Skrevet av Emne: For høye nivåer av kreatinin  (Lest 43705 ganger)

Utlogget Grungern

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For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« : 18. juni 2005, 16:13 »

Jeg var hos legen her om dagen og tok en blodprøve. for å sjekke om jeg mangler jern eller noe sånt noe.

Som svar på prøven så skrev legen at nyrefunskjonen min var forandret og at jeg hadde for høye nivåer av kreatinin i blodet etc.   Embarrassed

Jeg har takk Nor-Cee kreatin , ca 4 gram før og etter trening i en 2 ukers tid.

Skal jeg slutte med kreatin? Er litt lost nå :S  Huh
Trener på vektertorget i Bergen.
Knebøy: 180kg, Mark: 230kg, Benk: 120kgx3 (skylder på dårlig skuldre Tongue )

Utlogget Molde

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #1 : 18. juni 2005, 16:21 »
Hva sa legen da? om han sa at du har for høyt nivå med kreatinin, så har du for høye nivåer med kreatonin da.... Og det er vel en måte å gjøre noe med det på...
Holder på, holder på. Bare vent!

Utlogget SilverFox

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #2 : 18. juni 2005, 16:34 »

Jeg var hos legen her om dagen og tok en blodprøve. for å sjekke om jeg mangler jern eller noe sånt noe.

Som svar på prøven så skrev legen at nyrefunskjonen min var forandret og at jeg hadde for høye nivåer av kreatinin i blodet etc. Embarrassed

Jeg har takk Nor-Cee kreatin , ca 4 gram før og etter trening i en 2 ukers tid.

Skal jeg slutte med kreatin? Er litt lost nå :S Huh

Helt normalt med forhøyet kreatinin i prøvene når du går på kreatin. Ikke noe å bekymre seg for!

En spesialist på Aker sjekket det for meg i legetidsskrifter "world wide" uten å finne at forhøyede kreatininverdier pga kreatinbruk hadde noen som helst negativ helsemessig sammenheng.

Kontinuitet er nøkkelen!

Want to lose that beer belly, Bob? I have a nutty idea. Put down the fucking beer

Utlogget Styrke loggen

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #3 : 18. juni 2005, 16:35 »
Samme sa legen min for en tid tilbake!!! Men jeg har bare "glemt" det. Jeg gikk ikke på kreatin verken før, under eller etter blodprøven. Kan det være dumt å begynne på kreatin da? Hvis nivåene av kreatinin allerede er for høye?

Har hørt at det kommer av for høyt proteininntak, og at det eg veldig viktig å drikke mye vann!! Har også hørt atet høyt kreatinin nivå i blodet kan komme av mye muskelmasse, som skiller dette ut.

Men jeg er også interissert i å få fakta på bordet!! Noen som kan dette?? HITman???

Utlogget Grungern

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  • Go hard, or go home!!
SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #4 : 18. juni 2005, 16:55 »
Dette er nøyaktig hva som stod i brevet:


Jeg har nå fått svar på de prøvene som du tok hos oss.
Det viser seg at nyrefunskjonen din er forandret og at du har alt for høye verdier av de vi kaller kreatinin. Dette kan være en bivirkning av det tilskuddet med kreatin som du bruker. m
Anbefaler at du slutter med inntak av kreatin og kommer til kontroll om 2mnd. for å ta nye prøver.
For stort inntak av kreatin kan medføre skade i nyrene dine

Jeg må si jeg finner det urovekkende. Er det noe her på forumet som kan si med sikkerhet om det er farlig eller ikke om jeg fortsetter de to ukene jeg har igjen av måneden med kreatintilskudd?
Trener på vektertorget i Bergen.
Knebøy: 180kg, Mark: 230kg, Benk: 120kgx3 (skylder på dårlig skuldre Tongue )

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #5 : 18. juni 2005, 17:14 »


Har ikke selv noen dypgående erfaringer ang Kreatin bruk,
men jeg råder deg heller til å lytte til legen enn folk fra ett forum,
hadde jeg vært deg så ville jeg tatt en Kreatin pause,
eve rådført meg,muligens også med en annen lege.
Leger er tross alt bare mennesker de også,
greit å få flere inputs.

Ikke noe negativt om trenigns forumet,men når man spørr om råd,
på ett forum,så har folk en tendens til å lytte til det man har lyst til
å lytte til.I dette tilfelle muligens en alvorlig sak.
No payn no gain
  Sande kk

Utlogget Baahh

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #6 : 18. juni 2005, 18:02 »
Tviler på at det litt høye kreatinin-nivået kommer av kreatininntak. Studier viser at kreatin ikke vil ha noen innvirkning på det. Men såvidt jeg vet, bør man ikke ta kreatin om nyre- eller leververdiene er for høye, så hør på legen.

