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  • 1  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:bodybuilding homsete? på: 28. oktober 2003, 20:05
    hehe,bodybuilding er egentlig en tvilsom sport.
    Menn smører hverandre inn med olje og poserer i tanga

    En kompis sa det da han så litt på sia her,....og han har jo egentlig rett, hehe. Bodybuilding må være den mest gaye "sporten" som er.

    Bryting må jo i egentlig bli enda mere gay. Gutter som omfavner hverandre, i alle mulige og umulige stillinger Tongue Ikledd dertil tilhørende  tighte trikåer!   Wink
    2  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:hvem vant fitness klassen? på: 28. oktober 2003, 17:21

     >:(Mange som var misfornøgd, inkludert dei rutinerte.   Angry
    Garderobane var ikkje hovedtema her. Mange ting som blei påpekt. Mangel på fagkunnskap i dommarpanelet. Sikkert mange som kunne gjort ein like god jobb i dommarpanelet som "dama til Svend Karlsen".  Lips Sealed
    Kunne jo hatt et rom der det kunne vore nokre stenger og benkar, istedenfor å ta push-ups på gangen.... latterlig.....

    Du mener Lene Ekrem Karlsen?  Hvis jeg ikke husker feil så dømte hun svenske mesterskapet i athletic fitness det burde gjøre henne til ganske så habil dommer? Hun er nok ikke der fordi hun er dama til Svend Karlsen, hun var dommer før hun ble gift med Svend!

    Oppvarminga var en trapp ned!
    3  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:hvem vant fitness klassen? på: 28. oktober 2003, 09:57
    Har snakka med folk som var med. Alle var misfornøgd med stevnet. Amatørmessig opplegg. Ingen garderobar, ukompetente dommarar og rare dømmingar.  Kva er det egentlig slags jallasport det her ?? Har tenkt å stille neste år, men sånne intrykk får jo ikkje det lite å friste.....
    De du må ha pratet med må ha vært utrolig urutinerte! Dømminga skal jeg ikke si noe på at var kanskje litt på kanten. Men når det gjelder garderober så var det her stedet et drømmested iforhold til mye annet! Ille er bakrommene til Sentrum Scene hvor NM var ifjor! Men det å ha sted som tar 1000 publikum og garderober til 106 aktive og 70 coacher går ikke å finne!
    4  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:hvem vant fitness klassen? på: 27. oktober 2003, 22:15
    noen som har noen bilder tatt av Robert Asad? Syntes ikke han er noen vinner utifra de bildene på iform, men kanskje han har gjort enorme forbedringer?

    Noen som har et bilde av han?

    At han vant var en ren gavepakke!! De kjørte eleminering og det var bare de 10 beste fra 1 symmetrirunde som gikk videre. Robert skulle ikke ha kommet med de 10 som gikk videre. Det fortjente han ikke. Han var ikke i form, han er allt for brei rundt midjen, dårlig bryst, minimal v-form og genrelt dårlig rygg. Så det var ikke rett at han vant!! Han burde totalt ha kommet  på 15-16 plass
    5  Bilder / Bilder av Diverse / Re:dette er kvinnfolk på: 23. juli 2003, 12:12
    "Det er langt ifra puberty hormoner som styrer, jeg bare la inn et par bilder av hva jeg syntes er pent med jenter, det har noen andre valgt å gjøre her og (vi har nemlig god smak for jenter). Om du liker muskeløse jenter som har mistet sin feminine side - så værse god, jeg får ikke mer kick av å se på dem enn å se en gutt.

    Ikke fordøm oss som liker feminine jenter og få oss ut til å høre som 14-tisser.

