Skrevet av Emne: BV proteiner  (Lest 1673 ganger)

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BV proteiner
« : 25. desember 2002, 18:09 »
A quick side note on what I mean by "protein quality." The quality of a protein is determined by how well your body can use it, a factor termed "biological value," BV for short. This rating is calculated by taking the total nitrogen retained from eating a protein and dividing that by the total nitrogen absorbed by eating that protein. Basically, it refers to how well and how fast your body actually gets and uses the protein. So a whey like whey isolate (BV 159) is the most readily absorbed, while a milk protein like casein (BV 77) is absorbed less readily and is said to be pf less quality. Now, sometimes it's good to eat lower BV rated proteins because you want to absorb it slowly, like before you go to bed. But generally, you want protein with a higher BV rating, because you're body is getting more of the protein you're ingesting, and more quality products use higher quality proteins. Here's a list of some common proteins with their BV:

Whey Protein Isolate 159
Whey Protein Concentrate 104
Whole Egg 100
Egg White 88
Chicken/Turkey 79
Casein 77
Soy 74

ut i fra dette er vel whey protein isolate best eller?

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Re:BV proteiner
« #1 : 26. desember 2002, 13:02 »
Man lærer så lenge man lever... :Smiley
For certain is death for the born
And certain is birth for the dead;
Therefore over the inevitable -
Thou shouldst not grieve.

- Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2
(250 B.C – 250 A.D)

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Re:BV proteiner
« #2 : 26. desember 2002, 16:57 »
A quick side note on what I mean by "protein quality." The quality of a protein is determined by how well your body can use it, a factor termed "biological value," BV for short. This rating is calculated by taking the total nitrogen retained from eating a protein and dividing that by the total nitrogen absorbed by eating that protein. Basically, it refers to how well and how fast your body actually gets and uses the protein. So a whey like whey isolate (BV 159) is the most readily absorbed, while a milk protein like casein (BV 77) is absorbed less readily and is said to be pf less quality. Now, sometimes it's good to eat lower BV rated proteins because you want to absorb it slowly, like before you go to bed. But generally, you want protein with a higher BV rating, because you're body is getting more of the protein you're ingesting, and more quality products use higher quality proteins. Here's a list of some common proteins with their BV:

Whey Protein Isolate 159
Whey Protein Concentrate 104
Whole Egg 100
Egg White 88
Chicken/Turkey 79
Casein 77
Soy 74

ut i fra dette er vel whey protein isolate best eller?

Protein Isolate er ikke nødvendig vis best , det spørs hvilken egenskap du vil ha ut av pulveret og i hvordan du vil bruke det

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Re:BV proteiner
« #3 : 26. desember 2002, 18:43 »
Lite mätmetoder på proteinkvalitet:

BV (Biological Value) är ett mått på vilket den andel av kväve från proteinkällan som tas upp genom kosten behålls och utnyttjas. 100 är bra.
PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio) är ett mått där viktökning mäts under en tidsperiod och korrigeras till intaget mängd protein. Över 2,8 anses bra.
PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score): vid beräkning av proteinpoäng uttrycks innehållet av varje nödvändig (essentiell) aminosyra i procent av innehållet av samma i en referensmall, i detta fall för barn (växande människor). Enligt denna evalueringsmetod får en ideal proteinkälla, som tillgodoser människans behov av alla essentiella aminosyror, ett PDCAAS på 1,0. Detta behov varierar gång på gång men är alltid baserad/anpassad till växande barn och människor i svältländer.


Vassleprotein har ett PER på 3.0. Den senaste evalueringsmetoden för protein, som fastställs av WHO, är PDCAAS - där man tar hänsyn till proteinets biotillgänglighet (PD) och aminosyreprofil (AAS). Vassleprotein, rent generellt, har ett PD på 100 % och ASS på 1.16. Detta ger ett PDCAAS på 1.16. Kasein har ett PD på 99 % och ett AAS på 1.19, vilket ger ett PDCAAS på 1.17-1.18.

Vasslets fördelar: mättar inte, utmärkt för att skapa en positiv (anabol) kvävebalans snabbt speciellt efter träningen och på morgonen.
Kaseinets fördelar: mättar, perfekt att ta innan läggdags, mildrar en negativ (katabol) kvävebalans.

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Re:BV proteiner
« #4 : 27. desember 2002, 07:41 »
Vasslets proteiner = myse proteiner?  
Treningsstudio: ¨
Raufoss Badeland¨

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Re:BV proteiner
« #5 : 27. desember 2002, 10:35 »
Jepp! Vassleprotein = Myseprotein.

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Re:BV proteiner
« #6 : 16. juli 2003, 13:29 »
A quick side note on what I mean by "protein quality." The quality of a protein is determined by how well your body can use it, a factor termed "biological value," BV for short. This rating is calculated by taking the total nitrogen retained from eating a protein and dividing that by the total nitrogen absorbed by eating that protein. Basically, it refers to how well and how fast your body actually gets and uses the protein. So a whey like whey isolate (BV 159) is the most readily absorbed, while a milk protein like casein (BV 77) is absorbed less readily and is said to be pf less quality. Now, sometimes it's good to eat lower BV rated proteins because you want to absorb it slowly, like before you go to bed. But generally, you want protein with a higher BV rating, because you're body is getting more of the protein you're ingesting, and more quality products use higher quality proteins. Here's a list of some common proteins with their BV:

Whey Protein Isolate 159
Whey Protein Concentrate 104
Whole Egg 100
Egg White 88
Chicken/Turkey 79
Casein 77
Soy 74

ut i fra dette er vel whey protein isolate best eller?

Cross flow micro filtrert whey er bedre.
Det har fordelene til både whey consentrate og isolate..
Mht aminosyre sammensetning og hastighet på opptak.


Mine rekorder:
Bøy: 240kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 250kg @ 100kg
Bøy: 250kg - Benk: 185kg - Mark: 260kg @ 90kg
Bøy: 260kg - Benk: 165kg - Mark: 265kg @ 87.5kg
Bøy: 274kg - Benk: 170Kg - Mark: 280kg @ 90kg

ADIDAS Mila 21/6-07: 1t 3m @ 100kg
Polar natt Mila 5/1-08: 1t 1m @ 90kg & syk
ADIDAS Mila 21/6-08: 1t 4m @ 90kg & en sko som ikkje va helt "med"

Ibestad Strongshow 26/7-08 - 5. plass

Mange snakker om å gjøre noe, få gjør det de sier!

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