gradvis oppbygning foer man naar de tyngste settene.

Det hele gikk som planlagt og jeg klarte alle sett.  Filmet for og sjekke dybden.  Mener at begge var godkjent, den foerste reppen var saavidt jeg kunne se under paralell, rep nummer 2 mener jeg var noyaktig paralell, litt i grense land skal det sies.  Er litt rart med dybden i boy, naar jeg kjoerer saa foeles det ut som om jeg gaar skikkelig dypt, men saa ser det ikke fullt saa dypt ut naar jeg ser paa filmen etterpaa.

Men hovedpoenget er at det kjentes ikke saa veldig tungt og jeg burde naa vaere i stand til og ta over 170 som er min pers.  Godt og tenke paa at jeg fortsatt har nesten 7 uker med mutant mass drikking, spising og trening foer jeg maa prestere paa uke 12 dag 3. 

165 x 2 film

Legger ved de dypeste punktene paa foerste sett av 165x2 da youtube frameraten er litt lav, rep 1 oeverst, rep 2 nederst:

Sto ogsaa stifflegg mark paa programmet, jeg droppet dette da jeg kjente jeg hadde litt vondt i korsryggen, smerten lignet paa en gammel skade jeg fikk for en stund siden, og i og med at jeg skal ha tung mark paa fredag saa droppet jeg stiffleggen, hater og gjoere dette, men av og til er det ett noedvendig onde, blir jeg skadet saa blir det jo ikke tung mark paa Fredag, og denne fredags oekta har jeg gledet meg til lenge naa, saa jeg tar ingen sjanser.

Utlogget Einar B. Gilberg

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  • Meine wut will nicht Sterben
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #52 : 13. januar 2009, 00:07 »
Bøyen var kjempefin men du må kjøpe deg knebøysko!!!!
Nidarø Treningssenter        FASITEN          Kan du slå meg?

Stevneperser med utstyr
Knebøy - 352,5     Benkpress - 240     Markløft - 300     Sammenlagt - 870 (Perser SL - 892,5)
Stevneperser uten utstyr
Knebøy - 320     Benkpress - 200     Markløft - 300     Sammenlagt - 780 (Perser SL - 820)
Trening uten utstyr
Knebøy - 312,5     Benkpress -  202,5     Markløft - 305     (Sammenlagt - 820)

Utlogget grizzlysterk

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  • Kjønn: Mann
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Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #53 : 13. januar 2009, 00:22 »
Joda, studerer i USA, men kommer fra Trondheim og mitt hjerte hoerer hjemme paa Nidaroe Treningsenter:)

Forresten....STERK DU!

Det er ikke så galt. Begynner å nærme seg brukbart. Var akkurat og koste meg i tre måneder i Santa Barbara.


Bøyen var kjempefin men du må kjøpe deg knebøysko!!!!

Det overrasker litt hvor mye det hjelper. Er sikkert en rimelig leverandør i statene. virker rimelig.

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

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    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #54 : 13. januar 2009, 12:29 »
Det er ikke så galt. Begynner å nærme seg brukbart. Var akkurat og koste meg i tre måneder i Santa Barbara.

3 maaneder i Santa Barbare hoertes slettes ikke ille ut, takk for sko tips.

Utlogget grizzlysterk

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  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 958

Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #55 : 13. januar 2009, 12:59 »
Jeg bruker Adidas sine Ironworks II, de var ikke de mest kostbare og veldig gode å bøye i. Ikke noe gode å gå i da.

Santa Barbara er digg å feriere i, men det er nok ikke byen å bo i. Folk der er halvveis på ferie hele året rundt.

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

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    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #56 : 13. januar 2009, 18:26 »
Jeg bruker Adidas sine Ironworks II, de var ikke de mest kostbare og veldig gode å bøye i. Ikke noe gode å gå i da.

Santa Barbara er digg å feriere i, men det er nok ikke byen å bo i. Folk der er halvveis på ferie hele året rundt.

Ble til at jeg kjoepte Contender skoene fra den sida du anbefalte, blir spennende og proeve, har vaert veldig fornoyd med effekten av utstyret jeg har kjoept, bruker ikke mere enn belte og rehband kne varmere men maa si at bare det hjelper bra.

Bra trenings forhold der du var eller?  Amerikanerne er ganske flinke til og lage gym, gymmet paa skolen min er meget stort og med meget mye og bra utstyr,  klientellet var litt varierende da det tross alt er en skole gym, var mye sprett benk og half squats og se, samt mange som lekte body buildere, men var ogsaa ett par sterke folk som hadde litt peiling. 

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

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    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #57 : 13. januar 2009, 18:36 »
12 ukers oppkjoering, uke 6, dag 2

122.5x2 - 122.5x2 - 130x2 - 130x2 - 137.5x2 - 137.5x2

Triceps 5x12

Meget lett benk dag, selv 137.5 som er naert min maks var forbausende lett.  Ble igjen fristet til og proeve mitt 12 ukers maal i dag, foeler styrken sitter inne, men det er dog ganske stor forskjell paa 137.5 paa kloss, og 150 uten kloss, saa jeg venter til uke 12 med slike stunt, og proeve og klare det hadde jo vaert bra, men jeg hater og proeve og feile, foeler at jeg er paa rett vei naa, saa vil ikke oedelegge den foelelsen med en mulig bom i benk.