    Ikke kom her å si at Camilla Kløgetvedt er ei muskuløs jente, som har mista sin feminine side.....
    Du har tatt alle under en kam her, og da kan du umulig ha sett ho, ho dama til Tommi Thorvildsen,jeg vil nå si at ho slår alt som du har lagt ut her....
    Synd jeg ikke har noe bilde å vise deg, men hvis du går inn på og åpner den siste posten som er lagt ut der, så får du se ossen ho ser ut..... 8) 8)

    først må hun komme i form, det har jo ikke skjedd enda!
    6  Trening / Kroppsbygging og Fitness / Re:Mr. Olympia 2002: Jay Cutler på: 08. juli 2003, 00:06
    Det er tydelig litt at noen lever i drømmeverden her! Proff sirkuset har helt andre regler enn hva amatør har, punkt slutt!!! Når det gjelder bruk så innrømmer de fleste det, man må bare vite hvor man skal lete så finner man det!

    Diskusjonen under er mellom  proffbygger Milos Sacrev og super trener Chad Nicolls mannen bak bla Ronnie Colemann
    I hope you know that I respect you as a person and great bodybuilder.
    I appreciate that you took the time to respond (wonder why CHAD didn’t?).
    But, Chad’s article in MD was beyond disturbing and if you REALLY read it from very beginning this is a bottom line:
    He (Chad) wants to clarify crazy little rumor about bodybuilders using plasma expanders.
    He emphasize that he knew that one of his athletes had a conversation with certain nutritionist (by the way at that point I was ONLY a pro bodybuilder trying to do my job – compete as much as I can to make a living) and he was aware that his “jokester” athlete told me completely fabricated story.
    Instead of making an effort and coming to me (like you did in 1999) and telling me the truth - he indeed LAUGHED HIS ASS OFF AND DOWN DEEP!
    What does that tell you? Than he admits also to: QUOTE: “ I enjoy a great subject of controversy as much as anyone, AND TRULY LOVE FUCKING WITH A PERSON’S HEAD (the more I can confuse someone the better)!”
    What a great person to take advice from? And I did, as I trusted him, just like I trusted Nasser…as I believe if nothing else I gave them insight on some contest preparation secrets THEY NEVER NEW ABOUT (until that point, I guarantee it). Secrets that was crucial in both of their careers.
    I certainly wouldn’t doubt Nasser after he told me EXACTLY what Chad recommended me before (but I was afraid to try it).
    Nasser’s condition at 1997 Mr. Olympia was unbelievable and I was first to say that he deserved to win. I even sent the fax to Dorian telling him that, with detailed analysis why I believe Nasser was a better bodybuilder that day (irrelevant here, but I do want to mention that).
    So, what would you (or any competitor) do in my position?
    Chad knowing possible DANGEROUS consequences and he could prevent them…but…
    If all that was fabricated (in 1997) why would he told me exactly the same procedure for 1998 NOC?
    Maybe you don’t know that, but for 1998 Night of Champions I was using plasma expenders the way Chad was instructing me over the phone. Only thing that he changed it this time around was – using specially made Manitol that only he had, and I could get it from him in New York.
    Well, at that point I was broke, could not afford it and I decide it to buy manitol in pharmacy for fraction of his coast.
    I used plasma expanders, looked great when I went to athletes meeting (around 11am or 12 –noon), and sure enough by the time of prejudging I spilled over worst possible way. My very possible top 5 finish (I managed to beat Matarazzo -3rd at NOC, 2 weeks before in San Francisco, without PE) become wishful thinking (placed 11th).
    Anyway, believe it or not – when you finally told me the truth after 1999 NOC, I never touch it again.
    So, I did take your word over Nasser’s, but it was 2 years to late.

    If you see the time I posted my previous post –it was around 2AM…after I did my cardio at midnight. That’s when I picked up MD to “kill the time”.
    I was so outraged that I had to respond, and quite honestly I still am.
    Thank you for taking the time Tom, it means a lot to me. I know that YOU care, unlike other people I called out to respond.  


    Group: Banned
    Posts: 93
    Joined: Nov. 2002
      Posted: May 22 2003,22:52  

    On Swole, you obviously have a problem with me.
    I ALWAYS stand behind everything I say or do, so this time is no different.
    Your opinion on how should I handle your business is only that – your opinion.