Det samme gjelder høyt proteininntak. Det vil ikke føre til skade på lever eller nyrer hvis man i utgangspunktet er frisk. Men folk med nedsatt lever- eller nyrefunksjon bør unngå for høyt inntak.

Utlogget Deff

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #7 : 18. juni 2005, 18:20 »
Hvor høye verdier er det snakk om her? Kreatinin stiger ved høyt kreatin bruk og ved høy muskelmasse og ved mye trening.
Men det er på det rene at et høyt kreatinin nivå kan indikere nyre-sykdom.
På den annen side er det ikke sikkert. En rekke andre prøver kan tas for å påvise dette. Kreatinin nivået er bare en indikator.
Jeg vil anbefale å slutte med kreatin og så ta en ny prøve et par måneder etterpå. Høyt proteininntak kan også være skadelig for nyrene hvis de i utgangspunktet ikke fungerer optimalt. Reduser derfor protein tilførselen. Mega-doser med protein er også helt unødvendig for å bygge muskulatur...
Jeg regner imidlertid med at du er helt frisk da, så jeg ville ikke bekymret meg så mye...

Utøver i kroppsbygging og sprint triathlon

Utlogget Baahh

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #8 : 18. juni 2005, 18:28 »
Kreatinin-nivået stiger nok ikke ved kreatinbruk hos friske personer.

Effects of long-term creatine supplementation on liver and kidney functions in American college football players.

Mayhew DL, Mayhew JL, Ware JS.

Exercise Science Program, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO 63501, USA.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of long-term Cr supplementation on blood parameters reflecting liver and kidney function. Twenty-three members of an NCAA Division II American football team (ages = 19-24 years) with at least 2 years of strength training experience were divided into a Cr monohydrate group (CrM, n = 10) in which they voluntarily and spontaneously ingested creatine, and a control group (n = 13) in which they took no supplements. Individuals in the CrM group averaged regular daily consumption of 5 to 20 g (mean SD = 13.9 5.8 g) for 0.25 to 5.6 years (2.9 1.8 years). Venous blood analysis for serum albumin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin, urea, and creatinine produced no significant differences between groups. Creatinine clearance was estimated from serum creatinine and was not significantly different between groups. Within the CrM group, correlations between all blood parameters and either daily dosage or duration of supplementation were nonsignificant. Therefore, it appears that oral supplementation with CrM has no long-term detrimental effects on kidney or liver functions in highly trained college athletes in the absence of other nutritional supplements.

Utlogget Deff

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #9 : 18. juni 2005, 18:39 »
OK, men det der er bare en survey blant mange andre, og noen indikerer at høyt kreatin-bruk kan forhøye kreatinin.
Her paster jeg inn Facts om creatinine tests fra

The Test
How is it used?
When is it ordered?
What does the test result mean?
Is there anything else I should know?

How is it used?
It is used to determine whether your kidneys are functioning normally (in this case the amount of creatinine in your blood will be very low). A combination of blood and urine creatinine levels may be used to calculate a "creatinine clearance." This measures how effectively your kidneys are filtering small molecules like creatinine out of your blood.

When is it ordered?
Creatinine may be part of a basic metabolic panel, widely used when someone has non-specific health complaints, or it may be ordered if your doctor suspects kidney problems. The test is also used to monitor treatment of kidney disease or to monitor kidney function while you are on certain drugs.

What does the test result mean?
NOTE: A standard reference range is not available for this test. Because reference values are dependent on many factors, including patient age, gender, sample population, and test method, numeric test results have different meanings in different labs. Your lab report should include the specific reference range for your test. Lab Tests Online strongly recommends that you discuss your test results with your doctor. For more information on reference ranges, please read Reference Ranges and What They Mean.

Increased creatinine levels in the blood suggest diseases that affect kidney function. These can include:

    * glomerulonephritis (swelling of the kidney’s blood vessels);
    * pyelonephritis (pus-forming infection of the kidneys);
    * acute tubular necrosis (death of cells in the kidneys’ small tubes);
    * urinary tract obstruction; or
    * reduced blood flow to the kidney due to shock, dehydration, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis, or complications of diabetes.

Creatinine can also increase as a result of muscle injury. Low levels of creatinine are not common and are not usually a cause for concern. They can be due to lack of height, decreased muscle mass, and some severe liver disease.

Is there anything else I should know?
Since creatinine levels are in proportion to muscle mass, women tend to have lower levels than men.

