Skrevet av Emne: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter  (Lest 79757 ganger)

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #345 : 20. november 2009, 13:44 »
Ja, det er jo neppe tilfeldig. Dessuten er det bevist at det sølvvannet han selger har egenskaper som gjør at han kan fjernstyre krystallinene i cellene våre. De som tror det er tilfeldig at Dreyer avviser alle spørsmål om sølvvannet som "usaklige" bør ta seg en realitycheck.

Ps: har dere sett nesa hannes? Det krever ikke mye tankespinn for å skjønne at han tilhører Abrahams ett, og deres agenda kjennes vi til. Bare les Zions Vise! Det er en gammel FAKTAbok om zionistenes tanker om verdensherredømme...

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #346 : 20. november 2009, 15:19 »
Når begynte egentlig vaksinedebatten å "DREYE" seg som Dreyer?
Sa brura

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #348 : 20. november 2009, 20:02 »
Om baxter og skandalen da de forgiftet vaksinene med vilje.. NEI TIL VAKSINER FOR EVIG OG ALLTID

“… Anyone can verify that the information I’m going to disclose is accurate and objective.

… At the end of January 2009, before this new flu was discovered, Baxter Pharmaceuticals, a US company with a very important subsidiary company in Austria, distributed vaccination material for the [seasonal] flu, from the Austrian subsidiary via neighboring European countries – the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany – to 16 different laboratories.

[This was] material for the vaccine to be administered between February and March to the population of those countries for the seasonal flu.

This material weighed 72 kg. Well, I haven’t calculated the exact number of doses but it certainly means thousands and thousands of doses. So this was distributed, and (there) comes a point, when through one of those life coincidences, situations or plans are revealed that otherwise would have remained in the dark.

The Czech company Bio Test was one of the recipients of this material. One of their lab technicians decided -- through his own initiative and as something he was qualified to do but not obliged -- to carry out an extra security test with the vaccination material that they received, before proceeding with its distribution.

… He inoculated this vaccine into animals called in Spanish "comadrejas" or "hurones" – weasels or ferrets, small mammals that have been used since 1918 to test flu vaccines. He inoculated these weasels, and all of them died.

When he observed these unexpected deaths, and given that the inoculated vaccine shouldn’t have caused the death of the weasels, he immediately sounded the alarm and they began checks to establish what this material received from Baxter contained.

… The results of the analysis showed that in the material delivered by Baxter to those 106 laboratories, two live viruses coexisted.

One was the bird flu virus – the bird flu virus is the virus that appeared in 2005, and that caused a high mortality rate but infected just a few people. The number of deaths worldwide, and I quote by heart, was around 250 but as far as we know, around 60% of those infected died. This means that if 250 died worldwide just around 600 got infected, whichever the exact number is, the mortality rate of this virus is very high, but its infection rate is minimal.

This virus was mixed with a seasonal flu virus that, as we all know, has an extremely low mortality rate; lower than, 0.01%, lower than 1% of mortality at any rate, but with a high degree of transmission. Well, it’s highly contagious, with a high infection rate.

If you mix these two viruses and then distribute it to thousands of people, what you’re doing is you’re maximizing the probabilities for these two viruses to merge; for them to recombine, and for a new virus to appear to be both very lethal and very infectious.

This is a fact and this has been admitted by Baxter. They haven’t said “No, this is not true. This is just what by Jane Burgermeister says, or whoever, but this material wasn’t there.”

… They have admitted that the contamination took place but not that the material was designed for human use. Claiming protection behind the confidentiality rights, they haven’t disclosed information about its destination, and that the total 72 kg of the material contained a mix of live bird flu and seasonal flu viruses.

This is a fact. Could this have happened by chance?

The first thing that must be said is that it is extremely unlikely.

And I say this simply because in science the word “impossible” is something we never say. What does extremely unlikely mean? It means that laboratories handling this kind of viruses have Bio Security Levels in place. The Bio Security Level 3 is the highest, and the one that must be applied to this laboratory.

It means that if we talk in a scientific context about probability, based on known facts, the probability that this may have happened by chance is extremely low. Not only this, how can we explain the mixing of two different live viruses?

Additionally, the flu vaccines, as we all know, are vaccines made with attenuated viruses. This means that it’s perfectly normal for the flu vaccine to contain live virus; this is not an exception. But attenuated means that the virus must go through a radiation procedure. These viruses found in the Czech Republic in the whole Baxter material had not been attenuated. Therefore the odds of it happening by chance, well…

That’s why I say that, scientifically, or simply from a humanly prudent standpoint, we can’t say that it’s 100% impossible but, let’s be clear – it’s important to let it be known how unlikely it is for an accident to occur under these circumstances.

… I know that there are people who have been studying this for a while but I would wish that my message reaches someone who says, “Look I don’t know anything about that stuff, but I’ve just heard that there was a laboratory that delivered a contaminated vaccine and that, interestingly, is one of the laboratories in charge of making flu vaccines this year.”

Well, this fact alone makes it justifiable to myself to think that, until such time that an explanation is given about why this contamination took place, I won’t wish it on me, on my child, nor on anyone close to me. “

A “mistake” of this magnitude – a “mistake” that had the capacity to kill thousands of people and spread highly infectious, deadly disease worldwide, indeed START a pandemic of the epic proportions they’ve tried to turn the swine flu into – was REWARDED with massive contracts for more flu vaccines!

This sure doesn’t seem like an accident.

And this is one of the companies they want you to blindly trust…

\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #349 : 20. november 2009, 20:21 »
Her er en som har jobbet 35 år i bransjen, hør hva han har å si om big pharma. fyfaen big pharma er shady as

Dr. John Rengen Virapen worked 35 years for Eli Lilly & Co as an executive. He now speaks out on the many crimes Big Pharma was and is responsible for and he himself also participated in. Unfortunately, many of its crimes go passed public awareness as it enjoys the unethical protection from its big allies, the mainstream media, the FDA and governments.