Kjenner mye mindre til smertene i ryggen naar jeg blir varm, tror dette skal gaa bra og at jeg kan gjennomfoere tung dagen i mark i slutten av uka.  Jobben ringte meg og spurte om jeg ville ha nattevakt paa onsdag og torsdag, noe jeg selvsagt ikke sier nei til da jeg tross alt er hjemme i norge for og tjene penger fram til min master grad starter i August.  Kombinasjonen av vakt og rygg vondt gjoer at jeg har bestemt meg for og forskyve programmet med en dag, jeg har da ca 48 timer paa meg foer jeg skal ha en lett boy og mark oekt paa Torsdag, og tung dagen i mark blir naa paa loerdag istedet for fredag.  Maks dagen blir ikke flyttet, fortsetter som normalt paa mandag igjen.  Mandagen er veldig lett saa jeg trenger den hvile dagen mere naa enn jeg vil gjoere i helga.

Utlogget grizzlysterk

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  • Innlegg: 958
  • Honnør: 526
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  • Kjønn: Mann
  • Innlegg: 958

Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #58 : 13. januar 2009, 19:54 »
Sprett benk syntes jeg ikke er så galt, eller uvanelig, men jeg så mye kvart benk der. Det var nytt for meg. Det gir ikke noe mening å måtte "ljuge" til seg 10 kg i benken. Særlig ikke når spranget er 60 til 70, er så lite allikevel. Helt vilt.

Trening studioet der jeg studerte var bra, men de jævla kantete vekten var noe drit å bruke i strak mark og mark. Fy faen jeg har lengta etter runde gode vekter som vi har i norge. Trente også på et studio i byen, der var samme greia.

I byen møtte jeg noen powerliftere. En av de konkurrerte og det var naturligvis dårlig dybde, kasse bøy og strikk som var greia. Så en som kjørte bøy til kasse som var ti CM under ræva på han med 260kg. For å være helt ærlig tror jeg han bare vare styrkeløfter fordi da kan han ete så mye han vil med god samvittighet. Han ene hadde ikke konkurrert på en stund og insisterte på å makse ut hver gang han kjørte bryst med først flat benk, hvorav han gjorde 1RM hver gang virket det som for så å kjøre dumbell decline bench. Treere til failure. Totalt idiotisk

Snakka også med en som mente at alle burde kunne ta tre ganger sin egen kroppsvekt i bøy, dobbel i benk og trippel i mark. RAW! Han hadde benka 600 lbs på et eller annet tidspunkt, da veide han 300 lbs. Jeg spurte han om han hadde gjordt 900 lbs i bøy og mark, det hadde han ikke.

Stort sett så virket det som om den liberale kosttilskuddsindustrien gjør sitt for å holde luft under vingene til mini bolerene i statene. Var veldig mange som var gangske grove etter Norsk standard som trente helt på måfå, kanskje de har et godt kosthold. Det tviler jeg på, tror det var mye burgere og burrritos der og. Man kan jo kjøpe diverse "natural anabolic agents" over disken der borte som jeg ikke tror hadde kommet seg inn Schengen engang.

En ting jeg kommer til å savne med statene er å gå på trening og folk ikke står og mumler og visker i hjørnet, men heller kommer bort og sier "your kind of big, do you compete?"

Utlogget The Weise-Guy

  • Pratsom bruker
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  • Honnør: 375
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    Innlegg: 886

  • Nidarø Styrkeløftklubb
Benk Maks + film - The Weise Guys Treningslogg
« #59 : 14. januar 2009, 17:50 »
Ja, jeg hadde faktisk de kantede skivene paa min gym ogsaa, det var noe herk, skulle man kjoere tung mark ble det en ekstra faktor og tenke paa da den ofte rullet mot deg eller fra deg naar den traff bakken, vet ikke hvor utbredt det der er i USA.

Artig og hoere rapport fra andre gym miljoe i USA, det hele hoeres ganske likt ut fra det jeg har erfart. Det er veldig lett og komme i prat med andre som trener, spesielt hvis man er litt stoerre enn snittet paa gymmen, da vil alle slaa av en prat.  Er vel en litt stoerre macho kultur der enn i Norge, de lager stort sett mye mere lyd enn det man hoerer i hjemme, husker jeg saa en som trente leggpress mens han for hver repp hylte "COME ON MOTHERFUCKER, ONE MORE BABY, ONE MORE BABY, FUCK YEAH", og da snakker vi virkelig hoy hyling, saa hoyt at alle i gymmen snudde seg for og se paa, slikt skjer vel ikke saa ofte i norge, ikke fra det jeg har erfart i alle fall.

Gå til:  

Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

5 digge middager med cottage cheese


Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
Det er en risiko forbundet med treningen og løftene man utfører
Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

5 fordeler med stående leggpress


Det er mange fordeler med å trene leggene dine. Se her!