In general, creatinine levels will stay the same if you eat a normal diet. However, eating large amounts of meat may cause short-lived increases in blood creatinine levels. Taking creatine supplements may also increase creatinine.

There are very few drugs that interfere with the creatinine test, although there are some drugs that can cause some impairment in kidney function. Your creatinine levels may be monitored if you are taking one of these drugs.

Common Questions
     1. Will exercise affect my creatinine levels?
2. How does diet affect creatinine levels?
3. What is creatine? If I take creatine, will my creatinine levels go up?
4. Do creatinine levels change with age?
5. What other tests are commonly ordered with creatinine?
6. What happens to creatinine in pregnancy?

1. Will exercise affect my creatinine levels? In general, moderate exercise will not affect your creatinine levels. As you continue to exercise and build muscle mass, your creatinine levels may increase slightly, but not to abnormal levels.

2. How does diet affect creatinine levels? In general, creatinine levels will not vary with a normal diet. Creatinine levels may be 10%-30% higher in people who eat a diet that is very high in meat.

3. What is creatine? If I take creatine, will my creatinine levels go up? Creatine is a compound that is made primarily in the liver and then transported to your muscles where it is used as an energy source for muscle activity. Once in the muscle, some of the creatine is spontaneously converted to creatinine. The amount of both creatine and creatinine depend on muscle mass, so men usually have higher levels than women. Creatine is now available as a dietary supplement. If you take creatine, your creatinine levels may be higher than when you do not take the supplement. You should tell your doctor all dietary supplements you are taking to help him/her evaluate your lab results.

4. Do creatinine levels change with age? Creatinine levels relate to both muscle mass and to kidney function. As you age, your muscle mass decreases but your kidneys tend to function less effectively. The net result is not much change in creatinine levels in the blood as you get older.

5. What other tests are commonly ordered with creatinine? Creatinine and BUN are the primary tests used to check how well the kidneys filter waste products from your blood. Your doctor may also order electrolyte tests such as sodium and potassium, or calcium to help understand how your kidneys are functioning.

6. What happens to creatinine in pregnancy? Creatinine levels are generally slightly lower in pregnancy.

Utøver i kroppsbygging og sprint triathlon

Utlogget Baahh

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #10 : 18. juni 2005, 18:46 »
Alle studier jeg har lest viser det samme - ikke-signifikant innvirkning på kreatinin-nivået, lever- og nyrefunksjon. Har du noen studier som viser det motsatte? Den artikkelen er jo strengt tatt ikke verdt så mye uten referanser.

Utlogget Deff

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #11 : 18. juni 2005, 18:49 »
Skal finne en studie. Men det er viktig å ikke blande her. Et forhøyet nivå av kreatinin pga kreatinbruk betyr bare at nyrene er OK. Det du sier her egentlig er at Grungern har et nyreproblem og at kreatin-bruken hans ikke er årsak til det høye kreatinin-nivået. Jeg sier at det er verdt å sjekke dette ut, og anbefaler å slutte med kreatin og ta en ny prøve. Anbefaler du noe annet??

Utøver i kroppsbygging og sprint triathlon

Utlogget Deff

  • .: Eliteutøver :.
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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #12 : 18. juni 2005, 18:59 »
Fant en liten studie her med referanse...

Creatine, as most PP readers will know, is manufactured routinely by the liver and kidneys and may be found in significant quantities in muscle, nerve and sperm cells. Within the muscles, it is used in the form of creatine phosphate, a high octane chemical which assists in supplying the energy indirectly needed to perform muscle contractions. This process of muscles being powered is performed by adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is created inside muscle cells from carbohydrates,fats and proteins in the presence of oxygen, being broken down to adenosine diphosphate(ADP) during exercise. However, since ATP is generated slowly, creatine phosphate acts as a reserve source of immediately available energy by giving its phosphate to ADP creating ATP quickly in order to make the muscles work.

Numerous studies, many of them reported in PP, show that oral creatine monohydrate supplementation can produce performance-enhancing effects during anaerobic bouts of repeated exercise. This, of course, is good news for sprinters and weight lifters,but what about endurance athletes, who surge during a race to break the field or kick for the line at the end - can creatine supplementation help them? Recently, Dr Martin Engelhardt from the Orthopoadische Universitatsklinik in Frankfurt formulated a cycle ergometer experiment comparing endurance/ power endurance exercise in athletes without creatine supplementation against those with low-dose supplementation.

Twelve regional class triathletes aged between 22 and 27 were selected to take part in the test. Each athlete underwent a preliminary incremental cycle ergometer testto determine their 3 mmol.L-1 blood lactate intensity. Once established, this intensitywas used as the aerobic exercise intensity for the experiment.