    I am handling my business the way I feel is right.
    If Chad can go publicly and revealing this story to the World, so can I.
    He didn’t call me when he should of and even now, before he submitted this article to MD.
    As he is referring to ME as so-called guru (that should know better) that possibly IS GUILTY of spreading that nasty rumor – I have something to say.
    And what I have to say is TRUTH.
    Now, if you believe that I am not noble person –you must have reasons for that, so why don’t you reveal them – everyone should know what a bad guy I really am. Go ahead – don’t miss anything, tell the World all you know!
    As I am making myself innocent victim and promoting myself as a trainer – make sure you don’t miss a part why I am not innocent and how do I really promote myself as a trainer.  


    Get Jacked!

    Group: The Pros
    Posts: 658
    Joined: Oct. 2002
      Posted: May 22 2003,23:02  

    Quote (ProMilos @ May 22 2003,21:50)
    He emphasize that he knew that one of his athletes had a conversation with certain nutritionist (by the way at that point I was ONLY a pro bodybuilder trying to do my job – compete as much as I can to make a living) and he was aware that his “jokester” athlete told me completely fabricated story.
    Instead of making an effort and coming to me (like you did in 1999) and telling me the truth - he indeed LAUGHED HIS ASS OFF AND DOWN DEEP!
    What does that tell you? Than he admits also to: QUOTE: “ I enjoy a great subject of controversy as much as anyone, AND TRULY LOVE FUCKING WITH A PERSON’S HEAD (the more I can confuse someone the better)!”

    First of all - I want Milos and everyone to know - this is the first time today (5/22) that I have even seen this post - so I apologize for taking so long to respond to it.

    Secondly - Milos - you don't realize how big of an idiot you've just made yourself look like!  You are so far off base here.  Maybe Nasser did talk to you about the PE back then - BUT - you WERE NOT THE NUTRITIONIST Nasser spoke to at the Olympia Banquet in 1997 - Just like you stated above - I didn't even remotely think of you as a "nutritionist" back then, I thought of you as a pro body builder - so you've already jumped to conclusions on that point.  And, if you want to know the reason we laughed our asses off - the person Nasser told his "whopper" to - and it was a whopper!  Took it to heart and actually wrote out a plan from everything Nasser told him (and let me tell you the amounts that Nasser made up were just ridiculous!!!! - and faxed this "plan" out to several people trying to pass it off as his own - now, Milos - does that sound like you?  I don't think so!!  I know you would've picked up on the complete Bullshit immediately because it was just like I said, ridiculous!

    But, since YOU opened the can of worms, we can definitely talk about this now.  --The deal with Paul was so much of an untruth I don't know where to begin -  that makes NO sense whatsoever that I would ask you to talk to Paul about having me work with him. First of all - I had been friends with Paul since 1992 - as he and Kim turned pro together at the North American and that's where our friendship began and from that point over the years, we started a working relationship.  The truth is, I actually began working with Paul before Nasser - actually I started working with Nasser briefly after Paul - but I had already been friends with Paul for a long time - so I'm not sure where you got that story??  Maybe you and I talked about Paul and he and I working together - but to be honest with you - I have no idea where your story came from - still scratching my head on that one!

    So, let's get to the Plasma expanders - if you are going to tell the truth - get it straight - the first time you and I talked about it was at the Caveman event - I believe it was May of 1997?  Could've been 1996 - can't quite remember - but I do know that it had NOTHING to do with Manitol - the only product I had brought up and was looking into at the time was Albumin.  I had told you that I had found this product - that it was a way around the diuretic test - that it looked like it was something that could work very good.   And there was no "joking" behind that.  When I first looked into this - I thought, yes, PE could be a very good possibility - however, the more I looked into it - and I've laid all this out in my article - they just don't work - as there are too many other variables involved.  

