Skrevet av Emne: Alkohol  (Lest 2971 ganger)


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Sv: Alkohol
« #15 : 17. april 2009, 23:54 »
Alt negativt om alkohol (referer til øl) er bare svada.. Øl er namme.. Smiley

Hva med ei flaske bacon-øl?  Drankere

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Sv: Alkohol
« #16 : 17. april 2009, 23:57 »
Hva med ei flaske bacon-øl?  Drankere

Hahahaha, det er jo den beste ølen, eller øl tilsatt margarin og iskrem.. Smaker veeeldig godt..
240-190-240 og merræ kåmme

Pianuddsmørr og farsa...

Suveren magetrening:


Det er veldig relevant min gode mann da du kan gå inn for det med kropp og sjel og gnisten til Lance armstrong og likevel bare se ut som en liten unge som preller av bicepsen min.

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Sv: Alkohol
« #17 : 19. april 2009, 17:53 »
I am sure you have heard through print media
or television that a glass of alcohol, like wine
is good for blood circulation and/or the heart.

The truth is alcohol is an acidic metabolite
from acetylaldehyde and sugar and is toxic to
the body. All three metabolites destroy body
cells, including brain cells.

That is why you get a little dizzy when you
have a few drinks and pass out when you have
too many drinks.

There are NO health benefits that I can find
when looking at the blood after a glass of
alcohol, like wine. The alcohol eliminates any
benefit of the proanthocyanadins that existed
in the grapes prior to fermentation and the
production of alcohol.

Because alcohol acts like molecular glue it
causes the red and white blood cells to stick
together causing Rouleau or blood clots. This
then causes oxygen deprivation to the extremities
and the subsequent symptoms of light headedness,
dizziness, stupor of thought, etc.

Since alcohol is a liquid and a known acid it
will permeate the cell causing a reverse in its
polarity and alkalinity and it will begin to
dissolve or melt the cell like snow on a warm day.

Added to the acidic nature of the standard
American diet of animal proteins, dairy products,
sugar, and processed foods, you have the perfect
formula for heart dis-ease, cancerous tissue,
Stroke and diabetes.

Scientists have amassed persuasive evidence that
drinking alcohol regularly in any form, even in
moderate amounts, can pose a serious threat
to your health.

A drink a day for health? Forget it, research says.

Read the rest of the story in the Seattle Times:

\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

Utlogget Diiaz

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Sv: Alkohol
« #18 : 22. april 2009, 19:39 »
I am sure you have heard through print media
or television that a glass of alcohol, like wine
is good for blood circulation and/or the heart.

The truth is alcohol is an acidic metabolite
from acetylaldehyde and sugar and is toxic to
the body. All three metabolites destroy body
cells, including brain cells.

That is why you get a little dizzy when you
have a few drinks and pass out when you have
too many drinks.

There are NO health benefits that I can find
when looking at the blood after a glass of
alcohol, like wine. The alcohol eliminates any
benefit of the proanthocyanadins that existed
in the grapes prior to fermentation and the
production of alcohol.

Because alcohol acts like molecular glue it
causes the red and white blood cells to stick
together causing Rouleau or blood clots. This
then causes oxygen deprivation to the extremities
and the subsequent symptoms of light headedness,
dizziness, stupor of thought, etc.

Since alcohol is a liquid and a known acid it
will permeate the cell causing a reverse in its
polarity and alkalinity and it will begin to
dissolve or melt the cell like snow on a warm day.

Added to the acidic nature of the standard
American diet of animal proteins, dairy products,
sugar, and processed foods, you have the perfect
formula for heart dis-ease, cancerous tissue,
Stroke and diabetes.

Scientists have amassed persuasive evidence that
drinking alcohol regularly in any form, even in
moderate amounts, can pose a serious threat
to your health.

A drink a day for health? Forget it, research says.

Read the rest of the story in the Seattle Times:

Samme fyrn som sa at man ikke trenger protein for å bygge muskler, eller er jeg helt på bærtur=P vet ikke helt hva jeg skal tro om hans research!^^

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Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
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Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

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