The testing began with each athlete performing their aerobic exercise on the cyclefor 30 minutes, followed by two bouts of high-intensity interval training, which involved cycling hard for 15 secs and then 45 secs at their aerobic exercise intensity,10 times before two minutes rest and systematically repeating the interval session.After this, the subjects were 'rewarded' with another 30 minutes of cycling at their specific aerobic exercise intensity (a total of one hour and 20 minutes cycling!).The test results were then kept from the athletes, and the following day they were administered 6 grams of creatine daily (to be taken in two 3g doses) for a period of five days before returning to repeat the test. You've probably noticed that the creatine loading dose only amounted to 30g over the five days, whereas in many other studies of creatine supplementation the normal dose is 100g (four doses of 5g dailyfor five days).

Blood samples were taken throughout the testing to monitor creatine, creatinine (the degradation product of creatine), glucose and lactate levels, whereas urine samples(for measurement of creatine and creatinine urine levels) heart rate and oxygen uptakewere measured both before and after the aerobic exercises.

And the results? As you would expect, after creatine supplementation analysis ofthe blood and urine samples showed significant increases in the serum creatine concentration in the blood and serum creatinine levels in the urine. Fifty per cent of the athletes in the first test couldn't complete the entire second 30 min bout of endurance exercise,whereas after taking creatine each of the athletes who had struggled in the firsttest managed to increase their ride time by four minutes, although this increase didn't reach any statistical significance. However, after creatine supplementation,the researchers report that the total number of interval reps increased significantly and that 75 per cent of the athletes improved their performance (nobody did the reverse).Lactate concentrations showed no changes in the endurance test and interval training following supplementation. Blood glucose levels, however, decreased significantly between baseline levels and minutes 25-50 before creatine but did not decrease significantly during the same periods after supplementation.

After analysing the results, the researchers concluded that, at lower doses, ie, 6g daily for five days, creatine supplementation appears to have an effective impact on endurance athletes if they are required to sprint during an aerobic bout (as may happen when, for instance, you find yourself up against a couple of Kenyans during a 10K race). This conclusion is supported by the 18 per cent increase in interval performance after supplementation that was found in the study.
The problem is that the test wasn't performed as a double-blind trial, so both the athletes and the testers knew exactly when each athlete was taking creatine. Thus, sceptics could argue that it was the psychological or placebo effect that enabled the athletes to perform much better during the second test because they believedthe creatine was going to help them. That objection apart, it is interesting that such a comparatively low dose of creatine compared to normal practice seems to have had such a significant effect. One possible explanation is that an individual's creatine 'pool' is positively related to lean body mass; the more muscle, the larger the natural creatine stores. Thus an athlete with a slight frame would need less creatine supplementation than a bulkier athlete.

(Engelhardt, M. at al (1998). 'Creatine supplementation in endurance sports' Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, 30 (7): pp 1123-1129)
Jamie Mcloughlin

Utøver i kroppsbygging og sprint triathlon

Utlogget Baahh

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SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #13 : 18. juni 2005, 19:42 »
Skal finne en studie. Men det er viktig å ikke blande her. Et forhøyet nivå av kreatinin pga kreatinbruk betyr bare at nyrene er OK. Det du sier her egentlig er at Grungern har et nyreproblem og at kreatin-bruken hans ikke er årsak til det høye kreatinin-nivået. Jeg sier at det er verdt å sjekke dette ut, og anbefaler å slutte med kreatin og ta en ny prøve. Anbefaler du noe annet??

Han bør selvsagt høre på legen og slutte å ta kreatin.
Ble litt forvirret nå, har ikke sett at at vanlig kreatininntak har noe særlig innvirkning på kreatinin, men kan det komme av at de brukte relativt høye doser i dette studiet? Tyder det på at så lang oppladningsperiode er unødvendig? (Kanskje litt off-topic, men..)

Utlogget Grungern

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  • Go hard, or go home!!
SV: For høye nivåer av kreatinin
« #14 : 18. juni 2005, 20:02 »
Takker for svar!

Jeg får kutte ut kratin en stund da og protein. Da gikk vel bulken i dass Tongue men, på den lyse siden: jeg får en god unnskyldning til å deffe litt, hvertfall sånn halveis. Kjøre kondis og trening, så får jeg heller fortsette med ren massebygging etter sommern.

Takk igjen for svar Smiley
Trener på vektertorget i Bergen.
Knebøy: 180kg, Mark: 230kg, Benk: 120kgx3 (skylder på dårlig skuldre Tongue )

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