    Now you and I talked a couple of other times about PE, but nothing was laid out until you and I talked on the phone before the NOC.  --And, at that time, I told you I wasn't using it - however, I did tell you that I had a special version of the Manitol - which was something that a friend of mine had come up with - but it ended up not working worth a shit either.  However, I thought it would work fantastic and was told that it would work fantastic - I even told you the whole "basis" behind it - and you went to Victor Conte and told him and he told you he could make the same thing.  

    The '98 NOC was the first year I worked with Ronnie - we didn't use ANY PE - Manitol - special blends - Albumin - NOTHING - we used the diuretic that I use today - except back then it was a little different version than now - a little stronger and faster, which is something that has been changed over the years.  So, the only time I actually ever laid out anything for you was over the phone before the  NOC and you basically told me you had Dextran and Manitol.  And - I even told you over the phone that they didn't work!  --But you kept insisting that you thought Nasser was using them - and I told you straight out NO BULLSHIT - NOT TO USE THEM!!  Seems as though you don't remember any of this?  You kept insisting over the phone "hypothetically" - what if I would do this or that???  And I basically told you how they would work and before the conversation was over - I specifically told you I would NOT use the PE - to that you told me you were going to talk to Victor, because he could do something with the Manitol.  

    Now, if you want to put everything out there for everyone to read - I was NOT referring to YOU as the nutritionist - and I was not laughing behind YOUR back!  I knew that Nasser had spoken to you about them - but I didn't think he had laid out amounts anything like that - I was referring to the person at the Olympia Banquet - which wasn't you - I repeat Milos, it WASN'T YOU!!!  However, the person I referred to at one of the shows that had "ruptured veins" that looked like a drug addict - was YOU!  At the NOC - and Tom Prince even tried to tell you that none of my athletes were using the PE and he said you still didn't believe him.  You even came up to me after pre-judging at that show - showed me your arms complaining about them - and I told you again at that point that I thought you were crazy for using them and that NONE of my athletes were using them.  

    Now, as far as me trying to keep everyone confused - absolutely!  It's in my best interest and in the best interest of every single one of my athletes - Ronnie, Flex, all of these guys had paid me LOTS of money to get them in shape - so why would I go around just giving everyone their information?  Doesn't really make sense.  And, for you to think that by saying that I would intentionally put information out there to hurt people - you are insane!  I would hope that YOU would have more common sense than that. People who know me know that I just don't put ANY information out there - I just don't say anything - I keep most everything to myself.  And, the truth is, it's really nobody's business.  Everyone is different, everyone gets ready differently and doing differnt things and it's just no one's business what these guys are doing.  There's a lot of people within the industry that need to practice the "silence" a little more - as too many go on and on and just run their mouths endlessly - and before you get upset and jump to conclusions AGAIN - I'm not referring to you here!

    I will say, that the one ironic thing I found through this entire scenario was that YOU, Shawn and Kevin were the ones calling Wayne complaining - yet out of all of my athletes and you three- You, Milos, were the only one using them?  HHHMMM??  That's a very interesting point, probably nothing I would've ever mentioned - and didn't in my article - but if we are clearing the air here - oh well.  It was at the same time that Shawn called Wayne and wanted to have me arrested upon checking in to the Southgate Hotel and searched at the '98 Olympia.  He swears that he didn't call Crime Stoppers, but really - what's the difference between that and him calling Wayne wanting me arrested upon check in and searched at the hotel.  Same scenario to me.

    So, during this whole ordeal - you were the one using the PE.  End of story!  I would suggest - next time, you send me a private e-mail or discuss this with me before you decide to air everything - especially something like this where you were so off base on SO many points.  For some reason you must feel I have it in for you???  I told you - I don't have anything against you - so I don't know why everytime I say something or write something - you take it as a dig against you?