"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth "
\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #350 : 20. november 2009, 20:32 »
Om baxter og skandalen da de forgiftet vaksinene med vilje.. NEI TIL VAKSINER FOR EVIG OG ALLTID

“… Anyone can verify that the information I’m going to disclose is accurate and objective.
bla bla bla


Har du sakset det fra Globalresearch?

Ja ja...En ting skal du ha. Du har stor underholdningsverdi.

Hva videosnuttene gjelder, så er de i AZK regi (Anti-Zensur-Koalition). Sier ikke det er bedrag,
men de tilhører samme anti-konspirasjonbsmiljøet som de fleste andre kildene dine.

Kan du se til snart å gjøre noe med kildene. Du spammer og spammer , men kommer virkelig ikke videre.

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #351 : 20. november 2009, 20:42 »

\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

Utlogget Coincidence theorist

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #352 : 20. november 2009, 20:52 »
For noen uker siden ble legekontorene nedringt av folk som ville ha vaksine mot svineinfluensa. Nå må de jobbe for å få folk til å komme.

Dette er gode nyheter, NEI TIL VAKSINEN
\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

Utlogget Coincidence theorist

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #353 : 20. november 2009, 21:03 »
sjekk ut denne samtalen mellom

C=Clahsons bedrift

Riiing .....riiiing...
C:"Ja hallo dette er Clahsons
H:" Ja hei, dette er fra Helsesenteret. Vi lurte på om du og deres bedrift kunne tenke dere å værre med på historisk utflukt ned til helsestasjonen i morgen?"
H:" Ja altså du har vel kanskje fått med deg at dere snart kan bli kjempesyke av svineinfluensa? Derfor skal vi gjøre det enkelt for deg og deres bedrift å komme hit i morgen og så er dere beskyttet mot svineinfluensaviuset!"
C:"Kjenner ingen som er så syke vi her da men..?
H:" Det er nok bare en tilfeldighet. Viruset er på vei med rasende fart. Dere kan jo ha viruset uten å vite det også, og smitte de som er i risikogruppen Clahsons. Dere må være solidariske. Så hva blir det til? En trygg vaksine som staten går god for og anbefaler og solidaritet....eller....
(hun trekker pusten dypt og venter)
H:" Men vil du DØ da?!!!!!"
C: "Hei."

hahaha fy faen..... for noe propaganda
\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #354 : 20. november 2009, 21:05 »
Det beste ville selvsagt ha vært om det ikke var behov for vaksinen.

Men....Mange er spesielt utsatt og tro meg...Det er ikke deg genuint jeg tenker på når jeg synnes det er fornuftig å ta vaksinen. Det er for å hindre spredning til mer utsatte deler av befolkningen.

Du bærer veldig preg av å kun lese saken fra en side, og gitt din alder, så er det kanskje ditt privelegium.

Flere ser ting fra flere sider. Man behøver ikke nekte for at der finnes konspirasjoner og penger under bordet og fremdeles se det fornuftige i en vaksine.

Selv tilhører jeg risikogruppe. Man vet ikke sammenhengen hvorfor, men en smitte gir relativt høy dødelighet. Samtidig responderer jeg latterlig lite på febernedsettende. Jeg krysser fingene for at min nå syke datter ikke smitter meg, da vi alle vet. Vaksinen gjør deg ikke imun, men gir det i hvert fall et minimum av forsvar.

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #355 : 20. november 2009, 22:00 »
mange herlig poenger om "folkeaksjonen" mot vaksinen på nytt på nytt i dag!
du ser ut som en piss i trynet

Utlogget Unknown_Soldier

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #356 : 20. november 2009, 22:16 »
sjekk ut denne samtalen mellom

C=Clahsons bedrift

Riiing .....riiiing...
C:"Ja hallo dette er Clahsons
H:" Ja hei, dette er fra Helsesenteret. Vi lurte på om du og deres bedrift kunne tenke dere å værre med på historisk utflukt ned til helsestasjonen i morgen?"
H:" Ja altså du har vel kanskje fått med deg at dere snart kan bli kjempesyke av svineinfluensa? Derfor skal vi gjøre det enkelt for deg og deres bedrift å komme hit i morgen og så er dere beskyttet mot svineinfluensaviuset!"
C:"Kjenner ingen som er så syke vi her da men..?
H:" Det er nok bare en tilfeldighet. Viruset er på vei med rasende fart. Dere kan jo ha viruset uten å vite det også, og smitte de som er i risikogruppen Clahsons. Dere må være solidariske. Så hva blir det til? En trygg vaksine som staten går god for og anbefaler og solidaritet....eller....
(hun trekker pusten dypt og venter)
H:" Men vil du DØ da?!!!!!"
C: "Hei."

hahaha fy faen..... for noe propaganda

hæ? Var dette noe du fant på eller?
Sa brura

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #357 : 20. november 2009, 22:24 »
Dette bildet fant jeg i VG i dag.  Synes media overdriver hetsen sin litt nå.

Sa brura

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #358 : 20. november 2009, 23:21 »
hæ? Var dette noe du fant på eller?

nope, dette er fra en ekte samtale
\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

Utlogget Coincidence theorist

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Sv: Svineinfluensaen gir store inntekter
« #359 : 20. november 2009, 23:23 »
Dette bildet fant jeg i VG i dag.  Synes media overdriver hetsen sin litt nå.

grow up a, dette her er barnslig oppførsel as.
\\\\\\\"If many people believe that something is true most of us never second guess and automatically accept it as the truth\\\\\\\"

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