Skrevet av Emne: 1983 Spartakiad of the USSR: Super Heavyweights  (Lest 2235 ganger)

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Sv: 1983 Spartakiad of the USSR: Super Heavyweights
« #1 : 19. april 2009, 17:08 »
"Hæh! Tar du mindre enn 200 i rykk??"

Norges Sterkeste Mann (-105 kg) 2009

Norges 3. Sterkeste Mann (-105 kg) 2008
Norgesmester i Vektløfting som Ungdom og Junior

Medlem av Kristiansand Strongteam - og - TK Vektløfterklubb

Utlogget Einar B. Gilberg

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Sv: 1983 Spartakiad of the USSR: Super Heavyweights
« #2 : 19. april 2009, 17:15 »
Takk for i dag Smiley Ho ho! Skal si du var rask på nettet Smiley Akkurat som meg Wink
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dave the brave

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var dette et russisk mesterskap fra 1983 eller noe sånt?

Utlogget Zuul

Spartakiaden var ment å være arbeiderklassens svar på Olympiaden

Spartakiad initially was the name of an international sports event that the Soviet Union attempted to use to both oppose and supplement the Olympics[1]. (In Russian, there is a certain parallelism in the names: "Spartakiada" and "Olimpiada".) The name, derived from the name of the slave rebel leader, Spartacus[2], was supposed to symbolize proletarian internationalism because Spartacus' revolt united slaves from diverse ethnic backgrounds within the Roman Empire. As a Classical figure, Spartacus also stood directly in contrast to the aristocratic nature of the Ancient Olympic Games on which the modern "capitalist" Olympics are based. The first Spartakiad was held in August, 1928 in Moscow.

Eventually the Soviet Union decided to join the Olympic movement, and international Spartakiads ceased. However the term persisted for internal sports events in the Soviet Union of different levels, from local up to the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR (Спартакиада народов СССР[3]). The latter event was held twice in four years: Winter Spartakiad and Summer Spartakiad, with international participation. The first Soviet Spartakiad was held in 1956. These events were of huge importance for the Soviet sports. Everyone could participate in them - from ordinary people to top-level athletes. The number of participants, for example, in the 6th Summer Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, was 90 million people (twice the number of athletes in the USSR in that time), including 8,300 Masters of Sports of the USSR. And in the 3rd Winter Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR took part 20 million people, including some 1,000 Masters of Sports of the USSR.[2] An importance of Winter and Summer Spartakiads of the Peoples of the USSR may also be seen from the fact, that each of them was commemorated on a series of postage stamps, released in millions of copies (an example of such a stamp is pictured).[4]

There was also a "Youth Spartakiad". Still another Soviet sports event with this name, Spartakiad of Trade Unions (Спартакиада профсоюзов), survived in a number of post Soviet republics, such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

The name Spartakiáda was also used for a mass gymnastics display [1], [2], which was held every five years at the Strahov Stadium in Prague, Czechoslovakia, when the country was under Communist rule. The first event of this name was held, however, already in 1921, and its initiator Jiří Chaloupecký is credited as the inventor of the name[5]. Similar events were held in Albania during Communist rule as well.]

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