Skrevet av Emne: WSM - Resultater og Bilder  (Lest 71174 ganger)

Utlogget AlexanderDGL

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #75 : 08. september 2008, 16:13 »

Bestenoteringer på stevne:
265 - 155 - 250 - 670 kilo sammenlagt

Utlogget Teletubbi104

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #76 : 08. september 2008, 16:24 »
63 medlemmer og 160 gjester leser dette emnet.

joda.interessen er på topp.

Utlogget Teletubbi104

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #77 : 08. september 2008, 16:41 »
tatt fra marunde muscle

Quote:Originally Posted by Garrick Daft
Derek is pacing himself and learning and trying new techniques through these first 3 events. He is looking forward to the deadlift and wants to beat Mark Felix on that event. The Viking Press will see a different technique because facing outward puts much stress on his back discs.. so he has formulated a plan to adapt, and we will see how that turns out tomorrow. Derek will be turning up the heat a little tomorrow as he smells blood and desires to see how hard the other competitors are willing to fight and how much of their bodies they are willing to give up for the first place slot. Derek was shouldering the 275 lb sandbags and running with them in the sand, which was not the most efficient way to carry them... he burned through a tremendous amount of energy and did not finish the last sandbag due to complete exhaustion, which is unusual if you know Derek because his conditioning unreal. Derek came back and destroyed the fingers, and his gloves were coming off of his hand during the he was having a difficult time gripping. In the truck pull he tried a new technique to utilize his hip power more and slipped a few steps, but after a 1/3 of the way through, he sunk in and his speed was incredible for the last 2/3 of the distance. He realized some errors for this event and is set to fix them during the finals for the plane pull. That is Derek, always determined to improve himself and eager to learn from mistakes. He has not placed out of the top 2 for his heat so far... and plans to keep up that performance throughout.

Bergmann is in Derek's heat and is in the hunt , along with Derek and Felix for the top 2 spots. If Bergmann successfully can maintain his current form, then Felix will have a tough time making it... but the pressure is there and the battle will be fierce. Bergmann is great on overhead, deadlift, and stones...and Felix is great on deadlift and stones, and has been working overtime on his overhead... this is a battle that many are watching closely. Bergmann showed his conditioning in the medley by finishing it quickly, and he ripped through all 5 fingers, while Mark got through 4. Bergmann shouldered the 5th finger and bulldozed it up and over... so he is showing his aggressiveness and desire to qualify.

Kevin Nee is 5 points from 2nd and 8 points from 1st in his heat. Tarmo Mitt is leading with Hollands in 2nd. Kevin has all his favorite events ahead of him. He said that he plans to psycho and leave nothing in the tank during each event. Kevin suffered a setback with his placement in the medley...ran out of time just as the last sandbag was being rolled up on the platform, if he had just a half second more then he would have gotten credit for finishing the event rather then just for loadin 3 out of 4 implements. He is more determined then ever though and is looking in tremendous shape, there is a chance he can make the finals...but Kevin will have to use all of his hard earned strength to get there. Let's send some prayers and hopes his way to help him out.

Brian Shaw is locked in a battle with Arild Haugen for 2nd place in his heat. Shaw is getting more and more aggressive as the time goes on and chants and yells before every event like a man possessed. He posted the best time of the day on the fingers out of all 30 athletes. Arild posted the best time out of all 30 athletes in the medley. Shaw placed 2nd in the truck pull behind Mariusz... but Mariusz laid on the ground after his pull, while Shaw roared that it was too easy and wanted more..haha. Arild just missed finishing the truck pull as the whistle blew inches from the finish line... Arild is in tremendous shape and conditioning. All of the Fortissimus athletes are surprised at how much he has improved his shape and power since. He has incredible power. He did not finish the fingers and the truck pull, but tomorrow with the squat and overhead..he will have a chance to push Brian Shaw harder. Shaw is more determined then ever though and invites the Viking to a battle of will.

Siders is proving that going from powerlifting to strongman takes longer then 3 weeks...which is the amount of time he had to prepare for this contest. Everyone is anticipating the squat event and Siders hopes to set the record on this event. Not much to say about the medley, fingers, and truck pull except that is was not pretty. Siders is set to resume training for IPF Worlds later this year, and then surprisingly said that he wants to do a Super Series contest in order to qualify for next years WSM, and of course he is looking forward to the Arnold.