    7  Bilder / Bilder av Kroppsbyggere / Re:Johan Oldenmark - en ren svenske på: 03. juli 2003, 19:16
    Eller som å sitere Johann på et SM:
    "Tester dere meg nå så har dere ingen å sende på EM"
    8  Bilder / Bilder av Kroppsbyggere / Re:Ronnie Coleman på: 03. juli 2003, 19:15
    De innrømmer som regel bruket her er det Milos Sacrev som kommer med litt bekjennelser:

    No need for me to explain myself, but as you mention it –I will tell you.
    I used numerous potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals throughout my career.
    Should I go in depth, or mentioning that I am GUILTY of bringing insulin into bodybuilding -would be bad enough.
    I am no guru in any sense of that word. I am accidental advisor, as it just happened to be that so many people wanted to pick my brain –and I let them do it.
    Now, difference with what you are trying to say and reality is that even the most dangerous pharmaceuticals could be used for athletic purposes, if you find out how to correctly control them.
    My accident with SYNTHOL almost killed me, and maybe would eventually still kill me, as I have passage of synthol through my heart and now major obstruction of all three coronary arteries (basically, heart attack waiting to happen).
    Accident was due to improper injecting technique (needle was put directly in my vein…) and as it was my triceps, obviously it was somebody else giving me a shoot. It could happen to anyone.
    But, since that happened – I immediately volunteered to give in depth interview to FLEX magazine, embarrass myself publicly with one goal in mind – to help others.
    I posted here and on many other boards warnings about synthol, giving my example and trying to discourage others – so they can learn from my mistake.
    What I read in MD, and than here is that Chad knew about someone getting deadly advice (he actually made it worst by posting here that instead of 5 bottles this individual was instructed to take 13 – which would possibly kill him) and he just had good laugh.
    To make things even worst than that – he new that individual in question is advising others, so he new that many other people could be put in danger. Call me a whiner, I think I made my point.
    9  Konkurranser / Konkurranser og stevner / Re:Resultatliste B&K Oslo Open 2003 på: 30. april 2003, 09:55
    Komplett resultat liste er lagt ut på
    10  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:Jævla bolevakter på: 20. april 2003, 23:57
    Jeg skal ikke ta noe parti for hva som her skjedd her men, folk er rare både "vanlige gjester" og dørvakter. Jeg har jobbet over 10 år som vakt så jeg vil si at jeg har en del erfaring. Det finnes en del dørvater som liker å sloss men det er som regel gamle boksere, kick boksere eller andre kampsporter. De som er aktive byggere er som regel litt roligere, de er som regel tilfreddse med å bli sett.

    Når det gjelder hva som har skjedd med i denne epsioden så kan man ikke dømme utifra det lille man ser der og da. Man må ha vært der fra starten av for å kunne få en korrekt oppfattelse av det som har skjedd. Personen som ligger ned kan ha for alt du vet ha truet og slått mot dørvakten først etc. Så lenge du ikke har vært der fra starten så kan du ikke uttale deg!!!

    Og det er rart at det er aldri noen gjester som har startet noe, det er "alltid" dørvaktens feil! Underlig det der

    I BAM
    11  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:Svenskehandel! på: 16. april 2003, 11:29
    Tenk deg litt om da!!!!!! Det er mere enn kosttilskudd som kjøpes i sverige!
    12  Generelt / Åpent forum / Re:Svenskehandel! på: 16. april 2003, 00:15
    Det er jo ikke noe problem å skaffe samme prisene som svenskene har. Men det er jo klart at da får vi jo gå ned en 20-30% i lønn da!!

    13  Kosthold / Vektnedgang og Diett / Re:Ripping gel? på: 15. april 2003, 15:31
    Det de sikkert sikter til når det gjelder patentert teknologi er
    US Patent 4,525,359
    US Patent 4,588,724

    Vil jeg nok tippe da, siden det er noen av de få patentene som gjelder kremer av "transdermal" type. Men det får dere høre med PF om ihvertfall.

    Det har jo blitt brukt litt kremer blant kroppsbyggere og fitness folk for å dra trekke sammen huden hvis har gått ned for fort og huden blir for slapp men disse har ikke fungert som "fettforbrennere"

    I BAM
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