Skrevet av Emne: Støtte for en revurdering av anbefalt proteininntak.  (Lest 8109 ganger)

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Evidence that protein requirements have been significantly underestimated.
Elango R, Humayun MA, Ball RO, Pencharz PB.
Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009 Oct 16

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review discusses recent evidence that suggests a significant underestimation of protein requirements in adult humans.

RECENT FINDINGS: Traditionally, total protein requirements for humans have been determined using nitrogen balance. The recent Dietary Reference Intake recommendations for mean and population-safe intakes of 0.66 and 0.8 g/kg/day, respectively, of high-quality protein in adult humans are based on a meta-analysis of nitrogen balance studies using single linear regression analysis. We reanalyzed existing nitrogen balance studies using two-phase linear regression analysis and obtained mean and safe protein requirements of 0.91 and 0.99 g/kg/day, respectively. The two-phase linear regression analysis is considered more appropriate for biological analysis of dose-response curves. Considering the inherent problems associated with the nitrogen balance method, we developed an alternative method, the indicator amino acid oxidation technique, to determine protein requirements The mean and population-safe requirements in adult men were determined to be 0.93 and 1.2 g/kg/day and are 41 and 50%, respectively, higher than the current Dietary Reference Intakes recommendations.

SUMMARY: The indicator amino acid oxidation-based requirement values of 0.93 and 1.2 g protein/kg/day and the reanalysis of existing nitrogen balance studies are significantly higher than current recommendations. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reassess recommendations for protein intake in adult humans.

Noen interessante poenger:

"Preliminary results suggest a significant underestimation of the requirements for protein intake in children of age 6–10-years-old. There are only a few nitrogen balance studies conducted in children of schoolage, and the current DRI recommendations are therefore based on a factorial calculation"

"There is also increasing evidence that inadequate protein intake in elderly populations might be detrimental [40]. Current recommendations for protein in elderly people are set the same as in healthy adults [1] and could be a significant underestimate as well."

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