Travis Ortmayer.... put nitrous in a sixteen cylinder engine and you start to get an idea of the blistering speed he is displaying. He was actually on pace to set a great time on the medley, but his keg fell on its side when he loaded it and he spent a few valuable seconds fixing it... he still managed the 4th best time out of all 30 athletes...but was unfortunate to be in the race with Ostlund and Magnus..who both set the 2nd and 3rd best time out of all 30... so the true speed of Travis's run was masked in a few ways. Keg Toss was indescribable... but I will attempt to explain. Derek decides to help get Travis fired up by doing the "trap slap" on him...something that they have since kept doing to each other before every event... a true show of support and comradery (sp?).. Derek slaps Travis and Travis rolls his head, closes his eyes, and when they open... the Ortmayer beast shows it's face (have to see it in person to truly appreciate the white fire that shines in his eyes when this is happens)... the whistle blows and Travis rips the 1st keg off of the ground like he was angry that it didn't launch up on it's own and he was gonna make it pay.. if you blinked then you missed the next 6 kegs. The last keg was abused a little more then the others as Travis decided to pick it up, slam it into the ground again while yelling at it, then he pulled back and sent it to the graveyard with the rest of the dead kegs...Travis posts the best time out of all 30 athletes and shaved 7 seconds off of the previous best time. Everyone went crazy as the energy he put off went through the area.
The 50,000 lb coal truck pull was won by Travis also, and he posted the best time in his group... not sure about overall with the coal truck but I think his was top 2 out of 30. Travis now has to decide whether to keep up the pace or throttle back in order to explode with more intensity in the finals.... Travis is definitely setting the WSM on fire though, with the glee of a pyromaniac... haha

Dave Ostlund posted the 2nd best time out of 30 athletes with the medley event and is in fantastic shape. He is in great shape and has a very determined look about him. Dave seems to have analyzed every detail of every event for this contest and has a great gameplan lined out. He really wants to go head to head with Travis Ortmayer in the Atlas Stones event to continue a rivalry in the King of the Stones arena that has existed for a long time. That will be a legendary showdown at the WSM! Dave missed getting the 8th keg. He had to do the 6th and 7th keg a few times over and had little energy left for the 8th. He managed to get the 8th keg high enough, but it did not arch back enough... which was the underlying problem in a lot of the keg performances... the heavier kegs required that you step back a little more in order to get the arch. Also athletes blew more power then needed with the lighter kegs and had little left for the heavier ones. This happened to Sebastian Wenta, as he said that his quads and back had no more power left in them to finish the event... also running in the sand for the medley zapped his power too he said.

Pfister is putting on a great performance. He is being consistant and making great times in the events. His hometown crowd is firing him up something fierce and he seems determined to not let them down. I don't think that he will have any problem getting into the finals at this point. Pfister is very strong though and is determined more then ever to win and do so in his hometown and state. He is very fun to watch as he goes crazy before every event and the crowd is very loud for him. I can't remember what he has left in his heat but I don't think he will have any problems.

Sorry to not fill in more on the other international athletes, I wanted to get the Americans filled in, as this is an exciting time and the whispers are circulating that 7 Americans could make the finals if everyone keeps performing at their best. The quiet excitement is in the air....

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #78 : 08. september 2008, 17:39 »
Hentet fra

Hei jegfullførte bøyen bra, god øvelse for meg:) ligger på 3 plass overall med 16 poeng, shanglai 17 mariuz 18 poeng.

Ricard ligger også på 3 plass overall med samme poeng forskjell som meg. gikk ikke helt hans vei idag. Veldig tung bøy i 35 varmegrader og første mann ut er kjipt. gjorde 3 av 7 løft. men veldig mange som ikke fullførte siste løft på 345 og 363 kg.

mer kommer på tf i kveld:)
Gutt 21 år
Mark: 240kg
Knebøy: 220kg
Benk: 160kgX5 100kgX25

Utlogget Peter123456

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #79 : 08. september 2008, 17:49 »
Kjempe bra. Da tok han inn nødvendige poeng på begge to. I mine øyne er Arild favoritt til å vinne pulja med appollons og steiner igjen!

Synd med Richard, men fortsatt gode muligheter. Jeg har troa. Han er jo konge i appollons og godt over middels i steiner. 

Fantastisk!  Grin

Utlogget Mummelmann

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #80 : 08. september 2008, 18:47 »
Snakket med Gjerdrum for 10 minutter siden som hadde fått sms fra USA, Arild vant visstnok bøyen foran selveste Siders!  Shocked

Utlogget PHSW

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #81 : 08. september 2008, 19:05 »
Dette er sinnsykt spennende!

Utrolig synd man ikke kan se dette via internett live.

Utlogget Espen Bøs Aune

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #82 : 08. september 2008, 20:22 »
Hentet fra veggen til Svend på Facebook, Arild som skriver:

begge to ligger på 3 plass et poeng opp til andre plass og 2 poeng til 1 plass. gikk bra for meg idag og litt tungt for ricard. men vi har 2 øvelser som passer oss begge. tror begge når finale. ricard var uheldig på oppvarming og fekk en strekk/avrivning i låret. men det går seg til god stemning. sjekk TF i kveld:)

Liker ikke denne "skaden" til Skog. Håper han ikke kjenner noe til det i morgen Smiley

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #83 : 08. september 2008, 21:35 »
avrivning!? :S hvis det er det, er det vell ganske ille, egentlig Sad
Styrke, Explosivitet, og ikke utholdenhet Grin

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #84 : 08. september 2008, 23:07 »
Snakket med Gjerdrum for 10 minutter siden som hadde fått sms fra USA, Arild vant visstnok bøyen foran selveste Siders!  Shocked

Siders som visstnok skal satse 100% på strongman etter IPF vm.
Kan ikke klandre han for det, hva er vitsen i å være best i en så kjip og bortgjemt idrett som styrkeløft, når han heller kan fokusere på Arnolds og WSM?  Grin

Utlogget Radio Starr

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #85 : 08. september 2008, 23:08 »
Helt enig Wink

Dessuten, når kommer den store oppdateringa Arild.H snakker om på sia si? han sa det kom i kveld. Begynner å bli natt snart nå Tongue *Spent*
Styrke, Explosivitet, og ikke utholdenhet Grin

Utlogget Kikki

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #86 : 08. september 2008, 23:10 »
Slike artikler som Arild nevnte på siden sin blir neppe lagt ut før midnatt, så du må nok smøre deg med tålmodighet enda ei stund ... Wink
Medlem av foreningen for Kvinner som vil at Menn skal se ut som Menn

Jeg er ikke den fineste jenta i verden. Og muligens ikke den smarteste. Jeg er sannsynligvis ikke den søteste heller. Den morsomste kan jeg ikke være. Er sikkert ikke den beste vennen/kjæresten en kan ha. Jeg er langt fra perfekt, MEN JEG ER JAGGU MEG SJELDEN!

Utlogget OleMartin..

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #87 : 08. september 2008, 23:10 »
Snakket med Gjerdrum for 10 minutter siden som hadde fått sms fra USA, Arild vant visstnok bøyen foran selveste Siders!  Shocked

har vel sikkert no med hurtighet å gjøre som mr aune nevnte tidligere..

Utlogget bergan01

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #88 : 08. september 2008, 23:20 »
har vel sikkert no med hurtighet å gjøre som mr aune nevnte tidligere..

Sant nok, men nå er jo Siders omtrent den mest eksplosive knebøyern i verden! Men han kan nok ha røket på den utholdende styrken som kreves for å ta 7 tunge reps.
Alder: 23år        Høyde: 178cm       Vekt: 96kg

Junior-Europamester     -110 markløft 2010
Junior-Europamester     -120 Knebøy 2011
Sølv totalt Junior-Em 2011

Mål for 2012:
Norgesmester -93 junior
Norgesrekord Totalt senior

Utlogget AlexanderDGL

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Sv: WSM - Resultater og Bilder
« #89 : 08. september 2008, 23:23 »
Hvordan er reglene for drakter i slike knebøyøvelser? De fleste bruker vel ettlags drakter. Men man kan jo bruke trelags drakter å få en god del kilo ekstra... Smiley
Bestenoteringer på stevne:
265 - 155 - 250 - 670 kilo sammenlagt

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Disse kosttilskuddene er glemt for mange, men som alle bør ta.

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Cottage cheese er blitt en svært populær matvare!
Det er en risiko forbundet med treningen og løftene man utfører
Det finnes så mange gode varianter av middagskaker enn bare karbonadekaker.

5 fordeler med stående leggpress


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